Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

19 min ago
Current There's no such thing as feline overconfidence. There is only lack of confidence into them by humans (who also falsely believe they'd be the ones in control).
21 days ago
I'm still knocked out by an infernal cold and all the ongoing activities during this time of the year. Apologies to everybody who's waiting for me.
2 mos ago
How about black hole day instead of black friday ? The entire marketing and advertisement industry obsessed with selling us even more shit can just go and be hidden behind a one-way path to oblivion.
2 mos ago
I've got an infinite number of favourite colours somewhere between 580 and 590 nm. I call them all 'yellow' because I can't keep that many names in my head.
2 mos ago
I can only invite anybody eager to watch a decent shit show from a distance to look at Germany these days. All vs. all why the gov broke apart and our chancellor's a stubborn polit tactician.


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

Merry Christmas to everyone as well! :)

I should be able to get my first post up soon.
I am fiddling with character ideas in my head, but because I'm a weirdo I have trouble deciding on anything :)
C'mon people,

you can't leave poor Faeril and Lorcan to their own devices! That is bound to result in a dwarleigh runaway explosion sooner or later. This is so much worse than that petty thermonuclear stuff! Do you really want that to happen and let the whole world's structural integrity fall victim to such an unnecessary doomsday event ?

We need additional coolant more posts or she's gonna blow!
Lorcan had had to cough several times during their descent towards the place they were now, and he kept having some trouble with the air around him even as Raddek entered the mysterious business. The dust... there just was so much of it around here where not even the crowd's steady footsteps prevented it from settling down. Also the steady flow of warm air from below kept coming, trapping the vile mixture of sweat, flagrances and shit along with itself just right under roof where the Skayleigh's nostrils were. He just was way too tall for this place!

Had there been a small bit of hesitation in Raddek's words before the man had actually dared to call the individual he was dealing with his 'friend' ? Yes, of course Raddek had... and this being not a good sign was beyond obvious. It burned itself into Lorcan's mind like a ray of sunlight did into parchment if one placed the wrong piece of glass in the wrong place in front of it. These linen walls could not even give any comfort as one turned one's back towards them for they were obviously not a real barrier at all. He wanted to get out of here -- or at least keep his mind busy enough with something else so he would no longer have to think about their situation.

"If you can truly see the future, then you should be able to answer that question you just asked for yourself. Only those who are new to begin with can stop being new in the future, right ?" Lorcan gave the man a grin before launching a copper common towards his belly region. "Tell me, but don't tell me the obvious." Or, in other words, anything like 'You will be in horrible trouble and the so called friend of your friend here will turn out to be the mother of all screwjobs' would not count as a real fortune telling, but more like... a sincere and very well reasoned extrapolation of the current situation.

Lorcan crossed the street and, by standing in front of the fortune teller, forced the crowd moving on it to go around him. The one good thing of being a Skayleigh around here was that he just was a lot bigger and heavier than those around him.

When Faeril talks about having failed to be quiet and stealthy...

He is overlooking something important!

Lorcan did not even try to be quiet in the first place. In fact, with the guards and all, he tried to be the very opposite. So from that point of view he actually performed quite well and judging him otherwise is very unfair

"As you might now, I have spent my jade candle on the sightless we encountered at the portcullis. So, as of now, it seems that we only have two of them left overall." The giant didn't say it, but his tone expressed for him that he didn't like the prospect. One sightless had been difficult enough to deal with, but how many high ranking cultists and associates would they encounter once it became obvious that their so called 'seed' was under direct attack ?

And then there were all those subtle changes to the Kharu-Natjer and their infrastructure. All jade candles but the very minimum amount necessary for basic illumination appeared to have been removed from the tunnels. Did they expect the upcoming battle to be lost and were already evacuating themselves and their equipment, or were they making things more difficult for another, maybe even sinister reason ? The latter thought really didn't go well with Týfurkh's mood, but every time his eyes darted towards their Kharu-Natjer guides, it only intensified. They looked different than the other ones. Were they real or were they fakes ? Or were they real, but their true intentions were different from what they had always pretended and now the facade started to crumble ?

He really would have liked to address this issue openly and have a talk with the others about it, but doing so now would end in a bit of a diplomatic disaster in the best case and some wild, unexpected reaction from their guides in the worst. All Týfurkh felt he could do right now was to feel better because of the urgently needed resupplies he had been able to obtain: A refilled quiver of big bolts and, maybe more important, finally something for a proper meleé that was more than just falling back to bare fists and improsived weaponry: a sword. A pretty big, two-handed sword instead. Dangling from Týfurkh's belt however it looked more like a toy he could easy use with one hand. It felt very good still.

"Let's say I'm holding up fine given the circumstances, Chres. I'm feeling a little tired, but I guess there's enough stamina left in me to participate in any celebration that might take place once this is over. And you ?"
Here's my application. I am sorry for taking longer than I had expected:

- accidentally posted in the wrong thread -
Lorcan's sleep had not gone exactly well, but to the defense of the unknown... thing... that had made its way into the tavern -- after or before slaughtering a path through the city, that was perhaps --, he would not have slept well even without it. There just were too many discomforting issues at hand such as that the city had started to smell like corruption from the very first contact onwards. A settlement's guards were supposed to be the last individuals to fall victim to egoism and self-justice, but it seemed to have happened here on a scale so large that they, an unwary bunch of travelers with no page in the book of history, could run into it right away.

Speaking of missing pages, the next biggie clearly was the goddamn lack of information. Yes, having a bed for the night and a warm meal to fill one's stomach was a nice thing absolutely, but at what price ? Right: being dragged into some shady underground business with no explanation given why exactly they had to do a job that was urgent. Shouldn't there have been some other poor man to do it way before their arrival ? It smelled like rotten fish, but he didn't even know enough to decide whether he could blame Raddek and his so called friends to play a foul game or if they were, in fact, as 'innocent' as the rest of the party.

Lorcan skipped past the dead body in the streets without spending much attention on it. If things went bad this day, they'd cause enough of a bloodsheet them bloody selves this day. No need to challenge one's urge to vomit right in the morning already... Having listened to Reyvadin's speech with his mighty arms crossed in front of his breast, the Skayleigh set on to say something himself:

"I have to concur with him. Accessing the goods we need ourselves seems to be preferable to dealing with yet another unknown. All we know about any potential smuggler is that he or she will want to have their share of the deal, making things more expensive for us. Also hiring a smuggler is no guarantee that we won't end up having to fight. If we succeed stealing that stuff ourselves undetected...". And now his tone darkened before continuing: "...or at least without living witnesses left behind, nobody will know who and where we are. If we deal with a smuggler, at least one person will."
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