Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
8 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

Week 7, Day 1, Afternoon

When Lo entered, her heart's pounding moved into her head. Her eyes locked with her master's vision and her hope wavered. Nothing had changed. She forced herself to move as she began to retreat back out, stopped by a sixth sense. A second glance caused her to meet Jedi Knight Aren's eyes briefly. Curiosity won as she fought her fear's decision to flee and instead, tread closer to Dominik. The sight of his eyes opening to meet her caused warmth to spread from Lo's heart into her connection to her master. Worry lingered in its wake, hidden by the emotion's shadows.

As her Master requested everyone to leave them, she stepped to the side. Her eyes watched each individual pay a brief respect to his wishes and didn't stay long.

Meanwhile, the Bothan's mind described him with words she knew shouldn't fit him. Fragile. Weak. She conflicted on those ideals, even when true in the circumstances. Silently she watched each person leave until all that remained were the two Jedi. A thickness settled between them. Lo tried to ignore it, but the weight began smother her in each ticking moment. Her fur shifted when her master's breath ripped her from her plaguing thoughts. She snapped her brown eyes onto him as he spoke, feeling guilty from his words. An answer didn't come immediately. Instead, she struggled with it and her presentation.

"I wish I knew what to say. You can sense everything I've felt during the time you were in a coma. Most of it, I had no right to feel." She began.

With a wave of her hand, a stool floated to his bed. Gently, Lo lowered herself and sat on it.

"At this moment, I'm just happy you're awake and alive."
YAY, that's one interested! I'm aiming to wait for more interest and will start the IC around Saturday. Sooner if we get a lot of interest.

Week 7, Day 1, afternoon

"I agree. Maybe later, we can go out and herb hunt? I could use someone to watch my back. One of the hunters mentioned locating a cave system and I hope to find some wild clot-root. Our supplies are running low again." Lo stated as she gestured for Val to follow her.

The two padawans began to casually walk back, Lo edging into the lead slightly. Her arms folded back into the sleeves while her posture relaxed. Despite the calmer presentation, her emotions were still shimmered behind her mask. They always would be until she could fully resolve them. She noticed their path tilted downward as the small pull of gravity hasten her downward. Easily overlooked when her own emotions and Val distracted her earlier.

Just a head, a young Twi'lek began to rush across the dissipating groups. Her green skin broke in among the pale pinks and blues, her head seeking out Lo. When she spotted the Bothan walking with Val'Ko, she shouted out.

"Lo! Lo! You're needed at Master Rothul's hut! He wants to see you."

Lo's whole body froze in place. Her heart seemed to stall in her chest, and she looked stunned at what she heard. She couldn't understand how this was possible or what to do next. Somehow, her body knew. She moved to the Twi'lek. Her feet walked than ran, rushing past the girl to where her master should be resting.

As she drew closer to the entrance, her pace slowed than stall. New emotions conflicted with the old ones. Lo inhaled causing her to swallow the negative down before she entered.
Week 7, Day 1, afternoon

Lo listened to Val as they continued to walk, her eyes breaking contact with his occasionally. The young Bothan couldn't lie. She found Val's presence comforting and familiar, even after the time spent apart. She folded her arms into her sleeves and continued to walk at a steady pace. When Val mentioned his pride in her, she kept her smile. It seemed to reach her eyes slightly. Deep down, she felt the earned praise was excessive. She merely did what any other Jedi would've done in her position.

A soft chuckle escaped her muzzle at his joke. When her laughter died, she collected her composure and replied.

"Most of what I've seen has been forest and swamp. It is rather pretty when you mediate in it. Despite its beauty, Ryloth is still very dangerous. It is also why some clans feel slavery is the safer option than to live here."

Her tone softened with the last bit. She had compassion and empathy for the Twi'lek who made slavery a part of their culture. Trading freedom for safety seemed to be a decision made out of fear and desperation. Lo shook the thoughts from her mind as Val tugged on her arm. She immediately slowed her pace to a leisure one. Her brow furrowed and a brief frown to replace the smile, her figure following his lead. With a few careful steps she lowered herself into a cross-legged sitting position. She turned her head to examine him, determining his motivations in her head.

At hearing his question, her eyes turned to the ground. Silence ticked by as her awareness counted time stretching across the day. After seconds that seemed like hours, Lo's voice gently rippled through it.

"Let me ask you the same question if you were in my position. How would you feel if your Master showed signs of improvement, but wasn't waking up?" She didn't wait for an answer.

