Avatar of Fading Memory


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Back From The Ashes. Again.
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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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I personally dig everything everyone's got up so far. Hype to see how things work out for final results.
I then grant Aurora advantage on her next roll, which would grant her sneak attack if it’s an attack roll. She can flavor it as a mathematical Heads Up Display appearing and toggling auto-aim on.

Welcome to the reaction sorcerer.
@Guardian Angel HarukiI am going to use my Reaction to cast Silvery Barbs and make the snake reroll its Wis Save and take the lowest result.
Magic Missile Goes Bang
Zavakri pats Bob on the side of his shell. He was working perfectly as cover and deserved some affection. She observes the battlefield with a sense of superiority granted by having never missed an attack and having never been attacked herself, quite satisfied at the rage of the bugbear serving as a secondary shield to her own elegant self. Or something like that. She witnesses Tsak rising to the rescue of the vocal balloon basket, and after a quick mental equation to conclude that *someone* must be in there she moves 30 feet towards the basket and lets fly another array of lethal mathematica towards Snake A.

"Oi, Get out that basket! I'll catch you!" She lied like a carnie, as she mentally prepared more spellcraft for the occasion.

Magic Missile says X=5; 15 Force Damage to Snake A by the basket

"Just because you added a few Z levels and a new Y and X Vector doesn't mean I can't still calculate for your present position!" She declared boldly to the snake as her missiles struck home. Then, she balks- she had mistakenly gotten rather close to Snake B, but was thankful that her companions were still nearby. Oh bugger. At least it wasn't right next to her, yet.

OOC: Intention it to be close enough to the basket to cast Feather Fall should the fool actually jump out of it like she told him to, hopefully he at least disengages to do so. If I can't possibly get close enough to have the basket 'within 60 feet' for a featherfall, she'll stay a few feet further from Snake B so it can't just walk over and whack her without provoking an AOO from those nearby
yeah I needed a day of rest there, thanks all for the patience, I'll begin working on my responses/information/setups etc and getting you all relevant info.

Here you go boss. Did the thing.

Edit: added a song. By an actual artist, not written by me, that is. In a link format. Yeah.

My ass got kicked by doing a yard sale in the rain. Expect delays while I shuffle notes and clear my head of some other lingering thoughts.
Zavakri didn’t fuel the rage any further with more science, he was abated.
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

I thought the movement section covered it, but I was wrong. I've looked in Monster size section to see how big Huge monsters were in comparison to Medium sized PC's, and it's not there either. -_-"

This is the best I could find to explain my reasoning.

Basically, I thought that if a creature took up 15x15ft on the battle map, then their 5ft movement would affected by the fact that they're a size large.

They move the same as any other creature, if you wanted me to chime in with my experience as a DM. Even if a Giant is 100 feet tall with a move speed of 30
Feet, they move 30 feet (I’m exaggerating an example, most huge or gargantuan creatures have quite a lot of move speed to represent huge strides, etc, but also unless the snake has a way to climb really well (which they probably do!) climbing takes +1 foot of movement per foot moved as well! So many weird movement rules ).

But because 30 feet = 30 feet = 30 feet for any creature movement regardless of size, ray of frost is a nasty little cantrip.

Size is purely how many squares a creature inhabits, carry weight, and grapple potential; we can’t grapple THEM (two sizes larger than us!)… but they sure as heck can wrap us up!

Don’t be disheartened or take any mistakes negatively; 5e tries to be as simple as possible, so unless a sheet or specific rule says otherwise, things all follow the same simple core mechanics. Mistakes happen and, honestly, the game isn’t meant to be taken super hardcore as ‘written in stone’ so they’re usually benign and fine to have in a game. If we desperately need something to be ‘absolutely correct’ that’s what ooc discussion is for!
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