Avatar of Fallenreaper


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Yes, I'm an oversize child. Deal with it. :P
6 yrs ago
That moment you've got too many rp ideas floating in your head, but you don't want to overwhelm yourself? Yeah... I'm right there, suffering in silence.
6 yrs ago
RP hunting is like finding the rare toy in the cereal box. Doable, but the time and effort is nearly more than I can bare!
7 yrs ago
That amazing high when you realized how far you've come in improving your writing. It's impossible to describe, but drowns you in a positive glow.
8 yrs ago
I love being a terrible person by making my PCs' lives miserable, it's art form that never gets old or boring.


Personal details I've got enough room to share.

Nicknames....Fallen (preferred), Reaper, Devour of lost souls, etc.
Sign...............Libra (true to sign surprisingly)
Occupation....Wandering and exploring the caves of my insane mind
Location.........USA (Lost in the Cornfields!)



Click the links (Titles) below to be taken directly to the thread.

Advance RP

Accepting: GM/Co-GM Nitemare Shape, Hound55, & Dedonus

Formaroth Part 2: Throne of Lies
Still Accepting: GM TheDuncanMorgan

Casual RP

X-Men: The New Era - Issue II: Avalon Rising
Accepting: GM Almalthia, Co GM Pilatus

Legacy of Heroes: The New Age
Accepting: GM Jessie Targaryen, Co GMs Alfhedil and Apollosarcher

Nation RP


Arena RP

None yet.

Extra Stuff Featuring: Flight Rising.

Most Recent Posts

Elsa hated teleportation alchemy. Out of all her options in alchemy, it still gave her dread and anxiety. Her breath fixed in her lungs as it settled down, her body was frozen in place until the experience ended. A tingling raced down her limbs with the sensation of pins and needles. It faded into the air to signal its completion causing her eyes to open. The foilage curled around her legs and grew into a thick jungle setting.

She was glad she brought proper attire rather than her casual uniform. The thick humidity blanketed her as she absorbed her position.

Terra never gave hints to the location specs when she designed them for the trials. The Chrono felt it risked giving some students unfair advantages from their favorite teachers. Elsa couldn't argue against it since the teachers enjoyed pitting their favorites against each other. Something to chase away the boredom she assumed.

The sounds of water rushing along drew Elsa's attention. With a small smirk, she began to carve out a path to the source. Tall trunks began to thin out as a clearing came into view. It didn't take her long to recognize Bella's dark hair and quirky glasses. The words started in Elsa's throat when someone's screams broke the silence.

Her head snapped to the side. A dark-haired student, Italian in descent, bolt into the clearing. The girl continued to shout behind her.

"Run, you idiots. NOW!"

As the student rushed over fallen trees and bushes, Elsa rushed forward. Her arms tossed about Bella's shoulders and immediately pulled themselves down onto the ground. Their figures vanished out of sight as two more boys burst into a small clearing.

Elsa's finger pressed against her lips in a universal hush signal.


Samad frowned as they were teleported into the trial grounds. A thick, humid blanketed the Iranian while his eyes scanned the stage for the student's trials. He should've assumed Terra would've picked something green. A sigh slipped from his lips as he began to look toward the trees, a quick judgment over their high ground. With only a bit of help from Alchemy, he managed to scale it to the highest branch.

When he finally found purchase on its surface, a scene began to unfurl beneath him. His dark eyes narrowed on someone below. A woman with long, dark hair stood in the open. She appeared to be scanning her whereabouts for other students.

Day 1

After Samad took Elsa to get checked out, they returned to their quarters. Elsa had been put on bed rest for the next three days. Needless to say, she wasn’t pleased about it and forced to endure it. No alchemy had put her at risk in his mind causing him to request aid from the other Asylums. Cici appeared enthusiastic to be creative and actively encouraged to set traps for brazen students. While they needed an asylum’s permission or one to bear witness, Samad didn’t put it past some smart individual to find loopholes in the system. Especially with the numerous teacher favorites. Not long after things were properly set up, Samad and Cici settle down to chat about Elsa’s reckless behavior.

It was an exhausting affair, but the point was clear: never do it again.

Day 2

Samad returned to his classes. First day back to a routine, a fight broke out among the students. Several tossed alchemy and tested the merit of their peers leaving several minor injuries. While he rather let them sort out, he didn’t let them kill one another. It didn’t help an alarm went off in Elsa’s room causing him to be rougher than he intended.

Upon investigation, it appeared a few students were testing limits and only a few found out how bad of an idea that was. It took Samad a while to release them from the trap. Frustrated and angry, he didn’t spare releasing on their asses when he booted them out into the hallway.

Day 3

Samad gave into Elsa’s plea for something to distract her. After hauling a few books back into their quarters from the archives, Elsa starts to research and collect information. The subject ranged from the prisoner to causes for the dead zone. When Terra arrives to check in on Elsa, Samad realized he was late and rushed to the classroom. Later that day, Zane approaches him with information on the deal with Kanon then insists he focuses on Elsa. With heavy gratitude, he thanks the Asylum for his help.

Day 4

Early that morning, Samad woke in his bed to find a few students frozen solid in a block of ice. Elsa was already up and dressed. A small smile on her expression that warmed her whole face up. She greeted him then request he transport the idiots to medical so they could thaw over time. With that, she hopped out to speak with their teachers and arrive at her classroom in time.

Samad sighs then starts the task, including it on his list. He had been observing the Isle routines and norms, then organizing them into notes. The dead zone still bothered him, but the information over it was lacking. Like someone went to great efforts to either not record it or erase all traces of it. Whatever it was, he hated to be in the dark about it.

To make teaching easier for all of them, the wrecking team helped to set up traps, sigil protections, and more to create a more orderly teaching environment. Anything to make their day easier in the end.

Day 5-6

The days blend a bit with Samad and Elsa teaching their classes, renewing sigil traps, and retrieving students from Cici’s traps. One student, Cade Markell, appeared to have repetitive bad luck. He had been caught numerous times by several different traps. Needless to say, Samad didn’t see the student living beyond his Jungle finals in the future. Elsa noted down all the traps that Cici reset and their location as if she suspected something to happen.

