Avatar of Feyblue


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1 yr ago
Current My favorite genre. :D
2 yrs ago
hehe lore go brrrrrr
2 yrs ago
Wasn't the Black Knight "None shall pass," though?
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2 yrs ago
You ever realize that you haven't changed your status in months, go back to change it, and then wonder what the *fuck* your previous status was even talking about?
2 yrs ago
No, no, they clearly are referring to Ohio -- which Georgia is geographically south of, so the theory is still sound.
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Oh, hi. Thanks for checking in.

I'm an exceedingly enthusiastic roleplayer who's been writing for about ten years now and yet still hasn't managed to produce any kind of solo piece of writing worth reading. I like to consider myself a good writer, but that's kind of a matter of opinion, as many would argue that my tendency to ramble on at entirely excessive length about things is boring rather than interesting. I'm also incredibly OCD about formatting, so if you're wondering why my bios look so fancy, that's why. It's just something I do because... reasons, I guess.

Anyway, as you've probably noticed from my avatars and RP choices, I'm more than a bit of a fan of anime and manga, but also enjoy movies, video games, the occasional comic book... the list goes on. For you see, I am not a mere dork - I am the one spoken of in legends, the one whose dorkiness transcends all forms and boundaries. I am... the Legendary... OMNI-DORK!

...Anyway, thanks for dropping in to check on my profile! Hope to RP with you sometime!


Most Recent Posts

A Chivalric (Mis)Adventure

Grayle: a beautiful, vibrant country whose proud palace stands astride the Viridian River, overlooking the Barrier Falls and the Wildlands beyond. It is a realm known by many names -- the Land at World's End, the White Tower, and the River Kingdom, to list a few. However, its most famous name outshines all the rest, and for good reason. On account of its mythic history, Grayle is hailed far and wide as the Kingdom of Knights. Its ivory walls have stood against all threats, human and otherwise, for almost 500 years; a testament to the prowess of its vigilant Knight Sentinels.

This renowned order continues a venerable tradition of service as the first line of defense for not only Grayle itself, but for all the lands of Grandor. Even now, in the present era of peace, they hold themselves to the same principles that guided them in their founding days -- the Age of Darkness, when mankind's most hated scourge and its most beloved hero crossed blades for the fate of the world. And, just as they once pledged their allegiance to the Knight-King Arbert Grayle, who founded their nation and bestowed it with his own noble name, so too do their modern successors loyally serve his descendants in the Age of Light which he helped to usher in.

This history is perhaps the first and dearest story learned by every man, woman, and child who calls Grayle home. It begins with the tale of the evil sorcerer Fendel, who was once regarded as a hero in his own right -- until his burning ambition drove him to subjugate the entire world with a horde of terrifying primordial monsters, conjured up by his unholy powers over Darkness. His temptation and descent into villainy has been played out again and again upon stages the country over, becoming a cautionary tale against the evils of exceeding pride. Yet against this seemingly unstoppable horde, an unlikely band of heroes arose.

Fendel's apprentice Alexander, The Reader of the Stars, rose in rebellion against his teacher, teaching the secret arts of magic to the people that they might break free from their chains and resist the Dark Lord's all-consuming might. Yet this alone was not enough, and so he sought the guidance of the heavens, which led him to the boy favored by providence -- he who would ever walk in the Light, who would become known as the greatest knight in history: Arbert Grayle. Together, they journeyed to the Dark Lord's palace at the edge of the earth, upon the very horizon of the night sky itself, overcoming many trials and winning many companions along the way. Seire, the King of Thieves, at first tried to deceive and rob the heroes of their sacred treasures, but was defeated and spared by the Knight-King Grayle, to whom he pledged his life in atonement. Maria the Witch, Fendel's apprentice, envied Alexander for the favor shown him by their mutual teacher, and tried to thwart them again and again in order to earn Fendel's approval -- but Alexander's love for her ultimately redeemed her, and she, too, joined their side. The chieftain of the northern lands, the dragon lord of the southern wastes, and countless other legendary heroes rallied one by one to their cause, won over by Alexander's wisdom and King Grayle's kindness.

Together, the heroes confronted Fendel, and at last, King Grayle's blessed Light scattered his darkness to the far reaches of the world, killing him for all time. Yet, with his dying breath, he spat forth foul curses upon the world, corrupting the lands and the people to sow ruin upon those who had slain him, and promising that one day, a successor would come to claim his power -- an unsurpassed wielder of the dark arts who would surely avenge him. In order to defend against this final blasphemy, King Grayle took up his peerless sword one final time -- and with it, cut a vast chasm in the earth, raising up the lands of Grandor upon a vast plateau, with an impassible cliff to keep the Accursed creatures of the Western Wildlands and the Daemon servants of Fendel from ever desecrating the lands of men again.

Or so the story goes. What is known is that when Grayle returned to his homeland, he did so not solely as a triumphant king. He erected his castle, and his kingdom, atop the very brink of the newly formed highlands, setting his throne astride the very edge of the civilized world, such that he and his knights would stand forever ready, should the Daemons and Fendel's Curse ever return.

The other heroes, too, went on to found their own nations. The eastern Empire of Alexandria, founded by the wise Alexander and the penitent Witch Maria, continues to this day to produce the finest wizards in all of Grandor, while the southern Principality of Valefor -- created by the King of Thieves and the Dragon Lord -- produces metalwork and trade goods unlike anything seen in the markets of any other nation.