"I feel scared, angry, and shame. All the emotions a Jedi fight against for a better world. On H'Ratth, they teach you not to feed them. However, actually being able to let them fade away is much harder when you're in a place that causes it."

Lo inhaled She let the cleansing breath give her strength to continue.

"I have to pretend that I can't feel the weight of them and it's been hard. I didn't expect my Master to sacrifice this soon. With each lesson I do on my own, I find myself less and less prepared for the future."

Her eyes turned to his, filled with pain and the spoken emotions. Most of all guilt overwhelming the rest.

"It is silly, right?"

The worst things happen in the shadows and it's a place where the law rarely walks.

In Character Info

For years, the conflict between the Exchange and the Hutt cartel has been a continuous thing. They play their war in the background where the light of law can never reach. As time passes, the hostilities against each other only grows.

Welcome to the war.

Recent rumors have it that the Exchange been seriously busy. Hiring smugglers to subtly transport chemicals, samples and equipment to discreet locations. All done to aid their ability to create more profitable and cheaper spice variations. If successful, they could dominate the drug trade. Naturally, the Hutts have their own ways to sabotage the Exchange's plans. They hired bounty hunters and mercs to track down the smugglers.

Now, pick your side.
Out of Character Info

The thread is going to be used for Exchange vs Hutts conflicts. It's a multiple part story about the Exchange's attempts to overcome the Hutt's current drug lord status. The primary focus is on the smugglers and bounty hunters/mercs wrapped up in this hidden conflict. It's a heavily driven story by players with the GMs tossing a few outside threats, challenges, and other stuff.


  • Please respect and accept when the GMs make decisions/judgement calls.GMS are Heat and Fallenreaper.
  • Player conflict will happen in the rp, but the scene should be worked out and agreed on by both parties involved. The aim is to create a fun story for both players.
  • No character deaths without the creator's permission. This must be mentioned either in the OOC or in a pm to both GMs. Any scene that kills a PC and the GMS aren't aware of the agreement, both players will be contacted to ensure it was a mutual agreement. Please don't forget to contact the GMs if there's an issue, and we will help resolve it.
  • Have fun and communicate. We encourage players to enjoy adding to the story and exploring the conflict. If you have a big idea, pitch it in the OOC or to the GMs. The best part of rp is when players create their own fun too.

Week 7, Day 1, afternoon

Lo turned to the hut's doorway. She watched Aren and Val enter the hut, stepping down the stairs into the main floor. The young Bothan noticed the concern in Aren's voice as she looked back to Master Rothul. His form still and silent compared to their conversation. It took Lo a moment to collect her strength to answer Aren's question.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. He's been in a coma for a week now. I've healed more of the critical injuries and... I think he's getting better. He's started to respond with soft, physical contact, so I think he can hear us at least." Her uncertainty and fear leaked into her voice.

When Aren thanked her, Lo nodded. Though she didn't understand why, she didn't question it. She watched as the Jedi Knight moved to her master then looked him over. The woman wouldn't find anything different from what she had revealed. Distracted by the warm gesture, she felt Val's hand rest on her shoulder. Her head turned to glance at him then back to the two masters, finally realizing his intentions. She nodded as she rose upright to follow him.

Her eyes flicked from him to the village itself. Despite the hardships, the small number of Twi'lek tried to make the best out of their situation. It amazed her how resistant the people had become. Part of her wondered if their arrival had something to do with it. She returned her attention to Val when he spoke.

Lo smiled weakly. "It's not much. I wish I could do more, but I can't. Only a few Twi'lek clan members seem to have any faith in my ability and all of that is thanks to Sar."

Instinctively, she began to redirect their walk away from the village's activity. Her ears caught the crackling fire and roasted scents. It seemed the community meal had started and would be finished around evening time. Thankfully all the pits had no crystals close enough to combust.

As she walked, her shoulders slumped a bit more. All strength and confidence evaporated from her figure as she continued to speak.

"I am glad you and your master arrived. It will hopefully make things easier than it has been. So what do you think of Ryloth so far?"
Week 7, Day 1, Midday

As Lo navigated over and through the forest like terrain, she found all her stress begin to fade. She covered all the events since she arrived at Ryloth, including the injury of her master. There were times she had to stop herself from falling into long-winded explanations. Each time she inhaled then focused on the facts and minimal details.