Day 7

When Cici came to them, stating she lost her map… Samad mentally groaned. Elsa smiled and passed Cici a copy of the traps she knew the whereabouts of. When Cici suggested that Samad zip through the hallways and various rooms, his partner shot it down. Elsa was firm on the point causing Samad to chuckle.
ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ "ʀᴏɴɴɪᴇ" ᴍᴀʟᴄᴏʟᴍ

Tags:@Damo021| Sunday, after 5 pm | Heading out of the Girls Dorms

“If I had known it was a team activity, I would’ve opted out. I’m not much of a team player. I’m not upset with the shock since I think I had an episode. If I have known she would shove this, ” Ronnie pointed to the container of food in her roommate’s hands, “down my throat I would’ve left class early.”

She didn’t admit it out loud, but working with others was difficult. A big reason she avoided it. Unlike Matthew, Sparks, Numbers, or Brains, she couldn’t contribute to the danger room. Her eyes glared at the paper that barely reacted to her.

It didn’t matter.

Her jaw tightened as she exhaled through her nose to clear her head. By this time, she had finally noticed Oriana’s hair had shifted colors. Obvious it had something to do with Oriana’s powers, but it was none of her business to why. If her roommate wanted to spill the beans, she would listen. With her mind made up, she turned to the other comments.

“Cleo’s… not so bad. At least when compared to that one. I can at least handle her type of crazy even if it is overwhelming and the girl needs to take a sedative.” Ronnie popped off, her hands placed on her leg. It curled against her hip as the other dangled off the bed.

She continued to eye the door and half expected Sparks to come rushing in. When Oriana set the ‘offerings’ down, Ronnie shook her head. Her roommate was right. When her roommate passed her the piece of paper, Ronnie’s right eyebrow rose slightly. She reached out her hand and took it, unsure what to do next. Her dark eyes watched the girl open the door then leave. The room silent as Ronnie’s thoughts surfaced.

Another frustrated sigh escaped her lips. She pulled out her cell and quickly typed in Oriana’s number, labeling it O for short. Her attention drifted to the container left on her bed end. With a stretch from her position, Ronnie grabbed the food and tugged open the lid. A peppery, biscuit scent entered her nose.

She scrunched her face up at it. No point in giving into weakness. Unable to refrigerate it or give it back, she simply left it on her desk. Ronnie moved toward the door. In a smooth motion, she grabbed her swimsuit and her jacket along the way. Her hand reached out to cautiously twisted the door open a crack. A glance down the right and left indicate what Oriana said. Uncertain if the sound would draw the crazy student back or not, Ronnie softly shut it behind her. She darted down the hallway toward the nearest exit.

A few laps in the pool always cleared her head when she managed time for it. She just hoped no one would send her skirting back to her dorms for violating any curfew.
ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ "ʀᴏɴɴɪᴇ" ᴍᴀʟᴄᴏʟᴍ

Tags:@chev@Damo021| Sunday, 5 pm | Girls Dorms

Ronnie stiffened against the wall and held her breath.

The very dorm room’s walls vibrated with Spark’s booming shouts. A deep loathing at the term ‘Zappy Nap’ rippled through her core. She held no energy to please the lunatic girl. Her breath expelled in a heavy sigh at her predicament. She gritted her teeth to keep the screams at bay when the threats and knocks continued, the student oblivious to the hints to get lost. Ronnie questioned what she did to warrant the crazy’s unwanted attention.

When Oriana mouthed her question, Ronnie naturally answered.

Get rid of her first. The explanation would take too long and it risked unveiling her ruse.

At the threat of banging down the door, Ronnie’s head snapped to the window. She mentally measured and compared it to her own size, the fit tighter than she liked. The last option if she had to escape. Usually, she faced her problems, but Daniela’s words rattled in her brain. It wasn’t worth the risk.

Her eyes looked to the door. She imaged Spark’s eyes trying to drill holes into it, thanking the heavens the girl didn’t have laser vision. Else it would’ve been burnt in a matter of minutes.

The phrase also appeared to have triggered her roommate. Oriana marched over and ripped open the door. Relief washed over Ronnie when she heard the venom erupt from Oriana’s mouth, completing her side of the deal. She made a small note to treat her roommate for it later. It didn’t end there, much to Ronnie’s cringe. She sank lower to remain out of sight when she heard the foot in the door. Sparks continued to force-feed the kindness on her even in her absence. Above, a streak of lightning hit the room light and it flickered brightly.

Ronnie yelped. Her hands clamped over her mouth to muffle it, but it happened too late. Her heart thumped in her head, her eyes darted around. She expected to see Daniela sneering in front of her like some sort of serial killer. Nothing. Either Sparks didn’t hear Ronnie or chose to ignore it. At this point, it didn’t matter to her.

New muffled voices indicated someone else had engaged Sparks. Ronnie exhaled a breath she had been holding and slowly crawled back up onto the bed. At the sounds of retreating footsteps, all the tension fell from her figure.

“That bitch is the one who zapped me back in the danger room. One of the people in that small group I kept avoiding and didn’t bother with. I didn’t realize she was crazier than the first girl I met the first day here, started with a C or something. Cleo, I think?” Ronnie pulled her fingers and thumb to pinch the bridge of her nose.

She gave a small groan. “Is it a side-effect that everyone at this school becomes unhinged?”

Location: Cafeteria

When the prisoner ejected the Asylums from the channel, everyone jerked into the present. The experience left Samad weary and drained as the prisoner’s arrogant speech faded into the background. He only took note of the important detail about the dead zone, intended to research it later. At this point, he cared little for lectures to perfection or bigger pictures. The production of the afternoon had been poisoned by the man’s self-centered attitude and lack of manners.

His attention shifted to Elsa’s condition. Through their link, her icy temper crackled through and threatened to consume her. A rare thing when she usually kept her emotions in check. He let the concern distract him much to his cringe later.

A man’s voice bellowed out as he marched over to the table.

Samad leaned back into his seat and observed the scene deteriorate between the prisoner and the newcomer. The asylum’s eyes absorbed the image, noted the armor and similarities to knights of old. It drew a soft scoff of amusement in the Iranian. On occasion, his eyes shifted from Bella to Elsa while the exchange of insults continued.

You all right? Samad’s thoughts poked into Elsa’s head.

I’m trying to be. She answered in a soft, unease way to his question.

A loud crash followed by screams ripped them out of their own world. A red-haired woman hit an empty table, her body skirted along the length and ground to a stop. Her cursing cut through the student’s panicked sounds.

Meanwhile, what appeared to be her partner twisted about and landed far more gracefully.