For a time, these, and the other nations, were bonded together with ties of loyalty still fresh from the war against the Dark Lord. However, as the years passed, and generations faded into history, the lessons and loyalties of the past were forgotten -- and several minor wars have broken out since as various monarchs squabble for dominance. With Alexandria now eyeing the bountiful lands of Grayle, and Valefor remaining stubbornly neutral in their sporadic border conflicts, tensions are on the rise. As such, although the Curse of Fendel and his monsters have not been seen for over a hundred years, the Knights of Grayle, as ever, must keep their swords sharp and their wits sharper...

But this is not the story of the heroes of the ancient past, or even of the Knights of today. Rather, this is the story of the young knights of tomorrow, and of their quests yet unknown -- of their lives, their loves, their dreams, and how their fates will unfold. No, rather, how they shall make their fates for themselves... no matter how tangled or how unsightly they may be.

At times awkwardly, at times doubtful, and at times full of fire -- the curtain rises upon a new legend never before seen, and on their story!
The Lore Codex

With the basic history of the world now established, this section will contain several small folders with other bits of worldbuilding and lore to use as inspiration for bios -- such as the basic fundamentals of magic within the setting, the structure and hierarchy of the aristocracy, and, of course, some more information about the Knights of Grayle themselves, and their inner workings. This section will likely be rather scatterbrained and meandering to begin with, and is mostly optional stuff meant to just give more detailed pictures of specific bits of the lore that I didn't really get into too deeply during the introduction, so don't feel pressured to read through all of it if it doesn't concern you or give you any ideas. It will potentially be expanded going forward as new lore and worldbuilding is revealed.

Character Sheet

Character sheet template courtesy of Gowi and Supermaxx. Thanks, and sorry for the plagiarism. XD It just looks pretty.

This RP is invite-only for the time being, as this reboot was primarily made for those who requested it and/or asked to rejoin. Sorry, but I'm just not really very good at GMing for large groups of players, so I can't really accept more than what I already have.

But that's enough rambling from me. Welcome back, everybody!

I am not accustomed to making mistakes. But, unfortunately, it seems I've gone and done exactly that.

I was only thinking of how stressful it would be for Akisuji-kun to get talked down to by Tenta-- I mean, Mizuhana-san. So, I threw myself in the way, and tailored my response based on her thought patterns.

And because I got myself involved, now he thinks I'm trying to isolate him.

Foolishness, Kokone! You should know better than that! When trying to help someone else, their thoughts -- their worries -- those things should be my top priority. This is why I must remain an absolute observer. The moment I interfere based on one thought, it could easily have unforeseen consequences. What I hear is only the surface of a deep, deep pool -- and a single splash upon its surface can disturb even its darkest depths.

As a wave of nausea sweeps over the boy seated next to me, I feel an uneasy squirming sensation in my own gut as well. The white noise in his head is ringing in my ears, and I'm beginning to lose focus on the deafening chorus of voices around me, both real and external. I raise a hand to my forehead without thinking, rubbing my aching temple.

...Let's recap. Akisuji-kun is afraid he'll get bullied because of his Quirk. Mizuhana-san already has been bullied because of her Quirk. On paper, you'd think these two would be natural allies. The problem is that their personalities couldn't be any more different. Akisuji's response to danger is to hide and avoid it -- Mizuhana's is to confront it head on. If she could hear what I hear right now, she'd think of it as weakness, and he'd lose any and all sympathy. And if Akisuji could hear her thoughts, he'd definitely see her as dangerous...

Or, well, rather, he doesn't even need to hear it to assume that much. He's already on the back foot being called so suddenly by name by a girl he's only just met. Another uncomfortable shiver -- a fragment of a memory my Quirk is mercifully too limited to interpret -- runs down my optic nerve the moment she asks about his Quirk. His Quirk factor must be in his eyes, though how exactly they work I can't tell. It seems like he's trying to repress any thoughts about the subject as soon as they occur to him... though I did catch something in there about harming him through his eyeballs. I don't know exactly what that means, but just thinking about it makes me more nauseous than I already am. Just what happened to you, Akisuji-kun?

...Regardless, there's nothing I can do by intervening. His desperate compliment has caught Mizuhana-san in a rather good mood, which means she's unlikely to lash out at him no matter how he answers her question. Besides, even if that wasn't the case, I'm just an observer. If I were to try to speak up again before he could answer, I'm sure he'd think I was mocking him -- and that would be worse than letting him answer himself. Instead, whatever he says his Quirk is, I just need to be positive about it. Maybe that'll be enough to make him second-guess that I'm his enemy, at least. And while the conversation is about Quirks, maybe I can steer it towards my Quirk -- my fake Quirk, that is -- and get the chance to send a message to Akisuji-kun to warn him about the seating arrangements without embarrassing him in front of these two!

...But once again, I've forgotten something. There's another person here -- another person who might conceivably put more pressure on Akisuji-kun. Sorry, Colorless, but I can't let you interrupt this situation until it plays out in accordance with my plans!

"I lived near Kiyosumi-Shirakawa, myself," I chime in, using our common ground as fellow Tokyo residents (former) to insert myself back into the conversation, before letting my attention wander away from Akisuji and towards the girl opposite him. "What about you, uh -- Oh. Come to think of it, I don't think I got your name."

