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Gotham, Present Day

Anyone who was monitering police band radio would probably hear an odd little tidbit, starting a number of hours ago. Police were looking for an unknown figure dressed mostly in black with a helmeted mask and claws connected to the wrecking of a construction site. Because the suspect was not a recognized figure, it was assumed to be hostile, even though its escape measures from the site were lacking in fatalities or severe injury, even though a five-car pile-up had been deliberately caused. Anybody who knew their way around a Caped Crusader knew that this wasn't a local, so whatever procedure was being used for them...well...they couldn't afford to take any chances here. The subject had not been seen in hours, nor had the other suspect, seen flying away from the scene until it hijacked a helicopter, where it flew away and was lost from immediate pursuit. Pilots were thrown from the craft onto a nearby rooftop. The helicopter itself had been found in a two-lane side-street, no sign of suspect. Only description available on him was that the suspect was probably an adult male wearing a dark-blue full-body suit with a mask on and a bright orange symbol on the chest.


It'd taken several hours for her powers to come back, partially because she hadn't had any time to rest and think for a while. She first needed to find a place in this city where she could be out of sight, even from aerial surveilance. With her body already strained and the adrenaline wearing off, Raimi allowed herself to sleep a while among a building's rooftop air conditioning. All of today's problems had to wait, real time, or else she'd never get any of them done. She fell asleep trying to contact Oracle, not knowing if even her thoughts could reach the other time traveler in her weakened state. Time passed, and Raimi awoke with a jolt, having rolled over onto claws and poked herself. It was nighttime, and fortunately she hadn't stuck herself. Normally, she'd be in a 'seated' position while suspended in Axial Time if she were in her suit, but this was a different time, literally and figuratively. Her charge must've come back while she was asleep, though, and as she stood up she could feel time once more.

Oracle, are you there? I need to talk. I might've royally screwed something up here. No, check that, I know I did, but I don't know what. Oracle? Hello?

You ever have one of those moments where you're talking to yourself, except you feel like you're talking to somebody else who's watching? Supposedly, that was Oracle, how ever-presently aware she was, at most times. If she really needed to speak to her, Oracle would respond, especially at a time like this, but right now...there was silence, and that worried Raimi now. She had to get out of time, try to figure this out from a new perspecti-

A portal opened nearby, and she stepped out of it suddenly with a "Okay, that's new. What the hell?" and an defintie expression of confusion and worry. Raimi stepped out into the open to confront herself.

"What happened?"

"Oh, you have to see this one for yourself."


She opened a portal and stepped into time. At first, it was hard to see what all the fuse was about. The time streams were swirling, the Axial Center was in place, no harmful abominations were in place, and everything appeared to be inta- Where was home? Where were the paths she knew and tread so often? This wasn't history! This was somebody else's history, and she didn't even recognize whose! It was like owning a car and having the keys, but somebody switched all the parts of your car so while it looked and ran alot like your car, deep inside you knew it wasn't your car! She stepped out of there in a hurry, like she'd just seen a disturbing piece of art and told herself to go and have a look, then cooled down a second.

"Oracle, are you listening? I'm in someone else's reality!"

Nothing. This wasn't good. She wasn't even close to anything familiar, a definite 'No longer in Kansas' sort of feeling, like even if she went to the Axial Center, she wouldn't gain that familiar feeling of having been there before. It was like her recognition of time itself had been reset. Reset? No... That couldn't be it. Time couldn't be reset. It'd taken a dozen of them to mend the damage from their last mash-up. Nobody could reset everything. The blast must've sent her and Cobalt - her and Allen - far out of their reality...or something. Okay, let's concentrate on this. She needed to get her bearings. She had all the power, none of the effective knowledge, so it was time to coordinate. Quickly, she leapt...and returned soon after, several times over. Raimi now stood as a half dozen of herself, each having gone and investigated something else along her timeline in order to get a grasp of the situation across this town. She addressed them now with an "Okay, what've we got?", so that many minds could work on the problem.

"Well, for one, we're not in Kansas, Tokyo, or any place we were expecting. It's Gotham."

"I couldn't believe it, even as I saw it. Everything labeled Gotham this, Gotham that, found Crime Alley if you can believe it.

"Hey, I almost got spotted by the cops, and even I'm still skeptical."

"That explains why nothing seems familiar. All the landmarks of this city, this country, or any other place in the world will be wrong. It's almost impossible to get a bearing. I don't even know if I exist in this world."

"Well, if we do, it won't take long for her to sus us out, but for now we operate like we're in hostile territory."

"That's not hard. We're in America. Everyone's hostile, everyone's got a gun."

The other five glared at her.

"Geez, one joke to lighten the mood..."

"Anyway, this means we're in deep. It also means that HE will probably spot us at some point, or someone working with 'im."

