Avatar of Fading Memory


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Back From The Ashes. Again.
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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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What if instead of issuing a fight declaration I merely insinuate he won’t be able to attend his own funeral.
Alrighty, this is good stuff. I get to take notes from you two rambling, and I get to force Fellsing to keep making up a mystery!

....Have no fear, Fellsing, I shall rescue you from this prompt at least temporarily
I have opted for Zaraknvyr to potentially be suffering from trying to weaponize his sheer unlikability to be the maybe hook of this party gathering.
Sheer dread fills Zaraknvyr as Tabiah's gaze moves past him. He witnesses as her expression, infuriatingly, takes on the banality of her amusement. He envisions in his mind's eye the horrible visages of the Bleakers at his back. He seethes over the surmounting impossibility that avoiding them seems to be becoming before his very eyes. His uncomfortable gaze sweeps from Tabiah to Athar. He glowers, then meows once more;

"This female brings me agony, and yet her usefulness shall be my burden. I am thankful to have a reasonable companion in yourself."

He then abruptly rises, and turns to the company of Fyodor. As maddening as it may be, he declares thus;

"We go the same path. Let us avoid crossing blades when greater foes may be afoot. Your lot may join my party."

He smiles. A very discomforting, very toothy, smile. There. That ought to solve this issue before it could even begin.
Alright I will need an additional day, my sense of time has yet again failed me
At this precise moment all of my notes end with a shrugging emoji and the words ‘just wing it’, so we’ll see when I get around to reading tonight.
There's ice cream of everything. While I was in Japan, they had an apple festival going on in Aomori prefecture. I got some apple flavored ice cream, but it had actual chunks of softened cold apple in the ice cream and that was utterly divine as well.
I shall get a post up in the next two days or so
For many reasons, this roleplay included, I have spent the better part of an hour staring at the hierarchy of British Peerage and trying to make sense of titles, courtesy titles, heir, younger child, and adoptees, etc., and all I can assure you all of at this time is that I will almost certainly still just be making titles up at any given moment.
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