Avatar of Force and Fury


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2 yrs ago
Current Shilling a good medieval fantasy: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Don't mind me. Just shilling a thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
3 yrs ago
Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm interested!
3 yrs ago
Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

Most Recent Posts

Johann Steinbauer

Magnetic: 4
Arcane: 0
Binding: 4
Chemical: 4
Kinetic: 0
Atomic: 0
Blood: 4
Temporal: 2
Dark: 0
Command: 0
Primordial: 0

RAS: 8.75
Base Health: 22
Mana: Copycat
Fruit: Golden Apple
Consumable: [Yuri's Special Sauce] on [Kelp Sandwich]: eeaiko cuisine! Will make you flatulent but boost chemical rolls by one RAS modifier tier.
Item: Landgraf's Lederhosen - So long as your RAS is above that of your opponent, you may roll (d2) with advantage up to five times per scenario. You may also copy one of their dice and add it to your rolls once per scenario. If your RAS is not higher, this item has no effect. Provides 32 manas.

N. Kaureerah Wenhan

Magnetic: 0
Arcane: 4
Binding: 0
Chemical: 4
Kinetic: 4.5
Atomic: 0
Blood: 0
Temporal: 0
Dark: 0
Command: 0
Primordial: 2

RAS: 7.01
Base Health: 20
Mana: Goldblood, Oceanborn
Fruit: Passionfruit
Consumable 1: [Yuri's Special Sauce] on [Kelp Sandwich]: Eeaiko cuisine! Will make you flatulent but boost chemical rolls by one RAS modifier tier.
Consumable 2: [Screaming Lemon Juice]: Very sour! Raises RAS modifier tier by one when using light or heat-based spells.
Item: Barbarian's Net - Anything ensnared in this ogauraq net will be subject to an immensely powerful Gaze of Dominion Spell, rolling 6d15 with advantage. This may only be used twice per scenario, or once, if used out of turn order, and only one target may be controlled at a time. Also grants 24 manas to its bearer.

Magnetic: 0
Arcane: 5
Binding: 3
Chemical: 4
Kinetic: 6
Atomic: 0
Blood: 0
Temporal: 2
Dark: 0
Command: 0
Primordial: 0

RAS: 8.28
Base Health: 24
Mana: Sanguinaire, Skyborn, Fireblood, Agitator, Skinspeaker, Rosebud
Fruit: Brandæble
Consumable: [Yuri's Special Sauce] on fried [Puffchicken Eggs].
Item: Chains of Retribution - may counter on 7 points (solo) or 11 points (combo). May counter no matter what once per scenario, with advantage. May [FLEE] without losing a turn. Provides 30 manas.

Margot Fischer

Magnetic: 2
Arcane: 4
Binding: 2
Chemical: 4
Kinetic: 3
Blood: 2

RAS: 8.19
Base Health: 22
Mana: Sanguinaire, Agitator, Moodcaster
Fruit: Starfruit - gain five free disadvantage rolls to assign your enemies per cycle. Doesn’t replace or stack with other disadvantage rolls. Foresight - gain 10 discretionary points per cycle to be distributed as you see fit.
Consumable: Pescoberry Cupcakes - Provides advantage on all (d2) rolls and non-damaging actions.
Item 1: Schleim - this loyal sumpfkrake is always close at hand if Margot is around. He may provide her and himself with one free [FLEE] per scenario that will not use up an action, three advantage rolls, and may heal her for up to 4 damage once per scenario. If Schleim is killed, Margot will receive an immediate (d4) roll boost of one level to her RAS and Skill tiers.
Item 2: Gnomenzerstörer - A tiny, gnome-sized hammer that seems to manipulate luck and illusions. Will dispel any two illusions per scenario for free. Once per scenario, may negate all divine fruit and consumable effects of her opponent for (d3) rolls. Once per scenario, may 'steal' (d2) of an opponent's levels in any one school of magic for (d3) rolls. Provides 18 manas.
Abdel Saqqaf Aziz

Magnetic: 0
Arcane: 6
Binding: 4
Chemical: 1
Kinetic: 4
Atomic: 0
Blood: 0
Temporal: 0
Dark: 0
Command: 0
Primordial: 0

RAS: 8.33
Mana: Fireblood
Fruit: Brandaeble
Consumable: Seagoat Cheese

Item: Burning Blade of the Paladin - This great silver scimitar glows with divine wrath, providing 24 manas and an effect whereby it will strike with an extra RAS and skill tier if used against unholy beings such as wildbloods, sanguinaires, and demons. It may also store energy from overdefenses to unleash offensively, up to a maximum of twelve. It will glow brighter when charged this way.


