Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

Hmmm. I can't truly tell from what kind of source I took inspiration for Týfurkh. I am convinced there must be some that I've encountered, but I can't tell at the moment. Strange :)

Oh, and... Drath and Claude could make him feel very uncomfortable. He has a massive tendency to self-inflicted damage, so I could imagine a scene where they are talking about how to patch him up this time again.
Mine is not really an alchemist. It's just that one, highly specialized stuff and its for his personal use only. The goal behind the design of my character was to pick up the berserker theme, but alter it so create a magic-berserker.

Again this is assuming that it can be approved :)
So, how's life going for everyone? Hopefully everyone's doing well.

Feeling rather depressed currently for roleplaying and another reason, but otherwise I'm quite fine and hope that this goes over sooner than later.

I’d like to discuss your sheets further with each of you; expect PM’s tomorrow. I’m currently travelling but won’t be getting into anything heavy this evening as it’s a fairly long journey.

I hope it's not too bad.
Now that I've slept I noticed that I've messed a few smaller things up yesterday. I fixed the horizontal lines and a few typos. Also I've replaced Transhumanism and The Great Experiment with other items. There was a small mixup when I've assembled the different drafts to the final sheet yesterday.
Sooo... this is my application in its initial state:

Týfurkh Gandjar

"Why keep people asking if those gems are taken from victims of the blight? We're no crazy people!"

T Ý F U R K H G A N D J A R ♦ 28 ♦ M A L E ♦ N E U T R A L

Ω O R I G I N S:

If you look at the Barbed Church, what do you see ? An incredibly impressive collection of self-proclaimed believers. Now I want to preempt clearly that I find nothing wrong with what the church believes in -- on the contrary I say that postulating theories about what is yet to be discovered is everybody's human right. The problem lies in the stark contrast between the word 'believe' and what the church actually does.

The user of the aforementioned term acknowledges the fact that he is convinced of something, but also is convinced by his current inability to prove it and thus that he still could be wrong. Yet the church's leadership burdens its subordinates with duties of such severity as if they had already found proof for not only the magick well but also something else so terrible that the world needs to decend into self-inflicted pain right away. Yet none of us has yet seen this proof, so I, we, see no other choice but to regard the church as an organization of such great inner conflict that it's an almost unbearable waste of resources, especially now.

Yet we never have done any harm to them, at least not actively. We haven't even done so much as to buy a stack of parchments, write our statements down and spread them throughout the villages as this certainly would have eliminated what little security we've had. It's not like the First Thorn would have stepped onto a rostrum and shouted 'Slay those heretics!', but experience tells that in every organization sufficiently large enough there occur extremes. Groups of individuals independently of each other started a silent war against our debating societies, rushing into their places and given their members a beating. The fact that these 'conquests' gave them more insight into our world of thought didn't make things better, but only helped push them to more violent measures. Sadly though ultimately some of ours had to pay the ultimate price for this.

But all of this has happened over a century ago. The terror, though never officially called for, helped greatly in forging us together. It can be considered an irony that if it hadn't been for the Barbed Church we maybe wouldn't be able to enjoy so much calmness around us today. The freezing temperatures and high altitude of the northeastern mountains do a great job at keeping annoying visitors off, allowing us to do whatever research we want as long as it is not too expensive. It's not like the people of Mornfell would welcome us any more openly than any others or pay especially well, but even they appreciate it if some newly developed piece of magick device can make some part of their ancient city a little more reliable.

The church and its members have forgotten us, but we have not forgotten them. We can roam freely in the world again as long as we keep our mouths shut and don't even think about retaliation for past generations. We are only two hundred or so, but we believe the world could need us now more than anywhen else in history. If the story about the magick well the church spreads is true, the stone blight is an issue can be solved by magical engineering more than by the sword. The council has sent me to answer Jocun's call. Let's just hope that this won't turn into an order to get along with a bunch of idiots -- even though this would still be preferrable to a single academic who can identify where I belong to and not live with it.

