Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
8 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

▀▄▀▄▀▄ Mαʅʅσɾყ ▄▀▄▀▄▀

Time, IC Day: Late Morning, Day 1
Location: Toran, within the city

Gwisin just puffed out his chest and bent down at the winged lizard. His red eyes narrowed in his deep hood while his arms placed themselves on his hips, increasing his intimation. Mallory was in no position to force her mon back down since Zeke was blocking her view. However, she had more confidence in him to behave himself than she did in Mythi.

Hearing Xander recall and scold his natrelmon, Mallory sighed then commented, “Natrelmon’s behavior reflect pretty heavily on their trainers.”

She didn’t point out that the poorer the behavior, the worst the trainer. However, insulting him wouldn’t get results. This much she knew of him.

While Xander called back Zeke and patted Gwisin, she moved closer.

“Well, if you actually went to the magic school, I would’ve seen you more. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t sent anyone off a cliff yet by accident,” Mallory stated as she pushed the bowl of rice noodles, veggies and broth into his hands.

“Don’t burn yourself,” she added, passing over one of the fried bread on a stick.

She looked for a local bench then flopped down. Gwisin looked at her curiously, his eyes looked at the chunk of floating meat and seemed eager to do...something with it. She assumed he wanted to eat it, but she wasn't sure ghosts ate. Deciding to reward the good behavior anyways, Mallory’s chopsticks pinched one meat piece then passed it over to him. She didn’t look to see what he exactly did with it for fear of losing her appetite.

“Father finally talked mother into allowing me to take the Rites in exchange for working in the stand for a month,” she took a bite of her food then continued.

“I caught Gwisin as an Olena when a few kids dared me to investigate the abandoned tunnel in the west section of the city. Bool, my Flabara, a few days later. Been training with my parents' Natrelmon ever since. What about you?”

He's done! I hope he works!

Kemono, Masshiro (真白 畜生)

“I might be soft-spoken, but my emotions run wild inside.”

* Each one indicates I want to develop these IC as the story progresses, with GM permission. If no, I will remove or rewrite them. The healing salve is pretty much an alternative to healing palms since the technique is too advance for Masshiro at this time and can be used by even those that can't heal. I figured it might be helpful to have a healer on the team.

GMs Notes: With Masshiro's history and bio, there are missing elements. I wanted to leave an air of mystery about his origins and actually play it out in the IC, creating an arc for Masshiro. In case the idea didn't work, I left it vague enough that they could just be issues he worked through or his mother was a rogue ninja that was trying to save her son. I'll send the GMs a more detailed version of the idea and if it works, we can iron out the details for the future. If that's alright?
@Fallenreaper Format it however you see fit

Thank you!
@Fallenreaper Bring on ye character and let's get it approved~

Is it alright if I can alter the format of the CS? I feel like all the personal data like history, etc should be lumped in one section and combat data in another. Though it's alright if I can't. Just thought I check before I do it.
▀▄▀▄▀▄ Mαʅʅσɾყ ▄▀▄▀▄▀

Time, IC Day: Late Morning, Day 1
Location: Toran, within the city

Mallory finally edged toward the entrance to the wilds. Gwisin decided to slink into invisibility earlier and floated in front of her, his presence comforting but slightly cold. Unlike Bool, she often kept her ghost/dark/poison type under a watchful eye. He tended to enjoy pranking individuals he didn’t particularly like. Mythi happened to be one of them since the natrelmon had grown an attitude of late, especially after he evolved. While she found it annoying, she hoped that Xander would eventually crack down and enforce manners into his starter.

Her eyes finally spotted her friend with his fresh batch of mons. She held in her sigh when she saw Xander riding his Grianos, the large reptile with a fin on its spine, and patting it lovingly. It wasn’t hard to see it was upset. Her eyes noticed the two other natrelmon following him, Bovent and the lotus-shaped Loutila. In front of the pair, Doshe scamped toward her.

’Where was Myt-’ Before Mallory could finish her thought, a flash of greyscale caught her attention. Her head jerked in time to spot the Mythari swoop in for the food. She frowned, annoyed with the greedy behavior.

Before Mythi could steal the bowls, Gwisin stepped in. He had been walking in front of her the whole time and dropped his invisibility immediately. A loud, harsh rattling erupted from the cloaked mon’s throat in an attempt to spook Mythi away.

Meanwhile, if the little annoyance continued he would find his claws pass right through the bowls and even Mallory’s arms. The reason was simple. She had cast a prestidigitation spell when Gwisin distracted the greedy monster. While her arms appeared never to have moved, she actually tucked them close to her body. That’s when Zeke circled her and created a perfect wall to block Mythi from the food.