Whenever she skimmed on the topic of her master, Lo's heart hurt causing her to stop. The thought of him still in a coma pained her beyond words. Even with his improvements and her attempts to be hopeful about the future.

Upon arriving at the Pathfinder, Lo's eyes traveled up and her figure stopped in her tracks. The image of another near identical starship made her think of the Mirage. A thought crossed her mind to check in on the ship and determine if the Sith had impounded it or not. Sar would certainly want to come just to ensure her safety.

Lo nearly moved to help the other Twi'lek when she noticed Aren come to rest beside her. Patient as always, the Bothan's head turned to the Jedi Knight and listened.

A moment of silence passed before Lo answered.

"Out of the survivors, about twenty-one suffered injury. Over half are still in recovery, including my master, from the bombs. Others are from cave-ins during the excavations of the tunnels. It's a high risk of cave-ins and injury." She inhaled then continued.

"Any medical supplies is helpful. No matter the form it is. My force heal has come in handy, but it is draining. The supplies you brought will help become less dependent on it."

With everyone helping, the trips to haul the supplies got immediately shorter. On the last run, Lo stayed behind to direct the supply storing and treating the wounded. When Aren and Val got back with the last of the load, Lo had finished applying some of bacta into Master Rothul. She curled her legs underneath her as she watched him, waiting for the others to return.

To be Added Later.

As well as get some OOC activity off the ground! Woot!
Week 7, Day 1, Midday

Lo watched how Val'Ko's grin softened his indifferent expression. The silent and modest gesture filled her with familiarity. Such a rare emotion during this time and for that, the young Bothan found herself grateful. She shifted into a more relax posture by bring her feet closer together. Her attention shifted to the darker haired Jedi who Lo had been certain was Val's master.

Aren bowed then introduced herself causing Lo to return a brief mimic of the greeting. When the older Jedi finished speaking and had glanced at her ship's direction, Lo's eyes turned to Sar.

"Sar, can I take some villagers with me to help Master Bec and Padawan Sate?"

"Yes." Sar pointed to one of the four and sent him down for additional help.

Lo bowed her head briefly before she turned it back to the two Jedi to explain. "Many of Sar's clan are skilled at being unseen. Ryloth is a dangerous place and speed is essential for survival. The fewer trips, the less risk Slavers or the Sith can track it."

About three more Twi'lek arrived and filed in behind the rest, all of them ready to help their clan. Lo, in her gut, knew they had reached the max they could spare. Most the others dug out the tunnels, attended to daily needs, and monitored the wounded. Her mind flashed to Master Rothul causing her to subtly choke then right herself once more.

"Please lead the way and we will follow." Once the Jedi began to walk, she and the other Twi'leks would follow. The sooner they got this done, the better.
Week 7, Day 1, Midday

On most days, Lo could overlook her shortness being a hassle. Not today. Their current mission was an urgent one as the small group moved to the surface. Her legs moved at a faster pace and pushed to keep up with the taller Twi'lek warriors. Her eyes skimmed each one's appearance. Their skin tones varied from blue to the pale pink. Dark paint formed various tribal patterns indicating tradition or individuality. Their lekku bore no such markings. In a primal world, it showed strength without speaking a word.

Upon approaching the exit, the sun's harsh rays poured down upon the group. Lo's hand rose to shield her eyes briefly. A few moments passed until her vision adjusted. Even through the small padawan showed no outward aggression, her weapon hung on her belt. Just within her hand's reach.

When her vision cleared, she glanced at the two humans that stood before them. Their robes indicated the traditional Jedi robes causing Lo to pause in her thoughts. Relief swept over her worried mind as her muzzle cracked into a gentle smile. Her hand rose to her longer hair where she adjusted her padawan braid.

"Hello. My name is Lo Lya'Tre, padawan of Master Rothul. Bluntness tends to be best in these cases so please excuse my lack of elegance. Seeing you here, can I safely assume you're here to help?" Lo's gut seemed to agree with yes, but she felt assumptions were rather rude. Calmly she waited for an answer as she briefly scanned the horizon. One could never be too careful.

Something familiar swam in the back of Lo's mind about the older Jedi woman, but she couldn't place it. With the stress and trouble they faced, her memory failed her right now. Her head tilted to the right when her eyes fell to the Jedi's Padawan.

"Val'Ko?" The name slipped through her lips. Memories of H'Ratth, weak and distant, crossed her attention. Her head immediately righted itself.

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