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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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oh. Hrm. Those things are...Er..RATHER LARGE. Thank the heavens I'm not snake-phobic.
I get wordy.

Sorry lmao.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

So that I have an understanding of what you're aiming for here, would you prefer 'you make the roll then I give you an info dump' or were you more aiming to roleplay out a scene of some kind? I'm cool either way, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't holding you up because you were expecting a post about the library or something. (If you were indeed expecting one, I can make one!)
In Sk8te 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Yeah I think I'm gonna have to take a lurking role for the moment, apologies for the delays but I was holding out thinking I'd have some additional time to sit down and write over the last week but I just don't have the time for anything beyond my current obligations it seems.
Other 'easy' downtime things to do (from Xanathar's Guide To Everything, with me arbitrarily modifying results to fit Aesithas), mechanically, are...

'Work For Wages In Town' to get more pocket money

'Carousing', which would let you learn of anyone else of importance in the city you may have not already met.

'Religious Service', which may earn you the favor of the Clergy for more broad requests.

'Training', which would be a longer-term thing (which can be broken up across visits to Fenhall) to gain other Language/Tool proficiencies over time.

Gen, Regis, and U'Nunlo are mostly inseparable after their meeting. Rarely they can be found without U'Nunlo in direct sight in the Palace Garden, though they also go wandering the city streets At-Large and can be found often in the Market Plaza; now that they've been cleaned up and Gen given a new dress, they don't seem to be looked down upon as much. U'Nunlo either cannot be found, or for those of you particularly desiring to hunt them can be found on the outskirts of the city, foraging or communing with nature in the rare times they aren't with the kids; otherwise, they don't appear to leave the Palace Garden.

Tomas Smithson can be found anywhere and everywhere; the big city is new to him. The palace is new to him. He's often in the company of Ser Pyke, but also appears to feel an obligation to do some 'honest work that isn't hittin' things' and frequents the Smithy in town to help out. He also weekly visits the Temple to offer reverence to Noffe.

Alison and Crimson do not leave the palace, and Crimson remains silent and judgemental and cloud-like as he maintains his vigil over Alison. Alison, meanwhile, appears to practically live in the Fenhall Library, located in the base of the high tower, and Mildred appears to make time to come speak with her regularly.

Pyke is always busy, but also claims that he can always make time to help out or chat so long as people don't mind walking while they talk.
@Fading Memory
Out of curiosity, and possibly to compose a post to give an in for conversation, would it be possible to roll for Research into the Rot as a Downtime activity? If so, what skill should I roll for?

Amaryllis has several avenues that would each confer Advantage for different reasons entirely based upon her preference for performing this research;

Going to the Fenhall Palace and asking for permission to view their Library...

Going to the Noctem Shanty outside of town and asking for their insights...

or Going to the Grand Temple and asking the priesthood about it.

Where you go will only influence which of the relevant information tidbits I have you get 'first' if you don't roll sufficiently well to get 'all of it'; the Clergy will prioritize the religious information, the Noctem will prioritize tangential information, and the Fenhall Palace will prioritize the Dale-Folk centric history of the subject. If any of those catch your eye, let me know which one you're relying on for your Advantage then roll me an Investigation Check.
Homeboy is doing double the average damage he normally would be doing, that’s how. When I hit level 3 I’m gonna get a spell I can use to teleport an ally. Everyone’s gangsta until Zavakri has a Brut-model-Glock in her pocket.
Lmao, the ol’ ‘It’s Canon Now’, hell yeah; actual monster Brut joined the party, this explains everything!

Jokes aside, this just makes my future plans to slam dunk Brut into my problems even more worthwhile.
Sounds good. For the sake of you guys having choices amongst the NPCs I’ll make a short list of them and their ‘usual’ locations during downtime in Fenhall so you can set scenes how you want etc if they’re your target. Otherwise feel free to just blame Alison for delaying setting out for some suitably haughty reason and interact with each other if you NEED an excuse to stop your characters from sprinting at the nearest problem and whacking it.
I didn’t realize you were allowed to take Monster features instead, they pretty explicitly have different power levels to players. Was that a Haruki/houserule thing or do I just need to reread Volos’s/Tasha’s/Tome of the Multiverse and figure out my booksense. (I’m not bothered. i just was losing my mind trying to figure out where the feature even came from, so much appreciated on the explain!)
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