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@SimpleWriter Yes, I didn't say 'everything's on'. I said the facility is in one piece. The main computer hasn't exploded, else there might not have been a bunker to bunk in.
@SimpleWriter More like 'Because the station hadn't exploded, it must be still operational'. You build the mainframe directly into base power, it can't be knocked out without destroying everything. I will edit to make this more clear.
Zen glared silently at the altercation between David and Cass. Because no violence broke out, he did not need to take any action, but he was prepared for some form of 'Break it up!', if necessary. He was also maintaining contact with his ship in order to observe the effects of their arrival without the use of an exterior camera. The gunship WAS his exterior camera, and so he could see that the desert-variety Serris were still around the door right up until the few operational turret guns came online. One was caught by surprise and had its head blown to pieces, causing the whole of the creature to revert to a viscous floating gel that was incased in a translucent hardened membrane. With this no-longer-burrowing creature flying about, the turrets were firing at a near-constant pace. This only made the other creatures more inclined to burrow and attack them directly, though. Even as they progressed, the turrets would probably all be destroyed, especially since a few other fauna of the planet - more than likely X-copies of the things - were starting to show. He could see things that were large and shelled insectoid creatures, and at least a few other winged insectoids, as well. Scanners about the ship which caught their movements confirmed. They were X. They were attracted by all the noise. Nothing to be concerned with yet, but it did prove that the planet was infested.

Time to return to the matter at hand, now that everyone was checked up on and their next move known. The needed to secure this facility to some extent and locate the main computer chamber. Kaze and David were on the whole 'patrol and secure' end of things. The rest were either finishing their check-up with Cass or getting ready to move on. So, the first thing is that Zen connected to all of their data systems and gave them a basic overlay of the bunker's layout. He had requested it going in, since it was a Federation facility, and had received it for use to make the first part of their mission easier. This was the last time that they would be able to get such intel so easily. From here on out, they were on their own, on that front. Now, they were in the main entrance/garage. All vehicles that had been used around here were wrecked beyond repair. From here, it seemed that a command/communications area was upstairs and connected to the observations area where they had been watching BSL Station and SR-388. Obviously, constrols and the data in question could also be accessed up there, provided there were no connection problems to the main computer. However, as something had ripped through this place, to the point where some hallways were positively thrashed, going for the actual mainframe seemed wisest. It was built right around the main power station for this complex downstairs, sunk underground with the machinery that dug into this area in the first place. Because this place was obviously still intact, no explosion or meltdown having occurred, the main computer they wanted to access must be usable, the data they came for reachable.

"I will attempt to find a working station along the way to ascertain the full extent of damages to the facility. It will be important as we move towards our objective."

And with that in mind, we must move on to the results of David and Kaze's sweep of the area. At first, nothing, but then the sound of people where there had been none caused a couple of far-off rooms to open, and for a few creatures to shuffle on out. They were going to find a number of these wherever they found humans. Whatever they were before infection, the Federation referred to these soulless remnants, these shells of what was once human, as mere zombies.
@SimpleWriter Bingly-Blingy-Beep!
I need to use bits from those videos for myself. They are brilliant.
There was something most agreeable about the way he connected. For the longest time, even though he had gotten along with one well enough, he had wanted to clock a paladin in the head. A nice big grin formed on the dragon-man's head. Senah would've loved...would've... All at once, Endrokin's merriment vanished. Good gods, the curse had been listed from his kind as all of time and space suffered the loss of the gods, but what of those of his own kind? Not only taken from those he had had no choice but to travel with, but those he actually enjoyed the company of...! What of his own kind? Where were they, now that their power was free? What of the huntress with whom he traveled? Or his mentor, who raised him? Or another whom he lost during the war?

Endrokin's troubles so-consumed him for a moment that he almost did not hear the voice of the elf, the elf that should not exist. They were extinct! His kind murdered them all. What was this historical blunder that they were still alive? How much had the world changed because of his actions? It was so hard to tell what was true now. He had to find others, confer with them the things he knew or thought he knew, else he would go insane. He now turned to the being who should not exist, Urdal.

