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7 yrs ago
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While on the bridge, Nero heard the girl with the implants complain that they were getting in way over their head. He crossed his arms and shook his head in disgust at this.

"Jesus fuck, we're picking a side, not going at it alone. You act like there won't be anyone watching our backs or something."

Yeah, of course there was some measure of risk here, but like nothing worse than any other stand-up fight. You pick a side in battle and the side you don't shoot at goes 'Oh hey, they must be on out side!', and they don't shoot you. They weren't taking on the entire frigging fleet, just the ships were nearby. Geez, for a freedom fighter, this girl didn't seem too keen on doing any of that fighting thing. Anyway, we all know that this wasn't strictly necessary, but if we all played strictly by the rules, there wouldn't be child soldiers to begin with, so that book was thrown out a long time ago. We're not gonna dwell on this, though, and certainly Nero wasn't, as he was given the go to go and charge up the guns.

It was a good thing he'd been wandering around the ship instead of just chilling about, because he knew now the best routes to all the parts of the ship to get the job done. Namely, he'd be dropping in on the ship's main turrets to give them a boost. He had to do 'em one cannon at a time, but every burst fired from said cannons would be coated in shadow energy that would make it deadlier to some degree. Ash and/or Flame would hear him going "One day, it's just gonna be 'Thy cannons be pumped!', and then I'm done. 'Till then..." before heading off to find Fin and company again for the boarding party. It was difficult to judge how long the spell would last. Nero always judged it as 'a while' because it had like a non-specific time duration that might've been unfluenced by how active you were. Like, it wouldn't shrink down to nothing if you were constantly blasting, but there was a little less time than when you were static and waiting for a target. He never really wanted to think about it much, anyway, since he usually casted the Shadow Charge just before a fight, anyway, so it did what needed to be done. He got back to the bridge to explain that it was a done deal - not realizing that normal comms had been restored - when someone decided to contact them just to call 'em a bunch of idiots.

"Someone give that bitch a big ole' steaming cup of shut the hell up!"

He couldn't wait to get on board an make some human shits do the dance of death. The Rau've had been more durable than human beings, back in the war, seein' as how they were plant-based. They DID ram into his brain that vegetable matter was a bit harder to puncture and stuff than human tissue, back in training. People, though... Oh, people were frigging fragile, at times. Prosthetic girl was worried about the fight, but hoo boy... Some of this shit was going to be a cakewalk. Some of it. The rest? It was gonna be FUN.

Before Arrival at Maiden's Reach

Of course, the thing about Nero was that he was the genuinely sneaky one. And so, when the prosthetic girl was just a bit distracted by having been given information to ponder over, he found a shadow to slip into and...disappeared. No trace of him. The magic gave him proper levels of stealth in darkness, and he'd head off once the girl had gone, chuckling to himself while in the shadows that concealed both sound and visual trace of him. From there, he'd basically show up at the kitchen to make like a Ginsu World Class and then leave the rest of the actual cooking to the others as he went to his room and basically hit the sack.

Time passed...

After Arrival at Maiden's Reach

...and on the second day-

Bridge! Now!

-a gratuitous space battle happened?! What the effing fuck?! There was suppose to be increased security, a blockade! Who the hell ordered the war back in circulation? Oh, there was gonna be hell to pay... Then again, Nero DID want a little more action, as it had been peaceful...but dull around here. Well, wasn't that one of the reasons for him voting the short route? Uhh...maaaybe. Anyway, the good news - or whatever you wanna call it - was that someone was duking it out with the Ascendancy here, which meant it was time to go get their hands dirty. While Nero could do little more than magically give their ship cannons a bit of a boost while here, suggestions of sending him and a few others over to a ship were being made.

"And that's my cue. How do you want 'em done? I was thinkin', given the circumstances, that quick-an'-dirty would do. Too much mayhem right now to do it quietly on a ship at war."

The surprise here came in the form of Narvia revealing that she knew what the hell was going on before Ariel could call up a few ghosts. Apparently, dear old dragon-pops had sent that encrypted message before to warn her about Berkeley's Butchers, a group of right bastards that she obviously had history with, enough to want 'em dead. Sounded good. Even better was Flame cooking up a deception to get them close enough for Fin to portal them in and get the party started. It was a hella-good thing that Nero had geared up already. However, that thought from before niggled at him now and he got Natasha's attention.

"I can put a little pep in your ship cannons, buuut I think I gotta be around 'em to make the spell work. Ya got any problems with that? Won't take long, and then you get surprisingly-good guns...for a while."
Well, they didn't see that one coming, quite literally.

Once the half-dozen exhausted attackers saw that their targets had had the good mind to use sound fighting tactics against them, they decided that now really wasn't the time to be around anymore. Niko felt he was a little disappointed in the whole affair, and - at a guess - he doubted that he'd be seeing those men again. Not them, specifically, as their boss seemed the type to execute people for failure. He'd have to ask Wu Han about that. It was his den of assassins they came from, after all. Speaking of which, his battle partner asked how he was doing and Niko responded by spitting some blood on the ground nearby.