“What the hell is with this child.”

She huffed, before looking over at the others.

“Oh! Hello! You must be the other teachers. Well, temporary teachers. Like Maeve and I. Could we gend? The girl seems to have lost her mind and is surprisingly powerful. Her drive is, quite frankly, scary.”

Samad’s and Elsa’s peripheral vision caught the Gaelic woman jerk up then toss a table at the attacking student. The young girl rushed forward, her fist punched it and wood scattered into pieces. The splinters flew across the room before the two clashed again.

A curse uttered underneath the Iranian’s breathe.

Of course, things merely went downhill faster when Angel’s claims of ‘minions’ dragged them all into the Knight’s attention. Before Elsa could reply, the man unsheathed his blade. Energy rushed from it and plowed into all the asylums at the table. Zane acted fast. He shoved Bella out of the way and took the blunt force of the impact, the Knight continually struck out at it. Thankfully he had a shield through it didn’t appear to help much.

Everything felt like it happened in a matter of seconds.

As Zane stood against the rapid strikes of the asshole, Elsa glanced around. Students cradled various wounds had started to scramble for safety or engage in fights. Chaos rolled through the cafeteria increased by the screams, protests, and spells flying everywhere.

Elsa turned to both Samad and Cici.

“I’m going to need your help, Cici. We need to get the students out. The Knight might be considerate enough to not kill them, but I doubt the stupid powerful student is. I need room to place the sigil to trap him. It’s going to have to be a big one to hold this guy.”

“I assume we’re helping the other two while he’s trapped?” Samad asked, airing his partner’s intentions to Cici in the conversation.

“Yes. We’ll gang up on her together, then deal with the Knight afterward.”

A slender body hunched over crossed legs, giving a better view of the striped leggings stretched across both knees. The owner swayed to and fro not bothered by the burst of wind whipping her hair nor the stray rubble clattering her way. Cici's focus was absolute; details of the various combatants filtered through her mind - their speed, the type of attacks and most importantly, their physical condition.

She tried her best to find as many potential weaknesses as possible since that would determine their level of success. Thankfully, for the students, she managed to find plenty simply by observing them - old injuries and new being the most glaringly obvious ones from her point of view. Her rose-kissed lips split upwards into a lopsided smile as she leaned her head back as far as her neck allowed.

"I can roll with that," she assented.

‘Good,” Elsa stated then projected her idea to Zane.

’Zane, can you and Bella keep the asshole distracted? If we don’t get the students out, they will get in the way and be slaughtered. I also need the room for a powerful sigil trap to encase him. Then we can gang up on the student, take her out, and return to the ass. I just need time to set it up!’ Elsa’s words appeared in Zane’s mind.

"The prey is setting a trap, how intriguing." The prisoner's thoughts echoed for Elsa alone, his location however, still uncertain. The man appeared and disappeared from varying points of interest at the Cafeteria.

The woman fought the rolling of her eyes then glanced to her allies.

Cici’s mind calculated the most efficient way to clear the room - as per Elsa's request - and she recalled that there was a lake near the cafeteria. Just beyond the tree line, in fact. A metaphoric stone's throw away. Speaking of, she had a good feeling about the plan forming in her head.

As far as she could tell, few students were badly injured or dead. This meant that plunging them into those chilly waters shouldn't rake up unnecessary fatalities. Absol-spiffing-tastic! We could totally do that then. She exclaimed. Not quite caring if the Wrecking Crew caught on; she was simply too excited to slow down.

Stretching out one leg then the other, she rose like an unfurling ballerina. Her arms finding their way towards the sky and dipping past her head towards her shoulder blades. There was an audible sigh as her knots loosened.

"There's a lake not far past the trees behind that wall. Samad, could you help me level it? A dip will work wonders on these hot heads." Straightening up and cracking her knuckles, Cici crouched low, ready to start sprinting. A necessity if she wished to gather enough energy for the motem cast. "As you do that, I'll teleport the injured students to the sick bay."

Samad smirked. “Of course and I agree.”

His eyes narrowed on a small group of students that had started to beat the crap out of each other. A few words flowed from his lips as he activated his specialty. Immediately their attacks began to slow. Their eyes widened in surprise, but they couldn’t locate the source. Samad then touched Cici before she sprung into and with some quick gestures surged the speed into her.

“That should help, but you’ll need to come back for a recharge. I’m going to see if I can slow down the flying alchemy attacks.”

"No, I need the wall down. I doubt my body can hold so much for so long. T-minus 40, please."

“All right, I’ll focus on taking it down. Elsa needs to focus on the sigil, so keep an eye on her. With all the attacks flying around, one risks hitting her and ruining the rune. We don’t know how long Zane and Bella can hold out.” His dark eyes looked to Cici to see if she agreed.

Elsa, I'll be leaving two bottles of customised ink on the floor. They have a tiny snowflake on their label meaning they should spread easily when you use your alch-spec. I hope it'll hasten the process.

Elsa nodded with gratitude then gestured out her hand. The two vials she spotted floated to her and she popped the first one open. Its liquid immediately bonded itself to her finger. The blond-haired woman rushed to the farthest point of the room where she bent down. She began to paint it across the surface of the floor. Her alchemy stretched it into intricate designs, but the process took time. Her attention absorbed into her given task as she climbed to her alchemy limits.

Those hurried thoughts barely registered before Cici cut the channel. Her hazy after image fizzing to nothing as a blur of red, black and chestnut wove around the skirmishes. Her hand, black-gloved and barely noticed, would tap shoulders at random and those students vanished with a gentle pop. Sometimes, their combat partners would be sent along as well.

Sparks tickled her dewy skin, they ran along her limbs, gathering nowhere in particular. Not yet, at least. Cici could feel the fire growing in her lungs but she continued pushing herself. The energy collected hadn't reached the optimal level. She needed more, she had to speed even more, cover more ground, push these limits. Her mind couldn't decide what was best given the frailty of her outer flesh.

Samad focused on the wall Cici indicated. His hands moved and hit set points, his alchemy pushed into the solid mass. It cracked along invisible weak points as it became to fall down. From the corner of his eyes, he spotted the Knight charge at Bella and turned away. He couldn’t let that distract him now. A faint hope pulled at the back of his mind that Zane would protect his partner. Unfortunately, that wasn’t easy. A small group of students locked in the riot began to move toward Elsa.

