Avatar of Forsythe


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Current Fuh... one of the worst days of my life
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Eager to get back to writing and try something new!
9 yrs ago
Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
10 yrs ago
Coffee time every time. Be sleepless.


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@NaraK Reporting in o7
@NaraK Outage solved, just the next week remaining.
Internet outage at home, will try to be available from shopping mall/work. Internal audit in company next week, expecting to be unavailable TU-THU.
@NaraK @Crimmy Got something up, sorry. Had the outline of the post in my head but it's a bit hard to find the time to write stuff down at the present.
Diamond - Dentention?

SO the answer was 'roll the dice' You didn't need to consciously focus on not blowing up, but you mustn't be distracted either. Just wonderful, this stuff couldn't possibly be more random. Deciding to forego looks, Diamond let her aura flow freely rather than suppressing it, as she did to calm the glow in her eyes. With a longer blink of the eyes, she looked like a lich again. Well, here's to hoping we don't get a stealth mission in a dark come Friday. Then again, I'll never set a tripwire with headlights for eyes.

Right. Back on topic. "...Yeah. I suppose." Diamond answered the last question. Waste of resources? Losing a pawn too early? School losing face? Oh, society frowning, can never have enough of that. Taking a breath she composed an answer that was the least likely to get her thrown out by the collar, but obscuring least of the truth. "It just never crossed my mind - to ask that is. I'm still not used to this. Actually getting help when I need it. I've been on my own as far as I can recall. Trust doesn't come easily for me, and I expect it equally as little. I'll try to behave." A thought occurred to her. I wonder if she thinks of this as punishment? Hmm. Looks like more of a free lesson or a consultation from over here. Last teacher assaulted me with the output of a Bullhead's reactor as punishment. This one doesn't quite reach the bar.

"Do what you need to do. But I did not have any ill intention doing this." she ended.
Diamond - This is actually a thing?!

The reaction was not exactly what Diamond expected, but it was informative in its own stead. Apparently, at least one person in the world thought or knew this could be done, which sent a whole lot more of fright down her back than whatever wrath of the teacher or the other students may try to bring upon her for this, because apparently this fell into the 'bad things' bag. No, what scared the soul out of her was having half a shovel of dust fused to her nerves and somebody using it against her with as much as a thought.

Quickly composing herself, she just nodded to the teacher and went to her seat, being none too worried about the glares sent her way. She waited out the rest of the class taking notes on what was being discussed, before the rest of the students were dismissed.

This at least ought to be interesting. she thought as she waited where this would go.

"Why did you do it?"

As far as detention went, she imagined it could have been a lot worse. "To see if it could be done?" she answered. Duh? "And just form the fact that you think or know it can, I'm not going to sleep well for a few weeks, because well, in that case I'm right f*d, aren't I?" she said, making her eyes glow for a second for the emphasis. "Because in all the books and articles I read, and I did my research before having this stuff dumped into my system, nowhere is this mentioned. Unlike the most basic safety regs which say not to give unlabeled mixtures to people not educated in handling the stuff who have not been made aware of the risks, mind you. Which leaves me with two ways to think about this - Judging by the lack of hunters and military men exploding around everywhere when chasing bad guys, either there is some inherent mechanism in all of this that prevents foreign activation and Schwarz was never in any real danger in the first place, or you know something the rest of the world doesn't, and I'd very much like to know how to defend myself against this." she said, her voice a fit of a frightened shiver. It didn't take much thought to see which one was more likely, but then again, up until recently, Diamond didn't think People could be turned into Grimm, and that happened.
@NaraK Sorry, two out of four people in our department left the company on maternity leave so I was a bit swamped.
Diamond - That all?

Alright, baby steps are over I guess. Diamond thoguht with a pout. And just when this was getting interesting. She just had to imagine the vial filling with water and... ta daah. The vial exploded into life, the residues of the other bases whirpooling inside of the glass like a pretty kaleidoscope of colors. I'm a magical girl! Yey! Transformation on! she rolled her eyes under closed lids.

