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<Snipped quote by CFProxy>

I'm in.

It was actually a good thing for Crow that that wave of black wasn't anything particularly bad for him, because at that level of output...he could be a dead man walking, like the radiation victims of Ancient Chernobyl. Still, that wasn't what happened because that was a mass-ally spell. Nero, for his part, had been slightly on the backfoot with his mind surging with the new input that he'd been getting. His enemy would never understand what just happened here, or why, or even that - had he been of a mind to do it - Nero really could rot him right now, or kill the Tayanen coating him, now. But he'd been occupied, and he thought that the bird-masked fellow was contained by Samuel while Iris destroyed the floor to get out of here. Such was not the case when he squeezed out of there like toothpaste - thanks to the liquid-boys, who snuck out from the wall on their own - and launched himself at Nero now!

Blades would catch at the last minute and the Crow's magic sword would contact the boy's body armor at the shoulder while being held back by his electro-blades. He would see the quick spark of dark energies as his blade met it. He had been augmented in armor, magically. The sword which might use its engrained power to swiftly cut through unarmored flesh or even tear through normal body armor would meet resistance here, even if he'd landed a solid hit. That being said, the force of the attack had landed Nero on his ass and he'd have to work at getting himself out from under this man's blade he- WHA???

A thing happened! It was unexpected, but his own Killer Mask alerted him to a sudden change in the wall, shortly before it 'shattered' and this BIG FRICKING HAND came out, pulling the death-mask-wearer out of the room and into...a hole in space. Nero saw this as he got up, but then ducked again as these long chains - like feelers or living appendages - also came through the hole, searching for and dragging out the Tayanens. That...was all a bit familiar, right there. He'd seen that effect of shattering to make a hole in space before, and he was pretty sure he knew who those chains belong to, as well. As much as Dr. Vallance had screwed with his memories to conceal their deal at the operation, Nero remembered them all-too-well. This was more than 'Aw shit, they got accomplaces'. It had alot more meaning than that, unfortunately. Their mission was now compromised by...old comrades. He looked over at Sam and Iris now.

"That hole ready? We gotta get moving. Like, now."

And it was then that Nero opened up his comlink to the others on the Xuanzang.

-This is Nero outta' Team I-Forgot-The-Name-We're-Called. Uhh, Squad 0 is here. They just lifted out some mercenary types that jumped us in the armory we're in. They used a hole in space and whatnot. Totally remember seeing this stuff back in the war. We got the package yet?-
He nodded with a smirk as Wu-Han basically called out his intentions. Yeah, it was obvious that he didn't want to be jet-lagged, space-lagged, or ANY-lagged once they got their asses to Mars. This wasn't gonna be a walk in the park, going to or returning from Mars. He wanted to benefit from the opportunity given here, no question. They might need it, especially since the opposition would be armed and Niko hadn't had possession of even a pistol, lately. So, with them getting somewhat acclimatized to the somewhat-stronger-than-Earth gravity, they would essentially be ready for lift-off as the hatch was closed and Mirai got on the built-in communications channel. She asked them how long they wanted to be in space. They had resources for 3-4 weeks, depending on how it got stretched out.

"I think three weeks, so we have an emergency supply to ration in case of trouble sounds about right."

The number was entered and the craft took off, with the two occupants nar'ly feeling a thing. The sensation of motion, surely, but no more than you would if inside of a car. It would vanish, pretty much, as soon as they left the atmosphere. Space travel was weird like that. He'd studied some of the effects in his spare time after his parents died, learning the practical aspects of the whole thing. That book wouldn't have much application for what came next. This flying sphere was to be their world for the next 21 days, a counter which displayed on the status screen of the main console now. Niko would spend the next hour or two looking over the console and its functions while he'd asked Han to look over the ship itself to see that everything was alright. With the auto-pilot engaged, the ship would guide them to Mars in the allotted time, making minor course corrections on its own according to sensory input to avoid any objects in space. All of this was perfectly fine and normal. In a pinch, Niko knew basically how to operate the maneuvering controls, but his brother was the real pilot.