They all knew what she meant, of course: Batman. If this was Gotham City and all of its everything was real, then in some form or another, the Dark Knight was around, or any number of his proxies. The best and the worst case scenario here would be to get his attention, especially after what happened earlier in the day. They were in a world where their favorite comic was real life, like the part of the Spider-Verse where Spider-Man is a show and Peter Parker meets the actor who played him and the man who wrote the show. Raimi didn't even want to think about all the implications of Batman being real that it also meant. Just having to share the same reality with him was blowing her mind. He could be extremely helpful, but-

"Under no circumstances should any iteration of go and seek him out. We know how he is about people in his city. Even if it's our business, even if we're trying to fix the problems we created, he doesn't like people messing around inside of it. Eventually, he'll find us, and hopefully he's in a mood to hear our story. If not, we're in alot of trouble."

Because it was hard to imagine them lasting long in a proper fight against Batman, the world's most-prepared human being alive. Might shock or blindside him for a while, but he'd hold out even under the worst of circumstances and turn the tables if they had to fight. Even one of the others would be a hard sell in a fight. They all separated now, disappearing into their place in time and leaving the current Raimi alone. This was gonna be rough. She had no resources but what she had on her person. It'd be safe enough to leave her equipment suspended in time to travel around in her normal clothing, but she didn't have any American money...or a passport...or any idea of who to go to for normal help. Well...maybe that was something that Gotham's Finest could help her with, once she got down to street level and her street clothes.


Gotham, 2039

Just a dark alley somewhere, in the lower level areas of Gotham, among the more dilapidated sections where the word 'dilapidated' wasn't likely to be spoken, because the kinds of people you got around here were nothing but gangers, such as...the Jokerz. It was actually chill time down in clown town. The gang was enjoying a little brew scored off of a successful raid on the Ts territory, laughing it up as they drank it up. All was good in Gotham's darker side, as far as they were concerned, as one member was making their sign, but he was laughing it up as he sprayed it upside-down. The others laughed as he finished with a "Tada!". It was a great day to be alive.

Aaand lemme just stop you right there.

There was a certain spark in the air, all of a sudden, like lightning preparing to strike or not enough fabric softener in your everything. Pins and needles feeling, without warning, as the wind seemed to picked up and swirl around a particular point above them, twenty feet in the air. They were a witness to some real St. Elmo's Fire, right there, not that any of them knew what that was, as bolts of energy crackled in place and something flew - or was flung - right into the wall where the upside-down sign was located. The Joker who'd made it sagged his shoulders, going "Aww, maaan!". Whatever hit it cracked the wall severely and left scorch marks, ruining it. The freak event ended, and servos kicked in as the figure rose from where it hit the ground after the wall. They saw a machine in blue-black armor, eyes lighting up as it stood, body smoldering with great heat.

"Temporal Descent successful. Combat chassis compromised, but intact. Scanning..."

The android began to move around its surroundings, scanning the area for...something. They watched as the three eyes swiveled around, even regarded them for a second, but seemed to largely ignore their presence. The Jokerz began whispering to one another.

"Yo, whachu think it is?"

"It's a robot, fool. Whadya think?"

"Yeah, but like...from where? Here or outer space?"

"It showed up outta' nowhere. I think that means not from around here."

"What're we gonna do about it?"

Now, you must remember that to become a Joker, you must've made some seriously wrong choices in life, and then made even more. They were not brilliant, these clowns, and frankly neither were their rivals. But Jokerz, oh boy... When the leader went "Give 'em the welcome they deserve." and pulled out something to clobber the machine with, you know are going to end poorly. He was thinking 'It looks damaged, so let's slag it, take it apart, and use its parts however we want.', and to be fair, it was damaged...externally. None of the core systems were damaged, which meant when any of them or all of them went to attack, the android swiftly owned them. Clubs and stuffed rubber chickens dodged or knocked aside, attacks deflected, and it did not stop there... When you attack Zen, he makes sure that you are down and STAY down. So, soon after the fight started, there was an impact to ribs, a kick to the face, a sudden thrust of the knee to the solar plexus, a toss of Joker into Joker, and then he began to get mean. While making certain to crunch bones and tear ligments in two of them, he prevented the others' escape by charging eye beams and blowing up the gathered cycles. The two stragglers were soon run down as it flew their way, scooped them off of the ground, and dropped them among their friends, making sure that something broke when they landed before he did, nearby.

"Lawbreakers, you will stand as testimony to this frame of time as a message that civil disobediance will not be tolerated. All shall conform to the Laws of Zen."

He resumed scanning even as they groaned in pain. When one of them attempted to call backup with their phone, Zen took it, made immediate connection, and scoured the internet, as well. This was not what he was looking for. This was not when he was looking for.

"Lawbreaker-One not located within this timeframe. Begin Temporal Descent."

Another swirling mass of energy, and he was gone. There was groan that followed, and then "He took my phone home...".
@Double You or Darkmoon, and she was stated to be watching the fight.


There's always something that Nero isn't telling you, always something he keeps to himself. It's how he does things. If it isn't important or it's something he can handle, he doesn't really mention it. Let's walk you through, shall we?

