Avatar of Expllo


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1 mo ago
Current I fell in love with a girl I’ll never see again lmaooooooooo character development I guess
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11 mos ago
NGL I haven’t roleplayed in years but I still log in every so often to see if any friends from the old days hit me up. It’s nice to see that every once in a while
8 yrs ago
I'd dropkick my 14 yr old self
8 yrs ago
People who get excited to talk about music are my favorite kinds of people
8 yrs ago
Positive vibes time! I hope you get that job you're applying for! I hope you pass that test coming up! I hope ya'll achieve what ya'll set out to today!


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Already am
Wow, they’re really being worked up. I wonder what the training is like within other Squads, Scarlett thought as they watched Rio shout at the squad members whom were training. What idiot didn’t aim before swinging? Squad eleven then came into his mind causing a small giggle to erupt. If everyone was like that in this Squad then no wonder the Gotei 13 was taking a beating. Of course Scarlett could improve on a few things themselves, mainly speed, but atleast they aimed when attacking. If someone didn’t do that then a transfer was in order. Scarlett didn’t notice Rio had walked up to them until she spoke, "Yes?" while holding a neutral face. No interest, no disinterest, just neutral. Scarlett stood on the tip of their toes so they were now an inch higher looking right into Rio’s face. Scarlett hated looking up at people, no matter how much.

“My name is Scarlett Narai,” They said, “I’m here to join Squad Two! And since you’re the lieutenant,” Scarlett stopped standing on their tip toes and went back to standing normally with their arms behind their back, “I thought you could help with that!”
The Seireitei seemed drowned in gloom as the Head Captain made the announcement of Kuchiki, Kurisa’s death which hadn’t helped on top of recent events with the betrayals. But the announcement was sad indeed. Many people looked up to him in and out of the Seireitei so his death would cause many to be saddened. It filled some with determination though, in which Scarlett saw in that Kenta fellow who they were watching. Scarlett on the other hand wasn’t affected, not that they didn’t care; just that they had no personal connection nor did they look up to Kurisa therefore wasn’t as affected as others. Nonetheless they respected Kuchiki, Kurisa and his death.

Scarlett rubbed her arm and continued walking towards Squad two, the squad he thought would be best for him. Their Zanpakuto and fighting style was perfect for that Squad, not to mention the Squad also helped with what they were trying to achieve. She needed information on a few people, and this Squad would help do so. It was either this or six. She found two was better for her. She knew that she could perform better in that Squad.

Mouth slowly forming an o Scarlett’s tongue laid against the back of her bottom teeth as he then began blowing outwards, whistling a rather happy tune despite the gloomy atmosphere. Hands finding their way into the pocket of their clothing, Scarlett made their way into the Squad Two barracks as the tune they were whistling began fading until it was completely gone. Scarlett looked around, “Huh, I wonder where the Captain and Lieutenant are. I could have sworn I saw one of them head back,” the soft voice spoke. Just like Scarlett’s appearance, the voice was questionable as well. It was soft enough to be a female’s but it could have been heard as a guy with not as much bass.

“Hm, let’s see, let’s see,” Scarlett said as they walked around rubbing the back of their shaved head. Of course most of their hair was hung over their eye, so that was the reason why. They quite liked it though, thought it made them look cuter…Also made them a bit more questionable, but that wasn’t a goal. Coming across the training room, Scarlett stepped in smiling wide with closed eyes. She waved and called out, “Lieutenant Rio-samaaaaa~” to try and gain her attention. Probably wasn’t the best way to go about getting the Lieutenant’s attention, in fact they’d probably get scolded for doing so in that manner, but Scarlett was prepared. As long as it didn’t hinder them joining the Squad then Scarlett would care. Scarlett opened her eyes and scanned everyone inside.
KabenSaal said
Link is androgynous and looks like a girl, the Princess is a closet lesbian.

Link is unconfirmed and based on what the player thinks they are actually, or what they player is comfortable playing as. So I like to think of Link as a guy, just like I like to think of Hanji as a female. Therefore, Link is a guy

I can believe it.
I think Link proves that you can be

A pretty sparkly motherfucker

If you just give it time

Like damn

Boy prettier than the princess

McHaggis said
I would say if they didn't post within the 6 days they probably aren't going to.

Last ic post was two weeks ago, last ooc post was six days ago.

I'm going to go with the mentality that this won't be progressing any further.
Arguing can be involved....As long as it isn't the only thing you'll be doing in order to gain Bankai.
KabenSaal said
I shall get SHikai by beating Beowulf in a chess-game

If you are able to interact with Beowulf you'd already have Shikai O.o atleast if you know the name....
Nicias Askani said
Hypothetically/theoretically speaking. Is it acceptable to subjugate ones zanpakuto spirit via cursing it out and winning an heated argument? I'm trying to think of some different ideas and thats the first to come to mind

Are you asking if you can argue with your Zanpakuto spirit?...Yes, yes you can.

Shadolord said
Sorry I have been incommunicado for a while

It's alright.
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