Magnetic: 1
Arcane: 2
Binding: 3
Chemical: 4
Kinetic: 6
Atomic: 4
Blood: 3
Temporal: 4
Dark: 4
Command: 0
Primordial: 0

RAS: 8.99
Base Health: 20
Mana: Lifestealer, Godsblood
Fruit: Pomegranate (misfortune) - Tie the fates of the fruit bearer and their enemy together. Every time the bearer succeeds in meeting a threshold or a (d2), their enemy must roll their next one with disadvantage. Every time their enemy fails at a threshold or a (d2), the bearer gains advantage on their next roll of either of these types.
Consumable: Special Sauce on Puffchicken Eggs
Item: Tiara of the Fallen Goddess - enhances RAS tier when using kinetic spells by one. Flee can be used without giving up a turn. +32 manas.
Mobility Aid: Crutches of the One - One combo defense or attack can be made for free per scenario, out of turn sequence. Once per scenario, two rolls may be made during the same turn for a charged spell. +8 manas.

Race to the Top

For fifteen minutes on a random Orreday, the sky above Ersand'Enise was filled with the dozens of creative efforts of students trying to get - and remain - aloft. Some sunk and some soared to dizzying heights. A few even crashed from there, and that was quite the spectacle. For the army of thousands of workmen who kept the city running and the ever-growing number of Mycormish, Tansoan, Oiyan, and Parmoyan refugees camping outside of the Queensgate and the Seagate, it was a reason to pause and look up. The prodigious youths who would one day be their masters soared far above at heights they could scarce ever dream of reaching.

If one group of yasoi, hidden in the trees south of Mudville, took a couple of potshots at one of the balloons, certainly, nobody heard about it. They had enough to contend with as dozens of less creative teams simply ascended the Forked Tower - its doors opened for the day - battling for top position on its twin steeples and sniping at passing balloons, rockets, and other elaborate solutions to the problem of beating gravity. This, too, was a time-honoured form of chaos as, despite having been warned not to, over a dozen of the foolish teens opened various doors leading to the tower's many floors. For some, it meant furious itches, explosive weight gain, or a temporary switch of gender. For others... the consequences were somewhat more severe. At least none ran into something truly terrifying this time.

Far above their heads, however, among the very top few teams - also, and perhaps not coincidentally, among the top in the overall standings - a fierce battle of sabotage, split-second timing, and extreme limit-pushing played out. In the end, it was an unlikely alliance of Vyshta's More Favoured and Fiske n' Chips that prevailed. Yet, it was not the powerful yasoi team who took home the pole position and its highly coveted seventy-five points. Instead, they found themselves pipped by one meter, at the very last second by their erstwhile allies. While Fiske n' Chips went home with a victory that vaulted them into first position in the table - a truly unlikely outcome by any reckoning before the tournament's inception - they would now live with the sword of Juulet's ire hanging over their collective heads. So it was that, after three events, the table appeared as follows:

Race to the Bottom

As with every other night of The Trials so far, the night after Thin Air was not a peaceful one; neither was the afternoon. At Daybreak the next day, as teams gathered in Balthazar Square for the start of the festival's final game, Mano e Mano, they knew that Thieving Cherune would also come to a close. The clandestine game of theft and skulduggery had been taking place in the background for the past three and a half days, but only a handful of teams - mostly the existing leaders - had managed to figure out what the wood blocks they'd found in the chests actually alluded to and collect all that were available.

Now, in the Hours of Ipté, as the stars sparkled on the water by the city and the fog began to dissipate against a glowing horizon, they raced towards the three most famous towers of Ersand'Enise: the Pharaoh Point Light, the Lonely Obelisk, and the Forked Tower itself. It was a desperate flight of sprint, sabotage, and then... riddles. With the aid of magic, it took the quintets little time to locate the hidden boxes, but these were locked within larger compartments and their warding magics made it clear that these were not ones they could simply blast open. Instead, they scrambled to find solutions, there in the predawn gloom, hearts pounding, adrenaline coursing through their veins, adversaries sniping at them. Three emerged victorious. Another three claimed the second set of chests. The rest returned emptyhanded and Fiske n' Chips not only remained atop the standings, but saw its lead grow.

The Zenith's Speech

They filled the plaza in various states of sleep or wakefulness. To some extent, magic could compensate, but its effects would wear off eventually. Twelve-hundred-eighty youths from around the globe had only just received their scores for Thieving Cherune and, while some tried to do the math themselves, others watched the great leaderboard mounted on scaffolding atop St. Tristana's Fountain as a small army of Tan-Zenos and labourers shuffled its standings around. The square was so thickly abuzz as they waited for the Zenith to emerge that few noticed her appear quite suddenly and unceremoniously on the balcony abutting her apartments.

Once they did, however, a hush fell over the crowd. "Friends, Subjects, Students of Magic," she began, "we are gathered here today for what should be a joyous occasion." The 'should be', more than one observer came to understand almost immediately, was key, here. "For five hundred fifty-five years, a number sacred to the most holy Pentad, we have gathered here, in the hallowed halls of the Academy at Ersand'Enise, to engage in these spirited games." Her eyes roved across the crowd as they withheld their judgment, waiting for more. "We have gathered," she continued, "In times of feast and in times of famine." The murmuring began. There was a political subtext to this message, it seemed. "We have come together here in times of great bounty and times of great need, times of joy and excitement, and times of mourning."

