Avatar of Fabricant451


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5 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
5 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
1 like
5 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
5 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
5 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

Most Recent Posts

What sort of aesthetic is preferred for appearances
Can't really say much with the story since I haven't watched it through. But...yeah, they could've made a better team than Team Yell, or atleast made them more interesting, or give them a better name. :/ (and im not just saying that since I favor Team Aqua more.)

The concept for the rival is good, being related to the champion, but Hop seems a bit annoying over time.

Team Yell makes sense in context - they're not really evil they're just hooligans/megafans of one of your rivals. The antagonist thing in this game is the worst part of the already thin story because it quite literally comes out of nowhere and is introduced/wrapped up in about twenty minutes.

BUT on the topic of rivals - that's one aspect of the narrative that I would say is done well. Or well enough for a Pokemon game. Hop is annoying, yes, but he and your other two rivals have their own arcs to go through and they mostly work. Hop has to learn to stop living in the shadow of his brother, Bede has his thing, Marnie has hers, and while Hop never quite escapes the 'annoying friendly rival' thing that has been a staple of Pokemon far longer than this weird 'mean asshole rival' that people are nostalgic for he DOES at least grow beyond 'MY BROTHER IS THE BEST SO I'M ALSO AWESOME BECAUSE MY BROTHERRRRRRR'.

In short: the main narrative is weak but the side narrative with the three rivals is good.

If it's any consolation, outside of the localization the setting doesn't really do a lot to invoke that UK feel apart from the obvious like gyms being football stadiums and the last location being Pokemon London in the same way Lumiose was Pokemon Paris and Castelia was Pokemon Manhattan.

Also the game isn't even bad
I want a galarian ponyta :/

Yo I got like 20 of them things, you want one I can hook you up
but am I right that sword and shield doesn't have an elite four?

Mild progression spoilers.

Yes and no? There's no Elite Four + Champion but in keeping with the theme of the region, getting all 8 badges doesn't mean you get to challenge the Champion, you have to qualify by winning a semifinal tournament wherein you face your rivals one last time and then an actual finals tournament against three gym leaders who now are fighting with their actual teams and not just their weak gym challenge teams. THEN you face the Champion.

So while there is no Elite Four, after you get all 8 badges you have to face six trainers/Gym Leaders that may as well be an Elite Four before facing the Champion. Basically, Sword and Shield is the tournament arc of Pokemon.

It even has an appropriately 'epic final trainer battle' theme

Santa Clara Harem
Let the record show that for whatever faults Sword and Shield have, the music isn't one of them.

This slaps every fucking time.
Discord is great for socialization with your RP members. Discord is fucking dreadful for any meaningful RP unless you like character limits.
I'm enjoying ff 14. Playing through the Storm Blood expansion right now. I really like the story for Heavensward, but I have a hard time reccomending it to friends because the base game (A realm reborn) is so bad. It's like eating vegetables before moving onto desert, only instead of vegetables, it's a mess of a story where 90% of it feels like mandatory side quests and doesn't really matter. Fortunately the dungeons and everything else is pretty good.

Speaking as someone who's played very few MMKOs.

A Realm Reborn was a lot more forgivable back when it was all that the game had after the disaster that was 1.0. ARR had the monumental task of having to be good enough to make people forget the first go-round while also being an MMO worth subscribing to in an era of increased buy-to-play or free-to-play models. While the base game is fine, it's clear they were playing it super safe. It takes forever for the game to find a plot thread to follow and then it takes even longer for the game to do anything with the setup it introduces at like level 15.

The true issue with ARR is the post-game, pre-HS quests. Again, at the time they were a little more acceptable since the content was doled out in patches and the new trials and such were fresh challenges and all, but for new players the end of ARR plays out like a massive filler arc that only starts being interesting at the last hurdle.

FF14 is a weird game to get new people into just because of ARR's post-game since I can't suggest people buy a level skip but at the same time the game didn't really hit its stride in terms of narrative presentation and design until HS.

ARR needs a revamp or at the very least an Aetheryte outside the Waking Sands god dammit.
@Fabricant451Please dont respond to him as I punish him

Shit my bad, I'll edit.
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