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@Lucius Cypher

Sure, we can call that 'Working'. Pitch me a particular skill, what Fran is doing for the week before the 'Quest' begins and Pyke drags her to the Party, and make a roll. I'll consult the definitely existent wages table.
@Lucius Cypher

Horses and other livestock animals are extremely valuable at this time; a Draft Horse would be the best you could manage to find for sale in the stable, and the stablemaster is haggard and starts his pricing at 100 gold per draft horse. He remarks that all the warhorses and riding horses he had available were bought by the Princess, to keep the Knights of the Realm equipped. Each knight needs three horses if they have a squire, and potentially more if they have a chariot, etc., so all he has left are farm horses.

The local music shop, The Winds of the Dale, would have a Drum available for 15 Silver [1 gold, 5 silver].

A proper Healer's kit, fully stocked and ready for use, from the Apothecary would cost 25 gold; supplies are short. Jerald is doing his best.

Travelling Supplies is fairly vague, but if you mean things like Rope and Rations then...

Rope will cost you 5 silver for 50 feet of standard rope, but 10 gold or more for anything special like 50 feet of Silk. 10 feet of Chain will run you 30 gold; metal is particularly valuable in Aesithas.

Rations, due to the food drought and famine plaguing the wider landscape, cost substantially more than one would typically expect in the historically fertile farmlands of the Dale; where ordinarily food rations such as this would cost mere coppers, they are now 1 Gold Apiece. Thankfully tavern food and raw goods aren't inflated to this level, but the adventure-ready rations are pricey.

in that Vein, the local smith doesn't keep any armor in stock. He could produce it but warns it would take time and be expensive. A breastplate would run you 100 Gold of time and metal. Half plate would take 250 gold. They would take multiple weeks if not months to prepare, respectively. The Castle Smith has them in stock, but they are Master Crafted and intended to stock the Royal Armory. He can part with them for 300 Gold and 500 Gold Respectively.

...In short, most things are roughly doubled- but a lot of things are much cheaper than typical D&D as well due to the adjusted/stunted economy of the realm.
All solid ideas. I’ll keep them in consideration as I stew them into the pot. The big thing is ‘There Be Dragons’ is the map; so at this point I’m dropping ‘Varangian Peoples’ somewhere ‘to the North of the Dale’ and letting the fog fall back over the map.
@Lucius Cypher

If Francesca accepts The Quest, she gets 100 gold. Don't expect much money to be coming down the line, the realms are destitute, but Mildred is trying to give people the means to start a journey. This applies to @Vertigo as well, just in case I forgot to establish that.

As for the character sheet...

I can go with the idea there used to be a wild tribe of warriors who joined with Braedan during the reunification of Aesithas and were given a position in Dale society, that works fine. For the purposes of general setting cohesion, that would formally make Francesca's people one of the Banners to the Royal Family; similar to Alyson of Waltone, or Castle Boville The First Fort. This would make them minor nobility in their own right, though the thousand years of slow degradation and the mysterious/forgotten nature of the realm does make the idea of a 'barbarian tribe put in charge of a piece of the realm' very interesting!- and Francesca may not even be close to or familiar with them besides in passing from her travels! Which would also be fitting to the setting and her background as someone raised in the Dale as opposed to that ancestral home. It gives me some control and ability to use that for story or hook purposes down the line if we go with this, so unless you have an issue with this I think this would be a good interpretation to have on it. Her Knighthood is independent of a familial tie, but she knows she has extended family in charge of a holdfast in Aesithas somewhere.

Ser Astrea Archon, knight of the realm. I can work with this. Charioteer fits the Dale landscape, but I will admit I hadn't considered it before. No changes needed here, just me having to consider the military of the realm for the fiftieth time since I began writing the adventure.

Earned her Knighthood during the Rebellion against Mildred The Unready. This works fine.

@Fading Memory

I'd be down to clown. Anything in particular I should know before diving into this?

Just the substantial amount of world info I've written and made because I intend to publish this at some point. Read the first post of the OOC thoroughly for the rules and mechanics of the game; I'd prefer if someone filled the 'human' role, but if you absolutely want to play one of the other races we can discuss it.
Bumping due to having room for one more player; the party is now level 4 and we are out of the 'intro' and about to take our first steps on the Quest.
As an aside, I have flipped the RP status from Full to Apply. While we’re still in the opening arc I am glad to accept a sixth person still, so if you guys know anyone/Dark is still lurking, I am available for discussion and inclusion at any time.
It’s all good. I said from the start I wasn’t in a race; folks staying active is all I need, not a certain pace.
I was checking everyone’s sheets; the last person who was still level three finally hit level 4 properly. That is all I meant.
alrighty everyone has levelled up! If the party is ready to move forward, just let me know and I'll transition to the next scenes 'on the road'. I'm awaiting intended destination and 'travel speed', as well as if folks need anything else from the scenes we've started.
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