Avatar of Expllo


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6 mos ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
1 like
1 yr ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
9 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
9 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
9 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


Most Recent Posts

samreaper said
this fucking generation..I swear *shakes head*

Like, when I was younger I listened to old hip-hop because my neighborhood would play it out loud along with my mom.

But they actually went to this shit on their XBox and played it....
samreaper said
the numbah 0 thing? it was a movie..the final eps which was a scavenger hunt is the hour lng special

Ah! Ok, that was my second guess.
A three and nine year old are listening to music where they're talking about girls busting their pussy and stupid shit like that.....Alright.

Wasn't that, like, an hour long special?
samreaper said
heh..knd got pretty deep the further it got into the show

Number 0 tho v.v

Kurisa said
I'ma out of all those stickers *sticks a "I like me a weenie" sticker on your forehead* there we go ^.^

AeronFarron said
She listened with a wide grin, "Thank you! I'll take all of the help that I can take. I sooo want your job." she smirked at the man, somewhat serious. "Tabo isn't gonna want to be a Captain for long. I wanna see if he can teach me Shunko without the BS that I may or may not need to pull outta my butt at a random time." she rolled her eyes.

Her irritation, however playful, morphed into happiness when their food was set ub front of them. She squealed happily and gave a little clap before she practically snatched the food from the laughing man. "Itadakimasu~" she said before she broke her chopsticks

"Maybe you will get my job one day, like you said, Tabo doesn't want to be Captain for long....So if I'm lucky enough to take his place, well, maybe you can fill in my position. But who knows? Maybe you'll blow Tabo out of the water and take it yourself," Hikari said chuckling, "But sadly Tabo is all about the BS, he'd train you but he'd make you do allot of extra stuff...Probably unnecessary stuff, but it might help. We'll see."

Once their food was set in front of them Hikari gave a nod in thanks before picking up his own chopsticks and began eating right away, stopping with a piece of meat hanging from his mouth as Haruka spoke, "Itadakimasu~" He forgot his etiquette! He quickly slurped up the piece of meat and looked into his already half eaten bowl, "U-Uh...Itadakimasu!" he said nervously with a small nervous laugh.
samreaper said
seriously? must of been an odd rp xD that show was really creative

It was an odd RP but it was fucking amazing....And sad, but amazing! xD
It really was, got fucking deep at some points too.
Kurisa said
Well that's half the idea of a spar aint it? xD To have fun? xD And well like most people...I'd be worried if the person was getting serious on friendlies xD Well....go ahead? xD He been a Lieutenant for awhile, just like Yu has....sooo yeah xD Start learning o3o

....Good point xD

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid bruh! Aight!
Kurisa said
Well arrange with another Lieutenant to do a mission with them? get a mission from a Lieutenant? go find some homies and take them on a mission xD Like I said most are temporary xD Head Captain don't count either! that more of a GM position. I don't play Juki like my other chars so yeah xD Well pester expllo to go with you to get a mission from someone? o3o

I gave him a mission for Hype...*Awaits another good boy sticker*
samreaper said
that post..just made me read it in the delightful children from down the lane voice I swear xD

Same xD I fucking love KND.

No joke, I was actually in an RP of it a few years back xD
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