“Mythi, keep in mind I am the one that has the healing magic. If I don’t eat, I can’t heal. Would you like to see how well you’ll do when I can’t heal you?” Mallory asked firmly, loud enough to be heard through the large insect. She hoped the threat might be enough to keep her from being flown at again.

Hunting with Wolves: Finale

Location: Zion National Park, Utah. Nearly 2 hours and a half outside of Nevada.
Time: Evening, month after the HoH attack.

Stone, piss and heavy musk hit Benjamin like a brick wall. His nose screamed in pain at the intensity, but he managed to hold his lunch in. His hand-like paws covered his muzzle to block out the stench from distracting. With watery eyes and fur on end, he felt the troll’s beady eyes size him up.

His hind paw took another step to the exit.

The troll appeared to have finished its debating. It rolled its shoulders then lowered its upper body, the knuckles slammed on the ground. Everything within range rumbled from the raw power. A roar vibrated off the air while spittle and fresh meat flicked into Ben’s fur, marring the surface. Bulky muscles coiled before the troll charged forward.

Every hair bristled up in alert as Benjamin attempted to turn and flee. Pain speared through his muscles when the troll lowered its head and bite into the werewolf’s shoulder. Over half his upper torso fit into the behemoth’s mouth causing the younger wolf to grit his teeth in pain. His hind legs started to leave the ground. From the side of his vision, Benjamin spotted the troll’s arm rising to try and seize his lower half. In his panic, he jerked his lower half upward to tear himself free. His head whipped and tried to sink his teeth into the mountain troll’s nearest eye.

Startled, the troll dropped Benjamin. Before he could land on his feet, the troll’s right hand swiped at him in midair. The force sent him flying into the nearby wall. His arm bent at an angle and snapped on impact. Benjamin collapsed into a heap where he landed.

Breathing heavily, he struggled upright once more. He looked a complete mess. Blood matted his left shoulder where the troll had bitten him and his right arm pressed close to his chest, crippling his mobility in this fight.

His growl ended in a sharp snap of his teeth. A warning to back off or he will protect himself, but the display fell on blind eyes. The troll went to smackdown its palm to crush him. With the muscles gradually knitting during the fight, Benjamin rushed into the wide gap between the legs. He twisted in mid-leaped then swiped out with his good hand at the nearest ankle. Flesh split and blood spilled out, staining his claws red.

Benjamin skidded to a stop a few feet away. He rose up on his hind legs as he smirked in satisfaction upon spotting his work.

Enraged by the inflicted wound, the troll shifted around to face him. Its good leg lifted then kicked out at Ben, the largest toe caught him on the head. It knocked him on his ass. A little dazed, his mind screamed for him to get up through the daze. The larger threat began to loom over him, catching the werewolf in its shadows as it raised an arm to smack down again.

A dark shape jumped from the cavern’s open top, landing on the troll’s back. It was Duff. The salt and pepper furred werewolf’s teeth sank into the shoulder, but he couldn’t break past the hide. With a swift jerk, Duff was tossed off to land near his pack mate.

They exchanged a glance. Their noses quickly exchanged information over each other’s condition as Duff scoffed in irritation. His golden eyes snapped back to the troll with bared teeth and a snarl.

As Ben continued to heal the worst of his wounds, Duff darted to the left of the troll. His maw opened and nipped the troll’s heel, nearly touching the skin. The dumb creature growled then turned about. Its trunk-like legs shuffled over the gravel and small rocks, powdering them into dust from its weight. With its back turned, Duff darted in for another nip. This time the troll slammed down its arm to pin the werewolf.

When the dust cleared, nothing was underneath. Duff pounced out of the haze onto the hand and tore into it. Feeling the pain, the troll’s other hand swatted Duff away. Duff managed to land on his feet, but not undamaged. A few ribs had been fractured from the force used to swat the older wolf off.

Meanwhile, Ben jerked his arm out and snapped it back into place. His muscles and bones began to fuse back together once more.

Frustrated at its denial of a meal, the troll bellowed again. His fury was fed by pain and blood, but the wolves didn’t care. Their own pack mentality drove them to protect each other. They continued the assault.

The troll snapped its maw at Ben’s movement to its side. The tusks nicked his side leaving behind a red line. Duff took the opportunity to pounce on the troll’s head, his teeth ripped off an ear and slashed down on the troll’s eye. The damage done, he kicked off to land a few feet out of reach. When the troll rose upright, Benjamin went in for another attack at the ankle. His teeth latched into the exposed wound then widened it with another slash. The troll tried to counter by sweeping its large arm to catch him, but Ben evaded the attack. He made it underneath the troll’s torso where he hid.