Still, they waited. "We have gathered here," she concluded, "In times of peace and in times of war." This, then, was her point. "The latter - my friends, my colleagues, my students - is nearly upon us, I fear." She shook her head gravely, her voice, amplified by magic, carrying out across the crowd. "So, though you are young and your blood burns with the fervour of your youth, I ask you to quell it somewhat, for I once stood where you did and I learned, firsthand as a young woman, of the horrors which await upon the battlefield." She paused and swallowed, taking a moment to make a gesture encompassing her fellow faculty. "We all did," she warned them, voice becoming hoarse. "It is a grim path that we now walk as a world and, should the aims of those who reside in great and callous halls prevail, there will be no turning off of it." She swallowed again, shaking her head, and took a deep breath. The crowd had gone still and silent. "I expect that not all of you should be alive this time next year, unless something changes. How it pains me to say so: to think of your futures, your promise stolen away, but this is the reality of conflict in our world."

She took another breath and reached up to dab at her eyes. "But our job as educators is to prepare you as best we can for the world that you will come of age in, no matter what that world looks like, and so that is why we do as we do this day." She seemed to have recovered some of her composure. "You will learn to fight, as I did, though it is not a burden you should have ever had to bear." She was firm, now. "Go, people of the future, fight, and fight well, that you might survive the ruinous conflicts that my generation has set before you." Her voice rose fervently. "Fight that you might yet build the better world that we had hoped to. Fight and die now, in practice, so that you may fight without ever knowing Eshiran for all your days."

For a moment that seemed to stretch long across time's horizon, only an uncomfortable silence prevailed. Then, one student, somewhere towards the front, raised her right hand, thumb tucked in and four fingers extended together, in the old Quentic gesture for 'no judgment'. She stood there like that, for a good second or two. Then, a second raised an arm. Then, a few more followed. Quietly, with only whispers and murmurs, it spread through the crowd. If Arch-Zeno Harrachora had been starting to shoot his nominal superior a glare of some species, he suppressed it very quickly. In the end, the majority of the student body - leaders of tomorrow should they survive the coming war - raised their hands in the salute. Riu Kai-Tan returned it, even though he was not Quentic. Ardredelle Latvar and old Giacomo Giarrone followed suit. Joshe Intaba bowed his head and raised his hand, and Harrachora was quick to follow suit. Claresse Upta returned it and, for about two seconds, they stood there in mass solidarity. Then, she lowered her arm and closed her eyes and breathed deeply.


If it was an unusually solemn crowd that filed out of Balthazar Square and through ten great portals, it quickly came to life as it divided itself amongst the ten arenas where the fights were to take place. For days, the teams had been eagerly preparing and, while some found themselves sobered, there was still a game to be won and, with it, rich prizes to be earned. Others shook off the sombre speech within minutes, eagerly planning how they would reach the pinnacle of their power and blow up this person or flatten that one. They worked on their arena entrances and their combination moves. They sparred, both playfully and seriously. The air was, undeniably, electric, and more so in the presence of magnetic mages, naturally.

Beside many of the arenas, there grew a heap of discarded bottles, vials, and food scraps as the soon-to-be combatants eagerly consumed all of the empowering, enchanted, and imbued foodstuffs and beverages that they could. The tournament organizers had set strict limits, of course, but these were regularly disobeyed and seventy-nine contestants, in all, were disqualified in the first round for attempting to subvert them, either sneakily or brazenly. Then, that was it. Amid the ruins of the enormous Red Mountain of Perrence, within the bustling shipyards of Harrowend, on a pair of currently-empty slips, atop the multilayered dams and waterworks of Oud-Dijk, and before the roaring crowd of one-hundred-thousand bloodthirsty spectators in Zatera Teca, the first teams marched in, the horns sounded, and the bloodsport began.

For nearly six hours, the round of two-hundred-fifty-six carried on. While a few teams went out with a whimper at the hands of prohibitive favourites, this sort of combat, without permanent consequence, was a dream come true for many. The matches were ferocious. Emotions of all stripes lived large on the bloodied canvas of those ten arenas. There were seventeen decapitations, at least eight human torches, two dozen electrocutions, five drownings, thirty-one other suffocations, seventy crushed alive, and one-hundred-eighty-two dismemberments, not counting multiples on the same target. It was a veritable bloodbath. One girl melted from the inside out. Another's brain was liquefied. A boy died of explosive hair overgrowth and a second had his intestines pulled out through his mouth. There were two who literally expired of particularly intense fright. At different junctures, dark, temporal, blood, and even command magics were used, and that was just the first round.

