Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

The sun was an enjoyable sight for it was the clear indication that they had left this largely unexplored subterranean mixture of dwarfish and dark elven infestation behind for good. The Skayleigh spent a lot of time on looking downwards, waiting for his eyes to do what any dwarven eye would have done long ago and adjust. The moment pain ceased to be the reward for looking into the distance, An-Hasst raised his senses and inspected the environment himself. A village. Inhabitans ? Humans. Or should one say... daredevils ?

While he had never participated much in the struggle on the Kaelic Isles himself, he still could recognize how terribly wrong the order of construction appeared to have gone here. Wouldn't have it been a much better idea to try and get a decent defensive ring completed first before upgrading improvised shelters to nice little houses ? Without a wall they'd have to try and shoot their bows from inside the houses and await any enemy there after he had broken through the gate. Or simply get slaughtered outside by virtually any projectile on any arbitrary trajectory. An-Hasst silently hoped that those people at least knew that there was this massive cave entrance nearby ?

He noticed how their most recent addition opted to seek cover behind him -- and in fact he started to support this move. The woman was horribly exposed and who knew how badly her reputation in this village was biased by either previous confrontation on the personal level or general vilification of her race. Her getting held up, probably caught and possibly even be killed would only help to give their own cause a boost downwards. So he started to move more slowly and barely enough to make his stance and position not appear odd. Sometimes being the largest member of the group could be quite advantageous. If only there was be more he could do to make her drow-ish appearance just vanish for a brief, decisive moment. The old 'we have captured this individual and would like to perform our investigations' trick wouldn't work on such short notice, would it ? At least he decided not to dare and try it single-handedly. If she'd decide to pull it off, he'd assist her though.

Maybe though this wouldn't even be necessary: Maybe Settionne would succed in wrapping this guard into so much of his disgusting verbal slime that the poor fellow would simply slither along the ground of arguments no matter what part of his mind or body he'd deploy to try and gain a foothold ? Time would tell in a few moments, and so long he'd have to try and move this rog captain's halberd into a less prominent position. What if they'd recognize what kind of species it originated from ? And last but not least there was the not so enjoyable brain wave that those humans likely were refugess from any of the northern battlegrounds. This included the one his own kind was involved in. So... maybe someone would step into the breach and boldly claim that both he and Aeryn were captives ?

Events didn't fail to quickly pass the Skayleigh's mental position. A man in shiny armor and with a damn precious looking sword appeared, even though he obviously had the bad habit of letting its tip rest in the dirt where sand and stones could make it lose its edge very rapidly. He noticed the drow, probably a glitch in An-Hasst's footwork that had exposed her legs, but nothing dangerous happened. At least so far... crossbows were still aimed at them. Not having to conceal anyone anymore, he decided to step forward. The bridge's floorboards protested precariously beneath his feet, something that made him wonder if those spikes had also been placed in the ditch beneath them.

He felt a little flaw in the arguments exchanged so far. What was money worth in a place as remote and cut off from any trade like this ? "If it would assist in the matter we maybe could also offer our workforce for the time we'd stay here. I could imagine that your ongoing construction effort could need it."

This sounds very tempting to me. If I don't succumb in other duties, including roleplaying, I might start work on an application :)
I'll have to read up a few posts since my sickness has prevented me from doing things, but I hope I'll be able to get up at least something short within the next days :/
So, how's everyone doing?

Halfway okay. I have the feeling that another period of huge overtime is coming and will hit me within weeks, but I am trying to enjoy what free time I have now. If only my inspiration would come back :/
@POOHEAD189 Yeah, skip me this round please. Sorry :/
As a little pre-warning: It might take me a little to get my character going again. I'm currently... dunno... I guess I somehow ran out of ideas and spirit :/
I think that's primarily because of other aspects of his behaviour, not because Settionne appears to like ladies.

And maybe An-Hasst so far simply hasn't encountered the lady he likes ?
I'm not requesting any changes (the post has been made several days ago and I would hate those changes myself). I only want to mention it for the future.

How can you know long An-Hasst would be able to feel up someone ?
So. Sorry for the delay :/

I'd like to add one small thing though:


"..Ssss... Stop it!" she shrieked out in between squeals of laughter and in a slight shock - An-Hasst pulled his hands back to his own sides.

I'd like to ask for not controlling my (or any other's character) actively without asking beforehand :-)
It's really just a small detail here, but I want to make sure that noone can say I haven't told it when there was the first opportunity.

One couldn't say that An-Hasst cared mugh about anyone being ticklish. After all he was not so much and there were higher priorites, like, for example, making sure that noone would be able of surprising them with armed aggression. "Alright, she's clean." was his primary comment on the situation after he had let go of her clothing. If anyone thought that the Skayleigh was actually interested in any human female's curvy properties he'd probably find out why his own body was so... curvy. By brute force.

Luckily this had not taken place at least until An-Hasst had found his way back towards the other side of the river. It seemed like the usual 'we're going to tell every friggin' stranger about our quest even if it means that we'll be stuck even longer in an underground, drow-infested network' issue -- thanks to Geradin's rapid intervention -- was merely on the verge of occurring again and surprisingly so even not due to the small cleric man. In other words there wasn't much that still caught his interest compared to his greed for food.

As the Skayleigh was rampaging through the more or less unorganized contents of his bags one of his ears was still listening to his surroundings, capable of picking up Ursaren's question. "I don't. However I guess that the fungi's name is rather irrelevant when it comes to the question if it is permitted to take a sample. Is it safe to transport or can it leak any substances that will diffuse through sturdy leather and contaminate your or any other's food supplies ?"

@Stormflyx@Gardevoiran@POOHEAD189@The Fated Fallen@BCTheEntity@Mortarion
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