Queendom of Yvraine
The Government of Y’vraine is a Monarchy ruled by a Line of Queens that goes as far back as anyone can remember. The Queen is always the oldest living female heir, the bloodline being enchanted so that only females are born of the Princesses of the bloodline. The current Queen’s rule ends when she dies, or decides to retire. The Princesses of each Queen choose from the Court of Princes, whom of which must be well Educated, and have a high Martial Prowess.
The map1:
Capital City Sgaoileadh This is the Capital city of the High Elves, a place of beauty, and wonder, and most of Magic. The city is powered by a pool enchanted for centuries by the magic of the High Elves of the Mage’s College, this powers the magical lights that float above the streets, and keep float towers that seem to never touch the ground and are only connected by bridges from other towers. The architecture is all elven made white stone emblazoned with silver and gold filigree. This is also the city where the Royal Family, and the Court of Princes resides, the Royal Palace being a huge domed castle glowing a bright green with purple torched lining it’s halls and pathways.
Fort Gu bràth The oldest fort in the High Elven Lands, it is fully staffed, complete with a pair of battle mage Sisters, who also happen to be the commanders of the fort.
3. Fort Abhainn, one of the forts in the nation that is a stopping point for all Prisoners of War, here they are questioned, and sorted before being moved to a prisoner district in one of the nearby cities, it is in this place that the High Elves make sure that no enemy leaders are hiding among the common soldiers.
4. A’seinn City, a city that is a regular for merchants of all races typically, considering it’s rather large silver trade due to a massive silver mine just outside the city. The Elves pride themselves on their mines, and keep them well safe guarded.
5.Fort Sanasachd, one of the High Elven forts lining the coast, they stand ever watchful and ever ready for any ships that might seek to raid High Elven Lands, sending patrols both east and west to ensure the sanctity of Elven lands.
6. Port Comais.
7. Glè mhath City
8. Fort Màthair
9. Port Muir
Sgoinneil City11. Fort Cogadh
12. Port A'sgoltadh
13. Draoidheachd city
14. An uaine Fort
15. Port Biadh
16. Fort Clach
17. Port Claigeann
Cnàimh City19. Teine City
20. Criochan City
21. Port Beul
Port SolasGate Fort23. Deas Fort
24. Gate Fort Bas
25. Gate Fort Sealg
26. Gate Fort Dearg
27. Gate Fort Claidheamh
The High Elves nation of Y’vraine is a reclusive Ethnostate, though they are not violent recluses, they just prefer to have their privacy, and due to their rich bloodline, ancestry, and secrets they prefer to keep foreigners at arms length. However foreigners are allowed to visit as long as their visits are within the pre-determined areas for visitors to be at. They abhor slavery, and the oppression of any people or race in general, they are staunch defenders of those that are related to the magic that they use, or closely related to the planet and their ancestors.
In High Elven society individuals tend to look towards the prosperity of the nation as a whole rather than their own personal needs. This is expressed in their military which is purely volunteer, everyday life where goods are freely given to those in the nation in need, and even in creation of certain items for high tier military units. The high Elven people take pride in all they do, each creation perfected and intricately designed to be both beautiful and easily utilized, even the most simple of items and weapons. The High Elves are sure to put beauty into everything they make, even their food.
The Y’vraine military is a professional one, only taking volunteers and then training them thoroughly in whatever form they excel at best.They prefer more traditional weaponry, utilizing shield walls supplemented with spears, long range bows using their excellent archery, and a series of specialized troops that while small in number are quite exception in battle. They also supplement their forces with the highly trained Battle Mages of the Mage’s college, who are capable of supporting their armed forces in ways few others could, from healing, to destructive magic.
Y’vraine White Spears: These spearmen and women are highly trained and create overlapping shield walls while using their spears to stab at the enemies they hold the line against.
Sky Archers: These Elves are the best marksmen in the country, their bows made from sung elven wood, beautifully curved, and long they fire arrows with shafts called “star cry” shafts due to the loud squealing sound they make as they go through the air.
Prince Guard: These are highly trained Elite Troops that were made to protect diplomats, Princes, important government buildings, and Mages. They are clad in strong well made armor and carry halberds.
The Lions of Y’vraine: These elves are elite soldiers of the Queendom, carrying two handed axes they can often be found on the front lines, or boarding enemy vessels, their weapons cleaving through enemy armor and bone alike as they fuel a bloodlust few other high elves can compare.
Mor Claids: The Mor Claids are two handed Sword Masters, they are the veterans of the High Elven army, supplementing other forces and fighting as shock troops where necessary, their two handed elven blades leaving devastation in their wake.
Rotaiche Each Geal:The Cavalry of Y’vraine, barded in silvery armor, ridden by armored riders decorated in silver, swords and lances at their sides as they charge into battle, their weapons glistening with light as they trample their foes into the dirt, or impale them.
Dorchadas A'coiseachd: Few other scouts are as quiet, and deadly as these, experts with daggers, masters with bows, they often travel into lands unharassed and at speeds which other full sized armies cannot, these warriors are made up of former hunters, and even some assassins.