They recessed for an hour and those who had the stomach for it ate. Some regarded their recently un-deceased teammates with a strange sort of protectiveness. Others pawed wonderingly at regenerated flesh or stood staring at bloodstains in the arena that had been theirs. Then, half of them returned to those arenas for a second round, rotating to new settings, cheered on by new crowds, and resumed the slaughter. A particular highlight was when one girl began disassembling herself piece by piece calmly, and then expired under the control of a binder and internal chemist. There was a boy who gradually turned into a sentient, ambulant mushroom over the course of two minutes. He actually won, but still had to be temporally reset because nobody could figure out how to turn him back. Then, there was another break, the round of sixty-four, and further spectacle. Three more cheaters were caught. Someone's hair was turned into pasta and it split their scalp open. Another had his arms torn off and was beaten to death with them. One girl turned blue as her blood was filled with silver before suddenly dying. The audience was abuzz trying to figure out how it had been done. The nose and mouth of another were fused shut until she suffocated.

By the round of thirty-two, a handful of students were sitting very still, hugging their knees to their chests. Others could not seem to rid their hands of constant shaking. Some didn't speak. Then came the slaughter once more and, this round, favourites fell, like the Soul Sisters, Nia and Mio being turned into blackened imprints on the arena wall by a fantastic atomic blast. Two members of Blaze of Glory were sliced in two by a single dark bolt from Tyrel'yrash'dichora of Fait Accompli and they, too, crashed out of the competition. Another early favourite, the 'reformed' criminals of AWOLE, bowed out somewhat more gracefully at the hands of prison wardens Technically Correct. Not so for the quirky and beloved Sea People, who found themselves fried alive by the massive Arcane power of Prince Kamehameha and the Beach Boys. Surf was, indeed, up. However, the sun was most definitely down, and it was time for participants and spectators alike to head off to sleep.

Fortunate Few

Was sleep easy to come by? Most were either partying or... reliving what they'd witnessed over the past few hours. In some cases, they relived their own deaths. While these had been erased from their memories and their physical selves reset, just the knowledge that one has died from being burned alive will sit in his mind's eye and simmer until he is cooked. Still, the hour was late and those fortunate few who had to fight the next day did their utmost to rest and recover. This, now, was the coming of the elite. This was where there were no more soft opponents, nobody just 'lucky' to be there. Everyone remaining was an absolute killer and they and their peers all knew it. Did they walk taller for it? Did they feel shame? Accomplishment? Ambivalence? Perhaps the answer varied from person to person. One question remained implacable, however, as the sun dawned, the city woke, and the two-hundred-fifty bells of Ersand'Enise chimed to mark Shune giving way to Oraff:

Had anybody listened to Claresse Upta?

Rules & Resources

Welcome to Mano e Mano, the final event of The Trials of DZ55 and your sophomore year at Ersand'Enise. While war looms on the horizon for the human nations and has already found their yasoi brethren, while refugees pile up at the gates, the commons stir with the threat of unrest and a strange new threat promises to close the portals and strand thousands of hegelans, we future leaders have altogether more important business to attend to.

This will be a multi-week PvP event, a first for The Hourglass Order. Unless expressly stated by myself or a Co-GM, all existing rules and guidelines are to be strictly adhered to. Fights will be conducted live on discord on dates when the majority both teams' members are available. Collectively, each team must post a summary of their previous fight to the forum before their next one may begin. If this takes more than a week without GM dispensation, they will forfeit that fight. Please remember that, while losses may be binding, character deaths aren't, due to the effects of temporal anchoring. All in all, the rule of thumb here is: please act in good faith if you enjoy this roleplay and respect your fellow roleplayers. You will probably lose at some point but that isn't an indictment against you or your character. You're still awesome.

On that uplifting note, please find all character combat profiles linked in the last two pages of the OOC. All relevant information and links for this event can be found in the document below. Be sure to read it in its entirety before asking questions as they are almost certainly covered there. If not, I'll be happy to answer them on discord. Good luck, and happy fighting!
Also, yes, I had to write in this eye-destroying colour
Mano e Mano Rules & Regulations

It was still dark, albeit barely, when a spot of purer blackness opened in the desert. For a moment, Yaxan's heart raced. This was a darkman! He had been so long without their sweetness that his head pounded and his lips were dry and cracked. He was already running for it - already halfway there - when it disappeared and, instead, there was... a yanii!?

The yasoi cast about desperately for his prize, but it was gone. Instead, the interloper whirled to face him. "Where is it!?" Yaxan demanded. "Where'd you make it go!?" he reached out for the yanii, only to find his hand slapped away with surprising force. "The... ab-bor-raysin!" He began to cast about for it. Had his mind been playing tricks on him? No, this yanii was up to something. No, this yanii wasn't real. Yaniis never showed up here.

"I can make another. Would you like that?" he offered, hand still raised in the same position it had slapped Jaxan's away.

"It's the least you can do," the yasoi grumbled. "You stole mine, after all."

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry about that," the yanii replied, and there was the feeling of a great welling of magic about him. Yaxan scarcely noticed. "Though I don't suppose you could do me a favour," he continued, and the yasoi nodded irritably. If it wasn't too big of a favour and he got his darkman, he hardly minded. Fancy running into some loopy yanii like this out between Carsocal and Ixanya, and such a useful one too! Why, Luumii and Dyron would never believe him! "Well, I was wondering if you'd seen any others like me?" he inquired as the magics built further. Yaxan fidgeted anxiously. He was certainly not in any hurry to make up for what he'd stolen! "You know, short, rounded ears, a girl, in the case of this one." A great black nothing appeared once more before Yaxan and he reached for it immediately to - THE POMPOUS FUCKING YANII SMACKED HIS HAND AWAY!!! - "That isn't your aberration," he explained, "It comes from there."

