Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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3 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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I can certainly work on a longer and more detailed backstory over time, I’m actually quite chuffed that you’re requesting it; I usually write too much and feel bad my first pass and have been working steadily to make more concise sheets. I’ll take that as a ‘mission accomplished’ and just have fun with expanding my outline for later.

Equipment will be filled out by tonight, and I’ll shift the sheet over at that time.

I just need to fill out her Equipment, otherwise this is complete. Posting now since I need to get myself to work and can finish that minor section tonight.
Alright, I'm stewing on an idea. I'll hit the boss up to clarify a few details then get something posted.
I'm not about to die or anything, I'm just stuck at about 70% energy and 30% brain power.
I continue to struggle with death.
I’ve recovered to 70% and just plateau’d there. It was a horrible week then just this ongoing… Tiredness. I’ve never struggled to keep my wits as much as I have since getting this virus.
Sounds like most of you are trying to avoid engaging the pirates directly, am I good to assume the group will be entering the Barrow/Tomb to avoid detection?
My recovery has gone well. I’m honestly a bit stunned at how suddenly I went from 0/10 to 7/10… but I’m lingering at 7/10 seemingly perpetually.

I’ll get a post out by the end of this week.
Sounds good to me, boss.

And yeah, thought your name was familiar, thanks for shaking the cobwebs loose. I'm on board with this idea :)
Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me. I'll stick my nose in tentatively as I massage my brain. I had many of the same questions as Benz.
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