Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by SunsetRoses>

Yay! Everyone is appearing for my last/MAYBE second to last night!

I can't :(

@SunsetRoses I don't know for sure when I can continue our collab. The inner city has been flooded yesterday and the defective infrastructure likely will rip apart my schedule for the next 2+ days I guess. I'll be on the pad whenever possible.


"Well... my hammer doesn't need to be sharpened." Madawc grinned, then departed from Xavier, stating that he wanted to buy some other things. Being on his own now and not knowing the city, it took him a considerable while and several friendly inquiries to find what he was looking for.

The man he was confronted with had a dismissive attitude towards him almost right from the beginning, but he was the only one who appeared to possess horses that looked suitable to Madawc. The demon-man got pointed at and even poked multiple times into his flabby, but not really large belly. He really would have liked to break this guy's finger or even something bigger. In the end, the trader accepted one of his two beasts and most of the coins Madawc had just earned this day as payment.

Madawc also bought a new saddle and some other small things before he returned to the agreed meeting point with the mute. Now he was sitting on a real war horse in full armor. It was obvious that it still was under very high strain, but it would suffice to carry him for several hours a day while his supplies were on the other beast.

Source: Cristi-B @ DeviantArt
"Why should I be afraid of seeing my own blood ? As long as there's not too much of it coming out it's one of the easiest things for your body to replace."

Othen Perelyn

Beast - because of his appearance.
Blithiot - a combination of the words 'blithering' and 'idiot'. He hasn't heard it for a long time, as the friend of his who invented it as a humorous call for him once has moved away.

Adventurer 3



He doesn't really have a reputation in the sense of many people already knowing about him. He has just been too far away from them for half of his life. However, when he appears somewhere, it usually doesn't take long for civilians and soldiers alike to notice him. Those who do know him more closely will likely tell two things about him: First: He is strange. Second: When it comes to a fight, he is almost like fierceness itself, not having much of respect for his own body and demanding bascially the same thing from others. The majority of the people on the streets rather tries to keep a bit of a distance towards him.

Othen's hair is cut short and of a very fair color. Sometimes it's even considered a 'dirty white'. As if he wanted to compensate this, he keeps his beard very long, bundling it with braces as close to his chin as possible. His more often than not exposed upper body is partially covered with some kind of warpaint. If there is any other meaning to this than just looking rare, he's an expert in keeping this a secret. In general he is often considered a colossus because of the immense amount of bulk attached to his body. His clothing appears to be comprised mostly of hide, but it is rather worn out and could use some thorough cleaning. His eyes are gray and he generally appears to be some years older than he actually is.


370 lbs

Positive Traits:
  • A friendly request will often result in him lending a helping hand.
  • Undemanding.
  • Has a strong sense of comradeship.

Negative Traits:
  • He can be very stubborn when he has got an idea he thinks is brilliant or when someone advises him to change his way of life.
  • Has a tendency to take words down the wrong pipe.
  • Intensive and long-handed planning is something for slowcoaches. There are so many variables around that can change that the risk of a plan becoming useless at least equals the risk inherent to getting to work immediately.

Personality Description
Othen may appear as someone who doesn't care much about civilization, however this, at least in his mind, is a big misunderstanding: He does care about it, he just doesn't believe that neat housings, cities and a lot of the things people have invented to alleviate their lives should be considered a mandatory part of it. It can make people weak. In order to stay within the bonds of his own belief, he has a tendency to make life more difficult for him that it has to be: Having not seen any kind of what other people would call a decent amount of 'education' and not knowing about urban customs at best or straightforwardly refusing adaptation to them at worst, he can be difficult. On the other hand he is not infected by a lot of the expectations a more civil person often has, which can be advantageous for becoming friends IF one is willing to look beyond the other things.

  • Eating, especially unprocessed or lowly processed foods.
  • A decent fight, be it with weapons or with bare hands.
  • Untouched nature.
  • People who are as modest as he is and have a real understanding of him, especially since this is rather rare.

  • Aristocrats. They have no idea of real life and rely on others doing their work for them.
  • Blah-Blah. The definition of this is somewhat variable if observed from outside. For him, 'Blah-Blah' is when there is a discussion going on he believes won't yield any useable results in a rather short matter of time. This doesn't have to be simple smalltalk as social interaction can be viewed of as a useable result, too.
  • Money. It's just so horribly arbitrarily dependent on what people currently believe it is worth. If someone hands you over a new piece of clothing you have a chance to immediately assess it and so has the one you are trading with a chance to asses what you give to him.
  • Too many people on the same spot.

  • Very strong and tough.
  • Broad knowledge of the wilderness: Plants, edible animals and how to hunt them, survival tricks in general.
  • Basic knowledge about self-treatment. This mainly focuses on injuries.

Weapon(s) Description
He makes use of two very simply constructed, large and heavy axes. Additionally, he is in possession of a wooden shield he can use as an alternative to one of the axes. All of this appears to be old and having seen continued usage for several years. As the two axes aren't exactly identical it is likely that he has first acquired one and then, later and from another source, the other one - indicating that he hasn't bought them.

