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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jub the Peculiar

Jub frowned as he considered the carnival owners' answer. Well, that was interesting. Perhaps this Kettlesteam thought the disappearance of her patron had something to do with the carnival. The kenku's words from earlier ran through his mind once more: "You lost something important to this place, didn't you?"

Had the carnival stolen Kettlesteam's patron? If so, how? That would take a good amount of magic, would it not, to somehow steal away an archfey?

He was pondering this when Aurora spoke up, mentioning that she had lost something the last time she had been at the carnival. That's when the carnival owners seemed to recognise not only Jub, but seemingly everyone else in their group, and from the words Jub could imply that he and the elven woman weren't the only ones who had lost something. At Mister Witch and Mister Light's words, claiming that they apparently couldn't return what they had taken, Jub suddenly felt a twinge of anger. "That's a load of rubbish!" he said, without thinking. "You can't honestly expect us to believe that something that just happened to go missing the last time I was here..." He gestured to Aurora. "The last time she was here, had nothing to do with you two. You've just admitted you're both warlocks, essentially. Taking a ring and a scroll should be easy for you, let alone my ability to keep secrets! So if they're not here, then where are they?" After he'd finished, he suddenly realised what he'd just said, and his hands quickly went to his mouth. Behind them, you could just about hear him give a muffled, "Oops..."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Witchlight Carnival
The Fourth Hour

The Meeting

Mister Light and Mister Witch were silent as Jub makes his outburst. When he falls silent due to realizing that he let his own secret out, Mister Witch retorts, flaring back at Jub in equal passion,

"And haven't you thought that maybe -- just maybe -- that we have the rules regarding purchasing tickets in place to -- Oh, I don't know -- prevent that sort of thing from happening?! But did you buy your tickets then?! Did you even try to speak to Nikolas about purchasing a ticket if you didn't have the coin then?! No! No, you decided to sneak in! With that decision, what happened was out of our hands!"

Mister Witch stands and walks to Mister Light's side, and places a firm hand on the slender elf's shoulder, stopping the tirade. Mister Witch firmly speaks to Mister Light, "That's enough, Light,"


"That's. enough,"

Mister Light sighs, calming himself down. Mister Light apologizes, "My deepest apologies, but that was discourteous of me,"

Mister Witch takes out a pocket watch out of his waistcoat, looks at the face, and then nods at Mister Light. Mister Light then speaks to the group, "Well, Time waits for no one. I'm afraid this is where our meeting must end,"

He then smiles again, and tells the group, "As Thank You for contributing to the joy of the Carnival, I offer you all a gift,"

He then nods to the clown and speaks, "Thaco is a clown of few words, but many talents. He'll make you a balloon animal of your choice. Follow Burly, and he'll lead you back to the carnival proper,"

A Hushed Conversation

After the party receives a balloon animal, Burly starts to lead them away from the Wagon they were at while making sure that Tsak is with them. Instead of leading them back to the Carnival itself, Burly whispers to the group, "Follow me. Over here. You too, Tsak,"

He pulls them aside into a small corner for them to speak discreetly.

After he looks around to make sure the coast is clear, Burly removes his jack-o'-lantern helmet, revealing a worried expression, "I'll get straight to the point: Bad things have been happening at the carnival for a while. People and things have been going missing. My bosses know more than they're telling, but their hands are tied somehow. You're the first people I've met who might be able to set things right. Witch and Light are good guys, but you'll need leverage to make them spill the beans,"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Brutrumukk was quickly loosing interest in the meeting. The conversation was turning to things people had lost in the carnival the last time they visited. This was the first time Brutrumukk had ever been to the carnival, so he knew he'd not lost anything here. Sure, he'd lost the usual peace and quiet of the grassy field he called home to the noise of the carnival, but it wasn't going to be here much longer and he'd had enough fun to consider the disturbance more than worth it. Realizing that this discussion wasn't really for him and that there were better things to do about the carnival, Brutrumukk turned his head to whisper to Jub in goblin once more. However, before he could speak, the goblin wizard erupted into a furious rant, accusing Witch and Light of stealing from everyone present.

