Avatar of Feyblue


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2 yrs ago
Current My favorite genre. :D
2 yrs ago
hehe lore go brrrrrr
2 yrs ago
Wasn't the Black Knight "None shall pass," though?
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2 yrs ago
You ever realize that you haven't changed your status in months, go back to change it, and then wonder what the *fuck* your previous status was even talking about?
3 yrs ago
No, no, they clearly are referring to Ohio -- which Georgia is geographically south of, so the theory is still sound.
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Most Recent Posts

Was also wondering, Fey. In the General Interest Thread, you said that you were looking for a group of 1-3 other RPers, with a maximum of maybe 5. Are you sticking with that?

Probably not. There's been a LOT more interest than expected, but I've had good feedback and ideas from people so far, and a lot of people linking characters together in interesting ways, so I feel like I'll probably expand it to somewhere around 6-8 total players if need be, so as not to lose any of that. This may still mean that some people's sheets end up rejected, though, simply because I don't think I can run a compelling plot and keep things moving along if things get spread too thin.

Also, love your character, and the way you fleshed out stuff around the royal family. I think he'll fit in wonderfully with the rest of this squad of lovable weirdos!

@Izurich Sorry it took me so long to respond. Only just got back from work. I'd say that's... probably more trouble than it's worth for you, to be honest? Like, I really don't want to reveal much info on my character's backstory because plot stuff, so having them be related, even unknowingly, would probably leave you sort of high and dry as far as knowing even what your family history is. I'm really sorry to be so uncooperative on this, but honestly, I'd sooner suggest just making your character appear how you want and not worry too much about justifying the images looking similar or whatever. >_<

You know, after a workout session and a good refreshing shower, one of those "so crazy, it just might work" ideas came to me.

What about we double down on this cosmic coincidence and make our PCs actually twins? They both agreed that gender roles are a whole load of BS and pulled this scheme together to attend the academy as the "Baker Twins".

To add spice to the formula, I think my PC will be an Absolute, so they might be physically identical, but their magical affinities are direct opposites. I think based on what I've read about Julian, we can have sort of a "sibling jealousy" dynamic with Julian seeing [Insert Twin Name] as basically herself, but better in every way (which is not true, of course, but teenage drama and all that).

I'm just spitballing wild ideas here, none of these is set in stone, let me know what you think.

This does sound like a fun ride, and I could definitely see Julian getting that sort of inferiority complex in that kind of situation, but unfortunately I'm not sure if I can make it work with Julian's whole secret backstory and reason for becoming a knight. I've got some secret family drama for her down the line and other stuff I'm sitting on, which would make her having a twin kind of difficult to pull off.

Though, I do very much like the idea of having an Absolute character to serve as a foil to miss magic-less over here, so... hmm. Honestly, we could maybe just have them coincidentally be lookalikes and try to take advantage of it by claiming to be family? Not sure...

On another humorous note, I also just realized that even our profile pictures look similar -- straight bangs, long silver hair, yellow eyes. Talk about a wacky coincidence. XD
See, that’s what I was afraid would happen. The GMPC even has Baker for a last name, and here I am calling Dime a commoner with a name like that…
I can rewrite or put out someone entirely different if needed, just not right away. Or if I don’t have to respect reality that much, that’s great. I can do something like make her a foreigner, whatever - background’s fully flexible, I did it all in like an hour as I went.

Honestly, don't worry about it. I was just trying to make her alias sound... well, like an obvious pseudonym, albeit one with a weird sort of rationale behind it. I'm not overly worried about "realistic peasant names" or whatever, so don't feel obligated to go down that line. XD

Also, I think it's funny that Dime is the daughter of a baker but sucks at it, whereas Julian is all mysterious and stuff but despite her identity obviously being fake is actually a master chef. Just an amusing little bit of irony.

Still, if you want to expand on your bio or redo stuff, go right ahead! No worries either way~.

Reality in a JPRG Fantasy universe? We're here to escape reality, damn it.

On related note regarding said GMPC, by some pure cosmic coincidence and/or perhaps Lady Fate had a twisted sense of humor, Julian Baker's concept and looks are pretty much identical to the PC I'm working on.

