Avatar of Fabricant451


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5 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
5 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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5 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
5 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
5 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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@Callousqueen I'm not sure if I should be flattered or confused. Flafused.
@IceHeart I only paid $7 for it so it's not like it was a huge loss but yeah it looks like DBZ and sounds like DBZ Kai/Super but so much of the game up to where I stopped (Gohan and Piccolo training before Nappa/Vegeta show up) it was 90 percent "fly to the quest marker or fly around collecting orbs or materials/ingredients for a food cooking system that so far you really have no need to partake in because all the best food is clearly gotten later on anyway" and sometimes do a fetch quest for fan service characters. Like hey, there's Nam or Eighter or Baba or the Martial Arts Tournament announcer oh look there's Pilaf and Mai and Shu! But then as you're flying around you keep getting harassed by fucking robots and then the combat starts and it's boring and everyone knows the best part of DBZ is when the characters kept fighting generic robot drones.

You don't even get to do stuff that might be fun to do in a DBZ RPG like run the Snake Way or fucking train with King Kai or Piccolo, you know, things that in a better game would serve as tutorials or introduction to systems for the combat or exploration. Instead they do the open world thing of dotting the areas (because this isn't open world, it's open sections, you can't fly from Goku's house to Roshi's house you have to open the world map and select the water zone where Roshi hangs out) with fucking enemy bases to destroy because that's what you want to do, take out more dumb generic robots in shit that even Ubisoft realized wasn't fun anymore.

But like, if you're going to make a game called 'Kakarot' why not just go all the way and go from Dragon Ball through to Super? At least Dragon Ball and Super haven't been done to death in video game form so it would be something relatively new instead of Piccolo killing Raditz and Goku again, Vegeta and Nappa again, Freiza again, and so on.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot seems like a game designed to test the fans of the series at every possible turn to see how much bad game design they will tolerate just because it's got Dragon Ball Z in it. Poorly designed controls for flying? Yep. A stupid system where flying through a ring of collectible orbs doesn't collect them meaning you have to actively slow down and fly in an awkward circle? Totally. A combat system that isn't really explained requiring you to pour through menus to understand literally any of its mechanics other than punch, not that there are many mechanics anyway? It's in there. A weirdly cumbersome skill tree AND multiple pinboard-esque 'community boards' where you slap tokens featuring your favorite characters in a silly excuse to get buffs by putting Goku next to Gohan or other characters who are friends? Yes sir! An 'open world' that is really just bland areas that are a chore to explore because of bad flying controls, random encounters taking you out of the resource gathering thing and disorienting you, side quests that even an MMO would think is too banal, and more orbs than a Crackdown game but infinitely less 'fun' to gather? Buddy you better believe it.

It's weird that there are people who are readily admitting that the game as a game is bad but are giving it a pass because it's DBZ as if DBZ fans don't already know the story of DBZ to the point of exhaustion.

Like I don't understand how you make flying feel so shit when flying in games has basically been perfected. Especially in a game where the main mode of transportation for everyone is fucking flying.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is out on Switch now and includes the option to pick whether or not the childhood friend character wears glasses or not so really it's the best Fire Emblem experience on Switch. Also, Reincarnation slaps.

In Sentaku 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Majoras End It's gotten/is getting ports but the 'Nintendo console' requirement kinda died when they put Cloud in it since, until the Switch, FF7 hadn't been on a Nintendo property and no, the pre-7 entries don't count. Hell, one could argue it died when Sonic and Snake got in. Also considering the whole spirits system, Smash is less about Nintendo specifics than ever.
It's fucking hilarious to me how people immediately thought the new Smash character was gonna be Dante but then Sakurai decided the best way to combat the complaint of "too many anime sword users" was by putting in Byleth, an anime sword user, but this time they also have a bow and a spear and an axe for specials.

As someone who has efed experience, I wish this all the best. Genuinely.
I put Dedue on a horse and he looked miserable the whole time so really the game is a huge success 10/10 would humiliate Duscur again.
In Shelter 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Teacher's Lounge

So no one had a single coin on them? Really? It wasn't as if Elliot was going to steal someone's pocket change, she might've gotten a lot of detentions in her time here but never for theft. Now she just looked kind of like a jackass or, worse, some crazy person that punches things first and asks questions never. Her reputation was hardly sterling so on that front she didn't have much to lose but still, it would've been nice to have at least one person in her corner - considering others were talking about table legs in a panic and she was offering to do the unscrew job for them. Elliot could understand why some defaulted to table legs, they were typically made of either the same material as a table or, such as with card tables or those weird hard plastic tables at church banquets and shit, cold black metal that, while not quite as hard as something made of steel, would at least be better than nothing.

Elliot's knowledge of screws and indeed most of her handiness came from the same source. Not a book or tv or being so bored that the only way to pass time is to browse wikipedia articles until something comes up. It came from her father. The best times of her life were the weekends and summers where the two of them worked on fixing up old cars in the garage, arguing over what to play between MC5 and Cryptic Slaughter before settling on The Replacements so as not to frighten the neighbors too much. Elliot's father, James, was a walking font of useless trivia about things like screws and tools in general; he claimed it helped him be a better mechanic but Elliot just thought all dads got some kind of manual about trivia to bore your children with. But it was never boring to Elliot.

She really hoped her dad was doing alright.

But, she couldn't let that control her thoughts. There were more important things to worry about, and chief among them was the resident 'bad idea' mood lowerer in the room. There was always one in a group project who scoffed at everything presented as the way to go while offering nothing in return and there was one effective way of getting them to fall in line. "Oi, you." Elliot pointed and glowered towards the one who had been sitting by a trashbin. "First of all, watch your mouth, there's kids present. Second, if you've got a better idea, by all means take the floor. Look around, yeah? Everyone's scared or tryin' not to be, the last thing they need is someone sayin' an idea is terrible without any secondary idea presented."

Elliot took the opportunity to give one of the table legs a kick, nothing hard, more of a tap with her foot than some kind of forceful gesture. "If it makes people feel safer then what's the harm? It's not even that terrible an idea, you hit someone or...something hard enough in the head and they reel. One good swing can change everything - that's what my dad said when the Tigers were losin'. Unless you've got a bag full of tricks or somethin', then what's the harm in lettin' people have something to defend themselves with? What we don't need is negativity."

Elliot grabbed her Diet Coke and drank from the can, before setting it down with another held down belch. "Name's Elliot, by the way, but ya'll probably heard of me. All true, by the way."
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