In that moment, Brutrumukk started to wonder if the kenku wasn't the only git at this carnival. His suspicions only grew as Mister Light answered rant with rant. But before Brutrumukk could reach for his morningstar, Mister Witch calmed things down and the party was sent on their way soon after. Just as things seemed to be going back to normal though, Burly called the party over to a quiet corner to talk. Balloon tarrasque in hand, Brutrumukk followed the other bugbear and listened as Burly explained that Witch and Light knew more than they let on and that leverage would be needed to get them talking. "Couldn't we just beat it out of 'em?" Brutrumukk asked.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

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Light's outburst was equally surprising as Jub's. Just as he was about to say more Mister Witch cut him off. And before anyone could retort or ask anything else they had dismissed the group only offering a balloon animal.

A rather perplexed Aurora followed the bugbear with the lantern helmet to the corner. As he told everyone that more people have been disappearing as well as possessions she started to wonder what the owners were doing to handle the issue. She also remembered the strange girl in the hall of illusions. Brutrumukk's suggestion was most likely not going to yield the results he'd like. Other questions and investigations might however.

"The missing people, did they go missing near the Hall of Illusions?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

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"Oh- I've heard something about that. Yeah, actually, that's what I'd been hearing. Missing folks and illusions and halls and whatnot- it's all funny business if you ask me. Just as funny as those witch and light fellows- all crooked in the presentation and all sideways in the language." She sighs, appraising Burly. "You say their hands are tied; you know them better than we. If that's the case, then we'll need to find proof and evidence besides the gossip and hearsay we've got so far. If we rub their noses in it, they'll have to tell us what's what."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 43 min ago


"Or we could just 'ead back into that wagon an' beat what we wanna know out of 'em." Brutrumukk suggested again. "Seems to me like that would be a lot easier an' a lot faster than snoopin' 'round some 'All of Illusions. A lot more trustworthy too. What if all we find in that 'All is some illusion what only shows us what we wanna see rather than what we need to find? I've never 'ad that problem when I just tell people to spill an' punch 'em 'til they do."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 40 min ago

"I'm not sure of that is the case. A halfling man I say was talking to a girl in the Hall of Illusions but she wasn't physically there. I only saw her in the mirror and she left after Gabe and I started talking to the man. He had run into there after his now fiance laughed at him when he proposed. I'm pretty sure it had to do with the gifts we got when we first got here though. I know there is some kind of enchantment over me that makes even simple things amusing."

Aurora glanced over to Brutrumukk as he suggested again to start punching and beating the carnival owners over trying to learn more information.

"I still do not think that will help, though I understand your concern about the hall. I could never find the girl again and what she told the halfling was odd. She asked him if he had any regrets and if he did she knew someone who could help. All he had to do was follow her." She considered the matter from early and turned to Burly.

"Was there ever a little girl with grey skin at the carnival? When I saw her she had a pig mask and carried a large lollipop. Her cloths were also tattered."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

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Tsak Vlos

Tsak was absolutely shocked by all the yelling. She would have stepped in to try and calm the goblin before Light went off. Of the twenty-nine years she's lived with these people, she could not recall ever hearing Mr. Light raise his voice. Now more concerned then ever, she followed this crazed group of adventures and Burly, wondering what the fuck she got herself into. She was lost and confused as the conversation went on, up until the newer bugbear threatened to assault the misters! Stepping up besides Burly, Tsak would put her hands out placatingly, "Oi calm down big guy, no need to get aggressive, yeah? As the big hairy man with fairy wings said, they're good people". She would give Burly an apologetic look, just trying to lighten the mood.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jub the Peculiar

