Avatar of Expllo


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1 mo ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
1 like
11 mos ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
8 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
8 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
8 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


Most Recent Posts

KabenSaal said
Felt a bit tinny. Couldn't hear half the lyrics properly.

You expected more from something made in 2010?
samreaper said
Kratos vs shiro, my bet is on kratos xD

Zane620 said
Also Kurisa. Just so you know, Yu vs Shiro also gonna happen boi.

Hikari vs Shiro

Yu vs Shiro

Hikari vs Yu vs Shiro

Everyone vs Shiro
Kenta had asked around Squad Two but everyone had given him the same answer that Rio went out training with other people which caused him to sigh because no one actually stated where. It left him to one last thing, sensing her, something he really wasn't the best at. He had trained of course, but he couldn't sense very far like Hikari or Tabo, but he knew Rio's well. Closing his eyes he took a breath then nodded, and soon he was off.

Once arriving he saw Nohime fly into a tree and soon shoot off towards Rio. Kenta saw the crazed look in her eye, the one she had when she tried attacking him. He didn't know what happened but he was going to stop it. Shunpo'ing in front of Nohime he held his own hands out and pushed Nohime's back very gently but enough to make her attack stop. He gave her the lightest smile, "H-Hey Nohime...Are you alright?" he asked with a rub to his head, "Sorry for being this close, but I need to borrow Rio for a sec." Kenta then backed away quickly and grabbed Rio's hand, pulling her away.
Expllo said
My most serious character ain't even apart of the Gotei 13 anymore....Maybe if someone high up was all like, "We will forgive the one whole crime you committed!" then he'd probs join back. Meanwhile Hikari, well, I stopped his peeping on naked girls sexual shiz a while ago before the whole subject was brought up in the first place. But if I was being overly-sexual in the ooc and ic somewhere feel free to point it out, apologizes.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Kenta going full maso in that fight....Yeah, if you want me to stop that then I will O.o just thought I'd keep that with him since that had been a thing since the old guild even, even before he had that spar with Rio. But I can see how that can be sexual, since it kinda counts.
Kurisa said
Thank you! It is sad...very sad...oh so, so sad. I thought people would get past this phase, clearly not. We'd have a full Gotei 13 with Captains and Lieutenants by now if this stuff wasn't going on or if it was actually serious xD

My most serious character ain't even apart of the Gotei 13 anymore....Maybe if someone high up was all like, "We will forgive the one whole crime you committed!" then he'd probs join back. Meanwhile Hikari, well, I stopped his peeping on naked girls sexual shiz a while ago before the whole subject was brought up in the first place. But if I was being overly-sexual in the ooc and ic somewhere feel free to point it out, apologizes.
samreaper said
dundungoosedun! well I have a certain backstory for enji where I'll just say he was taken from his family when he was 4.

Poor guy.
samreaper said
nope....rio is at disneyland

Aw Dx

Zane620 said
Yeah I know shes about to bring in her invisible smucks so -flails-

Oh...Didn't know this....*Drags Kenta away*
AbigailTenshi said
Well, I see, she'll be thinking of Kenta o3o Definitely
Rio:.... Well, another thing that hasn't changed is that you're still a smartass *Chuckles* I guess I'll leave the topic for now, but once I'm gone, I want someone to take my place and actually be by your side
...........I've noticed alot of Uta hate recently, looks like he's done something real bad in the Manga I'm guessing xD
Well, I respect Kenta for not rushing into things, but I want him to atleast have another best friend xD


Kenta: My Zanpakuto of course.

Go read the manga.

Kenta and Takara has a nice friendship going on so far.

samreaper said
well can't argue with you there..Enji is also emotionally damaged *Points to his split multiple personality* Kenta and Enji would feel like brothers xD

What if they are? dundunducksdun
"Kenta!" Kenta heard his name being called then felt a poke to his forehead causing him to open his eyes, blinking a few times to clear his vision, "Kenta!" The voice called out again, "Did you two really sleep together out here?...Well, not in that way. But if in that way too then fine baby brother, you're growing up, but against a tree? That has to be uncomfortable." Kenta looked up spotting Keina looking down at them, he still wasn't used to her new appearance but he wasn't going to say anything. He looked down seeing Takara snuggled up on him with her in his arms causing his eyes to widen, would he really be doing this? He took a breath as he stood up carrying Takara coming near face to face with his sister who was only about a couple inches shorter than him...She was really tall for a girl while he was about six or seven inches taller than Takara. "You ready to head off?" Kenta asked in which Keina nodded, "Alright, one sec."

Kenta headed inside and walked into the room Takara was staying in and laid her on the bed, pulling the covers over her. He watched her for a bit pulling a small smile over his face before dropping it, "Uuuuh, yeah...This is awkward," Kenta said before quickly making his way out of her room silently shutting the door. He walked over to Keina once outside and nodded, "Let's go."

"Uh no, first you go bathe," Keina said with her hands on her hips watching Kenta with a look of disapproval.

"Not that big of a deal sis, it'll be a quick trip; I'll do it when I get back."

"Not that big of a deal? We've been training for hours straight, you look like you got your ass kicked, and you've been sleeping in the dirt the whole night. You even got dirt and, like, leaves in your hair dude!" Keina said as she reached up pulling chipped leaves from his hair, "Seriously bro, you have really good and pretty hair. You need to take better care of it, don't ruin your handsome self. Besides, your hair is what helps your charisma, seriously."

"First Minori, then Takara, then Rio, now you?" Kenta said as he rubbed the back of his hair looking away, "Seriously what do I not see? Or more so what do you four see?" Kenta mumbled as he walked off to go do as his sister ordered. Once finished he walked past to Keina and had walked to the Seireitei. "You don't need the academy," Kenta said as he took her straight to Squad Ten, "...Atleast not while I'm bringing you."

Knocking on the Captain's office door Tabo soon answered it and smiled up at Kenta and Keina....The guy was five' eight while Keina was damn near six feet, Kenta was six feet. "Oh, Kenta, this must be the beautiful sister Hikari told me about it!" Tabo said causing Keina to blush yet giggle.

"Yeah, yeah, don't get any ideas you old perv!" Kenta said as he crossed his arms.

"Oh I'd never!" Tabo said with a smirk, "But I must say Kenta, you just look prettier and prettier each time I see you. Your hair is more shiny and flow like, you're eyes are so sparkly too!"

"Ok, now you really shouldn't be getting ideas Tabo," Kenta said angrily but let out a small laugh with Keina and Tabo.

"I'll take care of her, introduce her to Hikari as soon as he gets back," Tabo said with a nod.

Kenta nodded and gave a hug to Keina before walking off, though she ran up to him and grabbed his hand pulling him back. "Hey Kenta! Are your favorite creatures still dragons?" She asked which caused him to smile, "Ever since you took me to that dragon festival, yeah...Why?"

"Because I made this before I woke you up," Keina said as she gave him a dragon origami figure.

"I love it....Thanks," Kenta said as he gave her a final hug before she went back to Tabo. Kenta let out a chuckle as he walked out of the Squad Ten barracks. It would have been nice to see Hikari, before he….Well, did what he had to do, which reminded him. Rio, she deserved a final talking to before he…Did it.
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