Still, something bugged her. I distinctly recall that other bitch teacher saying you don't have your aura up all the time. Call up a godsdamn council and find out what is orthodox. Sheesh. She looked at Lucas, and wondered about another thing. The woman put a lot of emphasis on the
every time she spoke the word. Ever curious and always the asshole, Diamond raised her eyes form her vial, and focused on the one Lucas was holding, attempting to activate the fire in it, wondering whether his aura somehow prevented hers to operate it.
Diamond - Show time

As luck would have it, speedy determination won Diamond another round. Getting up with a tiny smug half-smile, she walked to the stage, wondering what was in store for them. As she walked, she looked down to her right arm. This class has better be worth shuffling the schedule. We'll just have to see if I have all threeandahalf limbs intact at the end of the semester. That, I suppose, would be the harshest scale I can put you on, Teach. the girl thought, listening to what was her task.

To be frank, Diamond felt her throat dry a little as their exercise was presented. Now, the dust she wielded already conformed to her thought very well. The fact that it was in her nerves probably helped a lot, but ultimately, it was her aura that powered it, not her thoughts, those just gave it shape, purpose. And it has served her rather well - as she found out during her impromptu fight for her life with Vanhomrigh, she could command it well enough to create moving constructs, or act on a whim of a thought - less even, an instinct! She would desire to shield herself, and her mind would somehow make the dust work towards that purpose without a conscious thought. When she thought about it, she learned on few occasion that such unconscious actions opened new alleyways of the dust's use to her - such as when she broke a component in Vanhomrigh's rifle without being able to see it, something she couldn't do before or repeat since. In short, with enough determination, perhaps training, or simply if the conditions were good, she could make dust do anything.

Only now, she was told to do the opposite. It was beginner stuff really, when she thought about it. There were steps to using dust, and just because she did them instinctively didn't change a thing on that. And yet, in her admittedly few days of usage of the Nature's Wrath, she never paused and thought about how it was able to be so. And now, when facing the prospect of having to will the dust to do nothing at all, she felt awkward like a toddler trying to stand up on it's two feet for the first time. Do what now?!

Mind kicking into overdrive as she took the vial of water dust, a bot of sweat ran down the back of her head. This was going to be so embarrassing when it won't work, all that eagerness and nothing to show for it!

Okay, calm down, Dee. Baby steps. You just need to wish for it, like always. She took the vial and held it by the tips between her open palms, looking at it and... Nothing's happening!!! she yelled in her head. It didn't help when Lucas succeeded and made it look so easy. She tried to remember and go step by step through what she was doing when she used dust normally. She didn't usually pay much attention to what she did, because she just did it. Perhaps analyzing a sample then? Something simple, a small spell to look at in detail.

She set her ice dust to create a simple snowflake, so no one would even notice her doing it. Instead of focusing solely on where the snowflake should be, how big and what shape, she also felt for what was happening to herself. A thought - the decision was made. The flexing of her finger that acted as a trigger. The tiny tendril of her dark aura that ran up her arm. There, it sank into her skin, and brought the dust out form where it resided in her arm and spine. Then came the slight buzz in her back. All followed by the satisfied, ecstatic feeling when the snowflake appeared on the tip of her finger and melted instantly form the heat conducted form her skin.

She tried to recall that buzz, how it felt, when it happened, what lead to it. Then, she looked at the vial again, and attempted to replicate it. Imagine a dewdrop on my finger. Go for it. Let it free, and then stop. Abort. Cancel.

All her effort resulted in an actual dewdrop appearing on her finger as well. There went that theory. The stress and anger were mounting. Why is it not working?!

Dust acts because you will it to act. The teacher's words rang around her head.

But how could she will the dust to act, and yet not to act? It was a contradiction! Or at best an unstable state, infinitesimally small moment between nothing happening, and something happening! And yet, looking at the other student before her, it apparently existed. And pardon her, she didn't quite know how to perform a limit calculation with her aura!

Okay, this isn't working. It's not math, no matter how much you'd like it would make as much sense as math does. If the problem is that I am thinking about doing something... Maybe it's not about thinking about it doing nothing.

Dust acts because you will it to act.

Maybe... it's about not thinking. At all. Emphasis on wrong word there, Teach. Dust acts because I will it to act.
she realized. Looking down at the vial again, she closed her eyes and slowly exhaled, reaching out wit her aura, wrapping the tendrils around it, weaving them into it. She just let it sink in, like the small fraction that reached to the dust infused in her. Slowly popping her eye open, she looked in bewilderment at the object in her hands, now shimmering and active.