You see this and try telling to my face that they don't look identical, sans clothes sure, but people have more than one clothes.

And I'm certainly not going to spoil Fey's fun by applying an identical twin from another mother, so unless I come up with something new, take my current stance as amicably withdrawing my interest. I will inform you should my muse take me somewhere, but don't hold your breath for me.

Don't worry, I'm not even mad, it's an amazing freak coincidence.

OOF. You're right, they literally look almost identical aside from parting their hair on the opposite side. I'm really sorry about that. Didn't mean to steal your aesthetic or anything. >_<

At any rate, I'm sorry to see you go, since you seemed really enthusiastic about everything, but, well, at any rate, if you do come up with any new ideas or decide to come back, feel free! And thanks so much for showing so much interest in stuff. :3

EDIT: Also, oh my god, I woke up this morning and realized that I should have added another S and made the subtitle "A Chivalric (Miss)Adventure." I can't believe I missed such an obvious opportunity to make a painfully bad pun.


Physical Description
There are some girls who could, perhaps, pass easily as a boy of about the same age. And "Julian" is... just barely one of them, but probably not for the right reasons. She's perhaps the shortest cadet in any of the Four Houses, let alone just her own, and is quite scrawny to boot, in some places having barely any meat on her bones. She stubbornly insists that she'll get taller and she's just a late bloomer, but actually fears that these claims may be true, since she's only recently started growing in ways that, given her current predicament, she'd really rather not. She doesn't need curves, she needs muscle!

But, for the time being at least, just binding her chest and adding some padding around her thin waist has at least managed to fit her into her new uniform without quite looking like a child wearing her father's clothes, so that's... better than nothing. And, given that her cover story of being a street urchin is pretty well known after a rather... memorable debut spar, most people for now write off her frail, petite build as the results of undernourishment. Which, technically speaking... isn't untrue? Yeah, let's just go with that. The best lies always have at least a grain of truth to them, after all.

Her face, thankfully, benefits from rather strongly defined cheekbones, which, with her hair cut short and messed up properly, makes her look at least passably masculine, though her long eyelashes are somewhat less than desirable in this regard. At any rate, she's got a few more years where her youthfulness will help her go unnoticed before her real gender becomes obvious, so she'll surely be able to figure something out in that time... right?

The oddest thing about her appearance, however, is that... well... lustrous golden-blonde hair and eyes as blue as a clear summer sky aren't exactly features one normally associates with commoners, let alone with homeless ruffian children from the frontier. She's scrawny, yes -- but she really doesn't look mangy enough to fit the part she's set out for herself. But then, if she's a disguised noble, why would she look like she got half-starved at some point? Is she secretly an unwanted child of some high aristocrat? Maybe an Alexandrian fugitive on the run from the Sages' Tower? It's just enough of an abnormality that it makes her the source of some... shall we say, unique rumors, but she usually just laughs such things off. After all, that'd be ridiculous, right? Almost as ridiculous as a girl pretending to be a boy as part of some childhood dream of being a hero.

Too unfortunate to be a proper noble, too refined to be some nameless pauper, too honest to sell her lies quite as convincingly as she'd like, and too... female to fulfill her dreams, Julian appears to be many things, while embodying none of them. She isn't what she seems, and is what she doesn't, and just when you might think you know the truth about her... Well, let's just say she's full of surprises.

Character Conceptualization
Whenever the Knights open for recruitment, they always end up with a few odd ducks. Cadets with conveniently unverifiable pasts applying under obvious pseudonyms are more common than one might think, and the order -- despite its reputation for taking all comers -- does its due diligence in confirming that they're not a threat. Cadets are often treated in a very hands-off manner during their initial days in training, to encourage them to relax and let their guard down -- all while being shadowed and observed quite carefully for any signs of danger. Some end up being criminals trying to make a break from their old lives, others spies from foreign countries looking for information on the inner workings of the order -- these undesirables tend to swiftly find their way to a nice, dark cell, and, for the most part, none of their fellows notice that one out of the many has stopped showing up.

