Zane620 said
when we asked question on Skype, like saddest DEath XD
Axel said
Wait a sec!!! If Viole dies, then who takes over as Captain in time-skip? *Jumps up from crowd of contenders* Pick me!!! If not, at least make me lieutenant or third seat would work two XD
Zane620 said
Like soon were gonna have to do questions again with new answers(Besides you fanboy XD)
AbigailTenshi said
Ikr D'XWell, I voted oxo now on the bus to my interview so you have time to think of some for Hikari to do x)
AbigailTenshi said
:| Once Viole is deadededed I'm making new badges for every and yours will say 'In memory of that cutiepie Viole, may he rest in pieces T^T' Actually, I'll make them after the TS in a few days
AbigailTenshi said
D'awww, don't be silly Axelisious ^_^ And Axel is my Faaaaaaaabulous Captain! He's cool, reaaal ice cold! :D*Cough*Andyouhaveagirlfriend*cough*Well Okay then xD Get angry that Shiro is taking the piss! Or get angry that he hasn't had any punani since he joined the academy! xD Naa, but seriously, do something oxo
AbigailTenshi said
Fuck you.Have his Hollow come out of something then? oxoFuck you times 2
AbigailTenshi said
Can't oxo
AbigailTenshi said
<.< Assholes.
AbigailTenshi said
Why not have him spot Shiro?
DeathstrokeSW said
Be nicer to Abi! She's cool and should be given an award for having to deal with y'all