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There, barring altering the relationships I’ll call the dweeb done. Character sheet updated, appearance finalized.
Grandma isn’t just letting him have the money, and he’s attending out of her preferences and having attained scholarships as well. It’s all a deliberate design to develop the ‘nice guy’ mental state. Weak father figure, raised by a singular ‘mother’ entity, relied on by others for emotional support, having to earn everything in transactions, and then a (subtle) sense of abandonment instilled by being drip fed the money and thrown to the wolves (so to speak) by living alone.

It’s a complex mental state that I pretty much just followed the textbook recipe to develop with his background and circumstances. Having enough money to do whatever he wants but feeling like it might all go away if he makes a mistake is a huge stressor. So, to answer you directly, in a way he is ‘slumming’ it because, and he doesn’t realize this overtly, he’s worried that he’ll end up cut off if he displeases the family matriarch.

In short, he has money but not ‘fuck you’ money and though he could live beyond his current means comfortably he has a fear that it will all go away without anything he can do about it.
[Everyone] - Everyone would generally be aware that, for Toby Malkinson, 'money' is no issue. The wealth of the Malkinson Estate is significant, but he is a frugal and does not flaunt it at all aside from his personal fashion. The fact he makes the effort and expends the time and energy to maintain his volunteer work and part time job are because of the rigorous requirements of his grandmother's upbringing, as well as his own personal interest.

@Expendable Samantha "Sam" Igorina Semenova - Sam was probably the second person he met when arriving at Sanctuary Hills. He would have needed furniture. However, I do not believe they would have interacted intimately or frequently unless they crossed paths in the town itself while he was working at the coffeeshop or awaiting repairs on his car. A possible angle would be his fascination with her magic; if she was willing to talk about, experiment, or otherwise just show it off he would have gladly observed and spent time with her on that subject.

@naomimyselfandi Aoife Fitzgerald - Toby, being a liberal arts student, likely has had little professional reason to seek out or engage Aoife. Her reputation on campus is known to him, of course, and any interactions they have had would have been either in passing or in relation to their mutual creative writing interests. If they have any further relationship at all, it likely hinges on this aspect; Upon hearing about her (official) published works, he would have voraciously hunted them down and questioned her on her methodology and literary style, as well as ventured to ask for help in things like developing his pitch and cover letter. Perhaps, somewhere in the rabbit-hole of Message Boards and BBS fanfiction zones, they've interacted without even being aware that it's the other? If so, then she may even know of the fantastical occult writings of the Mystical_Malkontent.

@shagranoz Rose Blossomdew - Toby has likely run into Rose while volunteering at the library. She would find that his voracious appetite for all literature extends into her own area of interests— but that he, strangely, refuses to practice the magic himself or admit that he has a fascination with magic at all. He would, conversely, absolutely encourage and try to get her talking about her own interests on the subject, and any discussions he engaged with her on this front would have been fronted as 'for the sake of my writing'. At first blush, I don't have anything more in mind than 'they've met in passing, and he chats with her at the library'.

@Gisk Georgia Patricia Keen V - Toby met Georgia when he first came to Sanctuary Hills. The 1946 Rolls Royce Silver Wraith that Grandmother Lorelei had given him as a highschool graduation gift had broken down— over fourty years sitting in a garage with no maintenance will do that to a luxury car. Thankfully Toby arrived in town safe and well, and the two met after he had to have the vehicle towed. He seems keenly aware that her soul isn't truly in her work; he has made it his goal to always try to pick her mind for her own cleverness whenever he's got a philosophical conundrum or wants an outside opinion on practical things. This means that he writes her letters (like the anachronistic madman he is) or pops in to say hello frequently even without car issues.

(just adding this one for funsies, to round out my NPC interactions) Lea Arnaud, Magical Arts major (Specializing in practical evocative arts) - Toby's ex-girlfriend and he maintain a cool distance. From Toby's side, he desperately hopes his wild and frantic desire to avoid her at all costs isn't as obvious as he feels it is. He met the young Magician-To-Be in a philosophy lecture, and they hit it off initially. However, over time, his inability to establish boundaries permitted her to take advantage of him and the relationship developed a deep toxicity until the prodigal witch broke it off with him after an argument about magic finally pushed them both over the edge. It's been a year, but Toby is still awkward around her, and honestly isn't over her yet. The only positive from the relationship was that whilst burning the candle at both ends to try and keep the demanding woman satisfied, his muse was hyperactive and the misery of the relationship stirred his writing to the most progress it had ever experienced. Objectively, they were bad for each other- but don't tell them that, they both need some growing up.
So far Ive been jabbed by one person, I’ll get to the rest of you to see if I think young Toby has bashed his head against any of you before. Just want to reread everything a third time before I start rambling ideas.

Edit: Now Completed, Gisk Approved.
hey that's an awesome idea, I'll be sure to drop some info about the now-named Tobias Malkinson soon so we can get collaborations going. I got swept up this week in local warhammer events at the game store, shame on me.
Ah, 1994. Message boards, BBS—Oh, god, BBS—, intra-nets, so few websites one could shake a stick at them with enough time and energy, dial-up, fax machines, dot-matrix printers, cassette tapes, boomboxes, VCR players and VHS tapes, the advent of the DVD, phone lines disconnecting internet service providers, AOL, Yahoo, no Google, Amazon being founded. What a time to be alive.

One could only send email if they shared a provider or mutually paid for a third party program. What a time.
Magicians hate how magic is portrayed in media.

Time to be a part of the problem

Edit: as for the subject of this aspiring novelist, jokes aside, you can’t have early 90’s/late 80’s influenced fantasy writing without leather boots on the cover. I already have my muse working overtime.
Meanwhile I’m over here wrestling with whether or not magical literature would be called Science Fiction or Fantasy.

Something about ‘aspiring science fiction novelist’ but the story being about magical theory in the medieval era just makes me giggle.
My muse struck pretty hard as I tossed and turned last night; a wannabe amateur author is in the works.
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