Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current 'been going through a lot of shit recently. I will try to start catching up soon. Sorry to everybody who's waiting on me!
4 mos ago
When you have to disable a new 'advanced' search to get proper search results and learn that 'advanced' means 'AI'. Let's rename it artificial superficiality, short 'AS'. Not to be confused with...
4 mos ago
I'm slightly proud of myself having overcome my hate for indoor spiders a bit over the years. In my youth I often eliminated them, now I carry them outside in a jar. Spiders here are harmless though.
4 mos ago
Believe me, if they could, the entirity of Southern Germany would send you all the rain they had over the last couple of days. I'm just not sure you'd actually want the widespread destruction.
4 mos ago
Finally managed to catch the mouse. Our cat must consider me the most incompetent person of all times given how she watched instead of helping. She dragged the problem in though!


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

In my next post I will probably jump to Alistair being at the monastery rather than spending more time in the actual forest.

I'll most likely do the same in my next post. If you'd like to make contact with my character, just tell me :)
The elongated black object was dancing precariously in the air, protected by disturbing winds from the high mountain ranges surrounding the area. Admittedly, given the fact that the same mountains were already blocking out the very major portion of sunlight it wasn't exactly difficult for anything to appear dark and mysterious, but the arrangement of seemingly infinitely sharp edges that was Funark still could raise suspicion to go beyond the capabilities of paint and burning-in. It looked as if Oddur's only and favourite weapon could be defined as the abscence of spatial access -- a volume that didn't even allow a ray of light to enter and pass through, that repulsed both substance and energy.

Of course this was complete and utter nonsense -- even though the concept would have been a very promising one for a new kind of weapon. The sleek item had merely been hammered out of a carefully selected piece of raw steel and imbued subsequently, nothing more. If he wouldn't concentrate now it would simply drop off his armored fingertip like anything else and he'd have to restart from scratch again. Trying to balance his sword not on weak flesh that was flatted by the weight and thus provided more stability, but on another piece of rounded steel did not only serve the purpose of clearing his mind, but frankly speaking Oddur had maneuvered himself into quite a loss of his bearings.

"And now tell me where to go!" the man whispered towards his weapon, his voice low enough not to disturb its movements and -- hopefully -- not to attract any unwelcomed guests. Maybe he should have dumped a drop of oil onto his gauntlet before doing this ? Not that the stuff would make any improvement on the cutting action Funark could do, but aside from keeping it polished and free of decay it certainly would have helped to reduce friction even further. Slowly and with a near unnoticeable grinding noise the weapon started turning, aligning itself to one of earth's hidden properties his men had exploited so often at sea, in the old times. Point to the north, hilt to the south, the crossguard to the east and west. He hadn't drifted so hard off course, had he ?

Oddur had crossed the Swiss' border several days ago, one of the few occassions where he had had to stick to more densily frequented roads. Otherwise though he had strictly preferred staying away of those and find his way on his own. One could consider this a foolish approach -- or a wise one. Clearly he himself was convinced of the latter being true. Those caravans and traders, more often than not protected by a skeleton crew of more or less well equipped and trained militia if any at all, would only have helped to attract the evil. The vast majority of wicked things could sense human activity and had an idea of the concept of 'more' and 'less', so a rather helpless, slowly moving bunch of fresh blood was bound to be an attractive target. Also it would not have been the first time for him to be mistaken for a new kind of adversary, his near completely pale skin and red eyes misinterpreted as yet another aberration created by the Purgatory instead of a purely natural mishap. His giant size didn't help improve the situation in those cases either, so staying alone had sounded like a very good alternative to him.

Funark turned. Had the north started moving ? It still turned, now pointing aggressively right at its owner's chest. Oddur turned his head violently, trying to catch the now unbalanced sword out of sight while inspecting what was going on behind him. As the large weapon slid through his fingers and the pommel dug itself into the muddy ground, the abomination landed on Oddur's helmet, immediately trying to punch his sharp beak through the narrow vision slots. The foul, corrupted raven was in a frenzy, its hunger driving it to attack without remorse or respect for its own integrity. Oddur used his other hand to swipe the creature off his face, but that only allowed it to release a screech and come back for the second time. Its body was decored with what looked like some kind of out- and overgrowth that lacked feathers, but not a horrid stench. Oddur now grabbed it, immediately yanking one of its wings out of its joint in the process and threw the entire beast so hard on the ground that one could hear bones cracking.