"Probably wouldn't- sorry," Jub began to speak, before realising that he was still covering his mouth with his hands. Once he'd put his hands down, he continued, "As I was saying, it probably wouldn't work anyway. They probably have all sorts of tricky fae magicks that would make going against them difficult, if not impossible." He grimaced. "Though, you do have a point... if we head into this Hall of Illusions, who knows what we'll find? One of us might end up going missing, even." It was at that point Jub noticed a small feathered fairy hanging around them, who eventually spoke up, reiterating that Mister Witch and Mister Light were indeed 'good people'. "I'm sorry, but who are you?" he asked the fairy.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Moon Man
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Moon Man Resident Pain Therapist

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Miizel followed the conversation for the most part, choosing instead to stand back and listen but when Mr. Witch mentions the name Prismeer, his brows furrow. Once again, just like back at the Hall of Illusions, something tugs at the back of his mind. Something so familiar that he should be able to recognize it at first glance yet it keeps escaping him.

He idly nods and gives grunts of affirmation as the people around him talked but spends majority of the time pondering the word. That is, until the goblin’s outburst. The sudden escalation in conversation snapped him back to reality just in time for Mr Light to retort just as harshly.

He was about to speak up but it seems like he was out of it for long enough as they were ushered out just as quickly as they were called in.

This time as his companions talked amongst themselves, he made sure to be attentive. “How do you want us to get leverage? Put a bolt against their throat and make them spill the beans?” Miizel asked, his tone implying that he was dead serious.

At the mention of the Hall of Illusions, he responded with. “Zavakri and I had just been there but we didn’t see any girl there. Well, apart from her reflection of course. But something did feel off. The place felt familiar to me but I couldn’t pinpoint what exactly. I just found myself walking towards a specific mirror. If you guys want I could lead you there.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Witchlight Carnival
The Fourth Hour

A Hushed Conversation

Burly shook his head at Brutrumukk's first question. When Aurora asked about the Hall of Illusions, Burly answered as he got a sad look on his face, "That's where my brother, Hurly, was last seen before he disappeared..."

Burly couldn't answer Zavakri as Brutrumukk reiterated his desire to do harm to the Duo to get the information. Thankfully, Aurora spoke against it, but the concern reappeared on his face at the mention of the girl. He answers Aurora, "No...Nobody who works as a Witchlight Hand fits that description..."

He seems to think it over until Tsak steps in to stand up to Brutrumukk for Burly. Burly smiles at Tsak in response to her apologetic look, and he speaks, "It's alright, Tsak. Thank you,"

He lets Tsak introduce herself to Jub.

Then...Miizel asks the question. Burly answers him, "No. I do not want you to use violence to do so. They are indeed good people. They gave me and my brother a home and jobs,"

He then looks directly at Brutrumukk and points out, "I think you would understand my position best out of everyone here,"

He continues, "I know of a better way to get them to talk. You will need to..." He clears his throat before continuing, "...borrow Mister Witch's Witchlight Watch. His pocket watch. The both of them can't run the carnival without it,"

He then tells the group, "Normally, I don't condone theft. But, if you give it back after they give you the answers, then it should be okay,"

He continues, "I'll let you figure out how to pull this off. But, you should also know this:

The best time to do this would be during the Crowning of the Witchlight Monarch. That takes place at dawn. Witch and Light have no control over who the monarch will be, but it's always the guest who has contributed the most to the happiness of the carnival. The monarch is also given a charm that lets them fly. The watch is attached to Mister Witch's waistcoat by a chain, so you will need to break it or unfasten it. Finally, Dirlagraun, Candlefoot, and Palasha might help you. They're good eggs,

He then warns, "But don't trust Thaco. He's untrustworthy,"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Moon Man
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Moon Man Resident Pain Therapist

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“And how do I know you are?” Miizel snaps back to Burly. “For all I know you could be trying to set us up. Make us lose more than what we’ve already lost. So far the only ones that could even get an inkling of my trust are these folks.” He gestures to the others alongside him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tsak Vlos

Tsak would glair daggers at Miizel before pulling a needle from her pocket and placing it between her teeth. "You're waiting your time Burly. It's obvious these guys are here to cause trouble instead of helping us out..." her strange red eyes would look at Jub then spread her black and red raven wings, taking to the air and flutter in place to be at Eye level, "Tsak Vlos, Witchlight Hand here"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 43 min ago