  • As already stated, his definition of civilization is a bit different of the ordinary.
  • Constant training is a must have for him. If there's no fight, then go berserk on other things, and be it lifting stones or carrying around other heavy loads.
  • He's a smoker. Not much, but he does it. Mostly homebrew stuff as just buying it would conflict his attitude.

  • The idea of the risk of a plan becoming useless at least equaling the risk of getting to work too quickly can go off in the wrong direction. As he has survived this far the impact of his impatience in most cases is moderate and rather an annoyance then a real threat, but you never know...
  • Having him as a companion in a city or even just a better developed village can be a real burden.
  • His physique sometimes makes things more difficult for him than for others: Sneaking, squeezing through tight spaces or riding without quickly draining a horse's stamina are examples for that.

  • Getting old.
  • The possibility of him being attacked while he is asleep.
  • Powerful magic. He doesn't know much about it, and probably that is exactly the point why he is afraid of it.

The 'homebrew stuff' he can be seen smoking sometimes isn't entirely consisting of harmless, dried leaves. He sometimes adds ingredients to it that make him less reasonable for a while, but also even more ferocious.

Othen was born under very poor circumstances. His parents did barely earn enough funds to keep three persons and the shabby dwelling place they were living in alive, so they decided not to have another child. It was from early onward in his childhood that he learned to gather additional supplies farther away outdoors. Life was tough and the entire family wasn't really accepted in society because they were looking so poor and couldn't afford many things that others considered as taken-for-grantedness.

Unlike other people possibly would have done, he didn't get stuck in self-pity and despair. He accepted the situation and focused on damning the society he had only seen the more dark sides of. Never having been a real part of it, he voluntarily built up even more distance after his parents had died a natural death. The more he did so, the better it felt and the better the circumstances actually became for him. He didn't have to buy anything, he could just grab it from nature. What had once been a supplementary activity started to fill out more and more parts of his life It toughened his body. However, at some point, he became bored. He just had discovered everything there was to discover around the place he was living.

So he was confronted with a choice: Move to another place, risking to solve the problem only very temporarily, or look out for something like an actual purpose in his life. He decided for the latter option and joined a group of wandering mercenaries. It was there that he developed his style of fighting and the new occupation pleased him: Being a member of a group of wandering mercenaries basically was some sort of hybrid between his style of living outside of any settlements and being a part of a society. However nothing lasts forever: Old members went and new came, and not all of them did agree with all of his oddities. It became less and less fun, so he left. But he was now infected with being a fighter, and what could be more perfect than joining a new group that intended to go where barely anyone had gone before for a long time ? It's a challenge he has selected by his own will.


Madawc approached the shopkeeper next. He bought several items: food like salt meat or long-lasting bread, a few candles and a few pieces of parchment. One could never have enough of that with Xavier around.

"So. What's the next item on the list ?" He suspected that the mute had not finished his shopping trip yet.
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm waiting for @EurmalEye to respond.
<Snipped quote by Aerandir>

To be fair, there are very few people lor doesn't have in bed right now. Soooo...still hope :3

I could think of that it's just a matter of time Khan until that counter hits a +1.

"Erm..." Madawc had noted that the shop's owner didn't feel well, and though he was still wearing his armor, he was sure that his appearance wasn't the reason for this. He had at least spent some seconds washing all the blood of it in Marcus' manor, well before hitting the road again, and his armor was looking rather ordinary in general. He continued to whisper towards the mute: "I think you could lower the prices for you if you would take this helmet off..." He tried to tell it in a humorous way, gently patting Xavier's shoulder.

What would he need to buy here ? A lot to eat, of course. Something none-perishable as he didn't know how long that travel would take. That was the most important thing. His clothes were still in pretty good shape he thought, so he wouldn't need that.

Madawc didn't care much about the beggars, but seeing Xavier taking care of them, he couldn't help but let loose of a few coins as well - for the sake of the evolving friendship between the mute and himself.

All off a sudden, he dashed away, just yelling "Xavier!" in order to get the mute's immediate attention. He just could not let that happen. Luckily, it were 'only' children and the streets started to be clogged up after the frist hundred meters, but still he had trouble to catch up to them. When he finally did, the boy was grabbed at his collar and left staring at Madawc's war-painted face. The demon-man lifted him off the ground with one arm. First, he yanked the purse out of his hand, then he delivered a very loud and very strong reprimand right into the boy's face. He dropped him back so hard on the ground that the child was struggling getting up again. "Get off!" Madawc shouted. The other thieves had escaped - he just had not enough arms to take care of all of them simultaneously.

Breathing heavily, he handed the purse back to Xavier, hoping that its contents were still in there.
I'm interested, having discovered this hours ago, but I've not yet encountered the idea for a character. Asides from that, it would be my very first RP in the advanced section.
I inadvertently isolated my character from the rest of the players lol.

@Jin of Mana how far is Thorbrand's party from the captiol?

Pretty much suffering from the same problem. Didn't want to force it that each and everyone 'just happens' to be at the same spot at the same time right from the beginning.
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