He couldn't let it pass out of its life this way... Having been raised far from any catholic or otherwise ecclesiastical influence, Oddur still felt the need to avoid unnecessary torment if he could do something about it. As there was still movement in the halfway broken body, Oddur reached for Funark. The inscripted blade missed where he had believed the creature's heart to be, putting even more stress on him to get done with this quickly. With one hand maintaining the pressure on the hilt, he let the other gently touch the blade. His eyesight detached from the ordinary world, his pupils wide open but still telling the observer that Oddur's attention was... somewhere else. Somewhere he could draw power from, or somewhere he could carefully release a tiny fraction of power that had been stored away when the weapon had been fabricated. Then there were clouds forming around the pitch black metal. He had to pull back his other hand now or things would become painful for him, too.

What Oddur held now looked like a miniaturized thunderstorm discharging onto his sword, but with no rain involved. Bolts caused water and blood of the corrupted raven to boil and explode in tiny craters, then there finally was ignition. A fire was one of the last things he had wished for here, but it was the cleanest and safest way to dispose of that... thing. Should he wait here for it ? No... too dangerous now that things on the ground could easily spot him as well. The northman got himself moving again, simply dragging Funark behind him as the carcass disintegrated. How long until he'd reach that monastery ? It looked as if he'd have to go up the mountains, but the thought alone made his hulking body protest in silence.

With the dead body having been disposed of, he could finally try and pick up some speed again. Hours passed by during which he hardly allowed himself any rest. He definitely had already entered the correct valley, but it semmed to be even more foul than before. Those trees were crying for being cut down, but to what avail ? Likely nothing that could be entrusted with one's own health would grow on that soil, raising the question how people had been able to survive for so long here. Maybe things were better further up, but that was still to be found out.

As Oddur was moving along at a rather slow pace, his nose suddenly picked up a wisp of smoke. Something, or someone, had to be nearby. Moving further through the dense forest the abundance of trees momentarily allowed a glimpse of light to pass through between their trunks, revealing the source of it. Torches... Did monsters use torches ? Probably not. He felt drawn to it like a fly, hope rising inside him that there might be other seekers on the same route as he was. Coming closer though he could notice the undead bodies strewn around. What were they called ? He didn't know, but apparently decapitation was the preferred method of getting rid of them. Hopefully those people would notice early enough that he was normal and not yet another adversary, maybe even the hive mind that made its attack now that all its slaves had been disabled...
I hope nobody feels in any way obliged to wait for me or so... Oddur's most likely going to come late. It's already evening again but I haven't left bed so far today and don't know when this is gonna change.
<Snipped quote by Fetzen>

Your head broke down...?

Only metaphorically, of course. 'Just' a terrible headache and perceived inability to think about anything of significant complexity.
Damn it... now that I could post the weather turns bad so rapidly that my head breaks down. Hope to let my freight train character make his appearance as soon as possible though :/
Can't post till late this evening -- currently at work. Sorry :/
@Mortarion I'm not here to hold you back in any way. I don't know how the others see it, but from my side I say if you want to do it then it's perfectly okay for me. An-Hasst probably will react to his words as well, but if the scene should be over until I have posted (probably upcoming weekend) I can simply let him approach Nicademus otherwise and let him lift the poor guy with one arm and shout at him just to notice that there's a sword that could simply cut his arm off.
Yeah I think so, too :)

If nobody's against it I'd indeed buff my character's violence to 10 at the cost of soul. I think we might have less collisions that way.
Well, the following is just my opinion so please don't get me wrong, but from my understanding of the virtues I can only strongly advice against considering the 'violence' virtue being equal to 'physically AND mentally ready to slaughter everything' or the like.

Being capable of being physically violent doesn't necessarily mean that one's personality is eager to actually do that. I see much more in the violence virtue than fighting. What if we're confronted with some obstacle that needs to get shoved out of the way ? Or we have wounded that need to be carried along. Etc. etc. Actually the 'violence' in my character is meant more this way than the other. Otherwise I'd have given him the skill to go melee very effectively. It is meant more as an utility and emergency function :)
Well, given that Oddur is already close to 10 in terms of violence I could shift 2 points from other virtues in order to get the job done. What do you think of that proposal ? Could probably be explained by saying that he has used his mysticism to boost himself, either directly or via enchantments.

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