Avatar of Fading Memory


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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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Back From The Ashes


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I think the most haunting thing to Millie would be a Hapsburg.
Meanwhile, in the holy Theocratic monarchy of The Vatican; truly we are Rome.
I think I like the idea of a pseudo-random distribution of Knights to Nobles/Royals. At least ICly it’s ‘random’ or ‘school selected’, even if we OOCly deliberately pair them up. To that end, once I wrap up Himari I think I’ll aim to dig through my historical muse and make a knight with the intention of them not specifically ‘pairing’ with anyone else and seeing where we all end up.
I sometimes ramble in a language that makes sense in my brain, a better way to express what I intended was that Honey Badger is the opposite extreme I’m aiming to fill; this duo will represent a naivete clinging to its humanity.
I have honestly no idea what the level of relations between any of these countries ought to be in this reality. I’ve been operating off of real world WW2->Cold War logic for most of my data for the boss, and with a magical Imperial Japan I can only estimate that global relations are ‘tense’ in a broad sense, but not necessarily ‘hostile’, because this Japan is a little scary.

On a schoolyard level, I highly doubt Millie will be the one receiving Gamer Speech lmao.
I'm personally a fan of the vibe of the ol' Honey Badger, it harshly embraces the transhumanism and I think it gives me a goalpost to foil off of for my concepts too.
We all know that World War 3 was fought over a petty schoolyard incident where someone called Millie a slag but nobody owned up to it and the Germans yet again decided to fisticuffs the entire planet.
Rad, we have our first cut of fresh meat. I’m feeling the stirring of my muse, I should have something put to paper by the end of next week myself. My idea is slowly spreading to potentially encompass a pair of siblings, but I’m gripping onto the sense of naive hope and aiming to emphasize that.
Here, I'll share what I'm working on with everyone now that I've cleared some details with the boss and established that group boundary with the room. All I'm lacking at the moment is the background information, but I figured it'd be good to get some details out so everyone could think and scheme on what I'm working on. As an aside to that, if anyone wants to be her Knight or wants me to be their Knight feel free to hit me up.

Hello crew. I wished to read the room and establish some of these good old fashioned social contract boundaries before I got too much further with my character crafting.

I intend to depict capital D Depression with this divine royal princess I’m concocting. It is a subject I am personally close to and involved with and do not wish to discomfort or trigger anyone if I follow through with this. If there are particular boundaries people have with this subject feel free to say so or PM me if you’re not comfortable discussing it openly.
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