Avatar of Fading Memory


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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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Back From The Ashes


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I’ll be honest, I’ve actually got no clue where that Brute feature comes from and it has me mad curious; is it from the new Tome of the Multiverse or is there another book I’ve missed? It seems pretty good and I just wanna cog its locale. I managed to find Tsak’s class after some digging, but Brute has been eluding me.

I can appreciate you giving us a formal declaration, boss!

If anyone wants to hang with me or has other roleplays they think I’d be interested in, hit me up! Always excited to see ideas and y’all were a good crowd!
Some additional information I forgot to add about the tower: The leaning tower is 50 feet tall and 20 feet in diameter. The black brambles cover the ground within 30 feet of the tower, and they are clustering in a dense patch around an open door.

In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sorry for how long it's been taking me, I should be able to crank something out by this weekend, free time has been hard recently but I'm still vibin'. If I end up missing some deadline that's fine, I'll still lurk and read along.
I have done the thing. Banzai.
Zavakri watches in wonder, her brief moment of fury dying swiftly as the rabbits beat a retreat. Watching them beat feet in hasty retreat renders her anger obsolete. She relaxes as Brut heads off on the charge, and as her companions all divide themselves amongst one another (yet again) she finds herself eye to eye with a Giant Snail.


She places a hand on her hip, meeting the snail's angry eyes with her own even and cool gaze, and snaps her fingers.

"You don't have anything on Quickleaf, buster!" She declares to the snail, before snatching up a nearby head of lettuce- likely abandoned by the Harengon in their panic- and approaches the snail to hold it up.

"Slimy slimy slimy slimy boy~" She cooed at it, waggling the lettuce before its eye stalks. "Who wants a good shell pat? I know it's you. I knooooooow it's you. I know because all you liddle widdle giant snails are all greedy weedy liddle buggers who like shell pats, aren't you? Aren't you?"

She pats the snail's shell as she- turning her head away- offers the lettuce to it, allowing the uncomfortable slimy sensation of feeding the snail wash over her as it ate the lettuce out of her hand. Upon seeing its smiling face, she desperately wished she had access to a cleaning spell of some kind, and she simply smiled back at it and began wiping the slime off her hand in the guise of patting its shell affectionately.

"I'll call you Bob. Guys, Bob is alright."

She turns about and makes a stunned expression.

"Why, is that an-...Mm, quick math..- up-to-1,200-pound-supporting raft? Where in the nine hells did you find one of those? Blimey, you're just carryin' it, ain't you? Built different, you bugbear folk." She says in wonder. "As for where we're going...I say we leave that up to Gabe. Bloke says he has a feeling about this place, and I haven't the foggiest; if we're going blind, I say follow the man's gut. Point a direction and off we march, Sirrah!"
Sounds good, Vertigo! Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise feel free to introduce your character as you see fit.

As for everyone else, if you need suggestions or just want to OOC discuss your next move, feel free to hit me up here in the OOC.
I will be able to tonight barring losing consciousness after work; holiday kinda kicked my ass so I’m gonna forgo my usual and Zavakri-specific long windedness of a post just to get something out. I should be able to roll my animal handling ahead of time while at work and bake the result into my post this evening.
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