Of course, the girl now known by the name "Julian" didn't know any of that. All she knew was that her name, her past, her very self -- such things were more of a burden than they were a blessing. She needed shelter -- a place where nobody would ever find her. A place where she could truly be herself. A place where she could make her dreams come true. In this sense, her motives for joining the Knights were wholly selfish and contemptible... But on the other hand, she really did want to help people -- to make a difference. Her earnest devotion wasn't a lie -- and it was this dedication, perhaps, that stayed the hands of those who would otherwise be inclined to banish a suspicious, noble-looking youth with an obvious fake identity. That's not to say that she isn't still under some degree of scrutiny, or that she's favored by any means, but... well, she has a chance, and though she's blissfully unaware of the full extent of the risks she's already undertaken, she's determined not to waste it.

And so, it was quietly, discreetly passed along. "Julian" is a child from the border regions, and things tend to get lost there. Things... and people. So, it's fine if there's no record of a Julian Baker, or if he can't easily say what town he comes from, or if it turns out that he's fully literate despite only being a baker's second son. Whoever he might be, whatever name he might have borne -- he's Julian Baker now, so until he does something to deserve a second look, we'll humor him for now, and make the best use of him we can. He'll probably drop out anyway, so why worry about it?

If only they knew.

Other Information
It's a dubious honor, to be sure, but a Null -- the opposite of an Absolute, being someone who doesn't have even a single elemental affinity -- is actually almost as rare! So, in a way, the fact that she can't use any of the four elements is actually pretty unique.

...Look, sometimes, you just have to look on the bright side.

It's finally up! Sorry for my silence all day today. Ended up going on a deep lore-writing dive to kind of flesh out the setting a bit, since I felt guilty about having such a barebones concept. XD Looking forward to running this!

A Chivalric (Mis)Adventure

Grayle: a beautiful, vibrant country whose proud palace stands astride the Viridian River, overlooking the Barrier Falls and the Wildlands beyond. It is a realm known by many names -- the Land at World's End, the White Tower, and the River Kingdom, to list a few. However, its most famous name outshines all the rest, and for good reason. On account of its mythic history, Grayle is hailed far and wide as the Kingdom of Knights. Its ivory walls have stood against all threats, human and otherwise, for almost 500 years; a testament to the prowess of its vigilant Knight Sentinels.

This renowned order continues a venerable tradition of service as the first line of defense for not only Grayle itself, but for all the lands of Grandor. Even now, in the present era of peace, they hold themselves to the same principles that guided them in their founding days -- the Age of Darkness, when mankind's most hated scourge and its most beloved hero crossed blades for the fate of the world. And, just as they once pledged their allegiance to the Knight-King Arbert Grayle, who founded their nation and bestowed it with his own noble name, so too do their modern successors loyally serve his descendants in the Age of Light which he helped to usher in.

This history is perhaps the first and dearest story learned by every man, woman, and child who calls Grayle home. It begins with the tale of the evil sorcerer Fendel, who was once regarded as a hero in his own right -- until his burning ambition drove him to subjugate the entire world with a horde of terrifying primordial monsters, conjured up by his unholy powers over Darkness. His temptation and descent into villainy has been played out again and again upon stages the country over, becoming a cautionary tale against the evils of exceeding pride. Yet against this seemingly unstoppable horde, an unlikely band of heroes arose.

Fendel's apprentice Alexander, The Reader of the Stars, rose in rebellion against his teacher, teaching the secret arts of magic to the people that they might break free from their chains and resist the Dark Lord's all-consuming might. Yet this alone was not enough, and so he sought the guidance of the heavens, which led him to the boy favored by providence -- he who would ever walk in the Light, who would become known as the greatest knight in history: Arbert Grayle. Together, they journeyed to the Dark Lord's palace at the edge of the earth, upon the very horizon of the night sky itself, overcoming many trials and winning many companions along the way. Seire, the King of Thieves, at first tried to deceive and rob the heroes of their sacred treasures, but was defeated and spared by the Knight-King Grayle, to whom he pledged his life in atonement. Maria, the Ice Witch, envied Alexander for the favor shown him by their mutual teacher, and tried to thwart them again and again in order to earn Fendel's approval -- but Alexander's love for her ultimately redeemed her, and she, too, joined their side. The chieftain of the northern lands, the dragon lord of the southern wastes, and countless other legendary heroes rallied one by one to their cause, won over by Alexander's wisdom and King Grayle's kindness.

