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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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Back From The Ashes


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Howdy everyone, welcome to Aesithas.

Aesithas is a land of peace gone wrong; lords are largely absentee, the lands have overgrown and become untamed, towns and villages have become isolated and forgotten, and the tribes of Aesithas have become distant, disparate, and rife with internal strife. Where once an alliance of the tribes repelled a great evil and produced fantastic heroes, there is now a land of ignorance and fear that is trapped by borders of shadow and sea. The ancient enemy is forgotten, the Lord of Shadow second to the struggles of the day, and those with the luxury of seeing past tomorrow are few and far between.

"O, The Storied Road, the magnum opus of Olst, the fabled path of Prince Braedan. Let it be known to all that The Storied Road is now part of Aesithas, not merely a histry to be retold- but a path to be lived again and again, the pilgrimage of Braedan there for all to behold, for all the Dale Folk to experience, for all of Aesithas to benefit of. Let the story of Braedan and his Fated Path remind us all that even when Hope is lost and darkness surrounds, that the greatest Light the Two-Faced Gods ever bestowed upon Aesithas comes from deep within."
-The words of Prospero The Muse

"Lo! Du'Eld the Undying, the Mighty, The Greatest of all Heroes! But forget not his origins- his story- the reason for his greatness. Let not his name rise to the high heavens where it might challenge the Two-Faced Gods, let not his name rise so far that it become unattainable to all- Du'Eld is a lesson that the weak may rise, that the mighty may be humble, and that heroes can come from strange places."
-The Words of Prospero the Muse

@Fading Memory I do have a question regarding Druidic as a language.

If Wooden Ones have little need for the written word, how would leaving messages in Druidic work?

Druidic is special, of course. Likely they are a unique role among Wooden One society like a priest or a noble; Aratea, known as a princess, was a druid for example. They would be more in tune with the Everbloom and more likely to be a heroic/guiding figure in their society.
@karamonnom Unarmored Movement would benefit your Fly speed too! It does not specify Walk speed! The exception is something that sets a static speed stat such as the Fly spell, but since your fly speed is innate it also gets boosted! Enjoy a fly speed of 50 that will just keep getting faster!

Please specify your kensei weapons for me. :)

The Fading of the Old Nimbus racial flaw is one less HP per level, so you’d have two less hit points one more hit point, assuming you took average. +1 con/-1 Flaw; 8+5+5 = 18 from class hit dice with your net +0.

Otherwise seems good to me.
If that's the problem you're having feel free to come back to the background after I set the initial groundwork, or discuss your character ideas with the room :) We're all here to have a good time. @karamonnom
@karamonnom I mean, in a broad sense it makes sense that an artisan could craft things. I'm open to rereading the Downtime Crafting rules from Xanathar's guide, if you're fine with hunting down materials being less an issue of gold and more an issue of Questing and Adventure :)
Decided to go 'simple' with my Languages thing, listed here are the native tongues of the races of Aesithas.

This will be added to Post 0.

@XxFellsingxX Yo, patience hasn't even been hit yet; you said you're newish, and I'm changing the foundation of the game on you, you're doing great. Your AC would be 18 with the heavy armor + shield, and your dex saving throw seems to be too high; I think you added proficiency to it instead of your Wisdom saving throw. Otherwise, seems solid.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

As for yours, I think my 4 AM assessment was correct; I don't think I see anything mechanically unsound with it. Amaryllis is fine, when I get some finalized world info done I'll hit you up about the hermit discovery.

lemme walk you through it then, I knew some small headaches would pop up with the behemoth natural weapons, I'd rather they have come up early than later.

I'm just gonna remove the reaction, I forgot how many of the fighting styles were reaction oriented when I made it that way. That's just something I'm gonna #Patch_Note right now; if a behemoth makes a shield, they just get the +2 AC like everyone else.

With that cleared up, here's how the Natural Weapons work (I'm gonna try to simplify my own dense wording here);

You get two 'slots' for a weapon. These slots aren't anywhere physical on your body, they're purely a mechanical 'slot'.

You can't make a Ranged weapon that isn't Thrown. (No Crossbow, yes dart/javelin/dagger/spear etc; ammo functionally unlimited.)

If you make a Heavy/Two Handed weapon (Such as a Greatsword or Maul) it takes both slots.

You may make a shield in one of those slots.

So your 'legal' pairs are...

Two-Handed/Heavy Weapon (Which could be any kind of flavor you want, bladed forelimbs was just an example; it could be a Monstrous Bite, a serrated tail, 'my whole body', whatever you want). This is a Pike, Greatsword, Maul, Halberd, etc.

One handed Weapon + Shield/Other One Handed Weapon. This is where you could do, say, 2x Scimitars, or 2x Longswords, or a Sword+shield, or a Flail+Javelin, or whatever else- just flavored as different natural weapons on your body.

your natural weapons would count as the relevant weapon for the purposes of any given fighting style. If you choose Interception, it would work with any combination of natural weapons conceivable because you just need to have a shield OR any kind of weapon to do it; if you did Protection, you'd need to use 'Shield' as one of your 'Slots', then you could use any other one handed weapon in the other 'slot'.

If you wanted to use a greatsword or a maul or something, then great weapon fighter would work as a fighting style for you; if you wanted to focus on being a javelin tank, Archery would work; etc etc.

If this isn't helpful to you let me know, I tried to keep the Behemoth clear, but this is why I wanted to test this stuff out on the forum! :)
You could do any weapon you’re proficient with; I’m just making sure you’re specifically wanting a club instead of a mace or morningstar or warhammer or flail, etc.

And would you prefer the shield to be a reaction that becomes better than a normal shield long term, or the normal shield bonus? The Behemoth is a wily thing for me to get into 5e terms due to its beastlike nature and I want you to enjoy the experience.
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