It's awkward and stilted, but what can I say? I'm an awkward person. Besides, if I don't get her to introduce herself soon, I might slip and actually call her Colorless out loud -- and that would raise all sorts of uncomfortable questions. It's better to eliminate that risk as soon as I can.

How's that, Akisuji-kun? We're not paying attention to you, much less bullying you. Now's your chance! Go ahead and answer honestly! You'll probably impress her!

...Well, I can't say any of that out loud, obviously. But I can at least cheer him on inside my head. Someone who thinks so warmly of his mom can't be a bad kid -- and that makes me want to root for him just a little.

That, and if he gets any more nervous, I think I might just throw up before he does. But that makes it sound like I'm just self-centered, and doesn't befit the proper dignity of an absolute observer -- so pretend you didn't hear that.

What followed next was sort of a blur - though thankfully, trying to focus on getting her Quirk under control helped Izuna distract herself from the insanity that she was faced with. Thankfully, while she worked on making her arms stop dripping, her new scaled friend Nigata-chan thankfully gave enough applause for both of them, and the living mass of dark history in front of her seemed satisfied by that. She was just getting a hold of her composure again when...


1A. The same class.

She was in a class with this kid. The one who jumped off buildings as a self-introduction and called himself Justice.

Well, I'll also be classmates with Nigata-chan, who seems nice even if she's a bit ditzy... BUT THERE'S NO WAY I CAN JUST LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE LIKE THIS, IS THERE?! WHAT EVEN IS THIS?! SOME KIND OF KARMA?!

...And then he suddenly took notice of her current predicament and offered to hasten their way inside.

Geez. She couldn't even be mad even if he was cringe. To think that the only person who'd be considerate of her Quirk was this weirdo. Ah, but she wasn't that happy about it! Never mind that her photophores had shifted back to a bright, warm orange again.

...For all of two seconds, anyway, until Justice of all people pointed out that she hadn't introduced herself yet. Never mind that he thought he'd been rude not to ask -- she hadn't even introduced herself to Nigata-chan!

"Gah!" No, wait, hold up right there. "Gah" definitely wasn't a sound a cool person made. She hastily, and rather unconvincingly cleared her throat, and tried to play it cool about her faux pas. "I, uh... sorry 'bout that. 'Guess it slipped my mind to introduce myself, huh?" She tried to give an unconcerned shrug, though the cracking of ice on the shoulders of her blazer made the gesture rather more forced than she would have liked. "The name's Izuna! Nishikiyama Izuna. And, well... yeah. My Quirk's, uh... not exactly great in a place like this. I mean, I knew it was gonna be cold, but... Well, I'll manage somehow, so let's just get inside and, uh... don't worry too much about it, yeah? Ehehe..." She gave a broad, pointy-toothed grin, and quickly began to awkwardly shuffle towards the door, doing her best not to slip on the patch of glare ice that had formed around her while she'd been standing in one spot.

Gaaaaaaah... They're totally gonna think I'm lame... And with my Quirk acting up now of all times, I can't even fault them for it. Grr. Stupid puddles... If only Sai-chan was here. Where is she, anyway?

If I was actually trying to make friends and influence people, I suppose I'd probably be pretty embarrassed that possibly the worst self-introduction I've given in my life was overheard by not one, but two people.

...And one of them is the condescending one that thinks in blue from the entrance.

Well, thankfully, she seemed to have something else on her mind, so she probably didn't catch the whole thing. It seems Akisuji-kun isn't the only one worrying about his first impression -- a fact which makes her choice of words all the more ironic. True, we do sound nervous -- but I'd say that worrying about people reading your innermost thoughts just by watching your hair constitutes being nervous, too.

Besides, it's not like I wanted to read your innermost thoughts, anyway. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone that kids used to call you Tentacruel. Your secret's safe with me.

Still... Being called out like that probably won't be good for Akisuji-kun's burgeoning anxiety -- and I did choose to sit here to try to alleviate those worries. Since I'm aware of the situation, though it goes against my usual principles of strict observation, I think I should probably take this opportunity to divert attention away from him. I'll act as though she was talking about me, and give him a chance to step out of the spotlight for a bit.

Besides, none of us will probably see each other or talk again for the rest of the year. Isshin's a pretty big school, and we probably won't even be in the same class. Even if I make a fool out of myself now, there's no shortage of unusual and spectacular individuals to draw attention away from me later. I'm sure nobody will look twice at little old me once Quirk assessment begins.

"You got me," I say, giving a slight shrug. I already know I'm a bad actor, so I won't try to act overly flustered at being called out. "It's my first time living on my own like this, and after coming all this way, I guess I got cold feet. Isshin's got a pretty intimidating reputation, so I guess I'm just sort of wondering if I can make it, is all."

...Yeah, just about every single thing I just said was a lie. First time living on my own? As if I haven't been taking care of myself since elementary school. This won't be any different. Traveling a long way? I've moved and changed schools more times than I can count. And as for Isshin's reputation, if I've made it this far, I know they won't throw me out on a whim. Plus, even if I can't cut it in the hero class, I can always transfer to the support program and carry my credits over. Others might think of that as a failure, but all I care about is the financial security an Isshin education can provide.

Youthful hopes and dreams? Don't need them. What can I say? I'm a realist.

