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Current Awake O Sleeper
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Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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Apologies, I got busier today than anticipated, I'll have it out tomorrow!
She just does the math, concludes that only one can be real, and punches that one.
I swear to all that is logical I will uppercut Jub.
The noble samurai deftly twirled aside, hail plinking in a quieting decrescendo off her armor as the storm subsided. In a languid movement, the sword was pulled across the bracer of her left arm and cleansed; then slowly sheathed. The samurai then marched directly astride the deceased creature and clapped her hands together loudly, bowing deeply over its corpse. She held this bow for a few long, precious, moments in silence until a voice seemed to shatter her reverie;

“You…you killed it…”

Hanabi rose from her bow and looked at the woman with an even expression; a calmness of practice. She silently appraised her and noted that she accompanied the spectral 'mon that assisted the fight, before letting a breath slip from her body. A tensed and held breath that needed to be refreshed.

"Miss, direct your statements. I killed it. Not the world. Not anyone else. If I had not struck it down myself, my orders would have been the ultimate cause; Gaze about, take in the archers there on the towers, and take upon your senses there the longspears and guards in preparation if it had managed to break past me. My orders, my intentions, my responsibility. The world is bad enough right now without undue negativity and harm being directed outward without target. If you must curse a name and a face, let it be mine; Hanabi Yasashi."

At that she turned about to address everyone present;

"I am Hanabi Yasashi! Lord under the Shogun! This was a catastrophe; a disgrace; but not wholly a circumstance of waste! You!" She points to Ryuji. "You fought well, and showed bravery. Whatever accusation you faced is henceforth dropped. That man is my guest; see to it that he is fed and treated with honor." She instructed towards the Captain, nodding to him in acknowledgement of his own words as she did so. "As for you-" She began to walk away from the Persian now, passing near to Sanzoku.

She reached for her belt, produced a coin purse, and threw it towards Sanzoku's chest without a second glance towards her.

"You're no Ronin or Samurai; coin will suffice, I'll not waste supplications on someone who doesn't want it. You have my thanks and respect for your actions."

That was all she spared for Sanzoku, seemingly intent on making her way to the captain to have a word with him. But, alas, she stopped mistride;

"And you, I don't want to see your face around here anymore,"

She whirled about, a sudden fury in her movements, as she approached William directly and stood face to face with him. Barring his movement back into the village.

"That girl acted in her faith and with her convictions; Just as you and I did. Who are you to say any of us are on the right path, which of us has the cleaner spirit? Your pokeball, my blade, her faith- all are tools and all could have solved this. If you are angry, be angry that the situation arose. Search yourself and blame that which is truly the cause for all our chaos, blame that which is the ultimate disruption of our peace in these lands."

She turned away from him and eyed the Captain now.

"Blame the war. Without it, this never would have happened."

And she marched away, stiff in movement now, the brief emotional confrontation fading away to a stern and professionally angry expression as she left the situation behind her.

"I want the names of the patrolmen from the night. I want to know why they didn't detect this creature. I want to know how we let this disaster reach our doorstep."

She began speaking to the Captain Muizuno from a conversational distance, but each word carried her forward until she was just on the edge of his personal space and speaking in an authoritative growl.

"You have my attention." She concluded. "I can spare as much time as you need."

Ajairu finally pressed into the group at this point, limping lightly as he timidly encroached through the throng and nudged Yasashi on her hip with his nose. This seemed to have an immediate calming effect on her, and she lifted a gloved hand and softly caressed through his fiery mane.

"Sorry, my friend, we will get you cared for soon."
The sky split; hail falls; magic whirls in the air; cohesion shatters briefly. Moving with the shifting action, Hanabi's swift footwork brought her about to place herself before Shaakira and William as their antics brought the beast's ire upon them. In the same breath she took to shift herself defensively, she sensed a behemoth's movement at her back. Deftly stepping aside and bringing her blade low, she subtly transitioned into offense;

"Snow falls heavy on
A field bearing witness to
Folly and dread waste..."

Her words came smooth and quiet, but carrying over the din.

Sanzoku caught the Persian upon her crossguard and block; Hanabi didn't let the opportunity to strike pass her. The raging Persian crashed upon Sanzoku's own hulking mass with its fury, and before its full might could press upon the towering warrior the Lady Hanabi rose under Sanzoku's guard and leapt into the Persian, her sword arcing deftly in a crescent reminiscent of the waxing moon, the silvery blade rising in a sweeping arc as Hanabi twirled with the slice upwards beneath the Persian's head, slicing in a vicious Guillotine* blow as Sanzoku caught the creature's rush to a standstill.
I should have something up Saturday.
Carousels are wonderful mathematical phenomenon. She’d opt to go there for now; all she has to do is spread cheer and… steal a watch… oh bother. Terrible plan. She’ll figure it out at the carousel.
"Oh- I've heard something about that. Yeah, actually, that's what I'd been hearing. Missing folks and illusions and halls and whatnot- it's all funny business if you ask me. Just as funny as those witch and light fellows- all crooked in the presentation and all sideways in the language." She sighs, appraising Burly. "You say their hands are tied; you know them better than we. If that's the case, then we'll need to find proof and evidence besides the gossip and hearsay we've got so far. If we rub their noses in it, they'll have to tell us what's what."
These contradictory fae motherfuckers are switching up their dialogue on me, I had eight years to memorize their 'nothing's gained and nothing's lost' bullshit and now they're telling me 'lost is lost' goddamn fairies and their chaotic nonsense.


Zavakri jumps at this, leaning far forward as her legs hastened to keep up with her body. Soon she pushed herself forward and sucked in a deep drag of air. She held it for a moment, as if meaning to inflate. Then she deflated, clearing her throat awkwardly as she let Aurora have her moment.

"Sorry, got a bit excited, rather in a tizzy in fact, but dreadfully tired- I haven't stayed up this late...Well, that's a lie, I stay up this late every night, but this is certainly a lot of activity! When we get around to me someone remind me that I was working up a bit of steam, eh? I'll pick it back up when we get to that part."

She retreats back to the back, anxious, gnawing on her lip intensely.

"Don't mind me, not normally the sort to jump a line like that, you've all got as good a reason to be here as me. I presume."
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