Something you don't remember form your childhood - baby steps are fucking hard!
2179 / VIII - Garden, Star node

“Finally we’re going someplace first!” Commander Ikeya of the EFG Studious smirked. The frigate missed all of the excitement being stuck in a dock for refits when Terminus was opened, then acted as SAR ship for the mass explorations and was left in wave two going through the Ring, because everyone expected an Ancient superdestroyer waiting for them on the other side. Now that the tensions dropped, they were the next on the list, the Admiral citing the need for more crews experienced with first contact.

Compared to the Studious, the Agypus has been on the point of many important expeditions. Being left back when going through the Ring was a welcome change that even let most of the crew get home for a few days until they were scrambled to Garden IV before being dropped into the atmosphere by a good-crazy genius. Despite the operation’s smooth execution, some of the crew were ready for another R&R when the newsletter arrived, putting them first through the node. Though Nyxeris was a little surprised to be subordinate to a commander with little practical experience, at least as far a she knew, but was actually looking forward to it, wanting to see what this new Faira had in store.

“Studious, Asgypus. Drive synchronisers check across the battlegroup, we’re standing by for your go.”

“Asgypus, Studious. Diagnostics check out, we’re good to go. Helm, take us through.” the Commander ordered and the jump alert rang through the ship. Moments later, the two battle groups sinking into the Mindspace vortex. The ride proved extraordinarily smooth, which the commander expected on the Garden side of the node, with the entry being that close to the Star, it’s mass stabilizing the Mindspace there. “Asgypus, how are your drives?” She asked.

“No drive issues reported.”
”Kitchen in order.” he thought. Compared to the Latanos’ first use of a, albeit somewhat improvised, synchroniser, they could now get seven ships through on synced drives alone without much trouble. “Out of curiosity, can your abilities tell you anything about the other end of the corridor? Say: if it’s smooth, it’s close to a star?”

“We thought so. Then again we also thought that no more than two jump nodes can exist in a system, and second system we enter has three, so… Who knows really? I can tell you one thing, the ride is getting smoother as we go, meaning Mindspace is even more stable where we are going. It suggests either as you mentioned a heavier star than Garden, or high number of gas giants in the system. Definitely not a neutron star. Possibly even a Ring installation, even still being formed, the Naris-Garden node is the smoothest to date. I care not for guessing whether a jump node can lead into a black hole, too traumatising train of thought. Your kitchen staff can be at ease in any case.”

“I’ll be sure to tell them, last thing we want is a boarding party of angry cooks armed with frying pans. Scary stuff. Has the betting madness reached your ships as well?” Prior to setting out, the crews of Asgypus’ battlegroup started taking bets on what they would find on the other side: Ancients or something useful. Most bet big money on ‘something useful’, since if it was Ancients, it was likely they wouldn’t need to pay anyone anything.

“Negative, My ship actually doesn’t have OEP or Citizen Narix on the roster, we don’t have the accomodations built for them, nor do we have a hangar to have a use for your pilots. I liked the work of your Marines, but there are other things that need to be built for you to have time to send the Studious back again. What on your end, the Rear admiral didn’t leave too bitter taste plunging you into the atmosphere like that, did she?” Ikeya asked.

“Something specific about our marines? I heard some complains about our weapons leaving bad stench. For me, no, I actually enjoyed it, it’s not something that happens every day. It was the good kind of unusual event, nothing like accidental Demon-class or a rogue destroyer built by a species of genocidal maniacs barging into your home system. Other crew members were not so amused. Would you be surprised if I told you they usually work in the kitchen?” he chuckled. “Anyway, every time a synced jump is expected, the cooks scramble to tie down the cabinets with zip ties. They even petitioned Ascari to install latches onto them.”

“Then perhaps you should hire a few psychokinetics skilled in gravity simulation to cook. They could hold everything down, including the uprising cooks.” Ikeiya snickered. “So, what do you think we will find on the other side? Agree with the betting pool?”

“Leaving out the obvious, such as a world or at the very least a moon suitable for your people, resources never hurt. But aside from Ancients, I most fear another dead end like Terminus. But after the PSA regarding the visions rear admiral Astra had on the Hammerhead, I no longer hope we meet living Relics. If she interpreted those visions correctly, I want nothing to do with them idiots. What’s the mood like in your group? Excited to be the first to get somewhere for a change?”