We'll start with him testing out the fullness of his magic out, namely the abilities that nobody really knew that he had. Oh, the things he could do with everyone in the galaxy none the wiser! He'd set The Black Spot on Crowley from Squad 0 and was rewarded with the general sensation of what direction he was in, and a vague-but-present sense of his distance. The power could give at least this much on any target he so desired, no fail. It was only vaguely helpful on a galactic scale, much more useful if you were on the same planet, and as effective as a tracking bug if you were in the same general area. Nero got that, and then proceeded to test his Necro-Blade on an empty box in the cargo bay of the Xuanzang. Let's just face it - he spent a fair amount of time there messing about, if he wasn't in his room or wandering the ductwork or something. Much was the young assassin's amusement to watch the cut from the Necro-Blade expand in degradation until the cardboard had disintegrated. It stayed limited to the box in question, which was good, and provided a short while of entertainment. That, however, was when he noticed a sensation that made him sit upright and blink. It was a familiar feeling, one that fed back the sensation of the Black Spot on him and-

"Aw crap! Cancel, cancel, cancel!"

Nobody was aware of any of this, and his mood was still a bit too high off of himself to get mad, so it became more of a 'Whoops! Guess I chose the wrong guy!' thing after the initial shock. They might get a little information out of that, but no harm done...probably. Nero had gone for his stash after that, trying not to think about the incident, and had been snacking and drinking with Laurey in the kitchen area when she brought up the matter of the regularly-scheduled toxin-scrub that rushes through the ductwork and that she was aware of his presence in them, at times. He was inwardly mad about the risk he'd been apparently subjectign himself to each time, but the irritation was fueled by the early screw-up and it made 'im feel like he was getting sloppy. This immediately got turned on its head, though, when Laurey made a stunning confession: She couldn't fight to save her life. So, he ended up starting up some training with her to throw a decent punch, kick people where it hurts, knock people off-balance, etc. It was fun, and it took his mind off of the fuck-ups he'd performed as of late.

He did a fair amount of footwork because he insisted that Laurey work on a REAL target, which is to say one that could move and duck and weave. It wasn't that hard to avoid someone that hadn't really been in a fight before when he was a seasoned veteran, but afterwards, he'd obviously exerted himself a while, so he'd decided to sleep as they headed off to the Galactic Bazaar. Nero hadn't been awake when he received the call, so naturally there'd been a bit of groggginess about him when he looked at the message. And hey, taking a food crawler to a place to buy some music? Why the hell not? Hopefully, this time, they could get down to business without being attacked by another crawler and- Ah, who are we kidding here? Nero definitely wanted another chance at such a fight! No such occurrance, of course. No, this was definitely more chill, and as they were in the music store, the only real surprise was seeing a familiar cyborg from the battlefront that he could hardly mistake. No harm there, for sure, and by the time we reach this point, all fuck-ups forgotten and no worries. He even forgot that Laurey apparently had NO headaches now, even though that was clearly something she'd often had. Something strange...but then she was strange. Ah well.



He stepped out of the music store.

"Later, guys! I'm gonna go find me a chainsaw!"

Avelyn had him pegged about what he'd put on a mech, no question. Not that it was a bad thing. He had certain tastes that were naturally influenced by his training, but then that was similarly-influenced by him being him. Maybe you're wondering just what the hell he did to those Ascendancy people back when he was 'recruited'. Well, try to imagine a Home Alone situation in which Macaulay Culkin isn't just out to injure the Wet Bandits, but outright kill them. It doesn't exactly work because they're in armored uniforms and he's still a kid, but the injuries incurred with things full of nails, random chemicals smeared all over stuff, his cutthroat attacks when they were distracted - you can imagine why the Ascendancy soldiers HATED him. It was kind of ironic that now that he was essentially a free mercenary that he was in a better mood now than any time in his youth. He was making a mental list of all the things he needed, all while carrying a tied-up box of laserdiscs he'd gotten from the music store.

Let's see, first a chainsaw, then new snacks, and then-

"Heppy Birthday."


That was his Omnitool. It spoke up, out of the blue. He looked at it now.

"The fuck you going on about?"

"You are sixteen years of age at this time."

"What? Come on, there's nothing on file with that info. I don't even know when I was born."

"Bio-scans have been able to determine the exact age of this user's body. You are sixteen. Why not throw a party with friends and loved ones?"

"Ehh, I dunno... Never really celebrated that sorta' thing."

"That is sad. One moment. Now playing some complementary upbeat music in close match to your recent purchases."

There was a pause from the machine, and then it began to play...uhh what?

Was it trying to...cheer him up?

'Once all this is over, why don’t you buy a farm, as well as settle down with the...partner of your choice?'

Dammit, you and Flame... Okay, you get to stay on.

And so, with this playing, Nero headed off in search of the right kind of tool place to gain his coveted chainsaw. His Omnitool managed to point him in a direction, and now all he had to do was make his way around all the people without dropping or damaging the package in his hands. Laserdiscs were a bit fragile, and even the sturdiness of the box wouldn't protect them from everything. Nearest crawler was too crowded, so he was out walkin'. No big deal. He had a natural grace that'd be hard for Finbarr's cat-form to keep up. Well...that is until he found himself bumping into a trio of toughs, humans who looked like they had nothing better to do than grift and steal. There wasn't NO crime on this station, after all. Naturally, the leader was pissed.

