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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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Sounds like the slightly more fitting option then would be to try to focus on the second option then, I'll give it a bit of thought and see if anyone else has any feedback but I'll likely lean that way for my musings.
All of my ideas revolve around being in an actual Sk8te Cell.

Option 1 is an Heir in Exile, who fell from grace and basically is clawing their way back up from the gutter trying to stay off the grid and off the radar to achieve their revenge. This would emphasize a grittier and more visceral experience, with transhumanism and body modification taking a greater level of importance for the character as they resolve their anger and revenge on the city.

Option 2 leans into the more naive aspects of these kinds of settings, the gutter kid who doesn't know any better and thinks that the Sk8te life is honestly pretty good (all things considered) and is out here with optimism and a brighter outlook on the city despite all the nightmarish qualities of their life. This one would be a relatively puritan character, relying on gear and mobility equipment rather than Mods. Where option 1 would be someone who rebuilt themselves to be a destructive force, this option is someone who thinks there's genuinely some middle ground to be had and is frankly garbage if conflict comes into the equation. Run away, live to sk8te another day. This would probably be a younger character, and bring into a different perspective some negative or gritty elements of Cyberpunk life through a lens of normalization.

Alright, I've stewed, I'll pitch my ideas and chatter at folks sometime this evening.
The only spell my character knows is ‘Bitcoin Mining’. Do with that knowledge as you will.

As a clarity point, do you want our ‘knights’ to be of our same country or are we getting Foreign Exchange’d on this? I’m totally fine either way, I’m just asking to make sure if I start poking people what I’m offering/asking of them since the expressed preference is to ‘try’ and avoid ‘doubling’ on myself.
Whilst ravenously consuming their fourth Big Mac, quoth; “Mmm they forgot about the Nukes. Shame.”
Please. I can’t be your Claude. Not with what I have in mind. Don’t do this to me. Let the Americans do it. I just want to have fun. /s
As someone who’s been reading a lot of Roman and Greek history lately, I’m cackling at Caesar being your comparison point.
Y’all wild. I feel much less twitchy about my own notes that I’m shuffling the boss reading all this.
Yes. The world burning lore building. Keep it up.
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