Still, that should be a boring enough answer that she'll dismiss me mentally -- and possibly vocally -- as a "sidekick" and lose interest. After all, I'm just a boring, everyday, average girl with normal person worries who couldn't possibly understand an elite like you. Isn't that right, miss --

Ah, crap. I still don't know her name, and I really don't want to call her Tentacruel. Couldn't you have at least bothered to introduce yourself? I'm gonna start thinking of you as Tentacruel if you don't, so please, just say your actual name before it becomes a habit!

Still, that situation seems to have been resolved successfully -- or so I thought?! Colorless, you're here too!? Your thoughts are so clear that I almost didn't see you!

"Ah. No. You're not interrupting at all. Though, the people up here do seem rather high-strung, if you ask me." I shake my head, unsure of how else to respond. It doesn't seem like she's particularly interested in talking to me, anyway, since she immediately hits it off with Not-Tentacruel. As for me, I find my fake worries disappearing, and my real ones crawling back to the surface. Akisuji-kun and now this girl also... Both of them are from Tokyo. Thinking about it realistically, there's almost no way that they could have ever gone to the same school as me, and I certainly don't remember either of them. Right. It's a huge city, and I was just one person, living in it. The odds of them knowing me already are slim to none. And the odds of them having heard about my Quirk are practically non-existent.

Right. I'm just being paranoid. Besides, as Colorless said about the girl who bumped into her, once the semester starts, everyone will forget all about me, too.

Ah. But speaking of forgetting things. I'm forgetting something here too. Akisuji-kun's caught in the middle of this whole mess, and my earlier diversion has now backfired. Everybody's ignoring him completely.

Well, for a boy, being surrounded by three girls in the opening ceremony probably sounds like a dream come true -- especially since things like this are usually segregated by gender for the sake of order. But somehow, I doubt Akisuji-kun is thinking of this situation as a gift.

...Actually, wait a second. There's no way a school as strict as Isshin would let us just do things so haphazardly, would they? I wasn't really paying attention up until now, but is it possible that maybe, Akisuji-kun sat down in the wrong seating area? He's not gonna get scolded for that, is he? But if I point it out to him, he's definitely going to get embarrassed... Ah, crap, what am I supposed to do in a situation like this? Think, Kokone -- how do I resolve this without ruining his day or making a spectacle of myself?

...He's afraid of me.

He's afraid of me.

Okay. Let's backtrack here. It's not as though the sensation of fear is a new one to me -- though I wish I could say it was. But that and this are two different things! What do you mean, "threat of bullies?!" Have you seen me? I'm probably the shortest person in this entire school! What am I gonna do, kick your shins?

...Well, to be fair, I do have a mean shin kick, if I do say so myself -- but that's neither here nor there.

Okay. Backtrack further. He tried to run away there for a moment when all I did was ask if I could sit next to him. And now that I've actually sat myself down, he's acting like he'll explode if he touches me. I mean, if anything, I would probably explode, since that noise has only gotten louder the closer I've gotten to him. I dread to think of what would happen if my connection got any stronger.

...But what am I even doing? While I'm trying to wrap my head around what he's feeling and what little sense this whole situation makes, he's already resolved himself to get over that fear of his and introduce himself. At least, I think he has. That voice does seem to be coming out of his mouth rather than his head, so... it's probably safe to answer, right? Or rather, at a time like this, why am I remaining silent? Have I been playing at observer so long that I've forgotten how to speak when spoken to?

I try once again to smile, though I'm pretty sure the expression dies instantly the moment I try to speak. I say "try" because it takes me a good several seconds to remember what order the words go in when my every thought is being drowned out by the crowd around me and that infernal static coming from this kid -- or rather, from Akisuji-kun's head.

"Ah. Uh. Right."

...Brain, that's not how you do a self-introduction. Come on, he's scared of me and he managed to do it better than I did anyway!

"Manaka Kokone. That's, uh... my name. Also from Tokyo, actually! Or... well... I lived there most recently, anyway."

...I'm gonna have to make a mental note to rehearse this at some point. Seriously, this is just embarrassing. But, well... if nothing else, maybe my own obvious discomfort may ease his own worries somewhat. It's less stressful being worried about something when you're not the only one, right? Though, thanks to my power, I can tell that the things we're anxious about are completely different... but let's just let him think we're kindred spirits. He'll be happier that way.

Where was I?

Ah. Right. I believe when I last left off, I was distancing myself as quickly as I could from the chaos in the front courtyard, and trying my best to ignore the increasingly loud orange thoughts behind me as somebody desperately pleaded for salvation and/or a WcMuffin, in that order.

...Look, just because I like to help people doesn't mean I'm going to march headfirst into that situation. I mean, look at it rationally for a second. What would me, a complete stranger, getting involved even do? That would just make things more awkward for everyone involved, so in the interest of not making even more of a spectacle of myself than that Justice kid is already doing, I think it's best if we just move on.

...Or not. I've only been in the assembly hall for a matter of seconds before I start regretting everything, and instinctively reach for my headphones. But I stop myself before I can pull them out of the pocket of my blazer. At best, I'd get yelled at by a teacher for ignoring the opening ceremony. At worst, I might be suspected.

As always, that thought is enough to stop me in my tracks, even when my head feels like it's going to burst. I have to bear this. Like a normal person. So that I can remain beneath notice. So that nobody will start thinking at me here. This is just another necessary step in securing my peaceful life. I can do this. These thoughts aren't mine.