"Watch where you're going, runt! Made me drop my cigarette... Well, you gonna apologize or what?"

"Hey, you're the taller one. You should watch out."

"That ain't how it works, kid. I'm large and in charge, so you fall in line."

"Oh, fuck off with that shit, dick-brain."

"What'd you call me?!"

He and his best mates approached him and started throwing punches. Nero was about to school them when he suddenly remembered what he was carrying and avoided strikes while looking the package out of reach, slipping in between the bastards as they kept trying to land a punch. Okay, they were better than Laurey when she started out - not as awkward - but he was getting them to friendly-fire one another, here and there, and then cloaked himself to merge with one of their shadows.

"What the fuck- Fan out and get that kid! I want 'im in a broken mess when we're done with 'im!"

They all took off in different directions. Once one of them was close-ish to the store he needed to get to, Nero slipped out and you'd see this package on the back of some shadowy animal - A grumpy-looking cat? - amble on into the store before changing back to him again, where the clerk was a little surprised, but he was a Korta who'd seen some shit in his time, so he wasn't too put out, especially since Nero was a potential customer with money to burn. He told that he wanted a chainsaw, a chainsaw that could saw so much that other chainsaws killed themselves with jealousy.

"I want a chainsaw that fucks shit up, lasts a good long time, and isn't a pain to carry, 'cause I still got shit to do today."

"Would sir prefer that I just send the item to his ship direct? There is only a small surcharge fee-"

"A what? You mean you guys deliver?"

"Why, yes. Everyone on this station delivers. It allows customers to keep shopping to their heart's content."

"Well, shit. They didn't tell me that before. Maybe I ran out too quickly... Yeah, this'll be sent to the Xuanzang, and do me a favor: Send this package too, alright?"

"Will do."

Nero ended up buying the Jaws-of-Slice Super-Cutter with self-sharpening chainsaw, a device shown to cut through pretty much all but tough alloys that was also able to collapse the chain section into the main chassis for easier transport. Comes with spare chains, cleaning kit, and decent warranty. Nero wasn't allowed to try it out there in the store, but he was happy, and as the Korta was in back sending off his items...the grifters found him.

"Alright, kid. Nowhere to run!"

They all charged him and...well...he just grinned and took them apart! No knives or anything dangerous. He just dodged them - kicking, punching, and flipping them so they'd end up on the ground in pain. He'd cracked some joints and ribs, and got a satisfying breaking of jaws on top of that! Nero stood amidst the mess they were now on the ground and smirked before wandering off.

"I need to get more snacks...and a cake."
The Timekiller

The great silver-white void stood silently rushing, activity juxtaposed with utter stillness, as metallic bands of all things historical swirled around a great center. These were events in history, all moving at great speed, all entwined, always and forever...or sometimes never. The area was vast, perhaps infinite in set, and all centered around what to many who could see would describe as a dense planetoid of shiting crystal, eternal white marble, and an unknown assortment of metals. Many travelers will have seen some interpretation of it. It often changes according to the user. You might call it the Vortex, the Axis, The Fourth Dimension, or even Yog-Sothoth. To those that visited it most, however, this was the center. This was all.

This was Axial Time.

Hovering in meditation, the female figure sat with eyes closed and in heavy concentration. It was - oddly enough - a young lady who only recently reached adulthood, but then...this is how they all were, in general. She herself was dressed a bit like Obi Wan Kenobi, for her interpretation of the power had been a bit like The Force. It was all in the mind and how it flowed through you. To that end, she used it to see through time and possibility with greater ease than all of her counterparts. Right now, she was focused on one, just one.

Come on, Raimi... Your whole life has been leading up to this. Take him down!

Every version of them were called Mirai Saito, but one - just one, who had been on quite the journey before they ever met - set herself apart from the others by instead taking the name 'Raimi', an anagram of her birth name. There was something special about her, either brought forth by her history or simply something that had always been there. That was important, in this case, because if she did not rise up to the occasion, her enemy would destroy her world and travel through the galaxy to make it burn. That's what she was up against in there, a foe whose powers would eventually grow to destroy entire worlds...


Shizuoka Prefecture - Raimi's World

Normally, this area was known for its calm and serene atmosphere, but not today! It'd been a miracle to keep him out of the heavily-populated areas. She stood ready for the next onslaught. He could do anything, anything at all, so long as it was flushed through the chaotic cascade of a wild molecular disruption. They were surrounded by rubble, a young lady in black with a metallic helmet and clawed gauntlets and a young man in a bluish combat suit with an orange emblem of a supernova in the chest. He wore a mask - a spiked and stylish sort of thing with flare-compensation in the lenses, like her own - but she knew him...or thought she did.

Once, in another lifetime, there had been a Brit-born young man by the name of Allen Forscythe, the unfortunate son of a villain and a woman taken and manipulated by said villain. She had given birth to a well-adjusted boy who rejected his father and was aided by his uncle - an alchemist - to escape the country and lie low in Japan. But that was in another world, in many worlds. Not hers. No no... Her world had to be special, where many of the heroes and villains were inverted! The boy's father, Baron Von Madness, was Baron Von Mentalist here, a philanthropic wonder. Instead, it was the uncle - the self-styled Master of Change - who was corrupt. Raimi had defeated him recently, but like any mad scientist, the man had one last ace up his sleeve. It was the ace she'd been dreading and preparing for ever since she'd heard the name, years ago.

