Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

@TheUnknowable"I came with the last ship, the one that arrived today. I was curious about this new continent, so I joined the forces." The revenant took the axe, gripping its shaft firmly with his large hands. "So, Zim and Zam, I'm Agmundr." He introduced himself to the Orcs just in case they had not been able to hear it the first time.

"So... shall we head out immediately ?" He moved his head in a suggestive way. Agmundr didn't speak it out loudly, but he would really appreciate it if the forest was done before his less well-mannered 'colleagues' had their day.
'been a long day full of differential equations and other modeling topics for me. I'm a bit tired, but the post is up :)
@Aerandir @urukhai
One thing became apparent very quickly: There were things going on in this village. It was the first time Andri saw how someone badly hurt was carried into the backroom of a tavern with all the guests being able to see it happen. Oh he would have loved it to lurk to that door and do some eavesdropping, but... He had to admit that he was the rookie here, so it would be better for him not to get caught on something like this. On the other hand: These two women made such a course of action entirely unnecessary, as it really wasn't difficult to comprehend that there was a bit of a dispute going on between them. However the assassin couldn't find out what it was all about as he lacked the necessary knowledge or suspicions. There was a man with bad injuries in the backroom, most likely recieving initial treatment. This implied that something had gone badly wrong, and the ongoing dispute indicated that there was even more going the wrong way as he conceived it as pretty inadequate for the given situation. However it wasn't his job to intervene. Two men seemed to attempt just that already. Andri focused his attention back to the mug in front of him and took some sips. Thinking about what to eat, he was interrupted.

"Erm... hello. I'm just trying to relax a bit and fill up my stomach." He sounded diffident, if not even shy. He let Bobby inspect him without resistance - he was just too accustomed to it as most people did it. That man most likely was a hunter, otherwise he wouldn't have accompanied that other guy into the backroom. "My name's Andri. Andri Hymir. I've arrived two days ago and I'm trying to settle in. What happened ?" He noticed Yuri out of the corner of his eye and paused his words until Bobby turned back his attention towards him. Perhaps he would join them.
@Aerandir I have do admit that this coincidence with André is flabbergasting me. I don't even dare to exclude that my subconsciousness played a sneaky game with me and made me select Andri because it is so close to André without my consciousness actively noticing it though I have probably read something about him at some point in my life :D So now we have a nickname the hunters can use if they want to :)

Anyways, as I've finished reading I'm gonna try and set up another post now.
@FetzenAs you said he still a novice, I will make it Bobby has heard of him, but just barely. Hard to not hear of Andri the Giant. (Yes I know where you got the name you sneaky person you)

It appears that my method of preventing unwanted allusions (hacking the desired character's name into google.com and check the first page of results) is flawed and did in fact miss that... Actually "Andri" is a not so uncommon icelandic name and as such it was intended.

However Hymir is indeed an intentional hidden reference to a mythological giant, and either you didn't see that coming or you were too distracted by André :D
@Eviledd1984 I don't see the point in it to be honest. It's totally sandbox by now. If anybody returns, could you notify me so we can continue this ?
So I finally made it. Hope I didn't get too many things wrong :D

He had been here for two days now, but Andri was still a bit surprised about how well developed this quaint little village was. There were a lot of things that he thought he could possibly need at some point - and it appeared that just everything was available right here: a blacksmith, multiple taverns where one could eat and drink, a large body of water nearby that likely offered additional opportunities to relax, churches... - Well he could go without the latter one if he was honest. His parents had taught him to send up a prayer on a daily basis, but he had pretty much forgotten about that over the course of the last years.

There was so much on offer here that he was still spending a lot of time on inspecting it closely. Was it worth the price and would it be up to the level of reliability he had become used to expecting ? So the assassin was still roaming around on the streets, leaving huge footsteps behind. The next item on his makeshift list: one of the taverns. Andri stopped and probed his pockets. There had to be that wonderful feeling of some round pieces of metal hidden somewhere... It could just be a matter of time as there were so many pockets to search. He had become so used to wearing his leathery gear that he felt comfortable in it even when he could have worn ordinary cloth instead. It just needed an adequate amount of care, but he had been a peasant or a tailor for most of his life, so he could fix almost everything about it himself.

Oh... there was something! Not much, but it would suffice for one or two mugs of beer. He mentally assured himself that this weren't his last coins. There was more in a stash in that tiny dwelling place he had been able to arrange and where he had currently stored all of his weapons as well. So... there was nothing to worry about. He stepped in, ducking his head when passing through the doorframe. When the man progressed towards the bar, one could get the impression that his back was loosing cohesion as there was strange movement beneath his clothing. Andri whispered sideways into the hood "Please, not now Sin!" and gently nudged the serpent's head so the creature would move it into a less exposed position. Now he could pull back the hood.

Two quick eyes scanned the room: Which of the stools was closest to a wall and would allow him to take a comfortable posture ? He found one that that was a bit of a compromise, ordered a beer and sat down. From where he was, the assassin could survey almost the entire room, especially the entrance, but relaxation came first. That other thing was a habit he tried to suppress right now. He took a deep breath of the stale air. His stomach signaled hunger, so probably he would leave it at the small mug he had and go for something to eat instead. Sometimes he envied his snake: Sin required so much less to eat and so less frequent...
Gonna try and set up an introductionary post for my character, but it could take a while as I'm involved in a bit of multi-tasking right now.
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