Excitement, confusion, anxiety, anger, dread, hope, and countless other emotions I can't even begin to process scream through my ears in a language beyond words, despite my insistence. And before I know it, I find myself changing moods faster than flipping channels on TV. As I pass one row, I feel all the elation of a dream come true. As I past the next, I feel the immense frustration of a pointless argument with a stranger. And, as I find myself pushed onward by the crowd behind me -- seriously, STOP. TOUCHING. ME. -- I stumble into a row that only has one other occupant so far... and find myself showered with an unspeakable sense of dread.

...No, perhaps it would be better to call it "gloom." "Dread" seems to imply a fear that something might come to pass, but what I feel from the boy in front of me is more along the lines of a certainty that something will come to pass. And that something is...



It hurts!

I clutch my ears, trying to drown out a noise I can't even hear. My head feels like a broken radio, as a sound that tastes like static tries to force its way down my optic nerve. I'm too confused to even speak, or to run away -- and then, just as suddenly as it begins, it's gone.

...No. Not gone. I can still feel it faintly. I can hear it with my skin, smell it on the tip of my tongue. But it's a sound.

It is a sound, right?

I can't tell anymore. My ears are still ringing and my other senses aren't enough. I try to ignore it, but now that I've heard it once I can't help but notice the echo.

...And to make matters worse, the kid sitting in the row I'm still standing dumbly in front of is starting to look at me. I can't let him notice that I've been standing here like this, or he'll definitely take note of me. And I definitely can't let him see how much I want to vomit right now.

Calm. I'm a very calm person. I've never actually lost a game of Old Maid, you know. And I'm proud to say that it's not just because my telepathy tells me which card not to pick. Basically, what I'm trying to explain is that I have a very good poker face. I've never played poker, though. My mom would get worried if I did.

My expression's blank now. I'm sure of it. Then, a slight smile. ...I'm not as sure of that part, admittedly, but at least I tried.

"...Mind if I sit here?" I ask, motioning stiffly to the seat next to him. Truth be told, the last place I want to be is next to this kid, where that noise is strongest and where his gloomy emotions feel like they're choking me. But it would look far stranger to turn around and leave now, and if I did, I'm pretty sure this boy would take it as an insult.

Or rather, doesn't it seem like he's being avoided? Maybe that's what's got him feeling so glum. In a new place, with nobody he knows, and the weight of Isshin's expectations on his shoulders, who wouldn't indulge in a little bit of pessimism? And so, knowing how bad he's feeling, can I really turn and walk away? That little matter in the courtyard is one thing... but right now, somebody's genuinely sad in front of me. And maybe I can help him... I dunno. Not be that, I guess.

...Even if I can't find out why without feeling like he's flashbanging my soul.

Location: Uhladein, Eastern Marches

Fianna wasn't expecting a welcome upon her return. During her short stay in Uhladein, the Scilan Hunters she had been assigned along with hadn't so much as spoken a word in her presence. It wasn't as if she blamed them, of course. They might have been her own countrymen, but considering who was holding her leash, she surely must have seemed an enemy in their eyes... assuming they even knew who she had been in the first place. And given the fact that the lot of them had been barely more than children, she highly doubted that.

And now they were dead. What did you expect, when you sent children to a battlefield? She would know, of course, having marched onto her first battlefield at a young age herself. She'd been stupid, and reckless, and... And she had been lucky to have her father to keep her in check.

The Scilan brats she'd fought alongside didn't have that luxury. What, was she supposed to protect them? It was all she'd been able to do not to lose herself and devour them before the void could!

Thinking about it like that, she could almost pretend she hadn't tried. Hadn't failed, more like --

Hey! Hey Granny!

The rag-wrapped huntress froze at the voice. Although it had come from right in front of her, it still took her a moment to realize she was being addressed. She reached a hand awkwardly out from under her makeshift poncho, two thumbs and six fingers twisting themselves clumsily through a tangled strand of her own grey hair. Right... Hunters might not age, but that didn't mean that her physiology was immutable. Just how long ago had the color faded from her hair -- her skin -- her eyes? The days were like molasses, but the years were like lightning...

But there was someone talking to her. Someone who, when she looked down, made her realize that perhaps she hadn't failed entirely.

There had been one other child on the battlefield, after all. And now, that same child was standing in front of her, gazing up at her with... with...

Well, understanding people's feelings had never been her strong suit, even before her life had fallen apart. At any rate, the girl seemed excited.

You exploded!


Fianna blinked, staring quizzically down at the girl with a blank expression as, a little ways away, a woman with blue hair quickly concurred. That one was... some manner of huntress from Prentiss, if she recalled correctly, though Fianna hadn't quite managed to piece her brains back together well enough yet to recall the woman's name. Still, she and the towering pink-haired woman next to her seemed... oddly happy about the whole situation. Everyone else who'd come to this city with them was dead, right? And of all the people to survive, they'd been left with Fianna the Bloody. It defied reason that any of them would get anywhere near her -- let alone this child looking up at her with such an odd expression. She felt the strangest of urges to reach out and tousle the girl's hair, but mastered this impulse almost as soon as she felt it -- it wouldn't do to show a gesture of affection when one's hands were still in such a sorry state, after all.

But there had been one more among their number, right? A certain someone had hefted a brick at her head. Where was she, anyway? Perhaps she had gone and gotten herself killed again.