Cobalt Thorium G.

It was a name out of Dr. Strangelove, the war satire, for an element in the Doomsday Device which spelt the end for all humanity. The Master of Change was a self-styled alchemist like his counterparts. He produced potions and chemical explosives, horrible mutants and shapeshifting homunculi. He had taken Allen's natural gift and amped it up, and he had altered Allen's mind as well. In all other worlds, he was a nice guy. Even this one, apparently, but now...

"Oh, not long nooowww..."

The lenses burst on his mask as the energy surged and rippled around him. They had been fighting and, to her credit, she had wounded him more than he had hurt her. He'd kicked her in the face when she tore at his chest. She'd avoided several attacks and slammed him through portals. However, he was good at ignoring pain and he'd sealed all of the wounds, even taken some of the oomph from her own moves with a trick he called 'Unchaos', sucking out the energy potential for chaos and change from a given area to fuel himself. He was preparing to unleash ALOT of his power now, though. Allen had made lightning and fire tendrils, hellish maws open from the ground, created freak tornadoes, and now he was preparing to blow up the whole Prefecture in one blast. Raimi gritted her teeth.

"Alright, you asked for this. TEMPUS FU-"

No, not that one!!

The voice was her own, inside of her head, but it wasn't really hers. It was the one who watched, Oracle. She had been offering moral support or guidance where her combat expertise was limited, but now she was shouting in her head, and it was too late! Tempus Fury was an attack she made up. It was a distorted and disjointed time field that she'd used to tear opponents asunder in the worst way or - when stable - actually reverse time in that area. She was planning to invert everything in on Cobalt Thorium G, but apparently...that was a bad idea.

Allen didn't shift into distorted madness. Everything did. In an instant, the dimensions were out of control as time and space threw a wibbly-wobbly FIT that cascaded in all places! The effects...well...they'd be far-reaching, to say the least.


Sector 17 - Zen World

It did not matter what it was called before. It did not matter that the people still called it Los Angeles. All that mattered was what HE said now, because this...was Zen's World now. He was the word and the law. The people conformed to the rule of law absolutely, or they were processed so that they would comply. We take you now to a line that extends outside of a supermarket, where a man looking right miserable and angry was standing in line. Standing there, that is, until the machine walked over to him. It was a humanoid android armored in blue-black armor. It came installed with a thruster pack on its back and compact engine-wings to guide its flight. It had five-digit hands, stood approximately seven feet tall, and had three large eyes situated side-by-side on a streamlined head designed to reduce air-resistance. This android was Zen. They were all Zen, as Zen was short for Zenigawa Enforcement Network, a great and self-sufficient system built by the altruistic Dr. Zenigawa before his death, wishing only peace and security across the globe. The enforcer unit addressed the man in a deep mechanized tone.

"Citizen John Harrison, you have been correctly identified as a Lawbreaker. Step out of line."

"What? N-no, I haven't done anything! It's bullshit! I've done nothing of the kind!"

"You are a food thief. Food theft normally carries a fine and reduction of comfort, but due to the resistance to Law in this area, food allocation is limited per capita in order to ensure that all persons are fed equally, and therefore the punishment is more severe."

"You collapsed the industry after promising not to harm free enterprise! Of course there's resistance!"

"The heads of those food industries, with small exception, were corrupt. They were arrested for their crimes and the infrastructure was taken over by Zen until replacements could be found. Your complaint is irrelevent. You have stolen and are also under arrest."

He started backing away from the thing in fear.

"You can't do this...! My family will starve without me!"

"They will not. A Lawkeeper will make your deliveries on time, every time. Your family will not suffer, but you will ALL comply with the Law."

"Those hideous things?! They're not human!"

The machine closed the distance and grabbed him by the wrist.

"They ARE human, and you will become one if you continue to resist."

"Someone, help! Don't let 'im take me, please!"

He strained against the android's grip, trying to pull free from its grip with little avail. Zen raised his other hand in order to stun the man completely. It was at this time, however, that the area suddenly rippled and shifted wildly, severe shudders and quakes shaking the entire area, the entire world! An alarm sounded, followed by an announcement over the city intercom system.



The House of Madness...

The quake was both temporal AND spatio, the force of two powers colliding and blasting out through dimensions, not the physical area. It was creating...quite a mess, and the results were far-reaching in several different ways. Way down underground, about a mile down from a house built in secret to kill anyone who entered in terrible nasty ways, there was a man. He was a strange sort of fellow with a somewhat classy attire. Vest over shirt, loose overcoat over vest, top hat on head, a face and hair like a grand Irish Noble, and a long-handled scepter that appeared to have the headpiece of a bronzed rubber ducky. There were numerous details about the man to go into, but suffice it to say, this was Baron Von Madness. Right off the bat, knowing that in various timelines there were many such men of madness, and so therefore you might be inclined to ask which one this guy was. Well...first of all, it wasn't Baron Von Mentalist, sadly. This was The Madness, and unfortunately, he was about to get company.


