Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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3 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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You FOOLS. Capitalism is ALIVE AND WELL in SPACE. Who else would be FUNDING the LAW which we are OUTSIDE of, HM?
Excellent. A pilot. Someone to do my zero G shenanigans with.

There’s ‘Using art’, and there’s ‘crediting artists’, then there’s ‘drawing your own art’. You’re a king/queen, keep up the efforts. Mad kudos to anyone who has the inclination for visual arts. As someone with an inability to visualize images in my mind, I respect it.
I have fulfilled my obligation to the lords of this land and regretfully must now go fulfill my obligations to the lady of my own manor. I must do chores. Huzzah.
Entering The Barrow-Hill

With the collective strength of the party, as well as the awareness of custom endowed by Dag'Tyr's religious knowledge, the required haste to avoid detection by the River pirates is met. The capstone reacts to Dag'tyr's hymn and trembles, and with the assistance of the party's physically powerful companions is removed. A ramp of dry earth descends down into the stale air and darkness of the tomb. As if drawing the first breath in time untold, the warm air of the day is sucked into that dark tunnel. The descent is dim, but the Noctem eyes in the group see a clear path that soon gives way to carved stone steps. Whether guided in the dark by their dark-vision possessing companions, or by way of producing a light source, the way is safe.

The earthen ramp gives way to the sureness of stone steps, the steps lead down into a widening, circular, room. The darkness of this place is heavy and thick- but presuming a light source is produced, the party sees the antechamber of the tomb;

The walls and floor are a smoothed stone. Alcoves are carved into the walls at regular intervals, housing statues preserved by the tomb against the elements and time. The statues are complex depictions of humanoid figures, man and woman, all kneeling with outstretched hands.
The statue opposite the entrance is a lordly figure, depicted in chain armor and holding a Warhammer aloft whilst leaning upon a shield to his front. The shield is cracked, a deliberate bit of artistry from the carver rather than the wear and tear of elements, but is held together by a growth of vines. These same vines coil about the Lordly Figure's boots, and rise up his armored legs as if the stone vines are climbing his personage.

The statue to the left of the Entrance is a robed woman, hands clasped as if in prayer. Nothing stands out about her, her hood is drawn over her head and she has no facial features whatsoever. The silhouette within the hood is blank and featureless, and the only thing that assures the party this statue is not unfinished is the immense detail in the clasped hands; her nails curl into the backs of her own hands, where they dig deep scores into her 'flesh' and the stone fingers are even detailed to depict, in frozen macabre, dripping blood from this tightly gripped prayer.

The statue between the Robed Woman and the Lordly Figure is a man whose gaze focuses upon the ground in front of him, a farming hoe leaned upon one shoulder while his other hand lies empty and angled towards the ground. {Passive Investigation: I'Rajith} The hand is clearly meant to be grasping something- but whatever tool or object is supposed to be in his grasp is missing.

The statue to the right of the entrance is a woman with ropes bound about her arms, depicted in the uniform of a lord's yeoman. It is clear the intention of the statue is to depict someone at work on a boat. {Passive Perception: Iris, Amaryllis} The statue appears gripped by sorrow, even in its stony features. The ropes of the ship are shackles. The uniform is prisoner's garb. The detailed work of this statue rivals that of the Lordly Figure, but is far more subtle and focused on capturing this understated and soft eminence of sadness. Smile lines give way to wrinkles of worry; calloused hands grip the ropes tightly as they descend into the stone floor at the front of the statue; is she raising anchor, or fighting with her bonds? Someone cared for this woman greatly.

Between the Sailor Woman and the Lordly Figure is a youthful man. He is garbed in finery, and is poised in the midst of a poetic recital. His outstretched hand offers up a singular rose, stem adorned in thorns. His other hand touches upon his own breast in a display of tenderness. {Passive Investigation: I'Rajith} The rose is stone, but is a separate piece of craftmanship; it can be removed from the Prince's hand.

Four paths [Five, counting the Entrance] extend outwards from this circular antechamber between the statues. Each descends downwards at identical angles. They each end in stone doors, hiding whatever lies beyond. For the sake of ease, these paths will be called Paths 1-4, radiating left from the entrance starting with Path 1 [Between the Robed Woman and the Farmer] and ending with Path 4 [between the Sailor and the Prince].

A silence grips this place. Your own footsteps and breathing fill this place. Stir it. And with the stirrings of your own lives, a gently rising wrongness seems to stir as well. Something about this place is off.
I'm going to try and catch up over the next few days. I've fallen behind a bit in my recent frazzled state, and if I was holding up forward momentum of any capacity I apologize. Zavakri's kinda taken up the niche of quirky glass cannon so far and my slower pacing has backburnered my initial intentions to be a much more chatty and up front character- which isn't a bad thing, I thought I'd be able to post much more frequently (at least at first back when I first made her) but with the sheer volume of dialogue I need to write for her maybe my infrequency is a saving grace for everyone else's sanity.

That ramble is my way of saying 'if I get slow like this again, just ping me or something and let me know the intention to move the scene forward so I can try to keep up OOC with what's going on'. We have plenty of strong personalities so Zavakri not chiming in personally in every scene isn't necessarily a bad thing, anyways.
<Snipped quote by Bastian>

There's probably room! Excluding the Captain, we so far have three accepted characters, and given the shocking amount of interest, I'm aiming for around an 8-sized roster. You're welcome to take a shot if ya want! First come first serve right now.

Alrighty, update time: The fiance and I got much more involved in discussing the beginnings of our wedding plans in an impromptu discussion today and frankly I'm knackered. After rereading the last set of posts, my next one is going to be pretty 'short' and just establishing the scene of the tomb and will be up tomorrow evening after I get home from work. I now get to begin working out the 'new to DMing D&D on a forum' pains as I try to figure out the best way to balance player post-time with 'setting the scene time'.
Alright, moved it over and filled in the key equipment notes. If anything needs clarification or adjustment just let me know, I was trying to capture a vibe and may have gotten too wordy.

Edit: Added my 'long' background sections, expanding my outline. I have a new word processor to use, so I have some extra incentive to get to writing.

Edit 2: I have posted my 'Part One'.

Edit 3: Corrected minor capitalization errors and added basic height and weight information to homogenize sheet standard against others.
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