For a moment, his heart stopped in his chest until a blur of chestnut, crimson, and black caused him to relax.

Cici solidified in front of an advancing group before they got too close to Elsa. Sweat painted her blushing cheeks but she showed no signs of fatigue. A leap assemblé towards the stunned students made them retreat a half-step and no more. Cici landed on both feet, they flexed en pointe on the cracked cement floor, and she pirouetted with her arms outstretched. The palm-strikes swiftly diminished the crowd of eight to o, leaving the dancer with no calls for an encore despite her giddy bow.

Switching gears -- from agility to might -- the asylum stood like a solid wall with her arms tucked to the side, fisted hands turned ceiling wards, and her diaphragm engaged. Stepping back, her body curved in the same direction, gathering energy along her lower back and arms. She crouched low and punched forward yelling.

Chestnut hair, uncharacteristically messy, whipped wildly in the brink of the storm unleashed. Angry winds fanned east to west, an inescapable front that swept the students away in an Ozian manner; their bodies tumbling endlessly over the steepled-tops of the conifers. Cici would have ended up one of the many Dorothies in the air if Samad's firm arms hadn't anchored her to the ground.

“Easy with your alchemy,” Samad had managed to speed up his feet. He reached his arms out and snapped onto Cici’s, her outfit whipped by the indifferent winds. With a few quick words, his alchemy fastened him firmly into the floor and stopped him from being taken along. Gradually, the wind died down letting her fall back to earth.

Their respite ended with skipped heartbeat. Energy thrumming from the prisoner wormed deep into their bones, a foreshadow that didn't prepare them adequately. Cici watched as the room groaned in almost surrender, begging the question if the supports would hold much longer. Samad did a little too thorough a job, it seemed.

"We need to reinforce the shell," she yelled.

He spotted the Knight charge at Bella, her partner desperate to save her, before the prisoner appeared in front. With the summoning of a coffin, he dispersed the kinetic wave. The aftershocks rippled out to catch anyone nearby. Including Cici, Elsa, and himself. Samad acted quickly. He shouted intangible words then followed up with gestures. Cici’s tossed body jerked back into his direction and he braced for her. Meanwhile, another spell redirected the rest to flow around Elsa’s workspace. In the background, it appeared one student had rushed to assist the redheaded woman with Yin’s pesky behavior.

Cici flagged into the warmth finally consenting to a breather. Every student - save the dead - was out of harm's way. Her attention shifted towards Bella and Zane's fight, which she watched semi-distractedly. Elsa would remain their primary concern until the sigil was fired.

"They get more impatient every year. I swear we didn't feel the need to toss a perfectly good dinner all over the floor." She commented snarkily as her stomach rumbled. "I could have done with their share of chips and gravy."

Samad didn’t answer. His head hurt as he pressed his fingers into his temple. His body hunched over a bit and his breath became harder, Elsa’s mind frantic. He glanced to her location to see her attention fixed on scribbling the rune on the floor.

Eyes the colour of summer seas surveyed the hall with trepidation as she realised the last tremors weren't caused by the latest alchemic barrage. It was a split second call - a risk - she had to take since the others appeared oblivious to their predicament.

"Elsa! Switch to strengthening the pillars and remaining walls. We'll be buried if no one does anything."

Elsa looked up to note the cracks in the wall.

They raced up and spider-webbed across the walls then the roof. Small chunks fell down then crashed into the growing piles. She had to stop it, her overdrive kicked in. Her hands made some exaggerated and quick gestures. Her palms then slammed into the nearest pillar. Ice formed on contact, the ends developed and shaped into dragon heads. They crackled as they spiraled upward. Their paths erratically alongside the stone and wood, little spikes reached into the air. The frozen air fueled its stretch across the surface. In the general start, the temperature dropped drastically.

Even the asylum’s breath frosted out into the usually warm room. Faster, faster! She screamed at her alchemy as she poured more fear into the spell. Now half the room had started displaying the cold results. Wall and roof chunks began to topple down, only to be sealed back up by her ice. Elsa’s eyes began to coat over with pure white. Her fingers covered in the frigid evidence and dart out of her control. She heard Samad holler in the backdrop, but her attention fixed on the task she dedicated herself to.

Samad’s eyes widened at Elsa’s behavior. He cursed then rushed toward her, only for the agony to drop him to his knee. A sharp ice-cold nail drove into his temple. It needled there then spread rapidly within his brain. Millions of tiny points stabbed into his nerves and stalled his higher functions while his hand clenched his head.

"No more of this foolishness!"

Through the blurry vision, he caught the sight of a middle-aged woman with red hair lingered near the entrance.

Before he could respond, a few seeds scattered near his legs. The vines shot up and weave around him, the branches and leaves condensed into a semi barrier. Any attacks that tried to escape or debris that crashed down were batted away.

He needed to get out. Elsa still climbed and surged into her overdrive, her body started to break like the ice her alchemy made. Every time he tried, his body just crumbled from his efforts. He spied through the vines to see Terra approach Elsa and Cici. The Chrono spoke then struck Elsa’s temple, the woman crumbled instantly. All the ice shattered. The frosty crystals danced in the air as the vines caught her. With a small pat on the blond asylum’s head. Terra turned and escorted the trouble makers out. Leaving the Aslyms to recover from their experience.

"Tend to Elsa. I'll check on the rest, see if anyone needs immediate medical attention, if not we should get her to the sick bay." Cici explained hurriedly.

After leaping up to her feet and offering Samad a hand up, she patted him reassuringly on the shoulder and threaded her way around thawing debris that spilled out the demolished cafeteria. Occasionally, Cici would stop when the ground rumbled under her feet, checking to see if the damage had spread further from the epicenter.

Other than earth peeking between the cracks and brief dumps of crumbling paint from above, the rest of the building held together, a true testament of AMRO engineering. They claimed to have planned for all sorts of disasters. And, the list included a full student riot it seemed. She couldn't help smiling wryly at that realisation. Perhaps a little more care to student survival would have been nice even if most of them ended up as cannon fodder out in the fields before they retired at a ripe young age.

They were, honestly, no better than white armoured clones. Those helmed soldiers, she had watched, trooping across the big screen on rare movie nights. Satisfied with that analogy, she hummed the opening theme of the Clone Wars and went her merry way.