"Hello, world!"


The Baron was suddenly visited upon by...The Baron! As a result, he lost at the game he was playing. The Second Baron was wearing a bizarre metallic harness device that was now cycling down its power cells. The Original Baron glared up at him now, quite irritated with his surprise counterpart.

"You couldn't have waited five minutes to do...whatever you just did to get here?"

"You mean, built a time-displacement harness after extensive study of that irritating girl and kidnapping some damn fine technicians?"


"Well...maybe, but the fact is that someone was going to do it, because the fissure is pretty bad right now, and that means we're going to be showing up all over the place!"

"I see. And when you say 'we'-"

"I don't mean 'Si'. I mean WE."


Oh crap.


The World Gone Hell.

The Quake in the World had been felt by them all,
from the lowest acolyte, to the highest overlord.
The watched as time and space altered on a whim,
and knew that their fabled quarry could be reached.
Time it would take and time it was all about,
but for the power and the glory and the mastery,
all was worth bleeding and sacrificing for.

Seated atop his platinum throne within his might citadel,
the Hax did grin as he put forth the calculation.
His expertise would see him through the distortion,
faster than all the others and with no competition beheld.
For he was the master of blood and tech and code,
and he too had some experience with time.
The Hellatics would surely follow in his wake,
but they would be far too lacking and far too late...


Gotham City - This World, This Time


It was both a heavy impact physically and energetically. Some of the power released would naturally act in shockwave force and explosive release. It was centered at a construction site for a new mid-range office building in Gotham City, which would...now have to be cleared up and started again. Girders and all kinds of debris lay around them, the dust reaching up to great heights. Amidst the center, which was actually clear, lay the figures of the Timekiller (Raimi Saito) and Cobalt Thorium G (Allen Forscythe), both of whom were regaining their senses. Allen was a bit quicker to his feet, though.

"Okay, good for a warm-up, but now...hmm?"

Eh heh...heh heh heh... Oh dear. He was pretty much out of juice, now. A little to get by on, as it generated now, but wow, what a ride! He turned to ask what the hell Raimi did to him, but suddenly had to duck back as she tried to claw his face off, suddenly! She was a little unsteady, but getting her feet underneath her now.

"Guess it didn't all happen according to plan, did it?"

"Plan? What plan? I don't have a plan. Blam is the plam. I mean, plan."

"Heh...and now you're all tapped out."

"Yeah? So are you."

Unfortunately, he was right. Her hair had a tendancy to spike in back when she had a temporal charge, but right now it was smooth. She was empty. That said, she had enough fighting experience to-


What? Oh shit, no no no no!

Too late. There was a ripple-wave that pulled into him from fifty feet in all directions. Dust fell to the ground in a heap, pieces that had still been rattling ceased immediately, and Allen's eyes started to glow again...before he swept himself up in a quick personal whirlwind to rise up WAY out of reach as he shouted "Leaving now! Buh-bye!"! Even her grappling gun failed here. Swearing to herself, she reeled it in and made her way out of the collapsed uhhh...everything, climbing over or under until..


...until the police shouted at her! Wait...that was in English, these people didn't look like Japanese police. Where was she? Raimi decided to uhh, step back, and the cop on the megaphone shouted "WE HAVE THE AREA SURROUNDED! DROP YOUR WEAPON, PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD, AND SURRENDER NOW!". Weapon? Oh, right... She was still holding onto the grapple gun. Well then...this was where she threw a flashbang out at them and fired a hook at one of the nearby buildings!

She swung out of reach, but even still recovering from the flash, several of them opened fire while others were taking to their cars. Raimi got up high, disengaged the hook, launched to another building, and repeated to keep ahead of anyone with a decent rifle. Not gonna get away from them like this, though. Not that easily, anyway. I mean, it's broad daylight and she had NO IDEA what was going on! How'd she get to an American city?! How was she gonna catch Allen now?!


Maaaybe now wasn't the time to ask that. She had to lose these guys. Raimi suddenly dropped down on a car that was ahead of the police, took hold of the roof, and shoved her masked face down against the windshield with a devilish grin. The driver went "FUCK!!", hit the brakes and swerved, she went flying, and - most importantly, the police in pursuit began to crash into him and each other, Blues Brothers style! Raimi ended up tucking and rolling, then running for a nearby alley. It was one of those alleyways that had a manhole cover in it. Perfect! She'd used her claws to pull the lids up plenty of times! When the cops rushed into the alley, they'd find the lid just a little bit ajar. They reported her having possibly gone into the sewer. Meanwhile, her grapple gun had taken her to the roof of the building there. Snickering, she let them do as they pleased, getting the hell out of the area while keeping watch for helicopters. No sign of Allen... No idea where she was, or if this really was the United States or just ANY English-speaking town. I mean, she could speak the language, but...ah, she needed time to think... This...this was gonna take some time. Real time, not funny hah-hah I'm-a-time-traveler time.



He didn't need Rikes to see this one coming.

