With a plan having been put into motion, the two Gunners got into position and set up. This would be
at least better than those times on the ground, trying to pinpoint the muzzle flash of the distant enemy and letting loose. With the hill closer and able to be viewed in all the horrible details of war, they would have clear targets and clearer shots. Staying out of view on either side of the hole they were going to operate out of, the two of them had just a little time to make sure their guns wouldn't jam, and converse, before the new charge began.
"You have any trouble making it up here?""A few close calls. Sounded like you drew some fire, yourself.""Must've been close to the mark, then. Almost had me too."Guns were checked, ammo was assessed, and bipods were prepped. They wouldn't reveal the presence of their guns, ready to give that hill some righteous hell, until the moment arrived. As much surprise as possible. That was the idea. They waited, watching the other here getting prepared.
"Jean seems to be doing alright.""Yeah, I was kinda' worried about that, but I think he'll be fine.""Did he really pull in the Sergeant's-""Yes, he did."Jean was a proper gentleman, pulling in the Sergeant's body. This same Sergeant had been a hardass with them, prior to their charge out here. It looked like a number of their own had made it here. Hell, some that hadn't been there before started coming in! Their Sapper had helped in a blonde girl, right along with another Sapper he hadn't met. Speaking of that Sapper, he was causing something of a situation with the shorter one. Isaac shook his head at the insinuation that he might be a child on the battlefield.
"He's not a kid, Private! They'd never let him on the battlefield if that was the case!"While Isaac knew that the recruitment standards could slip, and that men and women could be conscripted into battle, they hadn't let anyone in who wasn't in their teens, so unless somebody at the office was blind, they couldn't possibly have missed the guy's short stature. For them to allow him into this mess, he had to have proven to them that he met requirements in age. He certainly didn't
sound like a kid when he spoke, so he was just a short man. Another thing that seemed a bother about the taller Sapper was that he was repeating orders that both Jean and himself had already spoken. Not that it was wrong to make sure in such a loud place, but everyone had clearly heard both of them, Jean with his plan spoken and Isaac reinforcing it in a show of support to this frankly decent idea. There was no need to repeat that again.
The short Sapper owned him, however, bringing a smile to Isaac's face as Jean went to straighten things out. All was right with the world, once more. Well...all except this damn war.
That was gonna take alot of oversight. They had taken the first step: They were out here. Now, Jean would signal the
next one. They all waited as he carefully watched the scene of battle out there, as though trying to determine the perfect time to go. Then, in an instant, the word was given.
Now!Both Gunners brought their weapons down to rest on rubble and suddenly opened fire on some unsuspecting Imperials. Some of them dropped, having been paying attention to the wrong thing at that moment. Isaac shouted
"Bonus!" as that happened, and the rest of those minding that side of defense ducked for cover. From here, Isaac and Britta waited for new heads to pop up or some kind of movement they could take a shot at. Because, you see, after the first couple of ammo clips, if they kept just shooting at a wall, they'd just run out of ammunition, and
then where would their troops be? Up a hill without a machine gun, that's what!
Nevertheless, Isaac saw a bunch of them make it to the foxholes, where he could've sworn one of the other knew arrivals was shouting and laughing like crazy. What...? Just...what? Was she cracking up? What was going on out there? Did she say 'Imps'? It was kinda' hard to tell with all the noise and- Ah shit, the enemy was moving on those in the foxholes. One or two had
already been on the move and they'd been too close to get a shot on. The Gunners poured it on from their place, keeping alot of people pinned, wounded, or dead. The rest was up to them, at least until there wasn't much of anyone left to suppress.
Come on, guys. The grenades, then the push. We can't get you in any farther than at the gates.