Confused to where Benjamin went, the troll shuffled about to at its side and behind it. Seeing no other wolf, its attention fixed on the remaining wolf. Duff continued to growl. The troll snorted then swung its right arm at the wolf’s side. The strike clipped his head, but his fangs managed to rip at the flesh along the way.

Seeing Duff being attacking, Benjamin went for the elbow. His claws found the joint, but the troll began to raise up its wounded arm. It realized where Benjamin was hiding. Seeing the younger wolf exposed, Duff barked then nipped at the troll’s heels again finding purchase.

When it felt Duff’s jaws latched on, the troll kicked back into the older wolf’s face. Ben heard the bone-crunching as Duff’s snout broke under the pressure. The older wolf howled and retreated, face bloodied by the impact. The troll turned about to swing at him. Its strike caught Duff’s side and sent him skidding across the ground a short distance.

Ben noticed the troll’s movements were sluggish. The fight was taking its toll on the creature as it began to fight in desperation to survive. When he heard Duff’s bone break, his lips curled back and he rushed at the troll. He scaled the troll’s back then bit down on the area connected to the head, his claws dug in for a grip. The troll roared in fresh pain as its arms swung to rip Ben off. The right hand tightened about his waist then flung him into the ground. The grip still held tightly, the troll then lifted and whipped his broken body to the other side.

Duff rushed at the wrist and slashed deep enough to cause the troll to drop Benjamin.

Irritated at Duff’s damaging attacks, it backhanded the older wolf away. Duff flipped backward and landed on his feet before he went back at the troll. The last thing it saw was the flash of fangs before Duff tore out its throat. Blood splattered across both wolves as the giant creature toppled onto its side, dead.

When the dust settled down, Duff looked over at Benjamin’s heavily breathing body. The younger wolf rolled his eyes before he weakly pushed himself up. His right side gave out from under him causing him to nearly crumble. Instantly Duff moved in beside him and leaned in to provide support. Together the pair limped toward the truck where they could lick their wounds then rest for the night.



Location: Outskirts of London.
Time: Past Noon (because of time zones!)

Samad kept close to Cade as the group moved through the hallways. His silent indicated his mood accurately, the tension and irritation given off in his aura. He spoke no one as they drew closer. He reached out a hand then turned the knob. Walking in, his eyes absorbed the set out on trained instinct and not looking forward to the teleporting.

The room was round with no furniture. A ring of sigils were all painted in red at the floor’s center, the markings appeared to engraved to prevent tampering. The floor gave a sterilization feel with white walls and floor covering every inch. Lights illuminated the occupants inside, about six asylums standing nearby. Upon seeing the group they already began to power the sigils creating a glow about each engraving, lines of magic zipped from each one to meet in the center.

Alistair gestured for everyone to head onto it first. An offer Samad gladly took as he stepped into the platform, calmly waiting for the others. When the last one stood on it, the porters began to mix their sigils with chants to begin the spell. He turned to Cade to give a word of advice.

“You might want to close your eyes or you might vomit,” his own eyes shut when the tingling sensation spread across his skin.

For a moment, it reminded him of when Cade and himself had made their last desperate attack on Angel. It had been the one moment they unified then crumbled apart.

As the sensation faded, Samad’s eyes opened up. It revealed a near identical room causing some confusion in his brain until he picked out the differences. There were no Asylum porters within the room. He stepped off the platform toward the door before he twisted about and faced the others.

“So, who’s leading the way and does anyone have a plan?” He asked the others.

Take your time, These guys are most active in the later hours of the day... if you're in EST that is...

I am, lol. Also night owls unit! XD

We defiantly have room, and no worries on the lack of knowledge... If you have any questions Im sure that multiple of us have seen every episode from beginning to end and/or read all the manga.

Fill out a character sheet and lets see where things go from there!

I have a stalker...

Kay, it might take me a bit to rewrite him.

Also, shhh... I'm harmless, I swear. I only lurk in the shadows, you'll never know I'm there.
I followed @Tsukai from their profile page and found this rp. I'm harmless, I promise I'm not a stalker...often, lol!

Anyways, I do have a character I've been revamping and kinda want to bring in here. One thing to note, I'm not a heavy expert on the series or its world. I'm also rusty since I've not rped this stuff for a while, is that alright? I've watched a few Naruto episodes here and there, and I even played in an alternative universe Naruto rp a friend made so I am not completely clueless. The sad part, it didn't get very far.

I'm also a bit worried any ideas I have, might not fit well with the world or be considered silly/cliche.

With that said, is there still room for another genin ninja?

*Also had a higher level ninja that was a pirate variety that might be fun to bring in for a mission*
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