“Well, place for more of our growth would be always nice, but I would like to meet some other people of the good nature. Thus far, we know of you, the Ancients and the Relics, the ratio swings towards the universe being inhabited by genocidal monsters, i’d like for it to be back at fifty fifty percent chance. That said, more Relic relics that would possibly explain our connection to them? I would not say no to learning more about ourselves either. I don’t think there is much more to learn technology wise form the Relics, we have strikecraft and arms from the Beetle, intact warship form the Hammerhead, the Ring is the most advanced piece of technology we have thus far encountered in the universe, and I don’t think any of their planet settlements are still standing to tell us more considering what the Ancient Lucifer class likely did to those. A fresh and different tech base to learn from? That is inviting.” the commander put out her thoughts.

“The chance is fifty fifty we meet another species of genocidal maniacs. Worse yet - these could be religious. For once I’d like to stumble upon a primitive culture worshipping artifacts of another, dead species. A culture that’s not a threat and still new things to learn. Perhaps some terraforming know-how?”

“Oh, that would be nice. Forget exploration, we’d be set with the planets and moons we already have. Figure out the ring, blow up outbound nodes and build an army for when we need to venture out that could face even the Ancients. Although who knows how deep is their might really,” Ikeiya smiled, “well, we will be able to tell soon. I feel the node is coming to an end in a minute. On your drives, this is probably close to twenty hour jump. We are going longer distance than anything we have been through thus far on this one.”

“Perhaps we should’ve been more careful with the Demon. Faster drives are something I could do with. I’m recalling the crews to stations and going condition blue. Assuming we aren’t all vaporized upon exit, should we focus on defense while you explore the system?”

“Let us see what we find first, then we’ll see. Emerging to normal space in eight… seven…” she counted down, until they reached the exit point to the node and saw a strangely beautiful sight around them. “Oh… That makes sense. It’s a binary system.”

“That’s not all, ma’am,” her Master of navigation spoke up, “There is a single gas giant only several hundred tonnes short of being a third star, the ecliptic is parallel to that of Garden, and the centers of mass are aligned on the axis.”

“No wonder the node was so stable.” Ikeiya nodded, “In fact, there are two more. One almost as stable as the one we came through ten kliks ahead, and one that feels exactly like the Beetle node in Terminus near the Gas giant. And other than that, this system is null and void, save for the giant’s ring system. My guess is the heavy objects long since caught any comets flying through.”

She frowned: “This… bites! We found nothing but a transfer station!”

“Focus on the opportunity in it. This is more fuel for us along the way and a way to continue through. And the Ring has shown us there are artificial ways of stabilising jump nodes.”

“It will be decades before we understand the ring enough to move it, let alone use or make a copy of it. Meanwhile, supply lines are getting longer and harder to maintain.” Ikeiya grunted, “How long would your food stocks last if we were cut off? Even our admiralty is talking about a deep space depot nowadays. Patrol fleet is stretched thin.” she sighed, “Call the rest through. No point in delaying. Nothing but gas and gravel out here.”

You are complaining about decades? I will wither away in seventy years, give or take. Comms, invite the rest through. Helm, clear the node.”

In a couple of minutes, the Vanguard fleet came through. “Explorer to Asgypus and Studious. Pass us the nav data. We will set up fort at the exit node. Commander Ikeiya, I want the Studious on determining where the collapse node once lead, and if it is strong enough for anything at all to come through. Orders came by to wait until the Strike fleet’s line ships are finished before going any further.” Cygnus shared the new information.

Four months later

“Let me out of here!” Ikeiya groaned in the Explorer’s Morale sector during an unofficial officer meeting that has crystallized during the four months the fleets were stuck in Transfer without orders to go forward. “It’s not bad enough that even the Collapsed node just leads back to Terminus, but we have been setting up and patrolling depots for four months on end! I’m dying of boredom here!”

“I agree. A little while longer and I might start shooting friendlies for no other reason than for something interesting to happen.” Astra snickered, “Now that’s a thought! We’ve been shooting at rocks this entire time or fighting against simulations, how about we go fight each other for a change!” the Rear admiral said, giving no implication as to whether this was the stir-craze setting in, or if she was just crazy period.