It was around that point that a familiarly annoying voice chimed into the conversation, and shortly thereafter, the fist connected with her face. Next thing Fianna knew, she was on the ground, staring up at the sky. She tried to open her mouth to say something, but apparently her jaw had come unhinged. Ah, how annoying... just when she'd gotten done fixing it. And to make matters worse, her brains were sloshing around again, like so many little insects crawling and scuttling inside her head.

Still, at least her head was clearer now. Things didn't seem so strange anymore. This was what she was used to. This was how it was supposed to be. She didn't have to think about anything anymore. All she needed to do was hate.

Her jaw crawled back across her face and helpfully climbed back into its socket. She clicked her tongue once, then twice -- then spat out a mass of white shards that had probably once been teeth. No matter. She had plenty to spare. In place of her canine, a spider's dripping fang poked out from behind her lips, pulling them open in a paralyzed, lopsided grin as a row of goblin teeth quickly emerged alongside it. Crimson strands of metal, supple as spider's silk, wound their way out of her feet and into the stones beneath her, wrenching her body upward as her knees and ankles rotated in place to allow her to "stand," then snapped back with a crack. Her concussion sorted itself one way or the other, and her vacant scarlet eyes refocused themselves on the noisome dog of Midnos still yapping in front of her.

"Oh. So you were here too, Quinn. Forgive me. I assumed you'd be off burning in a ditch somewhere by now, like usual." Like a dreamer waking from a long sleep, the pale woman stretched her arms, giving a long yawn, and speaking with a disinterest that belied the blood still streaming down her face. "So you didn't die this time, then. What, you want me to fix that for you?" She drawled, wiping the blood from her lip before giving another, even longer yawn.

"So needy."

Location: Uhladein, Eastern Marches

Aah, it wasn't enough. It wasn't nearly enough.

The sound of metal scraping over the flagstones, and the sound of bare feet splashing over the frigid pavement were the only sounds that accompanied her passage, save the whistling wind and the distant thunder. The din of battle had ended, and the symphony of screams and steel that had brought her such clarity was now but a distant memory, lost in a fog of blood and pain.

What corrupted stragglers she could find amongst the ruins of the gatehouse had offered her scarcely any resistance, nor had they provided her even the barest minimum of sustenance. With the euphoria of victory stolen from her, all that remained was a deep and enduring hunger -- a hunger she only barely managed to restrain herself from indulging as she saw the bodies of the fallen defenders all around her.

But she did manage to pull herself away. These were warriors, after all. Warriors who had died an honorable death defending their homes and their people. She would not allow herself to desecrate the last monument to their perseverance. So instead, she raised her gaze to the sky, and distracted herself with wondering what the rain must have felt like upon her numb skin. She could hardly even feel the searing embers buried within her chest, so Fianna supposed that she must have been cold. Yet it still was difficult for her to tell if the thing twitching, shuddering, crawling and writhing underneath her skin was her own body in response to a chill she could not feel, or the sword she wielded continuing to improve her new body.


"...That will be all, Amaryllis." She said, reaching gently down with her free hand and grasping the sword by the roots. It seemed to get the message, as a moment later, its blade unraveled into countless metallic threads, each sinking back into the arm that reformed beneath it, and disappearing from view. Her legs lost their strength, and she slumped against the broken gates as a final wave of shivering, and something that for a moment approached pain wracked her entire body -- then all was still once more.

She cast one final glance to the corpses piled around her, and gave the faintest of sighs. The oldest lesson she had ever learned repeated itself once again in thoughts far too sweet to be her own.

"...Do not worry. I won't forget. You can rest now."

She received no answer. The distant thunder rolled, and as her body at last finished knitting itself back together, the towering woman at last realized she was naked. Another body destroyed, another set of rags lost along with it. She sighed once more, and gave a slight kick to one of the more intact corpses at her feet, turning the dead man over. She wouldn't part him with his flesh, but... She supposed he wouldn't be needing his cloak anymore, either. Surely, he could spare at least that much.

So, she stooped, fumbling with her many fingers to undo the clasp of its collar and drape the garment over her own shoulders without dragging it through too much of the blood pooling on the ground. Wrapped in this ragged mantle, and still dripping from head to toe, the pale huntress at last turned her gaze back towards the keep.

Once again, she had failed to die as expected... which meant there would yet be more work to be done. The luxury of rest was one reserved for the dead -- and so, the sound of bare feet splashing over the flagstones was heard once more, as the pale huntress began shambling back -- leaving one battlefield, in search of another.

"Ah, crap... door, door... where's the freakin' doooooorrrrrrrr...?!"

A certain aquatic student was hopping nervously back and forth in hopes of restoring some feeling to her half-frozen legs, her frilled crest curling angrily clear from her gills all the way up to the top of her head, as her transparent scales pulsed a frustrated shade of crimson and her barbels thrashed with impatience.

The front door was blocked by another crowd. Same with the gym. There was a fire escape on the side of the building, but that was probably locked and would set off alarms, and in either case if she actually tried it Saika would never let her hear the end of it.

And where was Saika, anyway? She hadn't even texted to say when she'd be showing up. Didn't she know her best buddy was freezing over here?

Ugh... That jerk! I'll bet she's busy stuffing her face at a WcDenji's or something. Of course she wouldn't care about being late. Curse you, Sai-chan! I'll never forgive you for this!

Her stomach chose that exact moment to rumble.

...Though I guess if you get me some too, I could maybe consider letting you off easy this time.

...Well, that said, it wasn't as if she had a convenient power like telepathy or mind-reading -- Careful what you wish for, Orange. -- so there was no way to actually convey that message. But Saika would understand. Surely. Definitely.