"I knew that!" Yaxan snapped. "I was just getting ready."

The yanii did not judge him. He merely watched in expectation as his counterpart indulged greedily in the otherworldly energy. Yaxan knew that many judged him harshly for such habits, but they did not understand the experience and just how divine it could truly be. To outsiders, it lasted a few seconds, for him, it was a joyous eternity, it was other realities experienced, other lives lived, sounds heard, and feelings felt. Surely it would overwhelm their tiny, narrow minds anyhow. Eventually, he came down from his high, eyes bloodshot, nose dripping, and hands shaking. He breathed: in and out.

Then, he remembered the yanii.

"How!?" he demanded. "How did you do that!?" He reached out to shake the young man but then thought better of it, having been trained by the last two times he had acted carelessly with his hands. "Is it some secret magic!?"

A pair of angelic blue eyes regarded him evenly and he remembered, vaguely, that he'd been asked a question before his voyage. What trivial matters, to find someone. One person was very much like another, weren't they? "Oh yes!" Yaxan chirped, thinking. "Another yanii," he considered, "Another yanii..." He tried to think and found it hard to separate this reality from others. "A girl, about my age, very short."

Before long, there was only one conclusion: he'd have remembered something so distinct as a yanii in Yarsoc. Why, in his entire twenty-six years of life, Yaxan had seen only perhaps a half-dozen. Regretfully, he shook his head. "Sorry," he replied, with a bit of genuine abashedness, about to come clean, but then it occurred to him: this was a really good deal! This kid could just make darkmen out of nothing, and he seemed to be the one desperate for something. "I'm having some trouble remembering. That's my first ab-bor-raysin in a month. Brain's foggy until I've had a bit more."

The boy with the Angel Eyes turned and started walking, and Yaxan's heart caught in his throat. "Wait!" he hollered, running after him, arms outstretched. "I know where she is. It's... on the tip of my tongue. I just need -"

He was met with a savage backhand that laid him clean out. Dimly, the yasoi felt himself hit the dirt. Pain spread down the side of his face and neck and radiated across his shoulders, back, and chest. "You're lying," the yanii said. "I shall seek my answers elsewhere." With that, he left.

Folllowing a couple of the adjustments that we made, you're good to go! Excellently written. In terms of Ashon's fruit use, just be aware that you're expected to choose either fortune or misfortune before a given fight begins.

Both of yours are approved and very well done. Small addendum: I'm assuming that the ones blacked out from Raffi's sheet won't be coming into play. If you'd like to, for some reason, clear it with me and your opponent first, please!

All approved, though I'll note that the wording on a few of your sheets regarding Yuri's Special Sauce makes it sound a bit like it's being used twice on each other food item. Might ask for some clarification on Pluurii's first item as well.

Esmii's looks good, but I might add that Chuck's Wand will never deal more than significant damage. For Lunara, this description of Thunderchild is too vague: 'Mechanical effects: Raises the RAS of the caster for rolls.' Please include its full effects.

Maybe just a note, for your information: if Desmond gets a particularly good sip o' the Prime, he can hold onto that for up to three rounds as long as he's not stacking it. I also made some changes and clarifications to the burrito and pescoberry tablets as well as Billium and Coldfire. Best of luck!

"You always kept up with us, you know." Jurgen was out of uniform, walking slightly ahead of Marci as he spoke. "Despite being..." he trailed off and she glared. "Younger." Marci let out a snort and rolled her eyes. If there was a smile, he did not show it. She had learned that he was good at controlling his face, to whatever end he wished. "Well, I should hope so," she replied after a moment, "You don't look very quick." There were times when she still wasn't quite sure of her Kerreman. It was hardwired into her as the first language she'd learned, even though she did not explicitly remember it. Yet, she'd spent nearly five years at the refuge communicating in Avincian and Torragonese.

They'd made their way to one of the open-air biergartens along Tendel Road in the Merchants' Quarter and were promptly seated. They ordered a nice pretzel each, in the Rovarian style, and a great stein of the house helles. Then, it was time to speak in earnest. "So, be honest: how are you, Marci?"

She shrugged. "You look like you've just eaten a chili pepper when you say my name."

He returned the gesture. "My head still automatically tells me you're Nina. I have to override it."

"You'll adjust, in time, as I did."

He nodded. "Now, no avoiding the question, sister." It was jarring to hear him call her that: this man whom she hardly knew. She sensed he was a creature apart from Manfred, but there was a bit of his kindness in there. He thanked the waitress as she delivered their order and winked. She rolled her eyes and giggled before walking away. Okay, Marci admitted to herself, Maybe quite a bit more than just his kindness. Jurgen's face was quickly serious again, however, even grave.