“Please don’t.” Linsis groaned, “It started so well. Earlier, fine, but after two years of working partnership? And being killed in ‘A War of Boredom’ is not how I imagine to go. I’d rather pass away quietly, buried among paperwork in the breakroom.” Then, as if an epiphany has struck him square in the head he almost dropped his glass. “Practice shells! Our rookie crews use them during the first two months to give them a more realistic experience to simulations. They still cause superficial damage, but I’m willing to risk some dents. Do your ships have something similar?”

“My thoughts exactly. Our weapons can be toned down for the projectile modes, lower the temp just above plasmaizing point, and it cools down through radiation to arrive as inert gas. The beam mode weapons you can just replace with targeting lasers, and you can launch an empty modular torpedo.” Astra grinned, happy to see ehr fleet’s 2IC was able to think on her wavelength. “The shields should take care of most of that.”

“And we can use live CM torpedoes, since all they do is deploy a screen of chaff. Fighters can practice by establishing a firing solution instead of shooting at all- And our marines can get shore leave on garden. I imagine they’d be quite bored, since your shields don’t allow utilizing our deployment methods. Should I call it ‘our’ or ‘Narix’ methods? Dual citizenship is confusing at times. Now the question is: Who gets the honors of running it through the ranks?”

“I didn’t say ‘approved’ yet, but sure, why not, anything to make this dump of a system more bearable for at least half an hour.” Cygnus snorted from where she heard them. “What scenarios do you have in mind? And I wouldn’t do Marines either, Mindspike is something you can not tone down.”

“I think given what we know about the Ancients, ‘node blockade’ comes to mind immediately, from both sides. Since Garden is right there,” he pointed over his shoulder, “that looks like scenario number two. Losing that would be a massive blow to morale back home.” he turned to Astra, “I believe you said the relics claimed the Ancients didn’t land on any planets?”

“No, they just glassed them from space. I suppose they have no use of planets, but they want to kill us all anyway. I wonder if there was more the Hammerhead could have shown me if that system didn’t burn out. I would like to know if there is a real chance to find the Relics still alive, or even find how we are associated. In any case, Orbital defense might be just as important, since they do not appear to be using shields as all, much less Lucifer grade.”

“So no need to practice land warfare. I still find it hard to believe any species would be so stupid to continue its genocidal rampage even after they learned of the Ancients. Especially since they apparently got beaten across the galaxy all the way back to their homeworld. Still, if they are out there, I pity the poor sod that ends up in front of a fully-functioning Hammerhead.”

“Assuming that is the toughest thing they have. I can imagine the Ancients and Relics alike might be able to build a ship type our tech would have struggled with. With ours, I wouldn’t want to go above three kliks. But if they have better artificial gravity and inertial dampening… Six? Nine? More? I mean we built a twenty five kilometers long metal cylinder we call a city ship, but let’s face it, it’s a station with jump drive.” Cygnus frowned. “So, do I call Eudorian and have the first join in on the defense? I can’t imagine the second could be talked into staying out of this. I know Home will stay in the Nebula unless a fleet admiral orders them to move their behinds, and Patrol has enough on their plate already.”

“As long as too much of the First doesn’t have to leave the system I don’t think they’ll say no. I know a few people from that fleet, they could use the diversion. The press is going to go ballistic when the word reaches them, especially should the First fail to hold the node.”

“They can’t, not against us. Your ships can jump immediately, and ours can jump on each other’s wake. Their part must be defined as holding the entire system, there is no way they could destroy the Ira or the Explorer at the node.” Astra summarized how that would go. “We know the Ancients need about ten minutes for a drive recharge after translating a node. We may want to simulate that.”

“Exactly what I had in mind. Simulate who we know for sure are the bad ones as best as we can and prepare accordingly. And the more scenarios we try, the more time the war games kill before our esteemed leaders figure out what to do. No offense, admiral. In either case, a third of Second is on shore leave, some on Garden, most back home, that gives us time to think this through and set it up. Just getting the materials to produce all the practice shells here, the people from Fourth are going to be thrilled.” he referred to the freighter crews that would be tasked with the delivery.

