Avatar of Fetzen


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11 days ago
Current Depression's in full swing again, sadly.
13 days ago
There's no such thing as feline overconfidence. There is only lack of confidence into them by humans (who also falsely believe they'd be the ones in control).
1 mo ago
I'm still knocked out by an infernal cold and all the ongoing activities during this time of the year. Apologies to everybody who's waiting for me.
2 mos ago
How about black hole day instead of black friday ? The entire marketing and advertisement industry obsessed with selling us even more shit can just go and be hidden behind a one-way path to oblivion.
3 mos ago
I've got an infinite number of favourite colours somewhere between 580 and 590 nm. I call them all 'yellow' because I can't keep that many names in my head.


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

Knock twice? That actually was the first really useful bit of information they had ever gotten since venturing into this building. Valentin couldn't help but try to exchange a quick smirk towards Amara, then did as they were told and hammered against the door. Yes, hammered. He wanted to make sure they were being noticed with topmost priority and that nobody could claim anything different for some petty excuse. Aside from that, the overburdening number of offices apparently had gotten to his nerves.

"Yes ?" a stern male voice answered the prompt from inside. Valentin opened the door which, at least, was not nearly as massive as the one guarding this particular arrangement of rooms as a whole.

"Oh, you two! Welcome to my little chambers! I've hoped to see you a little earlier. I hope nothing's disturbed your journey here ?"

Valentin gnashed his teeth behind tightly sealed lips. Either the person in front of them was completely oblivious or very audacious. "Oh well, yes! Everything went fine until the last couple hundred yards!" it burst out of him. "And after having gone through those I have to say that the only place even more disappointing than this one to meet you would maybe have been the sewers!"

Silence. The other man leaned back behind his quite large and ornated desk, the chair protesting against his somewhat overweight figure. Then he just started to laugh. "Welcome to bureaucracy! Normally we only have soldiers here, people who either know this place inside out already or have learend to obey without complaint. You two belong to neither category and I was afraid you'd encounter problems, but apparently my request for a personal guide for you... hasn't gotten very far."

"Now would you please sit down ?" and he gestured towards two chairs standing in a corner.

Sleep. The great unknown everybody embraces at the end of a long, hard day, yet at the same time many people fear for it seems to take away a third of our already short time on this world for an unclear purpose. Rest and regeneration for our bodies, they say. Couldn't the gods, nature or whatever root cause for our existence you believe in have designed us in a way that we don't need such things though ? The sun doesn't tire and neither do the growing trees, so why do we have to ?

Luckily, research and basic thinking have made significant progress over the last few centuries.

The conclusion, to cut it short, is that you, my friend, under no circumstances should be tempted to think that your new body would allow you to just get away without sleep. You might no longer have warm blood flowing in your veins, no longer experience the primordial fear of death the very moment you can't breathe freely anymore, but you still have your mind. It working properly and being able to provide you with thoughts and memories in an ordered, understandable manner actually is a positive result of sleep, too. You will suffer the same mental deterioration as a drunkard or anybody else who is deprived of sleep, so don't even try.

You also shouldn't try to stray too far away from the sleeping customs you might have learned in your earlier life. A bed might be far less mandatory for you than before, but still it will save your bones and tendons some unecessary and hard-to-fix wear and tear if you don't spend your restful nights standing upright instead of on a pile of pillows. Also the people around you, probably already hard pressed by your mere appearance, might feel just a tad more comfortable in your presence if you don't burden them with too many weird, unfamiliar new habits.
- Enthrallment in a nutshell. A pratical guide for newcomers. Madawc, 99852

A small cloud of dust burst out of the old, sturdy pieces of parchment as Varandas closed the heavy tome and put it down on the small table besides him. Would he ever have imagined to be given a manual for his body one day ? Probably not. And despite this, he had to admit internally that he had not even read through the massive book entirely yet. Too ugly some of the detailed drawings, too profound the fear of reading something he really didn't like because it didn't meet his hopes and expectations and way too great the urge to just try out everything like a small child who's been given a new toy to play with.

