Avatar of Fabricant451


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5 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
5 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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5 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
5 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
5 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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Boy, I was considering getting Indivisible but I'm not so sure anymore. Talk about the yikes.
Books are cool

Zinnia Cottage


When Evey first arrived for her junior year her only concern was if her room would have a window or not; she didn't much care for a view or what direction she was facing but she preferred a window so that every morning she could hear the gentle cries of the birds as they began their mornings in the same fashion as everyone else. Her first two years at Wellington had been a success academically but if she was being honest she still had a ways to go on the social scene - which was to say that going into her junior year the only numbers in her phone were her parents and her childhood piano teacher who she was pretty sure was no longer among the living. That didn't stop Evey from checking her phone every morning and sighing at the resounding disappointment of having no messages waiting for her.

To her great delight, when she walked into her listed room the day before she saw a window and, with no room mate yet to fight and argue over who gets what, she was able to stake a claim on the bed closest to the window. The difficult part came in her having to make her bed so that her pillow, not her feet, were closest to the window; Evey's feet were against the headboard which meant that Evey, bizarrely, was choosing to sleep functionally upside down. Her reasons weren't grand but they were hers and it only took a single night's sleep to bear fruit. Some needed an alarm to wake up, others required a shot of caffeine or a rushing shower or, yes, loud stimulation or physical interactions but Evey only needed a simple

zip zip zip zip zip zip zip zip titititi tseee...

Evey's eyes opened as nature's song entered her ears though it wasn't with a smile and a look of a good night's sleep. Evey blinked twice, waiting for the song to sound again. Zip zip zip zip zip zip zip zip titititi tsee... Evey sat upright, the thin bedsheet cover dropping to just above her navel as a long sigh flitted out of her lips before dainty, thin fingers brushed loose hair from her forehead. "Mister Blackburnian warbler, are you well?" Evey spoke softly, her pale blue eyes looking wistfully towards the window and the landscape painting-like view contained on the other side of the pane. "Or is it..." A shake of her head to remove the thought from her mind; it was far too early in the day and the term to be bogged down by negativity. Today was no day for negativity. Many of those who didn't stay the summer would be arriving or returning today and that included her new roommate.

This year would be different, for sure. This year she would make a friend. This year her roommate wouldn't hate her.

For minutes more, Evey sat on her bed, silent and still, listening to the songbirds in the trees of the forest or the honks of the geese and ducks that were like nature's trumpets so loud and invasive but so familiar and welcome. Evey turned, her feet dangling over the side of her mattress as she placed them into the plain slippers she left at the edge of her bed every night, and stood up. Her light begonia pink pajama top falling to cover the similarly colored short bottoms that made up her sleepwear as she stifled a yawn while interlocking her fingers and stretching them above her head. Every motion of hers seemed deliberate and routine, like a robot following wake-up morning subroutines. Sitting up in bed, putting on slippers, light stretching, a silent morning in a quiet space. Though not for much longer, surely.

Evey glanced at the current state of her room. Though her wardrobe and day-to-day mannerisms and demeanour could certainly resemble that of some sort of princess of privilege out of a storybook, her interior design sense left much to be desired. Her bedsheets were a gentle plain pink while her pillowcase was an eastery light sky blue. Her desk had a small stack of notebooks separated into two categories: one for note taking and one for notation - the latter stack was next to a small stack of songbooks. Pencils and pens were in a holder, and the only two bits of personal touches were a picture of a frowning Evey with a smiling, disheveled man and a small 'bird of the day' calendar. Today's bird was a Blue-grey Gnatcatcher.

Other than half the closet, the only other aspect of the room that was decidedly 'Evey' was a portable piano placed in a small nook near her bed and window. Her freshman year Evey had wondered if she could fit a full piano in her room but logistically it wouldn't work out and her best option was to request one to be in the common room but that ran into other issues and so the portable option was taken instead. It was at this piano that Evey, now stretched, sat behind, the early morning sun shining through the window. She might not get another chance to play so early in the morning. Later she might opt to walk around and take in the move-in week highs, but for now she paused a moment before putting her fingers in place over the keys.

Evey would lose herself in the melody her fingers provided.

Out by the lake

With a text to Bee (@Hey Im Jordan)

Freddie was in a bit of a pickle.

