Avatar of Expllo


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2 mos ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
1 like
11 mos ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
8 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
8 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
8 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


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Wrong RP
Zane620 said
Takara gon glomp ya

Might cheer him up actually.

KabenSaal said
Gonna punch the 11th Captain in the head!

You already obliterated your arm trying to punch Hikari, now you're gonna lose your whole body at the least trying to punch Shiro.
Hey, you and Kenta are twinzies! :D
We're going as the same thing so one of us is going to have to change Brovo ಠ_ಠ
Have that post of Kenta totally being happy :D
Kenta shivered as images of his time captured flashed through his head, the bright white light shining in his mind as if he was actually looking at it currently. The noises of saws and the slight tapping sounds from when the tools were being sat down drowned in his ears. The feeling of getting his arms torn away from his body, he remembered it as if it was happening all over again. They had given him medicine to slightly reduce the pain, but it was torture the way they kept him awake throughout all the pain. The blades slowly pressing down his eyes, entering his ribcage, even the brain…They were trying to make a clone, obvious answer as to why they experimented but not as to why they kept him awake through it all! Running through his mind was the question of what did he do to deserve any of what had happened!? All he wanted to do was help others, protect people, and what did the universe give him? People taking him, experimenting on him, slicing him open then closing him over and over again like he was their goddamn play toy!

He never expected anything nice in return for being a decent fucking person, but he never expected so much bad shit to happen to him either….Of course people would tell him shit just happened, but this amount of shit was just uncanny, the way that he was feeling was uncanny. He was just at a high point, then what happened? He was just brought back down. He didn’t notice the tears escaping his eyes, running down his cheeks and landing on the ground….Not like it would have mattered if he did….Not like he would have cared.

Before he could do anything else he groaned as his head started ringing which caused him to shoot up onto his knees while holding his head, eyes closed tightly. The ringing bounced around in his head directly into his skull feeling as if someone was beating it with a hammer, just bashing and bashing as hard as they could but trying to hold back to keep it going. He wanted to yell out but knew Takara and Keina were sleeping, even in extreme pains worrying about other people, was it pathetic? No time to think about it. Kenta slowly got onto his feet stumbling forward soon afterwards with the ringing not letting up. He began pushing forward feeling his cold metal fingers push tighter against his head, hair falling down again them. Making his way into the forest and beyond he found he couldn’t keep going resulting in him dropping back to his knees.

“Aaaaaaaaaaagh!” Kenta tried to scream but choked on them. He fell onto his face but still held his head as he began pushing his knees further towards his face. He lifted his head a bit to get his face out of the fucking dirt but still not finding the ability to scream.
Newfound fingers reached under him, grabbing his chin and lifting his head slowly, even the movement in his head hurt….In fact he found a stinging pain strike throughout his body, his bones becoming stiff and achy, the ringing still FUCKING GOING!

He then smelled something, something that made him sick and want to throw up all over the place, something he wanted to get as far away from as possible…Nail polish, but not any nail polish, it was-Before he could finish his thoughts the woman stopped moving his head. How’d he know she was a woman? The cleavage his eyes were directly looking at.

She had stopped his head there on purpose, was she trying to hide her face? She let out a soft chuckle, then began speaking, “Oh Kenta, Kenta~” he felt her lips brush against his ear lightly as she spoke her soft words, “Look at you, pathetic. On your knees submissive to pain of all things, the old you would have just taken it as another challenge, got up, and kept training. Seems to have gotten stronger but ever so weaker~” The woman let out a giggle.

“Get…Out…” Kenta mumbled, mumbling the rest of the words quieter. The ringing and the woman’s words mixing together, yet hearing them both oh so clearly…It just messed up his head more, something he didn’t want!

“I think we should call you Bad Luck Kenta. Every time something good happens you get something much more worse in return. You get to free your sister after all these years; she leaves you. You reunite with old friends, oh but it’s just temporary. You get revenge on the guy who experimented on you but kills him before you can get any answers. You train and become stronger, but oh wait! You’re on your knees wishing the pain would go away. But you see, your pain not only affects you, oh no. You wanted time alone, but you see you made Rio lonely, she missed you and felt guilty that whole time while you were having fun with your little girlfriend and fake aunt. You wanted to protect people but you leaving only resulted in more deaths, so much more you could have prevented! You leave your bad luck everywhere you go, and eventually that’s gonna spread here. Your new girlfriend Takara, that sister of yours, that gang that is damn near at peace land…Then it’s going to go to Hikari, Kurisa, that Kaizo boy you want to mee-“

I SAID GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” Kenta yelled which caused a mini explosion to set off in his head, the ringing burst all over and then separated into a thousand more hammers bashing and banging against his skull. He let out a small groan as the woman let him go causing his head to slam into the ground once again, “Very well, but you know what you have to do~”

The ringing then stopped along with the pain within his body. He let out heavy pants before slowly looking up seeing no one there, not even footprints or a sign that anyone was there…He lifted himself up before stumbling to the side catching himself on a tree soon pressing his back against it and sliding down into a seated position, “I know…” he said with a sigh.
KabenSaal said
Awesome. Then I can be here and do shit and fit in and feel part of the thread again unlike the first time I tried which kinda lacked something I can't put my finger on but that isn't lacking now.

AbigailTenshi said
Sinai can join us ^_^ When Rio trains Keisa and Nohime o3o

Or you can have Kenta twerk you out.
samreaper said
observation haki is the OP as visored is to bleach char popularity xD

It really is xD honestly the only reason I have it for Deuce is because you can gain it through moments of extreme shock, so that's kind of how he had gotten it....So he doesn't really have it just to have it, kinda makes sense why it was unlocked....Busoshoku Haki on the other hand xD
samreaper said
from now on I'm assuming every other char but my own will have observation haki

Out of all my characters only Deuce has it, with Levitt's eye it's the closest thing he has to it...So there you go for me atleast.
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