The dynamic of the Isaac Store was basically this: Either one of them was good at getting the business, but one of them had to organize and determine the value of things while the other took that knowledge provided and made the decisions on what to DO with these things. This was all practice for when they got out of this war and eventually decided to corner the livestock and crop market by working together. Another reason they called it the Isaac Store is that any complaints from higher-ups or enlisted personnel should deal with him directly. Britta had more patience, but Isaac had the right attitude in dealing with the unreasonable, which is to say losing his patience was the correct response. It prevents people from walking all over you, especially if it involves them getting in the way of doing the right thing.

That wasn't important, for now. Nobody was complaining, right now. Except for anyone losing their hand at poker, that is. Isaac wasn't exactly cleaning up, but he wasn't out of it, either. They were generally having a good time, with the dark-haired Gunner facing the no man's land, so that if any unwanted heads or anything else tried to poke into the trenches, he'd see it and he could shoot it. It helped to have Rikes along when he could be here, because the wolf-dog had keen senses to bring to the gathering, and thus the chances of being taken by surprise were almost non-existent. It did mean that his back was facing the trenchway leading back to Plymouth Lane, but the other men here were obliged to warn him if anyone important was headed this way. Furthermore, Rikes would also spot anyone who would take a look at their poker game and hate on it. This one didn't need the glance from the other soldiers, nor the telltale sign of Rikes standing up and glaring down the lane. The fact is that the new arrival had a tell of his own that wasn't in reference to pokerfaces. He'd seen 'im around, him and his big slab of a dog. Isaac was only human, but he'd trained his senses well enough in the picking up of footfalls, breathing patterns, and so on. A man and his heavyset dog were fairly easy to pick out.

He asked of them what they were playing, even as the mostly-brown wolf dog began to sniff curiously. It was a ritual. Isaac had seen it among the pack and regular dogs often enough. No harm in it unless objections were made. Frankly, if the bigger of the two had any issues, he wouldn't have any trouble communicating them. Isaac glanced up at the...yeah, that's a Sergeant...and answered "Poker. Walcome to join.". Truth be told, they'd had a couple rounds, already. What the man had seen in their setting up was Isaac dealing in the latest. Anyway, there wasn't any harm in a Sergeant knowing anything about this. Most lower ranks, such as Sergeants, usually understood that unbearable conditions required them to bear the bending of some rules for recreation. To wit, nobody was going to stop gambling to pass the time away anymore than they were gonna give up a few innocuous bribes to get things moving. The Isaac Store had its assets partially to handle such payments. Getting the cooperation of the stingy quartermaster took a bit of work, for instance. He was kind of a prick... Anyway, Isaac was looking over the incredible bulk of the Sergeant's dog now.

"Strong breed ya got there. Push past or pin down damn near anyone."

Isaac knew dogs. Or rather, his father did, and the information passed down so that he could easily see that Valkur here was a living battering ram when he wasn't carrying supplies or messages like Rikes.

Britta Hagen

She tended to wander about the whole of Plymouth Lane, taking no particular direction unless she had particular goal. Sometimes, you could find things of import - people to address, problems to fix, opportunities to take - quite at random. At the very least, what the commanding officers wanted when you were on duty without a particular assignment was to look busy. As long as it seemed like you were doing something constructive instead of standing around and looking lost, you were alright. It was only when they had something specific for you to do or when they find you without something to do that things could get dicey. On the former, if you had something to do as per orders, you can be sure that you'd better get down to it, or else you were in trouble. And in the latter, you were basically already in trouble, and you were going to get an assignment you really REALLY didn't want, as a result.

All of this was important because morale in Plymouth Lane was terrible. Even one with determination such as hers faltered when the enemy line refused to budge in either direction, leaving them in a purgatorial state as a result. They would not move back, so as to give up the ground they'd gained, but there was yet any sign that an advancement would carve more than feet at a time. Isaac was worried that command would order them to dig tunnels to try and reach the enemy camps in secret, only for the weather and mortal shelling to collapse said tunnels with them inside of it. He did not like the military, and as much as she believed in the cause of the war, they'd both seen things that makes one question the methodology of those in charge. And so, the stalemate continued, with the probably breaking of it lying in potentially great sacrifice, a crazy plan, or both. Britta, for one, didn't think much of the fruitless charges from the trenches. Gunners like her standing in trenches like this made such people irrelevent, even if they were shocktroopers.

Speaking of which, a Shocktrooper chose this time to speak to her. So, 'Marius' had come up the staggered approach to the Assault Trenches - they were like this, of course, to break up the explosive force of any shell that exploded IN the trenches - and his description of Britta was...adequate, but perhaps not doing her justice. Ash-gray though her hair was, there was significant life in those threads, unlike someone for whom age had taken their toll. It was a strange sort of thing, life. It gave you unusual traits, at times. And indeed, Britta was full of life, herself. Also vigor, as she was glaring with machine gun ready out into the land that swallowed up many a soldier, as well as explosives, parts of vehicles, and all manner of debris. She would turn upon being addressed, professionally checking her weapon to make sure she didn't misfire or something. She noticed the slip of the tongue, and there was a slight tilt of the head when 'Marius' made it, but she made no address of it.