"I'll be accompanying you, even though I hold all of this under suspicion. There is much which I must deal with in the world, and this is as good a direction as any. Should we encounter more of my own kind, you will let me speak to them. I must know what I know..."

He seemed very adamant on this, if a bit confusing about the last bit. Nevertheless, dragon joins the party. So, let's get this crazy-go-nuts show on the road.
@Gordoth Oh....yeah, that's awkward. I got busy right after I said 'I'mma' post soon!' and then forgot once I wasn't busy. Sorry about that.
Sweet! Congrats.
Oh yes, kingy boy. You're right about that. No one from Amali sent him. Certainly not. It seemed as though he had passed himself off well enough as just a traveler, which for Garlock was fine. After all, the Cathedral was hardly in any sort of danger if a load of soldiers just saw him and were like 'He's just a wandering lunatic', and that would be just fine. Besides, making the acquaintence of a battle-hardened king was interesting, right? And he was just on his way back from a bit of bloodshed against some others in what he could only assume was some kind of war. What? You don't bring six hundred to a mere raid or rounding up of bandits for the slaughter. Well, unless you do, in which case, what a waste. Now, Garlock was having trouble deciding if these were the kinds of people that the souls of the dead would ask him to revenge upon or simply kindred spirits with horns and tails when...they all formed wings and began to take off.

Uh oh.

Let's understand something here. This army had been content to trudge along before he intersected their path. Now, after some quick banter, they were all going to fly away. That was not normal... At least, he was pretty sure of this fact. Nobody changes tactics without good reason. But then, that is not really why Garlock thought 'Uh oh'. It wasn't a case of 'Oh, I may have made an error in telling these people anything' or 'I seem to have caused a stir and now they're making a break for it'. No, this was a different kind of reaction, on his part. This was 'I'm pretty sure that Star could see that.'.


Way on up in the sky, Morningstar had been watching. There wasn't exactly much TO watch - Alot of dark little shapes moving around - but she could most-certainly see down there. For instance, when the whole 600-strong army of dots came to a halt, she noticed that. And when the black flame erupted and that she could see a blackish dot, she knew that that had to be Garlock. Oh, what was wrong with that cat? He was revealing himself to a huge load of strangers when Volaris had asked specifically that they prevent anyone from learning of their presence! He must've been playing one of his cat-and-mouse games or something, but then Star saw something else of interest.

They were lifting off of the ground.

That made some very clear connections in her head. People - armies, it seemed - could gain flight en masse, people could fly up and spot the Cathedral with ease, and they were now trying to leave the presence of Garlock in a hurry, which was surely a bad sign. If this army had been the cause of whatever happened up north that she noticed before, then they were at war and in a campaign of conquest. That put Dead Moon Cathedral in the middle of something, and it also meant that if these people had pushed this far, they would be coming farther, perhaps to their doorstep. This was not acceptable. It must be stopped.

So saying, Star pulled out her mace and her shield and prepared her opening attack. Probably better start with whoever had that silvery, sniny glint down there. That could be a leader, and without leaders...armies lose their focus. Prepare to dive!


They couldn't possibly know what was coming, but Garlock had glanced up and seen the tiny little speck up there moving all of a sudden. He saw that speck getting a whole lot closer. The army was airborne in their triangular formation, and as Morningstar came down, Garlock could see she had gone Heat Riser as she wound up to smash right at King Lucius! She must've seen the glint of his crown in the sun from way up there. It would have stuck out especially, giving Star a definite target as she made to slam her Shockwave Assault right into him and let the blastwave fan out amongst all the troops that were nearby!

Garlock acted shocked and taken aback, before shouting in bloodthirsty manner...

"Demon, you shall face my wrath!"

A huge ball of flame flew out of his hands, in Star's general direction. He was putting on a show to make it look like it was helping, and he WAS actually aiming for Morningstar. However, there would be loads of soldiers in the way...and it was Hecaton Pyrum that he let loose in all their direction...and Star was immune to fire. And with that spell being high-explosive...followed by the deployment and explosion of alot of other fireballs...this was going to get very messy, and in a bloody hurry!
@Kazemitsu Heyo, everything good, dragon o mine?
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