Since no one seemed interested in handling things the easy way, Brutrumukk quickly lost interest in the conversation. As one of the others accused Burly of being untrustworthy, Brutrumukk looked to Jub and spoke in goblin. "Wanna go spread some cheer?" He asked the goblin wizard perched on his shoulder. "Seein' 'ow we already got a good start on that, I figure we'll 'ave the best chance o' bein' crowned if we keep on makin' folks 'appy."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jub the Peculiar

"Right," Jub said in response to Tsak's rather terse introduction. He quickly turned his attention back to the rest of the group, specifically Brutrumukk and his suggestion. "Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Plus, we already know Candlefoot and Palasha, so we can ask them for help if the need arises." He pauses before adding, "And, err, in the matter of stealing the watch, I may, ahem, have some... experience in the art of, shall you say, relieving people of their belongings." He paused before clarifying, partially for the sake of Brutrumukk's limited vocabulary and partly because his 'condition' compelled him to, "I used to steal things for a living. Not anymore, of course. Well, not most of the time. Sometimes. On occasion. I'm going to shut up now." He quickly covered his mouth again.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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When Brutrumukk grinned eagerly when Jub said his plan sounded good. "Right then. Let's get to work." Brutrumukk said before addressing all present. "Jub an' I are gonna go make people 'appy. We'll see you lot whenever an' wherever they're crownin' the King o' the Carnival." With that said, Brutrumukk headed off with Jub on his shoulder to go looking for ways to make people happy.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Gabriel leaned with his back against the wagon, the swordsman had little to no interest joining in the senseless bickering between Miizel or the fairy woman Tsak as she eluded to the bugbear in dungarees that it was a waste of time to try speaking with them "Trouble," the bard simply scoffed, he had barely been here nearly four hours and in that time both he and his elvish compatriot had helped reunite a halfling couple "I'll be off with these two, make sure trouble doesn't end up following us." he gave the fairy a pointed glare before turning to Brutrumukk and Jub, hurrying off behind them "Better to make people smile than argue, eh you two?" he joked as he caught up with the stride of the bugbear.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 40 min ago


Letting out a low sigh, Aurora shook her head at the gnome who was proposing to hold a crossbow bolt to the owners throat. Stealing the watch might give them the leverage they need to get the pair to give more information though. Since the other bugbear, the odd gnome, and Gabe were heading off to go spread more cheer, Aurora decided she was going to try to investigate around the Hall of Illusions.

"I can also attempt to relieve the watch from Mister Witch's person. It may be easier if there is a distraction during the crowning. In case no one else is able to get close enough anyway."

She glanced at the fluttering fairy in front of her that had just give their name. "My name is Rory. Locksmith and procurer of things by trade. Now I do want to help not cause trouble. Mostly I'd like to find what I lost when I was here last. Granted I know it's long shot with how long it has been, and with what both Mister Witch and Mister Light have said about the matter.

Now I can lead you all back to where I found the strange girl in the Hall of Illusions. I think she may only appear to those who are really sad and have regrets."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jub the Peculiar

Jub gave a sigh of relief as Brutrumukk began to walk away from the rest of the group, slowly taking his hands away from his mouth... only to immediately cover them again when Gabriel appeared beside them. "Mmhmm," the goblin gave a muffled response to the swordsman. He didn't mind Brutrumukk knowing his secrets - he doubted the bugbear really cared all that much - but he didn't know this half-elf at all, as nice as he had been to him so far. Still covering his mouth, he awkwardly attempted to make conversation with the swordsman. "Err, I don't believe I ever got your name, good sir."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tsak Vlos

Tsak gave Burly and unsure look then looked to Rory with an nod. She was glad that at least SOMEONE didn't have some compoltion towards unnecessary violence. She would fly over to the elven looking woman and land, choosing to walk with her, "I will go investigate the hall with her as well Bur, I'll let you know what we find".
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