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@Ezekiel So I've been lurking a while, just wanted to ask: what sorta characters are already present in the RP? So I know what sorta person to make.

No sheets are currently under review so it's just those in the character tab :)
I wouldn't be looking at trying to 'balance' the character in terms of power level (although I would suggest not straying too far from what can be found with the other characters) more than with certain advanced concepts such as that, I'd expect a more in-depth sheet, something to convince me that someone isn't simply trying to pick the most overpowered 'build' they can get away with and are instead using the concept to craft an interesting character.

I'm less concerned with balance, and more in crafting a narrative that's fun for all.
The discord trick is something I've used to real positive effect in some other rp's I've run, but if the general consensus is a no I won't force people to, the purpose of running things by people.

I think I might just the keep the bio too long and write a TL;DR at the top.

Should I mention cybernetics in appearance or in a different section?

Also, it occurs to me kinda late, but is it alright to have my guy be almost entirely cybernetic? Like, basically a brain and a spinal column in a cyborg body?@Ezekiel

I'd certainly say it is possible within the limits of the setting, however the concept has a rather high margin for abuse/powergaming/not sticking on theme so I'm happy for you to write a sheet with a character like that but I may be stricter in terms of quality before I can approve such a character.

I hope that sounds fair.
First off, I got struck by the muse and it's taking me a bit longer than I stated yesterday due to a sudden revision of what I had written along with adding more. Today like 100% will have it up.

Secondly, I've accidentally written 'Oscorp' instead of 'Osi-corp' about a thousand times now due to Spiderman's existence.

Knowing KF the decision to go with Osi-Corp was a deliberate troll.
Going to catch up on the IC then I may throw in a GM post to keep things rolling until our benevolent overlord returns.


Would people want a game discord server or do we prefer using the OOC here?

On Discord I could create ic channels for in universe social media etc
Combat rolls into the room.

I'm feeling cyberpunky and this looks rather fun, may I whip up a CS for you fine folks? :D

Of course you may :)
In the meantime, I'll still be here to review sheets/field questions. Much as I've yet to join in ic, I've very much been enjoying reading all your posts and I'm very much in the loop GMing wise.

I'm sure we can all manage 7 days while KF focuses on getting better.
Hey, still accepting new players? Also, were I to be accepted, could I potentially play a hopelessly idealistic Peacekeeper? Far from ironclad, just a concept that interests me after reading through the setting and the IC.

Still accepting and you can certainly play that :)

Sorry for not being around as of yet, I've been away in Scotland, but I am ready to co-gm from the get go, and I'll drop my own character shortly.

In the immortal words of Lady Gaga;

"Let's have some fun this beat is sick."
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