"Excuse me~?"

It took Izuna a moment to realize that the gentle, quizzical voice that only barely reached her ears over the din of the crowd was directed at her -- since the tap on her shoulder went unfortunately unnoticed due to the thickness of both her tarp-like blazer and the ice coating it. Still, after a moment of delayed realization, her pointed ears flicked up, and the pale girl spun around, only to find herself looking down at a mass of curly, oddly shiny green hair.

Oh, and, uh, the person underneath all of it. Izuna's own oddly bright golden eyes met two vertically slit green ones as she took in the face -- the scaled face of their owner. The frills along her head and neck flicked outward immediately, and the dim crimson halo that had been pulsating from the tips of her barbels clear up to her cheeks gave way to a much more welcoming blend of blue and orange.

A comrade! So I'm not the only one with scales this time!

"Ah, sorry 'bout that -- didn't see you there!" The fishy freshman gave a nervous laugh, rubbing her palm back and forth over the scales of her neck. "Can I, uh... help you, or something?"

"You're an upperclassman, right? I'm Nigata Kayo, a first year. I'm a liiiittle bit lost, so could you show me where the event hall is, please?"


"...Eh?" Izuna blinked, cocking her head to the side. Then slowly, deliberately, she pointed to herself. The girl standing in front of her cocked her head to the side too, not seeming to understand her confusion.

"An upperclassman?" The green-haired girl nodded.

"Who is? Me?" The green-haired girl nodded again, pursing her lips cutely, still not seeming to understand.

"I'm a first year too, though?"


Suddenly the air between them got really quiet, and for just a second, Izuna could have sworn she saw the other girl's eyebrow twitch -- but surely she must have been mistaken, since that innocent smile just kept on shining up at her. Oh, geez, this new kid was a little dense, wasn't she? Well, Izuna didn't know the way, but she'd feel bad about leaving someone so clueless to her own devices, so...

"Don't worry, though! I read the pamphlet. Uh... at one point. So I'm pretty sure the assembly hall is, uh... Uhhh..."

It sure would have been convenient if literally anything else happened right now so they could pay attention to it. That would have been great. Then maybe she'd have enough time to remember where she was even supposed to be going -- since her plan had basically ended at "get inside before you become an ice cube!"

...How regrettable that she hadn't made her wish more specific. Something did indeed happen at that exact moment -- but it was a something that set Izuna's every braincell to screaming as she desperately -- Unsuccessfully, I might add! -- tried to repress, uh... certain memories.

After several seconds of wide-mouthed gawking, she managed to get herself together enough to process what just happened. Some crazy boy had -- or, well, at least, she was pretty sure he was a boy -- anyway! He had just done some sort of... acrobatic ninja-flip out of a tree, then skidded to a stop right in front of them, and started screaming about JUSTICE or how he WAS Justice or... something.

Who does this kid think he is, some kind of superhero?

...It took a moment of thinking about where she was to realize how stupid that question sounded. But also, there could really only be one explanation for the... entity currently standing in front of her -- and it was one with which she was all too painfully familiar.

Making a herculean attempt not to visibly cringe, she slapped her cheeks, pasted a smile across her face, and hoped nobody noticed the frantic pulsing of her photophores or the sudden shower of water dripping from her sleeves and freezing on the ground beneath her as she tried and failed to keep her cool.

Two people were asking her for directions. One was a little dumb, the other was the physical manifestation of the phrase "dark history" despite looking like a boy idol crossed with a lightbulb. She had no idea where to go, but people all seemed to be heading in one direction, so with all the natural-ness of a robot in an old SF film, she slowly, jerkily raised her now-dripping arm and pointed vaguely in the general direction of the main building.

"...Uh... that way. To the... uh... assembly hall. Where everybody else is going."

...Yeah, no shit.

Sai-chan, everybody here is all weird and I'm the only normal one and how did this even happen? Seriously, what am I even supposed to do in this situation? Is this some kind of trial?! Augh, just hurry up and come save me!

...Or at least bring me a WcMuffin!


Hello, world! It's your girl, Manaka Kokone here, coming to you live from the front gates of Isshin High!

...Ooooooor maybe from the gates of hell. Honestly, looking at the scene in front of me, I'm not actually sure which it is.

For those of you just tuning in, let me set the stage for you. I had a rough trip up from Tokyo via the undersea rail line that took... well, most of yesterday. And by the time I arrived in Sapporo, I was expecting that I could find a place to stay in a hotel somewhere close to the school, then make the rest of the trip in the morning.

The hotel was... quite nice, actually. The walls of my room were mercifully thick -- so much so that I could barely even hear the thoughts of the vacationing college couple in the neighboring suite, even without my headphones on while I was showering. After saying a quick prayer to thank the kami, Jesus, Buddha, and whoever else might be listening for that mercy, I quickly covered my ears before they got any more ideas unfit for a junior high schooler's "pure" mind, set my alarm early for the big day tomorrow, and fell asleep almost before I knew it.

...Well, let it not be said that a mind reader is infallible. Apparently, I had failed to account for the rather important distinction that Isshin wasn't in Sapporo. It was near Sapporo. More specifically, it was almost a full hour's train ride outside of city limits, followed by a bus ride, followed by a walk that felt more like a hike. And, well... I have my pride, but even so, I like to think of myself as a realist. And looking at the situation realistically, it's honestly miraculous that I managed to haul all my luggage that far all by myself at all when it probably weighs twice as much as I do, and is half again as big to boot.