Together, the heroes confronted Fendel, and at last, King Grayle's blessed light scattered his darkness to the far reaches of the world, killing him for all time. Yet, with his dying breath, he spat forth foul curses upon the world, corrupting the lands and the people to sow ruin upon those who had slain him, and promising that one day, a successor would come to claim his power -- an unsurpassed wielder of the dark arts who would surely avenge him. In order to defend against this final blasphemy, King Grayle took up his peerless sword one final time -- and with it, cut a vast chasm in the earth, raising up the lands of Grandor upon a vast plateau, with an impassible cliff to keep the accursed creatures of the Western Wildlands and the demon servants of Fendel from ever desecrating the lands of men again.

Or so the story goes. What is known is that when Grayle returned to his homeland, he did so not solely as a triumphant king. He erected his castle, and his kingdom, atop the very brink of the newly formed highlands, setting his throne astride the very edge of the civilized world, such that he and his knights would stand forever ready, should the demons and Fendel's curse ever return.

The other heroes, too, went on to found their own nations. The eastern Empire of Alexandria, founded by the wise Alexander and the penitent Witch Maria, continues to this day to produce the finest wizards in all of Grandor, while the southern Principality of Valefor -- created by the King of Thieves and the Dragon Lord -- produces metalwork and trade goods unlike anything seen in the markets of any other nation.

For a time, these, and the other nations, were bonded together with ties of loyalty still fresh from the war against the Dark Lord. However, as the years passed, and generations faded into history, the lessons and loyalties of the past were forgotten -- and several minor wars have broken out since as various monarchs squabble for dominance. With Alexandria now eyeing the bountiful lands of Grayle, and Valefor remaining stubbornly neutral in their sporadic border conflicts, tensions are on the rise. As such, although the Curse of Fendel and his monsters have not been seen for at least a hundred years, the Knights of Grayle, as ever, must keep their swords sharp and their wits sharper...

But this is not the story of the heroes of the ancient past, or even of the Knights of today. Rather, this is the story of the young knights of tomorrow, and of their quests yet unknown -- of their lives, their loves, their dreams, and how their fates will unfold. No, rather, how they shall make their fates for themselves... no matter how tangled or how unsightly they may be.

At times awkwardly, at times doubtful, and at times full of fire -- the curtain rises upon a new legend never before seen, and on their story!
The Lore Codex

With the basic history of the world now established, this section will contain several small folders with other bits of worldbuilding and lore to use as inspiration for bios -- such as the basic fundamentals of magic within the setting, the structure and hierarchy of the aristocracy, and, of course, some more information about the Knights of Grayle themselves, and their inner workings. This section will likely be rather scatterbrained and meandering to begin with, and is mostly optional stuff meant to just give more detailed pictures of specific bits of the lore that I didn't really get into too deeply during the introduction, so don't feel pressured to read through all of it if it doesn't concern you or give you any ideas. It will potentially be expanded going forward as new lore and worldbuilding is revealed.

Character Sheet

Character sheet template courtesy of Gowi and Supermaxx. Thanks, and sorry for the plagiarism. XD It just looks pretty.

Without any further ado, welcome to the thread! Let's all have fun with it! ^^
I was actually thinking of just playing a conventional character idea for the Knights RP, though I'm not exactly sure what kind of knightsey guy would fit well with the others. My first thought was a mage-turned-knight due to outside pressures, but that might overlap with Rin's so I'll try and feel out other ideas. Unless two magic-oriented knights would be fun? Perhaps a more conventional "protector" type of knight would fit best with everyone else. Someone tall, strong, and ready to put themselves between their comrades and danger.