Princess Guard: Female Veterans chosen to Protect the Royal Bloodline, they do little else, and are fewer in number than any other role in the military, they carry spears passed down through the generations, and wear armor made from the finest leather.
War Staves: The War Staves are the most Elite of all the soldiers in Y’vraine, they wear magically enchanted armor and carry magically enchanted weapons of varying sorts, their equipment is augmented so by the lives of Volunteers capable of using magic volunteering to be made into the weapons and armor by being thrown alive into the enormous smithy that would make th e equipment. These soldiers are few only numbering a few hundred in the entire Queendom.
War Mages: Magic users from the mages college that deal in destruction magic, healing, or battlefield enchanting.
Y’vraine Ship: These ships are intricately made, and durable made with only the finest Elven Sung wood, they can carry many troops, supplies, and are usually carrying mounted Singing Spear Launchers. These ships have a multitude of assets to them as to having to deal with raiding mer-folk they typically have defenses built into the hull such as two foot blades underneath, and nets that can be launched from the sides. They usually carry a compliment of archers wherever they go that use more streamlined arrows that carry more velocity when entering water.
Singing Spear Launcher These launchers are basically miniature ballista and perfectly capable of being manned by a single Elf. They carry up to 8 bolts that are easily reloaded by a hand crank. The Bolts are about six feet in length and fire at high velocities, these have been used against flying monsters, giants, sea monsters, manticores, and enemy soldiers alike, and has been quite successful against all.
Superior Hero:
Niul Sgaoileadh, is an old warrior and the best swordsmen in all of Y’vraine, none have beaten him in a duel yet, though he in times of peace will go out and travel the lands searching for an opponent that may beat him in combat.
Eibhlin Fearbeatha: Not known for her combat prowess, or powerful Destructrion magic Eibhlin is known for her abilities in healing, her capability to heal a hundred injured warriors at a time, and to even bring back those from the brink of death (not bringing back the dead).
Brigh Dealachadhlàmh: The Magitrix, she has become an expert in many areas of destruction magic, and isn’t a slouch with a sword, when she comes to a battlefield, the skies darken and lightning crisscrosses the sky. She also happens to be the head of the Mage’s College
Una Labhraicheteine: The Mistress of fire as many call her, she has become a Magister Lord of Flames, and many have said there is nothing more beautiful than watching her clear swaths of enemies with walls of fire.
Though Y’vraine has been a nation for quite some time, it has only began interacting with other nations in the last several hundred years, it’s borders had been closed shut tight, and it’s secrets and people kept safe deep inside. Though with the death of the late Queen’s mother the borders were more opened allowing trade, and foreigners in a sense that they were kept watch over. The only exception to this in the past being that of the Emerald Empire, who they feel a close kinship with.
During the War with the Spider Council, Y’vraine moved to support that which would become the Empire of Matathran, they supplied them with weapons, and armor, and magic users, as well as military advisors. Though this was pulled when Matathran chose to legalize slavery, the Advisors standing against such actions, but when all was said and done Y’vraine left them to their fate.
Within the past twenty years the Rulership of Y’vraine has changed once more, the Former Queen slain by an assassin while out in the woods, she was found with a dagger not of elven make through her heart floating in a small boat. Her daughter would rise up and take the throne, seeing that the outside world was coming to them, that Y’vraine would have to start interfering more with the outside world, and show themselves to be the power that they are.
Matathran: Rough relations, currently looking to meet them in battle over the Emerald Empire’s lands, and the use of slaves further infuriates that of Y’vraine.
Morkt: Terrible Relations, due to the people of Morkt’s raiding, and enslaving, and support of Matathran Y’vraine looks upon them as if they are vile creatures needing extermination.
Emerald Empire: Good, they are Military Allies, and share a lot of similar views, the Elves of Y’vraine consider these people their kin, and would do anything to help them.
Queen Meabh, the current ruler of Y’vraine only becoming Queen 10 years ago after the death of her mother. She is more open to interactions with other nations, and understands that things must be interfered in on their behalf.
Princess Aislinn: The Younger sister of the Queen, she often acts as an ambassador to other nations most specifically the Emerald Empire.
Princess Caitria The youngest sister of the Queen, she currently moves between the gates of the west ensuring that the boundaries are secure and the Soldiers stationed at the forts are happy. She would also deal with Empire to the west if it were to ever try and do and anything with them diplomatically.
Princess Brianne: The Youngest cousin of the queen, she oversees trade in the Queendom of Y’vraine ensuring all are fairly treated when it comes to the trade laws that currently are on the books for the nation
Prince Rian: Currently the Queen’s Prince Consort, and also Grand Marshal of the Y’vraine Queendom he is a veteran General, and experienced swordsmen as well as rider. He is currently looking into the events with the Emerald Empire and strategizing with how to deal with the situation.
Prince Aonghas: A member of the Prince’s Court, an da General of Y’vraine’s forces he serves under Prince Rian as a leader in the Army of the Queendom, only Rian being a better strategist than him, though Aonghas is a better swordsman.
Magitrix Marsaili A powerful Mage from the college, she is capable with both wind and water, and serves as an Admiral of the fleet when the Military’s ships go sailing forth.