"Hey Belladonna! How are you and Zane faring?" she asked, leaning forward so that she appeared upside down in her friend's eyes. Her cursory gaze towards Maeve and Kiara indicated that she included them in her concern. What stopped her from addressing them directly was the lack of a name, and thus familiarity.

It had become a learned reflex to approach unknown Asylums with caution. You could never tell who the crazies are from a single glance; everyone under the AMRO banner were a bunch of eccentrics, most of them anyway. Save nudists, those fell into a category of their own, forever exiled to the darkest parts of her memory. She hoped there would be less of them at headquarters in the near future.

Still she felt compelled to be a bit friendlier after such an action-packed introduction. "Are you and your partner in need of goop or bandages? I have some to spare." She offered Maeve with her sweetest smile and a slow bat of her eyelashes.

An act, she prayed, that would entice the woman to let her guard down. Not that Cici would ever admit subconsciously stereotyping a red head. Maeve had lived to type more or less from the spurts she saw during the fight. Basically, loud and angry - fiery, if anyone wished to be more poetic.

Slow or fast, time ticked on at that ambiguous pace. Cici swimming along with what was necessary, talking at a minimum, until she ended back at Samad's side. "Need help moving her? I don't know if we should teleport her in her current state."

Samad looked over Elsa as Cici departed to check the others. Anxiety filled him, the thoughts of loss, and how close he came swam in his head. He gritted his teeth then focused on the present. She was not gone, he reminded himself. When Cici circled back around, his head lifted and he spoke.

"I will carry her. It is better not to risk it. Thank you for your help." With those departed words, he lifted Elsa into his arms and briskly left the cafeteria.

ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ "ʀᴏɴɴɪᴇ" ᴍᴀʟᴄᴏʟᴍ

Sunday, 5 pm | Girls Dorms

Ronnie’s chest rose then fell. The pace drifted into a rhythmic then meditative state. She closed her eyes while she focused on her pulse. A steady and loud sound echoed in her thoughts as it drowned out everything. All the students chatter in the hallways and outside her window settled into the background. Gradually, it faded until she didn’t notice it. Not easy for her mind which preferred to stay alert to her surroundings. Despite the added distraction, classes were closed on the weekend and extra circular activities ceased after four am. A distant holler from the football field broke her concentration. to prove her wrong. She gritted her teeth as she cursed football season.

One, two, three.

The girl counted to start again and her mental numbers faded into beats. With another deep breath, she reached out to touch where she left the paper. An image of it materialized in her head. She pictured her corner folded into half once.

Her eyes opened, but she found disappointment again. The paper remained unfazed by her efforts. Ronnie's teeth clenched hard enough to hurt her jaw. A small tch sound escaped her lips when she tasted the bitter failure. She turned her hips to the bed's edge and lowered her feet onto the floor. With minimal effort, she pushed upright. Ronnie strode to the calender hung by her dorm window and reached out to snatch a pen from the dresser. She scratched out yesterday. Her hand pulled it against her palm while her forefinger silently counted the days. It flicked by the week, then the month, and finally landed on a date exactly three months from her arrival. The number circled in thick, bright red marker.

Eighty-four days left.

Ronnie rotated the number in the back of her mind. It appeared to be a lot, but she knew every moment counted. Her head turned back over to her paper as a lump of emotions nestled into her chest. At the rate she was going, she doubted would not take it all. Thankfully Oriana didn’t have powers based on empathy. A speech over her emotions was the last thing she wanted right now. The pressure to succeed returned to hound her insecurities.

With all the weight on her shoulders, she plopped back down onto her bed. Despite her anxiety and bitterness, she reflected on the last few days. Naturally, she replayed the most recent drama in her life: the danger room. She kept her icy, indifferent distance from them all. The task was easier than she expected since no one approached her.

A headache started to blossom in the center of her attention. Ronnie rose up a hand and rubbed the fingers of one hand on her temple, a brief relief for her pain. Ronnie didn't know what caused it, but it would pass. It always did. She reached down to get her water bottle from the floor. With a quick movement, she popped open the cap and down a quick mouthful. She hoped the electrolytes would help. All her expectations for a peaceful day shattered in a heartbeat when a familiar, obnoxious voice practically shouted through the thin door. Ronnie’s head turned to Oriana then mouthed a phrase.

I’m not here.

Obvious permission to lie about her whereabouts. With that said, she shifted over the side of her bed and onto the floor. Ronnie remained out of sight from the door. Sparks picked the worse time to force a visit down her throat as she had no patience or strength to deal with her or her group of misfits today. Especially to avoid a ‘zappy’ nap.
Well shoot, look at what I’ve been missing in my time away from the guild. Are there some spots still open? Maybe SenDep might make a return...

I was wondering if you would have time and wanted back in this!

Location: Cafeteria
Time: Some point before the Throwdown collab
Collab Between Rina, Fallen and Ryver
Of Mind Links, Baking and Things

Nothing makes me happier than brightening your day with some homemade love. You are doing a remarkable job at being Wednesday Addams. Something's bothering you.

Cici intended to start with a cheerful "what shall we have for lunch" but her plans changed when she encountered the thick fog emanating from Bella. It was a new, and interesting, development. She thought this level of perception was exclusive to linked Asylums. That or Bella sinking into a new level of despair. She remained a warm presence at the back of the Palladino's mind, conveying her supportive patience. It was usually the best way to lure this mouse out of her current funk.

Marmite toast and hot tea. How does that sound? Goes perfectly with what I'm bringing to you. Please air your thoughts until then. This is the most private we can get, I'm afraid. Not sure how much the 'prisoner' can bug our private conversation.

Her mind rattled off random recipe instructions, their code when an eavesdropper was suspected. She hoped her friend would respond in kind. Shifting the flour to prevent lumps. (Who is making you uncomfortable?) I used that new sieve you bought. (Is it the new person?) I swapped out the white filling with cocoa. (Or could it be Kannon? Something else entirely?)

There was a long pause as Bella thought over Cici’s questions. There was a part of her that didn’t want to respond knowing that her friend would try to cheer her up and feeling a bit guilty about inconveniencing her friends yet again. Brushing the thought aside Bella responded while being mindful of the code Cici was using.

How do you keep the oven from burning every single thing you put into it? (Every single thing I’ve tried has turned out bad/how do you deal with things when nothing goes well?)