The most depressing fact however was that the text was one and a half centuries old and still many parts of it felt so far ahead of time. The world really must have turned into quite a shittier place over the last couple of decades. Or Madawc was just a madman who had taken his out-of-the-box existence and transferred it all too happily onto his thinking. Both, perhaps.

Anyway. It was time to get up!

The idea of obfuscating any weird, rotting smell with cheap perfume had been a very good one. Okay, Madawc had mentioned something like this in his book as well, but he hadn't mentioned a lot of the tricks Varandas had figured out himself to make it last longer! That stuff was not exactly super cheap, which probably was the reason why Varandas could merely bathe in the glory of nothingness coming out of the bottle today. Empty... Great. How was he supposed to get over with this ceremony without olfactory assistance ? People would start thinking he was overdoing things and already trying to exhibit post-mortem behavior even before having truly been sent into that dungeon of theirs!

Or wait... Maybe they had some fancy smelly stuff there for him to use ? One should never give up one's hopes prematurely!

So, step two: Getting into daytime clothes. Varandas could outright skip that -- even just trying to carefully maneuver his shirt over that glowing crystal in his chest at least twice a day had proven to be an unbearable and costly nuisance almost from day one. He had transitioned to just replacing the shirt when it was too worn out long ago.

So where was all his other stuff left then ? This rented tavern room was as tiny as it was dirt cheap, but still it seemed possible to lose track of things in here. Okay, he had just dumped all of his gear onto two large piles on the floor, too. Shame on himself! The brief period of searching also gave him the opportunity to ask himself another question though: Was appearing in full gear even allowed at this ceremony or would that be too disrespectful ? And should he ask the innkeeper for an empty barrel before he left ? There was the saying that a rich man's wine barrel bottom was a poor man's shield and maybe he could use that sooner than he would have liked, but on the other hand it would be more of a burden -- and a humiliating one on top of that. Hell why did he even think about anything like 'humiliation' at this point anymore now that he had embarked onto this journey of almost certain no-return ?

Even for something like this one first had to get to the starting point, however. When given the choice, people always preferred to give directions to a living person and not the walking corpse. Today however he could make people laugh by telling them it was for attending a living funeral! An ironic joke it was somehow in his case, really...
I strongly assume it is possible still, but of course the GMs and Co-GMs have the definitive word on this :)




"I've got quite the fancy looks, haven't I ?"

N A M E โ•‘ Varandas
A G E โ•‘ 32 (born 99973, turned 99996)
G E N D E R โ•‘ Male, him. Some disrespectfully say 'it' though.
R A C E โ•‘ Nightkin
S U B -R A C E โ•‘ Thrall (Adamant Orc)
M A G I C โ•‘ โฌค


T O W N โ•‘ Antranach
R E G I O N โ•‘ Wasting Whites
P O P U L A T I O N โ•‘ 1,023
C E N S U S โ•‘ Mainly Nightkin and Orcs
T R A D E โ•‘ Mining
N A M E S A K E โ•‘ Name of a particularly large gemstone found in the region. Reason why the mining town of Antranach was formed.

โœฆ โœฆ โœฆ

P A R E N T โ•‘ Zupaugh (former Orc parent)
P A R E N T โ•‘ Ragash (former Orc parent)
C R E A T O R โ•‘ Madawc (the Lich who turned him)


W E A P O N โ•‘ Primitive, improvised sword.
A R M O R โ•‘ Thick, shaggy robes
T R I N K E T โ•‘ Large, red-ish crystal stuck in his chest.

T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E
T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E


S U B L C A S S โ•‘ P R O W L E R
People draw strength from being firmly embedded into all kinds of structures, be it socially, in the military or religious. Yet as advantageous as this can be, it can also be a constraint. Not being entangled in so many tethers means you can fall with nothing to catch you, but you can also rise to heights otherwise out of your reach. Treading carefully enough, a prowler might find the next change in life he can both survive and profit from greatly.
โ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎ โ•‘ โ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎโ–ฎ

Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S
Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S

S T U D Y โ•‘
///โœฆ ANTRANACH MINES โ•‘ This is no place to go unless you're ready for the most challenging of physical hardships.
/// 99989 - 99996

///โœฆ THE TURNING - MADAWC โ•‘ Varandas' current state is not the result of any malicious act, but of an accident at work. He just wouldn't have survived with one of those fancy crystals sticking out of his chest without some very drastic and immediate measures. He was lucky enough to have the right person around in Antranach to actually have that choice.