...Yeah. I'm a scrawny little pipsqueak. I know. It's fine. I am at peace with what I am. It doesn't bother me at all. It doesn't. Bother. Me.

...It bothers me a lot.

Needless to say, my plans of arriving early were dashed. Instead, I found myself rather unfortunately located on the far outer ring of the throng of people all nudging, shouting, pushing, and shoving their way through the front gates. And, on account of my afforementioned smallness, the moment I tried to slip through a gap...

...Well, let's put it this way. Do you know what happens to a twig when it's dropped into rushing water?

Yeah. Something like that. Which brings me to my present predicament.

See, as I probably told you before, crowds and I... we don't really mix well. Or, to put it more bluntly, I hate them. I hate the noise of everybody talking over each other. I hate the noise of everybody thinking even louder than that. I hate how angry it makes me when everybody wants to be somewhere and can't get there and so they just sit and sit and stew in their own frustration until it spills over and gets all over my own thoughts and --

And isn't it just a lovely day? Isn't it so nice that the sun is shining and the snow has mostly stopped and so I only had to drag myself here through the mud instead of wading knee deep in the snow? And aren't we all just so excited that in just a few short hours, we're gonna be taking our first steps towards being heroes?

Yeah, it's a great day today. I'm happy. I'm so darned happy I can hardly bear it!


Seriously, why is everybody so nervous!? You got accepted to the second best hero school in the entire country, and your first thought is to worry that you won't make the cut and you'll get kicked right out again!? Come on, have some bloody confidence! If even a half-baked person like me could make it in, you've got nothing to worry about, right? Oh, sure, you've had a bad few weeks. Your girlfriend dumped you because she didn't want to date long distance? Well maybe you should have talked things over with her first! If people would just actually communicate with each other, then half of their pointless woes would be --

And you! Stop pushing me! I don't care that your grandpa's sick, so stop thinking about it so loudly! ...Although he seems like a very nice man and it would be a terrible shame if anything happened to him, so fine, I hope he gets well soon -- NOW STAY OUT OF MY HEAD! STOP REMINDING ME OF --

...For just a split second, I want to go home. Failing that, I want to curl up in a corner somewhere and disappear. I want to vomit. I want to --

Deep breaths, Kokone. Deep breaths and happy thoughts. Or, if "happy" is too high a bar right now, I can at least take some solace in the fact that I'm not the only one who's miserable. Schadenfreude is a powerful thing, and right now, there's... there's...

...There's so many weirdos. And yes, I know I'm one to talk.

Somewhere up ahead of me, a person who thinks in Grey is trying to pretend her thoughts have some color to them. Which is to say, she's pushing and shoving her way forward with every last ounce of strength she has, relishing in the spite-filled gazes of those around her... until she had to actually meet them, anyway.

Yeah. That's right. That's exactly what you looked like. You're not the big girl on campus, you're just... kind of being a jerk.

In the Grey's wake, someone whose thoughts are Colorless angrily shouted after her, grumbling something I couldn't quite hear -- or rather, thinking something I can't quite make out, about becoming a "mega bitch."

...Well, I can understand her frustration, at least, though her way of expressing it was... questionable. Still, at least her thoughts were more intelligible than the... Orange? Blue?

Well, whoever she is, she forced the surrounding crowd aside with a rather shocking display of some kind of water Quirk, blasting a small geyser into the air that sent the people around her scattering.

I almost feel sorry for her, hearing her complaints about the cold and given the ice covering her clothing. And I almost felt grateful there for a moment that she parted the crowd enough for me to slip through in her wake. But mostly, I just feel confused, since, after all, she's currently rejoicing that nobody else knows about the "Dragon" --

...Ah. A secret. Or... more like a dark history. Well, I'm terribly sorry, but there is someone who knows about it, and she's right here.

Seriously, though. Why's everyone so caught up on making a first impression when all of that will be forgotten once our actual training begins? Do they seriously think they'll be remembered for how they entered the school when it's their performance under pressure and their usage of their Quirks that will make or break their aspirations?

Well, it's often said that actions speak louder than words. But, I suppose, some people's actions, like their thoughts, speak too loudly.

...Oh. Speak of the devil. There's a very special sort of person amongst us -- a person whose thoughts echo with glistening Gold. His very presence is like a deafening roar, his aura like blinding sunlight. And to be honest, I couldn't tell if that was just my synesthesia acting up again, or his actual Quirk, given the way he just launched himself over everybody's heads and skidded to a stop in the courtyard, bellowing bombastically all the while... then laughing about how it "wasn't bad for a first try."

He's lying, by the way. This young man had crashed and faceplanted in ways I scarcely even thought possible practicing that little stunt, and even with all that effort he'd almost messed it up this time, too.

...Between him and the lighter, purer Blue thoughts calling me and everyone else in the assembled crowd "sidekicks" just because its owner hadn't quite made the cut for UA, I honestly can't even tell whose ego is more fragile.

This is a hero school, right? I didn't take a wrong turn somewhere and end up in a clown college?

Regardless, I'm not exactly about to stay out in the midst of this throng of lunatics any longer than I have to. So, with the crowd distracted by the various showoffs in front of the school, and with I myself having at last broken through, I make my way to the assembly hall...
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