Bella’s cheery disposition lacked in her response as her mind replayed every negative interaction since they arrived yesterday. As she shared she surveyed the crowd for the other duo they were to meet for lunch before her gaze returned back to Zane as he approached the table. Zane and I tried to make an afternoon snack yesterday which not only burnt to a crisp but caught on fire. (Zane and I tried to help yesterday with the incident and not only did that turn out bad, we are in a worse state than expected with Kanon). Zane has already brushed it off but there are still pieces to clean up (Zane is not worried but there is still more to do with this incident). Not only that, I also tried to be adventurous and bake something on my own this morning. (I stepped out of my comfort zone this morning by teaching) I thought I got all the measurements right and prepped everything but it still came out bad by the end of things. (I prepared everything for it and thought things would go well but my teaching session was a big flop) Bella paused for a second as she thought over what she shared about yesterday’s incident and how mentoring went for her before interjecting again. Sorry, that was a lot at once.

Relax, Bella girl. You've improved a lot. Last time you wouldn't even think of trying to bake something on your own. No, I mean it, Miss Crabby. I wished I could have tasted that crisp before you binned it (I'm sorry I wasn't there to help out and I'm still not sure what to think about the incident with Kannon).

Cici toned down the sunshine after turning into the main corridor. If she remembered correctly, the cafeteria would be at the other end. She tapped her chin. Elsa, you there? She quizzed after briefly telling Bella she was inviting another person into the conversation. Have you and Samad met up with Belle and Zane? I want to ask you about yesterday too. I … bollocks! Back with you soon! She exclaimed hurriedly before disappearing. Her feet carried her towards the boys' room up ahead.

Another fist impacted Cade’s diaphragm.

The impact knocked the air out of his breath, his cry stuck, and died in the back of his throat. His teeth gritted tightly when he fell onto his knees. The sting of the landing rattled through his body. On instinct, his body curled forward and his forehead pressed into the chilled floor. It jolted him back into reality. A wet, sticky sensation traveled along his face side. It licked at the edge of his vision, but he couldn't identify the source. Deep down, he already knew what it was.

Breathe now, Cade demanded of his body.

As expected, it didn’t work. He leaned there gasping helplessly for more breath. A phrase from class wormed itself into his mind. A down man was a dead one. It drove him to place his hand onto the ground then started to push himself up. His toes barely got underneath him before a well-aimed kick sent him onto his side. He slammed against the wall. The sounds of footsteps caused him to glare at his attackers. Through blurry vision, he could identify them as a small group of boys. Most of them were close to his age and all of them were satisfied with their victory.

The oldest, dark-haired and lanky, stepped forward. His right leg lifted then pinned Cade’s shoulder against the wall. A sharp yell exited his throat finally. The pack leader just pressed his foot harder into the joint.

“I. Said. Mind. Your. Own. Business.” Each word was punctuated with more weight ground into his shoulder.

Cade just glared back. He didn’t like individuals that felt entitled to something they wouldn’t. When he witnessed the group harassing a female student, he couldn’t simply sit by and let it happen. He foolishly asked them to back off. The leader didn’t like that and they stalked him into the boy’s restroom. There, they started to plummet him. Cade failed to put up much of a fight. The boys had both numbers and years over his own experience.

A recipe for disaster.

Cocoa, butter, and icing sugar made a mouthwatering combination but it was completely out of place in the loo. Cici's blonde hair draped downwards as she poked her head through the door. She tucked her hands behind her back and clicked across the tiled floor. Bella and Elsa would get an explanation later as to why she needed to end their mental conversation.

"You lads are sure in high spirits. Rowing like good boys do. Not a fair fight, I see, most unfortunately," she remarked. There was a hint of steel underneath her fluffy tone. An invitation almost to throw a blow in her direction.

Her blue eyes kept averted from Cade to give him enough time to salvage his pride. She noted that the scrawny boy had fight left in him and that won her respect. She beamed and encroached into the leader's personal space. She tensed her knees in anticipation now that she was bringing the fight into enemy territory. Not that she expected them to be much of a challenge. Bullies were generally all bark and no bite even in Innocence.

"I might be kind and let you have a late lunch if you're under me buuuuuut I shall not speak for the rest. So, your choice, lads. Fight or food? I know I won't want to go hungry during what comes next. It might be your last supper."

As cocky as some students could be about their skills, these boys were smart. Smart enough to know who and when to target. This woman was one of the new asylum teachers which made her a high threat. They still had another year or two before finals. When she entered the leader's personal space, she drew his eyes into her direction. His tongue rolled against his cheek in the debate. As a sign of resistance, he pushed a bit more weight into Cade's shoulder then stepped back.

"He followed me in then decided to pick the fight by throwing the first punch. I decided to show him why he shouldn't pick fights with people stronger than him. The others can confirm it." The boy's words could've been butter if it wasn't full of shit.

In this situation, from any teacher's perspective, it was his word against Cade's. The odds were tilted in the other boy's favor only because more eyes would have sided with him.

He started to stroll around the teacher toward the exit. A single hand raised then gestured for the others to follow him, their figure followed him.

"Given what I heard, maybe it's best I don't hear the rest about what happened."

Cici grinned as she waved to the retreating students. She doubted it would hurt to let them think they managed to hush things up. She had, of course, heard about the harassing when she walked passed the girl and her friends in the hallway. It was the reason she was here instead of sitting in the cafe.

She spun around, crouched, and bowed her head enough to land her chin onto the back of her head. "You don't have any backup," she observed. "That's your biggest mistake. I'd probably have done the same otherwise. Bullies are the most unfortunate result of our curriculum."

She paused to let Cade protest if he wished. His words would give her a better understanding of what sort of lesson she could impart to him. After all, training Asylums that get themselves blown up on the first mission was a ridiculous waste of resources. She rowed her head to one side, narrowing her eyes to a feline's gaze.

"Say, how good are you at patching yourself up? I've got a kit on me. We can work together while I listen."

She grabbed one of the charms off her bracelet and crushed it breaking the seal. A red first-aid pouch appeared in her hand briefly before it toppled into Cade's lap. Cici grinned cheekily smug that it landed where she wanted it to. She leaned forward to retrieve the green slime containing vials cushioned inside.

"Recognize this?" She prompted, hoping to chip away more of the ice. That "woe-is-me" frown was a ridiculous waste of such a cute face. She continued waving it tantalizingly in front of him. "Yoooooou know this better than anyone, don't you? Biiiiiig tank. Heaps of bloopy green stuff. Makes you feel like a fish in an aquarium. No? Yes?"