Her desire to spend a night under the stars had come to fruition though not in the manner she had envisioned. When she had asked if she could sleep outside one night, she was given funny looks and half-answers that mostly contained the 'Why would you want to do that?' look that Freddie knew all too well; the important thing that she wasn't given a flat-out 'no' which was all the permission she needed. She had asked Bee if she wanted to come along but when Freddie mentioned that she wasn't talking about camping with a tent but rather sleeping on actual dirt in the open night air she was, again, on her own. But why spend every night on a bed? That was just so...routine.

So, on the night before move-in week, Freddie didn't go to her new cottage (exiled from the one she shared with Bee last school year...as Bee put it) and instead planted herself in the grass by the lake in much the way she often did between classes her freshman year. Freddie was there so often the grass had practically carved out a groove in her shape. The last thing she remembered was the way the moon was obscured by the clouds and laughing to herself that she hoped a wolf or something wouldn't take her away in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, no night terror attacked her in the night though as morning broke she found herself in quite the pickle.

It was the low rumble of her phone that woke her up but it was her eyes seeing a massive collection of red and black stomping on her face that startled her to alertness. Of course, perspectve was a hell of a thing and Freddie immediately realized that a ladybug was crawling on her nose which, of course, made her chuckle as the little feeties tickled her bridge. Thus was the pickle. If she moved the ladybug would fly away and her friend would leave her but if she stayed still then not only would her text message go unanswered - and if it was who she thought it was than letting it go unanswered for too long was a terrible idea - but she had no guarantee when her ladybug friend would get bored and leave on its own.

"Good thing you're not a mosquito, yeah?" Freddie's cool, husky voice had a supernatural ever present tone of 'calm, chill, and relaxed' that made it seem like nothing - even ladybug crawling along her face - ever truly bothered her. The mosquitos probably had their way with her overnight but that was the kind of risk she took when sleeping under the stars. "Otherwise I might have to hit myself in the face and I'd really rather not. You got a name?" Freddie waited as if the ladybug was going to actually respond. "Louis? Cool name, man. You look like a Louis. I can tell we're gonna be bros, Louis. One day I'll introduce you to my best fri-oh." Louis the ladybug took the opportunity to fly away but Freddie didn't break her smile as she watched Louis fly away until she lost sight of it. "Good talk."

Freddie took the opportunity to finally rise from the ground, her legs grassy and with specks of dirt and her hands matching. "Man, I'm gonna regret this in a day or two. Whatever." Freddie took a look at her dirty and grass-stained limbs and then to the lake that was like her second home away from home in Wellington and then she looked around to see if others were around. Was she considering it? Yes. Yes she was. Was it a good idea? Probably not. But the way she saw it, she could make her way to the cottage and take advantage of indoor plumbing...or she could enjoy nature as her ancestors likely did. Even if it was potentially worth a Moon for some violation of the rules.

After double checking that she was, at the moment, alone, Freddie changed into her birthday suit and stood at the shore of the lake nearby the campus. "Any of you fishy dudes do me a favor and swim away, cool?" Freddie spoke before stepping into the lake and going for a wade as she moved deep enough in that the water came just below her neck. Now she really was regretting going alone but then she wasn't doing this for some romantic sensual exhilarating affair but a practical - or as practical as a still slightly sleepy morning thought process was - one. Freddie needed to wash off the dirt and grass grime and the lake was a body of water and it wasn't like students drank from the lake.

Freddie went ten minutes in the lake before getting out of it - immediately realizing the flaw in her plan as she didn't have a towel and her feet were immediately tracking up mud. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Without a towel there, Freddie figured the wisest course of action was to just...air dry. Who would come to the lake at this time of morning? Maybe some animals and bugs and stuff but bugs and animals couldn't tell tales.

Water dripping from her person, Freddie took the opportunity to grab her phone from the pocket of her shorts. Of course it was Bee. Who else would it bee?

To: Bee
We'll play later. I'm at the lake rn. Gonna get a Moon for my moon. ;o
is your new roomie cooler than me?

Freddie had little to do now but wait and make her way back towards campus. Somewhere there was breakfast with her name on it. Written in syrup.
The Avengers game is a walking 5/10 based on the beta.
Yo I wanna be the queeeeeeen
The only difference between casual and advanced is more eyes are on casual because the word advanced is scary
Seems neato
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Yeah, it's fun as hell. I don't enjoy the seesaw race though because the servers still a little unstable and the seesaws tend to function awkwardly. Also don't enjoy the moving doors race since you'll try to go through one that'll close on you, which makes you go to another one that'll close on you so you go back to the original one that closes on you, etc.

Meanwhile my nemesis is Fruit Chute because no matter what I always take like three peaches to the face in a row and lose.
Sounds neato
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