E X P E R I E N C E โ•‘
///โœฆ MERCENARISM โ•‘ Not everybody needs a sellsword, some just need individuals with the right set of skills. After the incident in the mines, Varandas put his new state and knowledge to the test in both official research expeditions and some private ventures.
///99997 - 100005

Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T
Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T


P E R S O N A L I T Y โ•‘
Varandas has made the decision that his sudden turn into a Thrall shall not serve as a petty excuse to give up his former standards of morale. He has had coworkers working just as hard as him, a family that tried to care for him albeit being hundreds of miles away, and even friends in that tiny, artificial settlement high in the mountains. Many of those hadn't been able to cope with his new way of existing and turned away from him, but how's he supposed to regain their trust if he just gives up himself ? He still likes to make friends, to have a good feast in a tavern or to just enjoy life. Varandas also does, however, quite often feel his patience stretched to the limit by just how superficially and ignorantly he thinks people tend to approach him now. And he hasn't truly managed to lose his bad habits while just maintaining the good ones either.

โœฆ V A A R A E โœฆ
โœฆ V A A R A E โœฆ

D E V O T I O N โ•‘
While his turning happened under the watchful eyes of Ghaaris, Varandas still remembers his Orcish origins. One might argue that Vaarae has made their kind waiting for justice far too long already, but she still represents their hope that the struggle might end one day. Varandas' turn into a Nightkin only helped him to learn about yet another fate partly forced onto people by the elves. If there is anyone he really hates, then it is those with the pointed ears. If he was certain that Vaarea would accept that kind of sacrifice, he would have a hard time resisting the temptation to offer her elven blood. For now however, he prefers to light one more candle than would be necessary to combat a lack of light alone.

M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S
M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S

Legend has it that the Nightkin's existence can basically be tracked back to nothing else than a single item that's been waiting to be found. If a single thing can do that, then something, and not someone, might also have caused the recent trouble in Ordaiโ€™el. It has to be powerful then... and be up for the grabs! Powerful always implies valuable. Even if there's not the one thing, there might still be many other, smaller things...

Secondly there's also simple logic. Logic dictates that no matter what's the cause of the events in and around Ordaiโ€™el, there's no telling that they will stay there forever. What if they spread ? What if this is just the beginning of something far larger, far more terrible ? Yes, going in there is very risky, but not doing so might be, too. Having the choice between taking a risk and taking a risk, Varandas simply prefers going down the route that's bound to have the better outcome at the end should the risk not realize itself.


A P P E A R A N C E โ•‘
Once undamaged, green-ish skin has turned pale gray and withered. The tusks of his Orcish past have worn away, but the array of smaller, razor-sharp teeth is just as good for consuming large quantities of flesh. There is nothing left on his scalp to create a fancy hairstyle with, but the pair of sunken eyes that constantly emits a dim glow not unsimilar in color to the large piece of mineral his chest has worked its way around would take the attention away anyway. His fingers do not really have sharp tips, but their shape still invokes the silent threat of potentially tearing things apart. In short: He might be considered ugly as hell. Or miraculous.

At least he tries not to present more of his naked self by consequently wrapping the latter in a thick layer of cloth, but said layer is in an obvious state of dilapidation. Speaking for a lack of coin rather than a lack of care might be the fact that his 'sword', upon closer inspection, has more semblance to a long, sturdy piece of sheet metal sharpened on both edges by himself than to a proper blade.

Whether he'd need this masterpiece of mechanical butchery to hurt somebody ? He might just throw all of his now undead, but still well-fed and even more muscled Adamant Orc's height and weight into things.

I N J U R Y โ•‘

Fyr Harnann

Fyr, to put it frankly, couldn't understand a damn word. To him, the demonfolk language sounded more like an aberrant noise than any real means of communication. It did seem though that whatever Ashe and the guards were exchanging did have some effect for no violent action broke out immediately. To make matters worse for him however she wasn't the only one using weird languages at this point for Dalious suddenly started to... whatever that was. The tapping on his shoulder actually was pretty much the first thing he was really able to interpret, so he followed the other man.