"Well, perhaps it is I who should be asking you first," she decided. "You knew him far better than I."

Her older brother's eyes searched her face, and Marci made a point of not shrinking away. There was something stern and authoritative about that gaze, despite his generally open manner. Abruptly, he tore off a piece of his pretzel, shoved it in his mouth and chewed. He washed it down with a hearty gulp of beer. "I am in mourning," he admitted, with a diffident shrug. "He was my little brother. I was supposed to protect him and I failed." He glanced away. "Like I failed you."

He had failed her. Otto and Manfred had been mere boys, but Jurgen, the oldest, could have said something when that witch of a woman had wanted her sent to a tethered refuge. It would have meant something. "You weren't there," she added neutrally. "What could you have done?"

He twisted back to face her and pursed his lips. "I could've been there," he replied in annoyance. "I could've demanded a stop to these stupid errands your Zenos send you on." He shook his head angrily as she started on her food. "You know they did it when I was there too, right?"

Marci regarded him soberly, chewing and swallowing. One of those 'stupid errands' had saved her from rotting in a tethered refuge for the rest of her short life. It had given her a new family of sorts, and a treatment for the tethering. She had never, thank Oraff, lost her ability to walk and, now, never would. She might live a normal, fulfilling life. "And yes, I know that you were found and rescued thanks to one of those," he added, as if he knew her thoughts. He was a chemical mage of some ability. Did he? He downed another gulp. "But could they not send Zenos instead of risking the lives of students?" He shook his head again, thumping the stein down on the table. "It's all very disreputable. You know, from my perspective, I have both gained a loved one and lost one because of these." He glanced off to the side, jaw clenched, and swallowed as if the act was painful.

"Did he leave you a letter?" Marceline asked calmly, reaching into the bag hanging from the back of her chair. Jurgen arched an eyebrow. "Well, there was one addressed to me, though it was written some time ago: the one that left me Fritz and Kurbis."

She paused. "Like a sort of will?"

He nodded, drumming his fingers on the tabletop. "It is the sort that every military man always has ready." There was something in his tone that seemed to say, 'you wouldn't understand'.

With a deft maneuver, Marceline's fingers switched what they were gripping. "I received something similar," she replied, pulling out a folded letter. "Though no animals to take care of."

"A shame," Jurgen remarked. "I find women are often better at that sort of thing."

"Perhaps," Marci allowed, not letting the slightly irksome nature of the assumption show, "But I'm so busy nowadays with Zeno Bucks that I'd scarce have time." Indeed, she'd hardly had time for little Domino, the baby ground octopus that Fiske had gifted her. He was a cute, goobery little fella, and she really should have.

"Ah, yes: your coffee thing with that... Virangish girl." He mostly kept the disgust from his voice. "I'll admit to not having tried any yet, but it's a good idea - serves a need." He raised his glass. "You may yet end up the wealthiest of us all, little sister."

Marceline glanced down and blushed, but raised her glass in thanks, taking a perfunctory sip. "I should hope for Dami's blessing."

Jurgen tilted his head and smirked. "Eh. You're far more of the Reshta type: a gambler, but a smart one, at least."

"I never take a bet I can't win."

"I know."

So it was that they sat there in a biergarten: a brother and sister who hardly knew each other, each mourning the loss of a third in their own, separate ways. That Marceline had entirely dodged answering his question was not lost upon Jurgen, for he was no fool, but she was well enough, a disreputable Huulisch suitor aside. That Jurgen was not someone she would ever be especially close with was not lost upon Marci, but he was not a bad man and maybe even a good one, in his own way. Still, when they parted ways some twenty minutes later, each left with their greater concerns allayed and their secrets intact.

The morning dawned warm, muggy, and overcast, after a harrowing night. While many of the students, both local and visiting, took the opportunity to revel in their youth and wealth and excitement, filling the taverns and bawdy houses of Ersand'Enise to the brim, they were strongly discouraged from venturing outside of the city's famous white walls.

There Be Monsters.

...and it was not safe, even if they, themselves, were a species of monster. Every day, now, ever more ragged refugees streamed in from the broken yasoi lands as the Grey Fleet of Tarlon continued its relentless offensive. Some were simply people fleeing violence that they had not asked for. Others were ardent and embittered nationalists in exile, refusing to bend the knee to a foreign - if eerily familiar - overlord. The majority, however, were addicts, and that made them dangerous in the eyes of the people who ran the great city as well as those of more common breeding who made up the bulk of its inhabitants.

Come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly.

Still, brave, stupid, or just unlucky, the youths wandered into trouble, warnings or not. There were multiple reports of altercations after dark, three kidnappings, warnings about active sanguinaires, and at least a hundred calls for binding services that night. There was one poor yasoi girl who needed her abdomen sealed and three miraculously intact severed fingertips reattached. She seemed eager to hide from a cousin who came looking for her and a tall Virangish girl who demanded to know her whereabouts. By the time that Shune was halfway through in the morning, however, two out of the three missing persons had been recovered.

The exception was Xiuyang Solari.