"About like that, but I'll be fine."

Wu's statement about police was a fair point, though to be fair, it was mainly to get out of needless amounts of statement-giving than anything else. They weren't in trouble with the authorities. Not unless the assassins paid off the police. It could happen. Okay, so maybe they were potentially in trouble. Han quickly searched the man's pockets - a good idea - while Niko kept a lookout for...well...anybody. Nothing yet, but the clock was ticking. When he pulled out a cellphone and offered it to him, he took it.

"I'm not bad, but I know someone who's better. Alot better. I'll explain on the way."

He pocketed the businessman's cellphone and, in short order, pulled out his own to get both a bearing on the nearest airport, check the time, and then started to make a call. He was already in motion to get moving towards said airport by the time the call went through. Han would probably then hear what sounded like an automated phone directory picking up. It would be a bit muffled, though, since they were now picking through the busy streets of the city. Niko had chosen a route of visibility to deter further brazen attacks on their person. He said the name "Mirai Saito, please.", and then was put on hold for a moment.

"C'mon... She usually works the late hours... Ah! Mirai! Hello! Listen, could I ask you for a favor, one that I will definitely pay you back on? ...no, it's not about the bike. Okay, so here's the deal. I'm in Hong Kong and I need a good jet out of here, two to West City, pronto."

There was a pause as the female voice was clearly pointing out that last-minute stuff like this was never easy to pull off.

"I know you can do it. Nothing fancy about the accommodations. Just speed. I've got a job that needs the very best, and you're on my short list. It's...it's to do with my folks, Mirai. Please."

There was another pause, as a much more chill voice seemed to give their ascent.

"Thank you. I'll make sure to buy some Capsules while I'm there."

He put the phone away, never stopping but glancing Wu's way to explain.

"I have a friend in Capsule Corp. She works at the central office in West City, so that's where we're going to get this thing cracked open. We should have a plane to get there by the time we reach the airport. We can probably get all the evidence we need, or get pointed in the right direction, once she has a few minutes alone with the guy's cell."
@Balthazar007 I found an interesting map.

Wanna use it?
Capsule Corp, which in this RP has become a world wide technological giant.

I thought that was already true.
@Balthazar007 @Double

Sorry, everything after my last comment was me being involved in {A} my Friday night session, {B} sleep, {C} feeding cat, and {D} more sleep.

Anyway, given that 'Get your ass to Mars' was partially my idea, I have nothing wrong with this.
I think Mister Two-Health should be capture-able. @Balthazar007

And I'm gonna say, something definitely wasn't right with that fight. It should've been easier than that.
Alright, that takes care of that much. Those two have NO defense, relying on speed to harass Wu, and that's not going to fly with the faster target.
This was going nowhere fast. These assassins were trained to give their all and leave nothing to last, even if it costed them their lives. If an assassin just barely managed to kill its target, but had no strength to move after, he could be expected to die in the streets with his target. That was how dedicated they were. Well, that wasn't acceptable to Niko Renzo. They had to expire first, if he had any say in it, and he most certainly did! But how? The best strategy, in his mind, was-

"Niko, duck!"

'That!' Niko ducked without delay, his military training kicking in at the same time as Wu Han's assassin training. Wu knew as he knew: They needed to switch up targets! The four that'd been set on Niko were like attack dogs. The two that were working on Han had been defensive walls, delaying the man instead of fighting him. No longer. The shield and the spear reversed, the next thing the two passive fighters would see was the mad-as-hell face of Niko Renzo...and his right hand doing something they never saw before, not even in the past few minutes.

Niko didn't realize this, Han probably didn't realize this, but those two assassins that hadn't been set upon their actual target had a problem. You would expect that, during this battle, they had seen the Tatsumaki-Ken in action. You would be wrong, though, because they couldn't have. The two men 'assaulting' Han had been protecting their eyes from blinding flashes. It was impossible for them to even know what was coming. Even if their compatriots had the chance to warn them, they might only get as far as "Hey's he's gonna-", and then it would've already happened. The fist blurred in an impossible fashion, and an expanding whirlwind blast would be what assaulted them without delay.

Niko VS Four Two Assassins

Health: 36
Power Level: 68

Surprise Tornado Fist!
Serious Speed Boost!

--Attack: 28 x 2.5 = 70!
---Speed: 40 x 2 = 80!
-Defense: 0

Spread thusly...

--Attack: 30
---Speed: 40
-Defense: 0

--Attack: 30
---Speed: 40
-Defense: 0

Yes, it IS the same attack as last turn, but it's far more sudden and they never saw it before, anyway.
@Double I was thinking something along similiar lines, yes. You go first, then.
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