Well, since it seems like most of our knights so far are aristocrats, prodigies, or otherwise important people, somebody more grounded and mundane could be nice as a balance to round out the rest.

At any rate, I'll think it over, but it looks like we're leaning towards doing Knights first, and I guess I'll put Saintess on the list of future things to run, for those who were particularly interested in that. Maybe could start running two threads in parallel once Knights gets off the ground, but for now I don't wanna push my luck. :P

Also, Vita, long time no see! By all means, feel free to apply for stuff, and I'll see what I can do. I may open up additional slots because everybody seems super friendly and fun and I don't really wanna toss anybody out.
<Snipped quote by Feyblue>

Eh, as fun as I'd find it I decided to try and figure out a rough concept for an actual male character. Bare in mind it's like 5:15am right now so there's a chance I'll change things later and this is very rough but still.

I can already see the other squire kids making fun of him for his girly appearance, and the actual girls joining in too because it takes the heat off of them. XD Definitely brings some fun to the table, though, with the focus more on magic than physical prowess. Rounded party composition is always good.

Hahah, imagine though.

Everyone but one player for the Knight idea is a female in disguise...and the RP instantly becomes a standard shounen harem instead.

*confused stonks*

Oh man, I LOVE both of these concepts. Feels like they'd have really interesting potential dynamics with what I was going for, regardless of what option we went with. If I went plucky girl kouhai, she could potentially end up poking at your prince dude and giving him somebody who thinks he's cool, maybe giving him encouragement to believe in himself by proxy. And, if I went with a doofus prodigy, we'd be natural foils -- both demanded to be knights without any real say in the matter, but one of whom discarded that and decided to do his own thing, and the other of whom doesn't really know how to do anything else -- a socially skilled lazy type and a tryhard with absolutely no experience interacting with others. Would definitely get on each other's nerves, and/or somehow end up as best friends without even realizing it.

And for the Saintess one, your dude isn't tied down by political bullshit or "The good of the many," and could call my character out on basically all his insecurities. Would be hella dramatic.

Looking over the others now...

Hammer's Saintess ideas seem really fun too. If she's super cheerful to hide how much she's struggling, it'd throw my guy for a loop since she'd be different from what he expected, but also he wouldn't realize the truth just looking in from outside. Whereas if she's just, like, completely hopeless and emotionally repressed, he'd almost immediately realize something was wrong, but have no idea how to help or what have you.

Izu's noble also seems neat, and could be an interesting contrast to other characters doing the same thing in spite of gender norms, whereas he's doing it precisely because of those norms and wanting to be more masculine.

...Though, I guess my main worry with the Knights concept is that, even if the meme of "everybody's actually in disguise and thinks they're the only one" is pretty funny, there might be a bit too much character overlap for comfort. Gotta have some people who are entirely out of the loop and are just doing normal stuff to have a baseline for contrast's sake, and all. Even so, it does seem like a lotta people are on board with it, so I'm definitely not opposed to the idea!
Wow! I must say, this got a lot more responses a lot more quickly than I had expected -- especially considering most of you are people I haven't actually RP'd with before and/or other such friends I dragged kicking and screaming into my madness. :P

At any rate, seems we've got almost equal preference for both of the two group-oriented ideas and about the maximum number of people I'd be confident running this sort of thing for anyway, so... hm.

To be honest, I didn't expect this even a split between ideas, so I'm not actually sure what to do here. XD It does seem like more people have specifically said they want to do Saintess than the the Knight RP, but on the other hand it seems like more people overall have some fun ideas for Knights, too, so I'm not sure if I want to commit to the other one right off the bat.

That being said, maybe we should start off by saying really briefly what sort of character setup we'd want to play for each idea? Give us a better idea of what sort of dynamics we could make, and help settle on which one seems like we'd have more fun with.

I guess maybe that sort of clarifies what I mean? Like, certain things I, at least, want to do would require the existence of other sorts of characters, so I guess having a general idea what people are going for could help us settle on which plot would give us the most interesting interactions. I dunno. I just figure that's probably a safer bet than just saying "Alright, we're doing this one" and leaving half the people who've so kindly expressed interest high and dry.
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