"I would be, indeed. Is there something I can help you with?"

Here was where he introduced himself and...funny. That was kind of a Francian name, right? She'd known Jean from her first day of active duty, and he was a Francian-Darcsen, so she knew kind of what to expect in the look, the body language, and certainly the accent. Maybe it was due to Jean being Darcsen while this man was not, but...he seemed quite different. No matter. He was a man in need of assistance, and she had no reason not to help him. Britta herself had on a bright smile, always wanting to reassure those who turned to her for aid, and this one sounded like he wanted use of the Isaac Store. Unless, of course, this were somehow personal. Nah, it didn't seem like it.

"Sure, I can do that. What're you looking to store away? And, forgive me, but is there some reason that a personal footlocker would be inadequate?"

There could be any reason, up to and including him just not having one issued. Isaac and Britta had one. When they started this, the two of them agreed to move their personal belongings - a short list, to be fair - to her own footlocker, and that the Isaac Store would be in the Isaac footlocker. Nobody stole from said store because everybody benefitted from it, and someone trying to would endanger the store, and thus bring down the wrath of a good two dozen people at least, upon said doer of the heinous deed. That all said, Britta would do what she could for the man. Simple storage of items wasn't ordinarily in huge demand, but they'd done it before.

When Ashton mentioned that the Ascendancy maaay have fucking lied to them about them being the only ones who could really bond with their magic crystal meth, Nero only snorted with amusement. I mean, no shit. There wasn't any reason that he could think of that they needed kids to perform on, and there were plenty of expendable adults as much as kids without a future to try this on, so why not? Nero didn't believe for a second that these desperate fucking bastards could only perform this trick on people his age. That was a straight load, so no big surprise there. What WAS a surprise was Iris causing him to flinch with that slamming slab before telling him they'd be getting out of here soon. Geez, he just wanted a sitrep... They really were all freakin' crazy soldiers. No wonder Amy wanted to therapitize them.

You could definitely tell that things were off about all of them. The situation was frustrating for all of them - They got jumped by magic mercs, Squad 0 bailed the mercs out, and so consequently the assholes didn't get dead. - but now as they jumped into the hole...Iris had this weird smile on her face. Nero couldn't miss it, because he went stealthy, and when he did, he was more-so than he was before. It wasn't AS MUCH a surprise when he did it, not as much as the sudden weirdness with his last spell, but that was because his brain caught up with his body when it activated. He could shapeshift! I mean, he could shadow-shift! I mean, he was making all kinds of spooky and horrifying shapes behind Sam and Iris when they weren't looking.

Is this what it's like for Finn? Can I be a frigging CAT?

The shape of one, as long as he was made of shadow. He was still a physical wraith-like form, but now he was malleable AND he still went invisible in the shadows. He could... Holy shit, he merged with shadows! He poked at Iris' shadow, and suddenly he was just overlapped onto it perfectly. That's how he noticed that he mood whiplashed so quickly. She couldn't see him, of course. He slipped back before anybody noticed that something was off. The lot of them had all kinda' senses, after all. Wouldn't want her brother to think he was up to something. Of course, it was at that moment that Maria suddenly broadcast into his head and made Nero lose his concentration.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! When did you guys get here? Geez... Helluva shock, there. Ring a bell or something first, okay?"

He didn't hate telepathy, but it DID spoil the concentration, and he DID want to test out some of what the good doctor plugged into him.


All of that was neither here nor there, just the last vestiges of what happened as they were pulling Realist out of his cage, then pulling themselves out thanks to Maria's warning and some of that clever portal magic, courtesy of Finn. Back on the ship, Nero took off his mask and chilled, although actually BEING chill was at a bit of a premium. You see, apart from being pumped up, Nero remembered all the faces and names and remarks of every single son of a bitch that brought him into this mess. He had...a list. He had a list, a means of tracking them, and a special method of execution. However, to test it out, he focused The Black Spot on "Fucking Crowley..." to test it out. He wouldn't sustain it, but he DID want to send sort of a message and get a bearing on just how close the boy had been to their location, back there.

The other reason he wasn't so chill is that he was thinking on the way back 'I want a chainsaw.', and so he started checking prices and...oh good fucking god, what? His account had jumped up even more! Where the hell was he going to spent it all? He could buy his own Ascendancy Bomber! No, he could buy the fucking Xuanzang! He wasn't going to, but he could! What the hell?! Well, one thing was for sure. He was going to get...a really good chainsaw. Something self-cleaning and self-sharpening, guaranteed to cut well for ten fucking years! And that was just the first thing that came to mind. I mean, he didn't usually need much, but there was going to be some cutlery. Maybe something hands-free that he could wear, or something that he could build. He wasn't a super tool guy, but with that kind of credit, he could learn to make weapons. Nero didn't know what Ash and Flame did to make this money, but it was going well into his 'Kill The Bastards' fund, no question.


Nah, I discuss things openly with people. It's cool.
@Balthazar007 Alright, job's finished. Gimme the results of training, boss.
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