Training began later on. After making sure the console was locked against accidental input - You'd have to just hit a couple of keys in sequence to undo it - so nothing could change the settings of the machine while they worked, they got going. The two fighters would grant each other a further look into one another's schools of fighting. Soldiers and assassins had one thing very much in common, especially for Niko because of his sniper background: They were taught to eliminate a target as quickly as possible, and knew the weakpoints of a human being to achieve such ends. To that end, the thing that Niko and Wu-Han had in common was that they were both effectively holding back on one another, preventing themselves from going immediately for a killing blow.

Also, specialty techniques were definitely forbidden inside the ship, especially Niko's.

In the beginning, Niko was more obliged to talk about his background in fighting and how he came to be under Athena's tutalege, and he would ask Han about his own situation so he could better understand the other man's approach to fighting. This worked out with the fact that the two of them first had to exercise themselves so that their bodies could better function in the increased gravity. Niko was in charge of organizing the actual training regimen because his military background was well-suited to divide up the time. Any input the assassin had to modify it was heard out, of course, but it was clear that he had a fair idea of the scheduling and took this all rather seriously. No half-hearted attempts here. He'd been waiting for this opportunity and he was taking it.

Actual spars would only occur when the two men could jump at all without hurting their ankles upon landing. Once that was out of the way, it was Niko's school of speed and attack versus Han's school of defense and wearing your opponent down. There were discussions about trying out each other's methods of combat, but it became clear early on that neither of them was suited for it by instinct. Niko had it engrained into his being that staying still could mean death, because standing still allowed an enemy to draw a bead on you, and then you get shot. Wu-Han, on the other hand, was of the habit of never wasting too much energy, and that most opponents did just this when fighting him. Neither of these styles were inherently wrong, just that it meant that overcoming it to train an entirely-different means of combat would be essentially like starting fresh from nothing, or almost nothing. It wasn't worth their time. To understand the other's style and be prepared for it was enough, as the two of them would continue to do. Was the gravity raised even more as they approached Mars? Not above Mirai's recommendations...mostly.

There was one day, once their bodies had caught up well enough to the Earth's-gravity-times-two, that Niko suggested at least trying out a little higher than 2x. Not by much, maybe like 2.25, just to see if they could get use to that before landing, to push a limit towards the end. He'd only go with it if Han agreed, and they wouldn't go further than that, and they'd quit that if the pressure seemed to be getting too much for them at once. He was keen to try, but he wasn't going to play the fool on this. In any case, that was how they would spend their time in space.
Sorry, I got distracted by a few rapid-fire concerns here. I'll be getting to this soon.
@Double We don't need an actual fight, do we? I'll set us up for the training montage and we can go from there.

The Blue Crow's wall was unnecessary, insofar as pushing Nero back was concerned, since Nero had moved himself back to basically regroup with the Matthews. What they had here was kind of a 'thinky' problem, and those two were a bit more thinky, strategically. Like...Nero had good ideas on how to attack stuff, but when you're dealing with a giant jello mold, ya start to think that maybe 'What if I cut it this way?' might not be the question to ask. It seemed to him that Sam shoving an entire wall at the guy...or guys...might've been a good answer. On the other hand, it may've been the only thing he COULD do right now, because the lights were out, and the one who benefitted from the dark at any given time was himself.

Heh, may've done that a little wrong, getting the lights to go out. Ah well.

As Iris stated over comms just what it was she planned to do, Nero examined the situation briefly, realizing that he needed to think of something to keep that guy properly occupied. Guy was probably conductive, so he'd probably electrify even if the so-called robots weren't robots. Problem is, his two zappy daggers wouldn't be enough alone, plus there was the Crow's magic wall pushing at Samuel's now. That wouldn't do. Nero decided to cast Shadow Charge on the stone wa-


"What the FUCK?!"

His Shadow Step canceled, his spell blasted out as a wave, and he had visions of his time back in the lab where he was being integrated with bits of Kaisoken by Dr. Vallance, the man who did the procedure on him back during the war, saying "I hope you remember our agreement, Mr. Kayakos. I helped you. You leave me alone.", before switching on. The wave of energy was an enhanced Shadow Charge that almost got out of Nero's control. The earth wall was stronger and toucher, his armor - as well as Samuel and Iris' armor - was now in the same state. He could area-cast, focused on allies! And that wasn't all he could do... However, that would have to wait. Sam could probably smack that magic wall back and Blue Crow against the wall to knock 'im senseless now, and Nero suggested he do so.

