Avatar of Fabricant451


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4 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
4 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
1 like
4 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
4 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
4 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

Most Recent Posts

@Fabricant451 Finished as in 100% or as in main quests and some/all side quests?

you couldnt pay me enough money to 100 percent that game

well you could but i wouldn't like it

i did all the memories and temples and got the master sword and upgraded my champions leathers to max and got full stamina and every heart except for six. the way i played it i got the master sword before i did the fire, lightning, or water temples and i wound up getting the
as my second completed temple. it really made the narrative stuff maddening because link wouldn't just tell people what's going on.
I finished Tears of the Kingdom and it is the most tedious game I've played in a long time I give it 3/5.
I'm interested in this
I just hope Starfield doesn't have the thing where outside the small number of more purposely detailed and developed main planets, that the ones you can go to outside of that don't just have like the same 4 cave/hideout/camp/base things shuffled around
I didn't like Across the Spiderverse as much as I did Into the Spiderverse.
Diablo 4 good

Street Fighter 6 also good

Leaked Persona 3 remake should also be good
Fast X was very very dumb and I loved it. Vin Diesel thinks he's in some fuckin serious drama while Jason Momoa is feasting on a buffet of camp and it's fuckin so dumb it's great
If y'all hated the weapon durability in BOTW then boy have I got some bad news about TOTK.

(The weapon durability is back but also most weapons I've found have been complete shit because of 'story reasons' and the fuse mechanic means you're just slapping parts onto shit weapons to give them +6 or whatever and it's fine)
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>
Insert "You actually got this game to work?" joke here.

Did you play Fallen Order? And is the sequel better? (I've heard that it's basically Fallen Order 2.0, in that the Pros and Cons are basically identical.)

And my experience with Fallen Order was a brief one. But it made me question the "PS5 load times are fast now", when I was waiting minutes on end for every loading screen to go away.

I did play Fallen Order and honestly I'm not sure which one I prefer. I think Fallen Order has a better story but Surivor has better combat thanks to having more lightsaber forms to play with - though locking you into only having two at a time kinda means you eventually settle into your specific 'build' unless you purposely spread your skill points thin to make all five of them equal. Survivor is way smaller in terms of scope, like you spend 70 percent of the game on a single planet that you can explore like 60 percent of before you even leave the first time. If you liked Fallen Order then Survivor is a better playing version of that with a slightly worse (or rather, not as interesting) story. The load times (on PS5) are also not as quick as any other PS5 game which, on top of the performance issues, makes me think the game coulda baked in the oven a couple more months.

<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>
I wonder sometimes if I didn't give Breath Of The Wild a fair chance. But this game really feels quite empty in its early areas. And I miss the original dungeons that make the Zelda games special.

And honestly, BOTW's start could've probably used a bit more linearity/direction. (Though I say this, knowing full well, that 'Nintendo direction' probably means "handholding, JRPG-level tutorializing".

Also, 'weapons breaking every few seconds' is a cancerous game mechanic.

I was not super into BOTW because I much prefer the classic Zelda approach of dungeons and the like, and BOTW really made me long for those days because singular shrines weren't exactly my idea of a fulfilling experience and any game where the combat is either "avoid as much as possible cuz resources" or else "find some goofy way to do it using physics" is not the kind of game for me.

TOTK has an immediately stronger narrative hook but I'd be lying if I said it was making the style of BOTW work for me. It is very, very similar other than making puzzles like "how do i make a boat/car out of four pieces of wood and gacha capsule fans". Yes, I'm sure people will make a bunch of crazy mecha stuff, but for the types like me who aren't exactly creative outside of character creation, most of my puzzle solutions are "okay here's a big stupid log bridge to cross a river that takes longer to build than just going around"
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