Avatar of Fabricant451


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4 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
4 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
1 like
4 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
4 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
4 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

Most Recent Posts

I did write a rant about Warframe sucking at "making its game hard". And how my interest in Elden Ring has grown substantially. But this is shorter.

Also, I was going to laugh at the Horizon Zero Devs (and a guy who helped create the worst Battlefield) whining about the latter's success. And how its now frequently topping the steam charts and beating Lost Ark in its 24 hour player count. (A game that just had to ban/remove millions of accounts for being bots.) So it's only made me root for its success harder.

I'm not looking to start shit or anything but I just want to say that the discourse on Elden Ring is insufferable from all sides but especially from the Fromsoft fans who have an us vs them mentality and the Sony people who are mad that their good ass game only got an 89 and not a 92 or whatever. Both those games are good! Both offer wildly different experiences! One is not better than the other because of lack of icons or whatever! Elden Ring does have some bad and unfun design and UI choices and that will always be the thing for those games because that's their choice and you either are on board or you aren't! Horizon isn't a game that will make someone a fan of that kind of open world even if it is the best of its contemporaries by a wide margin! Neither game is perfect, both are good!

Video games can still be good but the bird app kills nuanced discussions!

Elden Ring was never going to fail but also it isn't the one that will make non fans into fans because I know like four people who followed the main path and got hard checked by Margit who decided to fuck off because it wasn't fun and they didn't get it.

And thats fine. The games aren't as niche as they like to think but they are still for a specific audience but that specific audience will absolutely make sure you know how much they love those games.
I do not think Elden Ring is very good in the same ways I do not enjoy BOTW. I find myself just searching for the experience I like only to find that that experience is now 5 minute straight path caves with some of the lamest bosses they've ever had and then it's back to the least interesting world this side of a Far Cry game and it just makes me wish that it wasn't open world because Limgrave is fucking lame
I want to play Elden Ring but the PC version was/is borked for me so I have to wait.

Still, glad fans of that game are enjoying it

yeah it's p. good i guess
I'm sold
(@Fabricant451's sheet made me want to be cool too XD)

Mission accomplished
The only thing I would want future gens to take from this game are a more realized open world (none of this gated zone shit) and the ability to just always be able to pay someone to teach my Pokemon moves and having the ability for them to swap moves on the fly no hassle.

But as this is GameFreak I assume the next gen Pokemon game will carry over nothing and disappoint everyone all over again

Damn, I'm a fuckin prophet
And the intro itself is very well done in the art department. (Action/monsters/varied locals to draw said viewer in.) But the music?

I'm sure it's an earworm, since it rhymes and repeats the same words. Though it's a bit bland sounding...and the jack jack jack jack jack jack got a bit obnoxious the second time around. So I don't think that's a track I'd listen to outside of the cartoon. <.<' (Frankly, I'd skip it like a Netflix introduction.)

I mean if you just focus on the lyrics then I can guess it'd be bland sounding, but musically it's honestly what the people call a bop. It has a beat and rhythm that adds instrumentation with every bridge. But getting a well produced hip hop infused beat is what you get when you have will.i.am doing your theme music.

Like I can get if it's not your thing but considering most cartoon theme songs are meant to be like 30-40 second things that never change it's honestly impressive how much went in to such a brief thing.

I mean, the GOAT cartoon theme songs, that being Jem and the Holograms and Josie and the Pussycats, can't be topped so it's a wonder cartoons still even try.
Plus, the music in this show is pretty bad. But, what rap theme song is good in this era of cartoons?

The Boondocks says hello. Aqua Teen Hunger Force too. Samurai Jack is top tier. And I will tolerate no slander of the 4KIDS One Piece theme but that's anime so it probably doesn't count
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