Cade groaned under his breath. His arm pushed harder off the floor and propped him into an upright position, his back pressed firmly against the wall. A subtle flinch etched across his surface when a new pain flared at his movement. His eyes casually glared at the boys as they exited one by one. Of course with the asylum arrival, they didn’t dare risk having their asses handed to them.

“...” He didn’t respond to her comment on having back up.

It was hard to depend on others when they saw him as a weakling for being a pacifist. Even the teachers were less than pleased with his avoidance of conflict whenever he could.

His eyes locked with her stare then pressed back into the cold tile. Cade couldn’t ignore the fact her odd movements unnerved him the longer he watched her. Like a child who had found a curious toy in a place she least expected.

Another sigh released from his lungs, but it flared with fresh suffering. When the adrenaline finally died in the fight’s wake, he noted how much difficulty he had in breathing. Each inhale seemed to collect shards of glass rather than air. With shallow breaths, Cade ran his fingers over his joints then the bones. He checked for deformities, swelling, and pain. He placed the painful breath to the side to note it appeared to be just minor bruises or cuts until he hit his rib. Searing hurt flooded his system and he doubled over, crumbled to the pain.

“Fuck... “ Cade hissed.

Sweat poured from his pale skin causing his shirt to cling to his surface. At this point, his face scrunched up into a winch as he sized her up.

“It’s… fish tank goo. And yes, I do. Teasing me… doesn’t help the pain.” He decided to point out.

Cici hummed her bafflement at his reaction. She figured he hadn't seen this version of the goop or he'd be snatching the tube from her hand. She hated having to prod this bespectacled hedgehog more than necessary. That stare earlier made her question her welcome.

"Edible fish tank goo. Go on, take a sip. Doesn't taste like lemon sherbet but it doesn't make you gag either. Win-win I say. Hopefully, you won't need a second tube."

She popped the lid open with a sharp twist and wrapped one of his hands around it. She kept her hand around his until she was confident the tube won't slip to the floor. "I'm serious. This version is edible! Want me to drink a tube to prove my point?"

Not in a mood to argue with anyone, Cade pressed his back against the wall. The simple movement caused him to clench his teeth and bite back a cry in his throat. He sucked in shallow breaths of air while he let her continue her talking. Sweat shimmered across his pores as it drenched his crumpled shirt, signs of shock started to take hold.

“Look…” Cade took another breath, “I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m sure my rib is fractured or broken. I might be going into minor shock."

He let his words trail to try to collect his thoughts. It was difficult to determine the exact extent of the damage without the proper equipment, but he feared the worst.

“I doubt a teacher wants to explain why a student is dead outside of class so there's no reason not to trust you.” He held a hand out for the tube.

"You doubt me after I helped you out earlier?" She teased while handing over the goo tube.

Getting to her feet, Cici pulled out a handkerchief from one of her hidden pockets and wet it under running water from the closest basin. She crouched down beside Cade again and started sponging his clammy skin. Her lips peeled open as a second thought occurred to her.

"I don't know much about healing or how effective the goo is. Say, would you like a second tube? It may knock you out somewhat but I can get you to the infirmary easily."

She fished out a second tube in anticipation. Silently, she took one of his shaking hands and made him hold the damp cloth against his temple. Her own fingers wrapped themselves around the stopper. "Don't tell me you're already dozing off. I know this has some alcohol in it but you'd have to be a lightweight to get drunk this quickly."

Cade sighed, then took a moment to examine the ‘goo’. His mind replayed the facts as he noted he had drained a considerable amount of energy and thankful he didn’t titter on the edge of insanity. The young man shuddered. Alchemy was still a ‘science’ he knew very little about.

With a deep breath, he downed the first tube. A strong favor of Grey Earl invaded his tongue chased down by a hint of lemon. The texture reminded him of watered-down custard filling. He nearly choked on it from the surprise. Cade tightened his mouth shut while he forced it down, the sensation slid down his throat and settled into his stomach.

When she took his hand and used it to keep the wet handkerchief to his temple, he watched her outside the edge of his vision. She immediately reached for another tube.

“I will admit, I don’t know if I’m a lightweight or not. I’ve never drunk anything stronger than soda.” A light rush started to billow from his middle and spread across his veins. It centered on his wounds where they gradually began to heal.

Cici could already hear Elsa nagging. Her friend had always been skeptical about the 'goo' after the tasting session three months ago. The seemingly innocuous goop in plastic cups had turned many unsuspecting Asylums into roaring drunks by their third sample. A miscalculation in alcohol content, according to the staff, a claim which was still met with lots of skepticism to this day. Especially, after they realized that for lightweights, a second tube would be the equivalent of downing three-fourths of a bottle of vodka. A claimed side effect of all the energy thieved off the body to help it heal itself.

The lady appraised the injured student again, weighing the pros and cons of feeding him the second tube. She personally hadn't experimented with its efficacy since she seldom needed to get up close to her enemies. Samad was the only one she knew who had actually used it recently. She tugged at his consciousness only to back away.

"Well, this calls for an experiment, doesn't it? I'll feed you the second tube and we compare notes afterward. You don't have to down the whole thing, mind." She remarked as she popped the cap off. "This should taste like lemon curd and fresh butter scones."

She offered the entree to the tea party in front of the teen. Her mind now more fascinated by the prospect of seeing this serious boy drunk. Was he going to be a noisy drunk or asleep one? Or better yet, a gung-ho one. The prospect of him getting daredevil-like in the heat of battle was highly entertaining.

"Up, up. Lean on me please. I'll be getting you to the infirmary."

"I'm not sure I want to try another. The texture is so slimy and I barely got it down." Cade stated as he moved his arm and wrapped it around her neck.

"Just help me up and I can likely limp to the infirmary if I can manage to keep my balance. I'm sure you have places you need to be and lunch will be ending soon." He didn't want to inconvenience her. The woman didn't have to help, but he did appreciate it even through the pain.

"Not the last time you're gonna taste it."

Cici downed the tube to not waste it. A lopsided smile formed her lips as soon as it blossomed in her head. She smacked her lips in appreciation while hauling him up. "Steady," she warned. "Also try to keep it in when we arrive."