"If we're leaving, you'd better knock some sense out of him."
@Conscripts I did before and I'll so again. I can do a small post in reaction to things before the twins, or possibly a bigger one after their post. I also need to revamp my sheet, which will be Soon...
Yes, the name of the head of the company would be well-known. They just wouldn't know that he was capable of making huge craters in the planet or even blowing it up.
Any sane man or woman alive would understand that Niko was planning on undertaking a covert operation, a stealth mission utilizing the fullness of his...and perhaps Wu-Han's...personal abilities. He just wasn't saying it out-loud to give anybody uninterested some plausible deniability, to effect "Well, he never actually said he was going to attack the Martian Mining Corporation.". Mirai seemed to pause, though, after his and Han's words regarding their situation. Wu-Han had added to his own statements that, as of right now, he wasn't likely to be in good standing with his father, the boss of his organization, and that it was even likely that his Lieutenants - Goda and a man called Li - may even act on their own volition. In short, a bullseye was now squarely planted on the assassin's back.

All this, Mirai seemed to be taking with a grain of salt...but she relented, and stated that if he was serious, then it was time to GET serious. What she suggested, though, was a little unexpected, and that the delivery upon that suggest rather surprising. She wanted them to go into space, to Mars itself! She'd prepared a Capsule Ship! It was already prepared for launch and everything! Niko boggled at this sudden turn of events. He was going to owe BIG for this, he could tell, maybe owe her for life... Less paperwork or not, this was a shapeship at his disposal. In his mind, he was wondering exactly what the catch would be, what he would have to do in turn. He knew that Mirai wouldn't be this accommodating - even clearing it with the company owner, Mr. Trunks Brief - without knowing that it would come back to her or the company, somehow.

Perhaps the MMC hurt Capsule Corp in some way too, the way they interfered with RAMI. They had the first monopoly on space travel, until the other corporations caught up with their technology. This is a vintage craft, but in some ways, it's still better than today's space travel.

Capsule Corp's advancements were of well-documented history. spherical ships like this were seen taking off from this very area back when Bulma Brief was in charge, maybe even this ship in particular. In fact, Mirai all but confirmed this fact as he said it was used by Mr. Brief and his father on some sort of training exercises. She mentioned...the gravity controls? FIFTY TIMES Earth's gravity?!

"If there isn't a safety lock on the gravity controls, I'm putting one on there. Fifty, geez..."

Yes, Fifty Gs. That was the problem. It was at about 1.25 Earth's gravity right now, though, so as to give them an idea of what increased gravity was like. Training in that, though... That was like weight-lifting your own body. He hadn't been subjected to the kind of weight training that space travelers get. It could be interesting, even useful. Now, Mirai turned to him with a serious look, friend to friend, and asked if he truly wanted to go through with this. She had prepared this for him, and if he was really serious about this, there was only one proper answer. If he was not, then he would have to come to terms with it being a pipe dream, because he wasn't willing to go the distance. But Niko was adamant on this. His parents deserved better, the truth had to be known, those responsible had to be punished.

Niko took the remote, placing his free hand on Mirai's shoulder with a smile.

"Thank you, Mirai."

He turned to Han and gave him a nod.

"If you want to go that far too, step on in."

If not, he would step back, because the idea was that launch time would be in about five minutes. Either way, Niko felt here was something more to this. It wasn't that he mistrusted his friend, but rather that things were suddenly going a little too smoothly, all of a sudden. Either Mirai or Mr. Brief were up to something, that there were deeper concerns and machinations at play. After leaving Winger and Athena a message stating 'I'm leaving Earth right now. I may be some time.', he gave Mirai one last look and said...

"I owe you, big time, but you'll have to tell me why it was arranged like this when I get back, alright?"

...before entering the ship. He trusted Mirai, but there was just that hint of her not telling him everything. Whether she didn't know or wasn't allowed, there was something more to this, and- Hello... Yeah, that DID feel heavier, all of a sudden. Of course, he might not feel the Gs accompanied by leaving the Earth, but it was still a surprise. Hmmm... Mars had somewhat less gravity than Earth. If he worked at the high gravity - within reason - in here during transition, he would be even faster when he got to Mars...
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