Having said all she could, once again Alicia returned to waiting. She had done all that she could for their case. Now it was for the girls i in front of them to decide what happened next. If this was the end, hopefully her next life would be able to make up for it, even if it was ended with injustice.
She tensed as Rachel stepped forwards, saying that which was no surprise. She thought they were guilty, and there was nothing that Alicia could say that would change her mind.
"Well, it was nice knowing you guys," she whispered back to the others. Then Isthar moved.
And the world froze.
Eyes opened, a voice rang in the air. To be the focus of it, to face the full brunt of the Cardinal directed upon her, it was too much for her to handle. She dropped to her knees, arms hanging limply as tears budded in her eyes. They flowed unbidden, rolling down her cheeks and dripping to the ground.
She was struck not just by how it was said, but also
what was said. It was like her soul was being stripped bare and held under a microscope. All her doubts, her worries about herself, the path she was on, even about Beacon in general, exposed for the world to see. Yet when there should have been scorn there was reassurance, comfort, forgiveness.
Her eyes widened upon seeing the White Coin revealed, as shocked by that as anyone else here.
"I...I don't..." she murmured, not letting her voice sound over the praise provided by Isthar. There was an obligation in that, she understood as much. But with such confidence how could she possibly reject what was at hand?
So as the Coin drifted across to her, she stumbled back to her feet. Once it had come to a stop she reached out to take it. The instant she held it the cuffs that she bore cracked, falling away on their own. It was as if they could not stand up against the sheer amount of power radiating from the Coin.
"T-Thank you," she replied, her voice trembling.
"You honor me with this. I will do whatever I can to serve as an example, and to protect everyone no matter the challenge."Clenching the White Coin, she let her magic trigger it, and let the power flow into her.
An involuntary breath followed as she was met with the sudden rush of blessed energy. She had heard what it was like from Penny, but it had not really prepared her for this. It was warm like the heat of the sun, and bright enough to be blinding. it felt like a miniature sun had been embedded in her chest. And though she had never used a Coin before, what she needed to do next was almost instinctive. She channeled the energy, directing it, letting it improve her and taking on a new power for herself.
When the light from the Coin had faded away, allowing those present to see her again, they would find Alicia Hayden standing tall, and resolute. Her wings were spread, and her eyes glowed with a light they had not held before. It was not on the same level of Isthar, but it was present nonetheless.
"I can see...so much," she said in awe as she looked around the room. So many more details, so many layers that had previously been hidden, laid bare now. it would take a bit of getting used to.
She quickly got ahold of herself before she was too distracted, bowing to Isthar.
"Thank you, again. I will not disappoint you."Then Serenity stepped up to speak, Alicia falling silent and letting her do so. She watched as the Soul Gem was presented, the light within revealed, and passionate words rang out to all. When it had ended she reached down, supporting Serenity and helping her to her feet.
"We're all in this together," she replied with a smile as her eyes faded back to their regular color, and her wings withdrew.
"That's what being in Beacon means. None of us should have to stand alone." She didn't know how the court would react to the plea, but she had the feeling that Isthar would surprise them all.