She focused her mind on the infirmary down the hall. Her brow scrunching slightly as she could feel the alcohol talking. She waved off any concerns the student had and she asked him to jump. She hiccoughed from the sudden rush of activity.

The world pulled apart in glowy threads. Spinning like a made spool on Aurora's spinning wheel. Cic whooped merrily, dancing around as they hit the firm ground. She waved to the shock medics chatting in the corner over their AO frappucinos from the coffee shop.

"Check on this kid here. He had goop for his injury. 'Spect he might be suffering from overuse too." She informed them.

Rubbing his back slowly to dull potential nausea, she gave him a goofy grin. "Soooo you good if I left you here? I'd be happy to keep you company otherwise."

Cade’s stomach twisted in his midriff. His arm tightened briefly before he let her go suddenly. He turned his head and his mouth open. In a wave of color, all the contents of his stomach spilled out across the floor into a putrid liquid. The strong soured carrot taste lingered at the back of his raw throat. Already a few of the medics started to move to guide him to a chair while another went for a mop.

“I think I’ll be all right. Thanks again. However, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to teleporting…” Already his stomach clenched in on itself threatening to purge more of his last meal upon the floor.

Cici wrinkled her nose and danced further away. "I - well, I gotta run. Take care, okay? I'll stop by to see if you are here in the evening. Bring you some soup, maybe." Curling inwards to avoid the medics touching her, the Asylum made for the door. She wasn't the type to overstay her welcome.

What did I miss? Bella … Elsa? She chirped into the echoing silence. She reached out again to no avail. She blinked slowly, realising that something must have happened.

She took off. The whizzing corridor barely leaving an impression on her conscious mind. And, she skidded through the door, made a sharp turn and slipped into place beside Bella. An empty chair appearing at that spot as if by magic. She sank down after a round of cheery nodding and non-verbal hellos. Crossing her legs, she leaned across Bella and scrutinised the strange man.

"You look like you could use a cuppa," she proposed after seeing him wolf down more cake. What she really thought of Angel underneath the friendliness was hard to deduce.

Removing one of her charms from the bracelet, she rolled it against the surface. The seal burst open, depositing a large thermos flask, a stack of plastic cups and a flat cardboard box, similar to the ones used to package donuts. The box she pushed towards Elsa before she poured out two cups of tea. She floated one towards Angel using telekinesis.

After settling it in front of him, she held her cup between both hands and inhaled the fragrant steam. "Mmm, dark roasted Samatra Oolong. I remembered you were impartial to it the last time I brewed some for you, Samad. Want a cup? Zane?"

She rested the edge of the cup on her lower lip. The sip never coming as she waited to see Elsa's reaction to her latest creations. She couldn't help beaming. "Chocolate not coconut just the way you like it. Made enough for five of us." Which five, while unsaid, was obvious to the outsider in the group. She wondered if he would be bold enough to help himself without permission. She expected him to since the way he carried himself suggested that he was the rebellious sort.

The man's presence lit all their tensions on fire as they each reacted differently to the situation. An unsettled silence proceeded and lingered after Zane's last comment. When Cici's question flitted over her mental link, Elsa didn't answer. She suspected the prisoner's specialization to be related to the mind because of how easily he deduced when she discovered the location. He didn't even bother to hide it afterward. Another red flag to add to her ever-growing pile and another reason to stay far away from him.

Cici's arrival broke the growing apprehension. Elsa gave her a raised eyebrow at her friend and questioned what took her so long. Instead of an answer, Cici set out treats and offered drinks to Samad then Zane. Her partner glanced at her. Understanding his hesitation, she smiled then reached out to slide the small package back to her.

"Yes, please." He turned to Cici and asked politely. His arms still remained crossed over his front, but his alchemy ready for unwanted surprises.

Meanwhile, Elsa began to open up the box lid and smirked at the treats inside.

"I envy your baking ability. Most of my efforts wind up becoming charcoal." The woman reached in.

Between her fingers, she pulled two snowball shaped cookies covered in powdered sugar. She passed one to Samad who examined it for a moment then took a small bite.

I trust Cici not to poison you, Samad. Enjoy it, not judge it. Elsa teased him.

It's too sweet, I prefer savory and fruit favors. I will never understand your addiction to chocolate... He retorted only to continue eating it.
Thank you to whoever gave me a Candy Cane message, you're awesome and it really gave me a warm, happy feeling for the holidays. It's encouraged me to forward the favor. ^-^

Samad waited outside Elsa’s classroom before he headed to lunch. The Iranian’s arms crossed over his chest as he pressed his back against the wall. He appeared completely relaxed as his eyes observed the students file out one by one, their chatter vibrated throughout the corridor. A few caught his glance then averted their heads when his expression hardened. The simple warning glare warned them off. It appeared his last lesson had driven home the importance of not messing with him or Elsa.

He pondered on their ignorance over how lucky they were here. Even with the limits gradually being released, each student held value and were pushed in skills to survive. Far better than simply tossing them into the deep end with nothing. When they became Asylums, it would sink in, and they would wish for these kind days back.

The asylum signed then moved. When his figure shifted his weight back to his feet, he strolled into the classroom. His eyes noted Elsa placed a few books into their cubbies on the shelves then clicked the doors shut. With a quiet click, she locked them up for the lunch hour. Her lithe figure twisted about to face him. A delicate, warming smile on her face greeted him. The ring spun on her finger twice before she slipped it into her desk drawer next to it.

“Read to go?” She looked up to watch him.

Samad nodded. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“It will be fine. Zane and Bella are much better than some pairs we’ve worked with.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am, I can sense it.” She led the way out of the room with him close behind her.

It didn’t take long for them to reach the cafeteria. Students and staff milled around with trays in hand, their conversations created a dull hum in the air. As Elsa searched for Bella and Zane, Samad went for their food. Upon spotting the earlier pair, she smiled then took a seat across them. Her partner arrived shortly after and slid her tray over. With a grateful nod, she took a moment to enjoy the milkshake.

Any conversation that could’ve bloomed was stopped cold when their uninvited guest arrived.

Their eyes turned in unison to the larger man holding a tray filled with enough sweets for a sugar coma. Both Samad and Elsa struggled not to look surprised. It didn’t stop the tension that rippled through their link as they observed him. They took note of his statement about safe and sound, but made no comment on it. Elsa braved some small talk.

She pointed to ‘meal’. “Don’t they usually bring you food in your cell?”
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