There was no note or demand. There was no obvious evidence of motive, but there was violence. The school made promises and then got on with things, assigning the Tan-Zeno Jocasta Re - a skyborn, tethered, and near-unparalleled prodigy - as a temporary replacement. She had much to tell her team, however: truths that the school preferred to keep under wraps, but truths that they could not realistically stop her from speaking. She gathered with her temporary teammates and thousands of others in Blathazar Square, and there, for them, were outlined the rules of The Trials' next game: the venerable Thin Air. Of course, there were other games being played. One was Thieving Cherune which, after a slow start, had recently kicked into high gear, with numerous thefts and deals during that night of skulduggery. There were yet greater ones, however, in the halls of power, in the back alleys of Mudville, and in the saunas and private rooms of Bath House. These were games that had the power to determine the fates of tens of thousands, perhaps of entire nations. These were games that the students, by and large, who were giddily preparing for their next event, were unaware of and had never asked to join. They were soon to be swept up anyhow, but perhaps... not quite yet.

Thin Air: Posting Rules

1. Similar to our last event, this one will be decided by means of strategies submitted to me, by DM, on the forum.
2. An important difference is that these will not be individual strategies, as in The Dragon.
3. Instead, each team (which includes your allied guest team) will be submitting a single strategy of up to 400 words.
4. Strategies will be due by Friday, December 22, at 3:00 PM EST. There will be no extensions given.
5. Event rules, info, and resources may be found below.

The tropical atolls of Kiluaho did not sleep that night, for great had been the noise coming from the lagoons, islets, and beaches. The torpedo threshers who had long made the sandy isles their home during these early dorrad months found their nests under siege by swarms of dog-sized invaders. The Rosy Threshers had first appeared some seven or eight years ago, their eggs transported in the bilge of visiting ships from Palapar and Virang. Since then, they had become a menace, consuming much of the floatmelon and sea peach vines that the Torpedos’ usual prey ate and then feeding on the larger threshers’ eggs when they were left unguarded. Now, their numbers had grown to the point where they openly swarmed, and the sounds of relentless combat rose over the crash of the waves and whisper of the wind.

Soon, as well, multitudes of humans and eeaiko began to arrive, as the faintest glow of the slumbering sun started to chase the stars away. In catamarans and various assorted watercraft, they came to rest in the lagoon or make landfall along the many sandy beaches of Moatu Suva. Some had brought snacks with them. Others had brought torches and lanterns. There were those whose job it was to scare off the many threshers that feasted in the waters of the atoll at this time of year for, as Ipte gave way to Shune, a brilliant swirling light appeared in the central square of Taoranga Town and began to disgorge a motley array of mostly foreign youths. The people of Kiluaho were polite people, of course, and known for their enthusiasm, so they cheered the newcomers as one would expect. The loudest of these, however, were reserved for young Kamehameha Mahelona, crown prince of Kiluaho.

Then, it was a waiting game. As the sun rose in earnest, the islanders passed out coconuts and crab stews and serenaded the two-hundred-fifty-six students and dozen faculty who stood upon their shores. Yet, this was not so much a game as a handful of other events were. The annual migration of the torpedoes was the lifeblood of many of these people, and it was threatened by an invasive species that had arrived with Constantian and Severan ships. The song was an ode to the spirit of helping one another, something that both reflected the collegial nature of these games and repudiated its ruthlessly competitive side.

Raffaella and the preposterously named Giggling Calamari were through first for Raffscallions, and then a silence as they made their plans and started moving. A yasoi princess and a rezaindian nun came next, followed rapidly by a heavily bandaged yasoi and a Nashi girl in all black. Then, came Teatro Sorridente, the villains of this peace. The Kressian girl began screaming and slamming things right away while her greyborn partner faded out of reality. That effectively negated all other strategies dependent upon stealth, forcing boos and grimaces from the locals and frightening hundreds of rosy threshers into greyspace. Still, she carried on with her harassment, dozens more of the large crustaceans skittering deep into burrows or vanishing into nothingness. If Raffaella cried, they had little time for it. They were busier being angry!

Then came the prince’s partner from the previous leg, princess Erita Teriimani of Mohiti, supported by none other than the Sun King himself in a royal rendezvous! The crowd roared and cheered and rose to their feet. His team was well behind, staggering through in thirty-third, but he wasted zero time in dropping a sonic dampening bubble from afar over the noisy Kressian.

If it drew massive cheers, it was too little, too late. At nearly the same moment, Edyta Laska, of Singers & Saints, came hurtling across the beach. Second later, Sister Dominica, Taleja’s partner, materialized from greyspace, coming from the opposite direction. The two rezaindians put everything that they had into sheer footspeed, but there was no making up Laska’s lead and she crossed the threshold first, dumping a sack of five unconscious threshers at the feet of the judges. Dominica was through seconds later, and Taleja mercifully stopped. Then came Guy, of Fiske n’ Chips, with his own thresher in tow, having made up loads of ground. Raffscallions crossed next, followed by a whole slew of teams. The crowd roared as the locals finished, and then, finally and rather pathetically, King’s Ear, the one-time leaders. Yuliya had tried the same thing as Guy, but had her thresher poached along the way by another team and spent most of the time looking for it. In the end, she and her partner were the second-last of the twenty-six to finish.