Ω A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

◼ AN ADDICT'S RESISTANCE | By looking at his very impressively tall, well-fed and rather broad-shouldered frame one could think that he must be someone who can take quite a beating. However those people don't realize that the sense of pain and exhaustion is invariant to one's constitution. If it hurts, it hurts. And if it hurts too much it hurts too much. Now there are two ways to remedy this: Years of hard training and experience, or, if you don't have the time, are just too lazy or are actually convinced of the superiority of your idea -- and he certainly is... -- drugs. No, not that half-assed stuff you can get in taverns or so, but something of his people's design. Others who aren't prepared shouldn't use it, but for him the greatest danger lies in not noticing when to stop for good. It allows him to run harder and longer, lift and carry greater weight and bear more pain than the usual individual, but it can't take away the increased negative effects afterwards.

◼ MY SPELL IS MY BLOOD | One of the fundamental, but unwritten laws of physics is that effects always come in pairs of opposites. Just like every force is answered by an equally large force in the opposite direction, the process of converting magick into health can be inversed. Fortunately enough his way of doing it is not some wicked ritual that involves spilling his own blood in the hope of some greater being descending upon him and doing things, but again the outcome of research. He can become a powerful source of magick that exceeds what a mage can usually achieve at the expense of his own, physical well-being. After all it might be better to have to rest for a day than having to be buried because that damn fireball hasn't been big enough.

◼ TINKERING | While he has not specifically been trained for that, his very generalized knowledge of magick can still be considered very useful to try and get rid of a broad array of possible obstacles before they can do harm. This includes, but is not limited to magic barriers, traps (that is... if detected beforehand) and curses. Due to the near limitless possibilities of how to implement those things precisely a careful analysis usually is required before messing around with them. Definitely too long for a combat situation.

◼ LET ME THROUGH, I'M AN ELECTRICIAN! | Dumping magick into strength or speed is something that can be deemed more beneficial in non-combat situations when there's a particularly large rock to move or a wall to breach since he frankly doesn't know how to behave in a melee situation (see weaknesses). However he definitely knows how to convert raw magick into something that can hurt. The major problem probably is that freshly fried flesh doesn't smell particularly good.

◼ FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH | The kind of study he has subjected himself to is not exactly what is taught at ordinary academies. His knowledge focuses very much on the basics of magick, not so much on the implementation of a practical use. So while he clearly is very good at what he can and could give you a full blown, mathematically enriched lecture on magick, he's quite bad at everything else. He can't deviate much to the left or right from his repertoire of spells for his knowledge in the upper levels is not as broad as that of other mages.

◼ I HAVE TO HOLD THIS END, RIGHT ? | Well... Týfurkh's knowledge of swords is sufficient enough to prevent that question being asked, but it doesn't go far beyond that. If you're a mere 28 years old and have been as packed with the kind of knowledge as he has, then there is simply not enough time for that stuff as well. The same applies to pretty much all other kinds of weapons whose usage isn't a trivial affair and in offense as well as in defense.

◼ IF THEY ONLY KNEW... | There's a word that says there's nothing humans are more afraid of as the unknown. Being unknown or at least unusual probably applies very well to him and his skills, so using them in the public could call in more trouble than others would do, depending on the situation. It's not as if his outer appearance with that kind of armor paired with his very impressive height wouldn't already make people turn their eyes...

Ω N O T E S:

Finished the backstory / history of my character, but now I'm trying hard to get my thoughts about his abilities written down. I hope to get the sheet done within the next hours still though.
Having seen that magick is not outside of the range of the possible and seeing the party's different talents and skills so far I think that some kind of a magick-using support role in the second line could be a valuable addition that doesn't collide with anyone else's activities. I still have to flesh out the details, but what do you think of the basic idea ?
Welcome to the guild!

If you need any help feel free to ask and/or contact me directly. I think I've already private-message'd you having seen your interest check :)
Congrats to myself. I have successfully managed to test the 'self-mentions in posts are ingored by the system'-feature. Unfortunately the 'replace self-mentions by mentions of those players that should have been mentioned instead' feature seems not to be implemented. Sorry!

And now guess how that error came to be...

I have the subtle feeling that I might have gotten at least one or two things wrong in my post. If that's the case please tell me!
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