Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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3 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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Most Recent Posts

In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I’ve still got the vibe, just trying to tone myself back and simplify my thoughts. Still aiming for anarcho-rockstar themes, probably with their own cell that primarily outsources muscle to other groups that need it for their jobs. I’ll reread everyone’s already existing stuff to ensure I don’t cross wires or step on toes.
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Howdy! Sorry for my own slowness; the Holiday has shut me down for its duration, so I had to focus on it this weekend. Happy 4th! I'll peruse through and see if my mental engine is still kicking after all these cheeseburgers and Forced Family Fun Time is over.
If Rirvudd had come, he would be soloing the adventure right now. Homeboy isn't some level 1 schlubb like his wife.

Edit: For the purposes of my remaining in the group, if we continue beyond the Module I'd probably end up making a new character. Perhaps Detara if Zavakri finds her? Who knows, I have plenty of character ideas that can slide in mid-journey.
honestly Zav probably will go home once the 'campaign' ends.
Rush out here doing the Gods' work.

Since they abandoned the Snail, would it be possible for Zavakri to go up and try to chat with it? Her time with the Snail Races has made her begrudgingly terrified/fond of these things.
Apologies, holiday weekend kicking my ass. Meant to catch up earlier. Working on it still, likely can't post till after the 4th.
I am attempting to catch up officially over these next two days.

1) Gen is approximately 10-12 by appearances (and if questioned she has no clue on an exact number, herself, she’s never kept count). Regis knows he’s nine. So on the cusp of appropriate teenage-hood, both.

I may have said a different number elsewhere, but I changed my notes upon deciding anything younger was too young.

2) yes.
Alrighty Everyone, 'End of Session 1';

Any Questions, Comments, Criticisms, Concerns, or Compliments for the game so far? I ask this in an OOC/Meta sense, for the themes/vibe/enjoyment of the game so far rather than any in character sense.
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