Avatar of Fading Memory


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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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Zavakri may or may not also be in the process of starting the great british Baldur's Gate-ian tradition of sports riots.
I’m losing me mind, myself. I’ve spent far too long staring at my last post and concocting a plan from there, that Haruki is probably either secretly begging me to just post or secretly afraid of what math I’m concocting.
Yasashi listened to the captain quietly, her eyes studying his face and expressions as he spoke. Her posture shifted, her physical attention shifting with it to Ajairu at her side. His flames flickered briefly and he favored a side, his front left leg curled up and occasionally testing itself on the ground. The horse snorted as the Captain bowed, and Hanabi returned her gaze to him.

"Captain, rise up. Your honesty and willingness to take blame for your people are exceptional traits." She gestures for him to rise, a slow smile appearing on her lips. "You can make it up to me..." Her demeanor evolved subtly, adopting a more casual and endearing posture as she slid her free left hand to her hip, the other still resting atop Ajairu. "By remembering what it is that was different about today, and teaching it to the other patrols. Strangeness and irregular behavior do not fall onto your shoulders for blame; preparedness and ensuring it does not happen again are your burden. You'll carry it well, Captain. If the Shogun truly wants to create this... Team...And I'm to be on it, then matters such as this will be fully your responsibility soon. I have faith in your abilities."

She bows to him partially.

"You already know everything else I would have said; I accept your apology and return you to duty. I'll try to locate a few of those others who intervened in the city, and let them know to come to the castle in the morning. I may not find everyone, so keep an eye out as well." She nods to him, before stepping away to go and get Ajairu stabled and seen to.

It had been a busy morning, and priorities being what they are... Ajairu came first.
Extensions. If that were true, then truly Ellis will have seen it all and can die a fulfilled beast.
Honestly like it defeats the point of it being a Reaction by declaring it ahead of time; but if that’s how it works out easiest on the forum and keeps the flow going it works for me. Sounds good boss.
yeah it's a mild headache of probable spells vs just built in abilities, but I'll work it out.
lowkey, once dice begin to get rolled is when my character concept becomes annoying as heck for a forum. I didn't think it all the way through when I made her because I had the idea in mind for a long time, but the forum actually makes a Reaction-Heavy character obnoxious since I might need to back up and be like 'hey this thing three posts ago had advantage and two people posted before I got off work but I could have nullified that or used a spell on that :///////'
<Snipped quote by Fading Memory>

Has Zavakri done any magic at this point? I cannot recall if she has.

She glowed briefly doing math on a Gondola.

Actually, Zav's spell list seems to be way more like... combat-focussed than I expected. XD

Girl is ready to FIGHT, apparently.

Most of her kit is 'mathematical certainty' or 'rebalancing the equation' is what my thought process was; magic missile ALWAYS HITS. chef's kiss; Maths. The different element types was just to be diverse and take different approaches rather than the 'most optimal' blasts.

Silvery Barbs ties in extremely well with her Clockwork Soul built in Reaction as well and fits the theme. Subtract from them, add to us!
damn, sorcerer privilege do be wild rn, I've got FOUR cantrips...

and half of them work!
Am...Am I the good guy?!?!
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