There, on the beach, as morning shadows shortened and applause echoed across a tropical lagoon, the Sun King removed his mask emphatically to reveal himself as the famed performer Leon Solaire. There, on the beach, as the waves rolled in and the invasive threshers were drugged and loaded onto a waiting carrack, a podium was raised and platinum, gold, silver, bronze, and iron were crowned. Of course, that didn’t mean that the party was over. A feast was laid out in the square of Taoranga for all to eat. Children scampered and darted about, some of them making random ‘Taleja noises’ to scare parents and elders, some playing with Raffi, others pretending to be threshers or zenos or the Sun King, for here, in a place like this, he was more famous than Leon Solaire. Also here, in a place like this, for a brief moment in time, regardless of whatever else was going on in the world, everything felt right.

Results & Standings

Seabirds circled and wheeled overhead, bleating and squawking under the relentless afternoon sun. Waves beat at a grand if somewhat weathered pier, and Zeno Giancarlo Silvestri and Tan-Zeno Jocasta Re waited, the former poring over a sheet of paper and murmuring instructions, the latter reaching out with her extended senses and providing updates and the occasional bit of local translation. And locals were everywhere: lining the walls of the great Castel Sant Angelo, bobbing up and down in brightly coloured fishing craft in the Grand Harbour, clustered along neighbouring piers, and sitting among the rigging of more than one docked galleon. Most were human. Some were eeaiko. A handful were yasoi or hegelan.

There was, of course, a veritable army of leathery, sun-browned men who hung about in the shallows, tending to and placating some three hundred threshers of various species, shapes, and sizes. Sometimes the animals needed to be fed, so they fed them. Sometimes, they needed food. They were fed. Sometimes, they strained at their tethers. These were loosened or tightened as needed. Two and only two were great Bluewater Behemoths, tended to by master beast whisperers with years of experience. Two were immense Sandbar Threshers, sunning themselves lazily in the shadows, coaxed into activity when needed by eminently skilled and experienced handlers. The rest were a motley assortment of monarchs, Drudgunzean golds, crackclaws, volcanics, and a handful of diamondscales. Most common were the Perrench and Grande Perrench threshers, however: the most docile, generally speaking, and best for greenhorns to ride.

These made up the vast bulk of the students who had gathered, and they were already being acquainted with their soon-to-be mounts. The lineup to try the Sandbars and the Behemoths was exceptionally long, but most were turned away with but a look. Jocasta was in the middle of physically yanking a protesting student away from a Sandbar when the first of the previous leg’s racers barreled through a newly-opened portal. Within a minute, it had disgorged dozens more. Almost immediately, those preparing to leave did so, and the magnificent array of sea animals bearing their precious mostly-human cargo disappeared under the waves and out of her sight and Zeno Silvestri’s range.

Two minutes later, disaster struck.

Abdel Varga, a tethered boy of sixteen who had no business interfering with such forces, decided to cast his most powerful magnetic disruption across his entire extended range. The result was confusion, convulsions, and rage. Animals threw their riders and these needed to be rescued. The very moment that he arrived, the Sun King found himself busy. Jocasta ran herself ragged figuratively speaking, in her quest to pluck them from the water or revive them on time. Some of the large beasts rampaged aggressively. Other local animals, not even part of the race, took flight or savagely attacked the contestants. Their antics caused a massive underwater mudslide that damaged some of the sunken city of Cervan before Tan-Zeno Re and three other hired tethered put a stop to it. At the very least, it buried the artifacts inches to yards deep in the mud, making them much more difficult to locate.

The thing was… that wasn’t even the worst part. Enraged beyond the control of its rider - the normally perfectly capable beast whisperer Zarina Al-Nader - the sole Bluewater Behemoth under control of a student unleashed its rage and confusion on multiple other riders. This caused a chain reaction, and soon a Grand Perrench thresher was tearing curtain whales apart and the terrifying but normally docile Sandbar thresher under another student’s control also decided to go on a rampage. In short, it was a complete fiasco, responsible for a great deal more harm than good to the sunken city. Yet, there was no single obvious, responsible party, and Jocasta and her fellow tethered kept Abdel protected within their cone of silence.

So it was that, even as longtime frontrunners Raffscallions, Singers & Saints, Vyshta’s More Favoured, and Teatro Sorridente broke the surface, clambered onto the pier, and presented their finds to the school’s Head of Archaeology, dozens of teams found themselves eliminated, their dreams of completing the legendary race dashed by those more powerful than themselves. A handful of other elite and near-elite teams, like Fiske n’ Chips, Fait Accompli, Beware the Nice Ones, Rock and Stone, King’s Ear, and The Invisibles, survived and made it through. In the end, however, they were ten of only thirty-four teams remaining in the race.

Results & Standings

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