Avatar of Fabricant451


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5 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
5 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
1 like
5 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
5 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
5 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

Most Recent Posts

If people are unironically praising the prequels then in true Star Wars fashion in twenty years the sequels will be seen as fantastic and the new series the worst thing that shits on the legacy of what came before.

It's like poetry blah blah.
We have a resistance that cosplayed as rebels, we have a Republic that apparently only cares about money rather then running a galaxy, and somehow the Empire had some secret order that rose to Empire levels of power and construction despite not having access to the core worlds?

The First Order's whole thing was that after the Battle of Jakku (the actual end of the war from the OT), some Imperial forces basically refused to admit defeat and fucked off to beyond the Outer Rim because of a secret contingency plan from Palpatine carried out by Gallius Rax, basically the acting Emperor at the end of the war, and then actually carried out to completion by Rae Sloane. And none of this is in the movies because it is relegated to books, comics, and even fucking Battlefront 2 (did you know Battlefront 2 is so canon that it literally explains the start of The Last Jedi?) and that is the real tragedy of the sequels, that so much of it is relegated to outside material. If the sequels weren't set so close to the end of the OT and TFA didn't have to play it so safe that it might as well have just been hitting the reset button in The Matrix then maybe they could've done more to establish the stakes beyond "Oh it's the same but not really."

Ultimately the true success of the sequels is the characters. As long as you pretend Episode 9 didn't happen anyway.
It's like they don't know PR or how to design a working game anymore.

Considering Diablo 3, Overwatch, and WoW, if anything Blizzard's brand for a while has been "fucking up winning formulas in record time"
and just updated the graphics and made some small tweaks.

And like somehow some of the new graphics/models are way worse than the old ones. That's so disappointing but hey if Blizzard wants to tank their reputation in record time then they have been doing a bang up job.

Except the New Star Wars movies are 2/3 good (which makes them on par with the OT), the Epic Games Store is perfectly fine (plus, you know, free games are always good) and TemTem isn't going to hang against the juggernaut that is Pokemon considering Pokemon SwSh is already the fifth highest selling Switch game. And realistically, how many people are going to dump 16 dollars when it's more cost effective to pay for it as needed. Didn't all the people who trade between gens not buy this one anyway because half of them weren't in it?

Congratulations, Nintendo and Pokemon fans, much like Nintendo's entire business model they are finally at the point in the video game cycle where they learn that DLC and games as a service are things that exist.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>


white mage/conjurer's storyline sucks ass

At least you get a unicorn mount out of it.
final fantasy XIV is consuming life

send help

might be too late

Pray, return to the Waking Sands
Hello there, I expressed interest in the interest check. If I submit a character is this still open?
In Shelter 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Teacher's Lounge

Boy, this particular group was all over the place; if Elliot had been forced to do a group project with them she figured nothing would get done or else she would put together the tri-fold poster board and everyone else would argue over whether or not the font choice was stupid or not. It was easy to shoot down an idea - especially when you both had no counter idea and no real reasoning behind it other than saying it's a stupid idea - but Elliot's opinion on certain peers in the lounge was declining despite barely knowing any of them. No one in the lounge ran in the circles she ran in, and no doubt they probably made their assumptions about her from the moment she punched the vending machine. The only ones Elliot didn't think was missing the forest for the trees were Fitz and Kaylee and the two Alex's; one of them at least came up with a better plan than 'bitch at people wanting something to defend themselves' and the other could draw maps. Or a map. Helpful, to say the least.

Though a quarter was handed to her - with an appreciative nod from Elliot to Alex - she had a moment's pause as Fitz' remark seemed to stick with her. Not the crack about them not being able to get to a car, but moreso the state of the school. Despite Elliot's grades, it wasn't as if she spent an extreme amount of time at school, other than after school detentions, so the finer points of its design weren't something she was familiar with. "Hold up, you said lockdown?" Elliot turned her attention away from the trashbin girl to Fitz. Elliot might've been smart but that didn't mean she listened much when the adults were talking about safety measures and whatnot. "We can't get out and that sucks, but doesn't that also mean that more can't get in? Not exactly great news, but if anyone's got a yearbook layin' around that could at least give us a rough estimate as to the numbers, though we can probably assume in some bathroom or classroom there's another group of people arguin' if taking the legs off of desks is a good idea or not." Elliot Springfield, ever the optimist.

"There's just one issue with the cafeteria idea - which, I mean, a change of location is solid - and that's the fact that the cafeteria is bigger than the lounge which means we have no way of knowing how many are in there, if any, and we'd have to protect it, right? It might be a good option, but not if we don't have something to put between us and them. Hence..." Elliot gestured towards the table like she was presenting a prize on The Price is Right, the finest in programming for the discerning individual who was ditching school.

"It's not like we're suggesting we play baseball with the fuckin' things - the creepers being the ball - that's stupid. But when all you've got is a blunt object made of sheet steel, that's better than offering your arm for the taking. Some of ya'll are scared or whatever, but we can't stay here forever. If you're scared, use it. Not to get into a science lesson but fear and adrenaline and fight-or-flight are kinda connected, and I'm not sayin' we fight. I don't know any of you particularly well but like it or not we're in this together right now, and I'm not particularly keen on losin' anyone."

"You don't have to like me or anyone else, but the way I see it, so long as we're all here, we're all responsible for one another."

Somehow, Elliot figured the response would be the collective people in the lounge calling her an idiot. Whatever, she'd been called worse. But from where she was standing, this was essentially a super serious group project where instead of pass or fail it was life or death - and Elliot was not someone who liked to fail group projects.
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>


If you want Oathkeeper you have to have a cleared save file with all the lucky emblems photographed.

If you want Oblivion you have to have a cleared save file on critical mode.

If you want both you literally have to play Re:Mind on critical.
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