"I can't say I like us splitting up at the very first opportunity after reunion again, but indeed I was about to point out that it doesn't feel right to me to leave my former 'co-workers' behind after they have helped us. Bypassing all those guards means that they'll live another day to keep imprisoning those we have left behind."

The gang leader by now made a fairly dead impression, and a rather deprived-of-all-items one, too. The other slaves were still in the cavern and it was easy to pick up the tension that had built up. It almost seemed as if Fyr was disrupting a heated debate about whether to stay here and wait or to break out when he raised his booming voice.

"Listen, people! We've got work to do..." Fyr reached for the digging tool he had grabbed earlier and raised it, at least as far as he could without his arms ramming it against the cavern's ceiling. "And that work is to shove our shovels up those demonfolk stomachs! They want mushrooms ? Well, how about turning them into mushrooms by leaving their bodies here to rot! Who's with us ?"


Valentin, quite literally, did come back very much empty handed: "Nothing." he replied with shrugging shoulders, not sure himself whether he should become angry about this mess or just resignate. "I've found a bunch of 'A's with sequentially ascending numbers, but no 'B's and certainly no combination of these two. I guess..." Suddenly, he stopped dead in his verbal tracks. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Oh... of course! What if we can't find any 'A3B' because it's not a room, but just part of a room ? Like 'A3', sub-section 'B' ? Would suit those bureaucrats..."

A bunch of other people walked nearby, heavily laden with all sorts of papers and talking about stuff that could only appear utterily random to the unfamiliar observer. One of them turned their heads as if having heard Valentin's complaint, but no other reaction followed.

"I suggest we just go straight into 'A3' and see what's inside. If we disturb anything, we just blame it on our most favorite doorman around here. I guess you know whom I mean..." Valentin did not even truly wait for a response, but turned around on his heel and started going into the direction he had come from again. Apparently, the 'A's were all located there just like the 'C's were arranged where Amara had searched previously.

If Amara would follow him, they'd both end up in front of a door that looked as insconspicuous as its two neighbours left and right. The usual, small sign on the wall next to it was the only thing giving it the designation 'A3', and Valentin barely paid it any more attention when just pulling at the door handle. The room separator was surprisingly heavy and took some effort to move, but it would probably take both of them more effort to adapt to the rather stale air that waited for them behind it. One could tell at first glance that this room was not designed for visitors coming in frequently, because there was no such thing as a counter or seats for people waiting. This looked like a quite regular office with every tiny bit of space dedicated to work. Two people were in sight and one of them turned his head, presenting them with a stern and no less skeptical look. Yet, even before the man could say anything, Valentin opened his mouth: "Apologies. We are looking for room A3B. Is this to be found in here and if not, would you be so kind to give us directions ?"
Very intrigued I am.

Fyr patiently waited as the injuries some of the others had sustained were taken care for. To him, that healing magic felt like something on the verge of a miracle. He had not really seen such a thing before -- in the village he came from, injuries were usually treated using herbs and other methods coming from decades, if not centuries of tradition. Not quite as fast as Gwyn's magic, he had to admit silently.

Speaking of Gwyn... Was she a noble ? Those things around her feet must have cost a lot! Yet still the general design was not entirely unfamiliar to Fyr. He had seen similar shoes before the few times he had visited one of the larger cities of his homeland and made a mental note about asking her about this later, but right now it felt a little inadequate to start a small talk while they were still in grave danger.

Fyr gave a dedicated nod and gentle smile in Gwyn's direction, then looked over to the stairs she mentioned. "We should decide on who goes first. I doubt they are broad enough to do anything else than go up one after another." Who knew if new guards were already waiting for them at the upper end or close by ? They should have the room to use their weapons properly -- and enough sight. If he went first, he'd probably block everybody else's vision.

He peeked onto the map and frowned. "I wish the parchment would tell us where our stuff is..."
I'm quite intrigued.
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