Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts


"Xavier ? Who is this person ?" Madawc pointed at Scarlet in a rather disrespectful manner while directing his view and words to the mute. Then he got blunt: "So why are you approaching us in this rather threatening way ? Is it forbidden to defend oneself ?" In fact, the demon-mans mind started to draw hypothetical lines between the monster's attack and the very sudden and both spatially and temporarily very close emergence of that... whoever she was. Aside from that... meeting yet another person who instantaneously knew about his demon part did piss him off somewhat.

Othen Perelyn

Othen definitely wasn't the one who required things like these to be told twice. "As you wish." It wasn't an entirely honest wording. In fact, every inclination to interpret his words the way that he would feel like having to obey an order of Floure would be totally misguided. He was very eager to get this job done himself and the woman's words were just a nice boost.

'Boosted' probably also was an adequate phrase to describe Othen's approach. He thought that just attempting to pull the boy away from their leader wouldn' suffice - Emmett would likely just stick to Rook so hard in his frenzy that he would drag the other man with him. So what the berserker did was to momentarily forget everything about that innermost circle person's started to feel uncomfortable when it was penetrated by someone els. He used his incredibly packed elbows as a wedge that he drove in between the two men's breasts.Then the man pushed his arms outwards in opposite directions, thereby building up distance between the strugglers until they were out of their individual arm's reach.

Now it was time to fully focus on Emmett. Whilst Othen himself had never lost his father and thereby couldn't really understand how hard it might have been for Rook's nephew, he had at least a rudimentary understanding about when going mad was appropriate and when not. Or at least he believed he had. The truth would be a thing to be judged by the others. Othen just felt that Rook was the wrong person to rage at for Emmett, though he didn't really approve of what his uncle had just done, too. The boy wasn't giving up. He squirmed at the other end of Othen's far outstretched left arm. Luckily for him Emmett was clearly at a disadvantage when it came to range, otherwise he would have had to be afraid of his face getting scratched to hell.

Othen's next attempt to switch the boy back into normal operation was to shake him violently, including multiple times of lifting him off the ground and slamming him back on it while shouting: "Emmett! Calm down! I'll knock you out if you don't!"
I most likely won't be available for today's collab session. Tomorrow's a rather densely packed and important day for me and I can't afford to be on that early my local time.

I'll work in necessary Andri parts as soon as I have time. @Meiyuki / @Aerandir Could one of you please PM me about the things I should insert then or leave indicators in the collab ? Would make things easier.
@Jin Of ManaI think I'm gonna step out of this game, since I've kinda made myself useless. Good luck to the rest of you!

Same thing. I'm hoping for a collab but it likely won't happen it seems.

Madawcs shirt had turned into a blood-drenched piece of junk. Yet he didn't seem to be very set about pulling it off when the fight was over. Leaving bloody footsteps behind, he looked around. Xavier, as expected, had been pretty efficient in terms of killing. Given the fact that he had to start fighting right after waking up and with no gear on, a circumstance that had forced him to be more cautious and more on the defensive side, the demon-man was rather satisfied by his own work however.

He approached the wagon, or to be more precisely the guy standing on it, straightforwarldy. With a grumpy tone, he asked: "What do you want ?"
Soo g'night :) (its approaching midnight my time)
I'll try to be back on the same time we started the collab today.
Does anybody else want to go first or should I post again ? (based on the information that Emmett won't let go of Rook unless he's forced to)

"What the..." were the only words Madawc uttered. He was barely awake, kneeling on the inside of his opened sleeping bag. Can't one have just a single night of good sleep.... The demon-man was far away from being truly prepared for battle: Still blinking, he had not a single piece of his armor put on him. Having a blurred vision, he tried to guess the numer of attackers. The result was shocking, it meant that taking the time to put on his gear would equal letting Xavier become overwhelmed by those... whatever those things were. He had no idea. Alien creatures had been pretty much the bottom line on his list of things he would have expected to happen so close to a main road.

He grabbed his warhammer and charged at the mess that was unfolding before his eyes. Madawc was almost on his bare feet and only wearing thick cloth. It made him lighter and thus faster, an irony if one considered his physique. However, it also meant less protection. So it didn`t take long for him to get bruised and bleeding, but at least it was obvius that Madawc had the upper hand in terms of sheer strength and momentum. This circumstance resulted in an increasing number of crushed skulls and ribcages, but they were far from being safe yet.
The Meeting

"The strange tongue I'm feeling instinctively urged to speak in is called English ?" Vaughtar had noticed this strange circumstance before, but still his voice was full of surprise.

Having been met with a rebuff, the gargoyle wasn't sure if it would be wise to continue surging ahead with straightforward questions. He didn't want to negatively influence his reputation as far as one could use this term already in his case. He was really close to suggesting that just waiting for someone to return to the site would offer an opportunity to find out who could be held responsible for this, but instead Vaughtar asked more hesitantly: "So... what are we going to do now ?" Hopefully he wouldn't be stuck in this... submarine... for long.

Zesiro seemed rather relaxed about the topic: The way he was leaning back with the bottom of his feet facing towards the other participants didn't suggest that he was worrying about anything. If he could just do the same...

Othen Perelyn

The remainder of the night had been uneventful. After that incident Othen was in firm belief Emmett was to be held responsible for - because it was crazy Emmett and not anyone else who had appeared to be in the middle of it -, he too had returned to the camp and attempted to continue his sleep. He had been dramatically more successful with this than the majority of the other participants, so the colossal man's start into the day was a rather well rested one.

He had no idea that Emmett, Floure and Grace had conspired against him, telling him the very same fabricated story of picking flowers. Again, if it had not been Emmett, he would not have believed it. That boy however had already proven himself to be weird enough to make searching for petals in the middle of a night in a desert a feasible thing for him. Perhaps it was better this way. If the day should come Othen found out about the truth... No.. Even Floure's charms on him would likely not protect her or any of the others from his outburst.

Othen was noone who put much effort into changing clothes between day and night. He stood up looking the same way he had put himself under his flysheet the evening before: Fur, leather and a considerable amount of bare skin that, if one looked closely, was taking a though minor amount of damage from the relentless sun, at least where it wasn't covered by his warpaint. Perhaps this decoration of his body was just a clever way to protect him without making it obvious ? But then it would have made way more sense to... well... take a bath in the color instead of putting so much effort into deploying it that way he had done.

When their lead explorer went ahead, he could barely convince himself to stay in line with the others. What the hell had Rook told those persons ? It could have been anything, including betraying all of them. The fact that there was an abundance of rumors about their leader didn't help in discarding this thought, but time had to tell. Othen soothed himself with thinking that if any slavers would come back to get them, he would just do and try what he would have liked to do just now with this more than suspect caravan: Attack, kill and crush them.

Then Emmett did something that actually managed to worry him. Or no... Othen had started to worry about the boy since the moment he had seen his eye rings the first time this morning. What he was doing now however appeared more critical. Not that Othen would have been the one to decline rough body contact when it came to raging against someone - it were Emmett's words.

Othen got moving as fast as he could with his more than hulking body, approaching the two causing enough noise and throwing around enough sand with his feet that it probably would have sufficed for someone to notice him coming. He didn't rely on that however, but instead thundered towards the boy when he was already standing just two yards away from him: "Emmett! Stop it! Now!" He was ready. He would try and separate the two by the application of brute force if Emmett would not let loose immediately.
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