“I think we should lend the Commander to First, see if he got his defense game in order.” Astra smirked cheekily at Linsis, popping a polished pebble of silicon into her mouth. “Speaking of higher numbered fleets though... Anything interesting happening at the Third? I’m sad to say we are still nowhere near firing a fusion beam. We found out that at their current design, the containment field just can not be made strong enough. We’ll have to start from scratch on all of the magnetic components. The pressures they need to generate at that range…” Astra sighed. The theory was simple - take a plasma beam, and make it more hot and dense. The practical side had nasty surprises though.

“Two years ago, any beam weapon of this magnitude was distant science fiction to us. We knew they could be made, but we never felt the need to do so. Little misguided, perhaps, but it’s for this reason there are bound to be problems along the way. You’d have to ask someone more educated or invested in this matter for details. Try asking your Master Engineer, it’s a safe bet she’s in contact with her uncle.” He chose not to respond to the ‘defense game’ remark. Though it wasn’t as horrible as it used to be, he still felt much more confident leaving that to those more qualified.

“Very well. I’m off to set this circus into motion. I expect the two of you to put First to shame! You are our hammer, and you know how they operate. My birthday is coming up, get me a targeting solution on the Ardor volcano, please.” Cygnus grinned. Assuming that Astra’s ship would have been the Singularity, that would mark Naris as a dead world.

Astra watched Cygnus leave with suspicion. “She’s… merrier than she used to.. I should be happy, but all I am is looking over my shoulder. Whatever that woman is thinking of, I know she means well, but I can’t help but think I will live a few years shorter for it.” the rear admiral shuddered. “Shall we go break the news to the lot?”

The meaning of whatever Astra just said went so high over Linsis’ head even Auraxis wouldn’t have to duck. “Assaulting my homeworld, what has this come to?” he laughed, finishing his drink. “When he hears of this, the lord-commander is going to be ecstatic. The lazy bastards lounging back home, not so much.” Although 89 percent of Narix had military experience, there could be serious problems for the First, at least in the PR department, depending on the way this goes. “I do hope we won’t embarrass lord-commander Eudorian too badly. He’s ten years from retirement, having the ire of the people rain upon you is not good at that age.”

“I can’t pull my punches though. He has ten years of service ahead of him. I on the other hand have an eternal life of shame as the person who finally pushed her idea of a dedicated attack fleet and failed to break into a single system.” Astra snickered, “Sorry, I am not pulling any punches. If it helps, you can attempt to assault the Civie fleet in the Nebula next time. Good luck.” The admiral snickered.

A week later; War games ‘Operation Boredom’

The day was finally there, after a few hasty production orders on blank ammunitions and holographic projectiles, so that hits against an enemy ship class could be properly evaluated, the day has finally come. Everyone in the Strike fleet has been on edge, doing Maintenance and running drills. The exercise was scheduled to work in two scenarios - initially, the Strike fleet with some elements of the Vanguard on loan to complete their intended numbers, would attempt to force their way from Garden to Naris as they were, to test their training against a living and thinking opponent. In the second part, the Second, camouflaged as Ancient attack fleet, would be testing the First’s defensive ability against the known qualities of the Ancient vessels.

Astra was standing in the Explorer’s command and control, happy as someone who was about to be handed the activation codes to the mightiest ship in the Allied fleet could be. “Rear admiral, the ship is yours while I’m on the ‘Hexus enjoying a break. Do her proud.” Cygnus said, completing the process to update the computer with the new CO’s biometric signature, before saluting the CnC off and jumping to a shuttle that was waiting for her.

“Alright, people, we don’t have all day. Command briefing on the Explorer in ten minutes.” she told the Master of Intelligence, who then sent out the invites.

Many lightyears away, the First was assembled around the Naris side of their node. Each battlegroup had a clear firing solution without risking friendly fire on the other side, so there was not enough room for everyone. The remaining three battlegroups lay in Naris low orbit, standing by to intercept ordnance headed for the planet, suffering from their inability to negate energy-based weapons. Fighters were already in space and weapons armed, expecting the Explorer to be among the first ships through. As atest to determine its viability, sixteen practice warheads with remote detonators meant to simulate nuclear torpedoes were placed by Plunderers around the perimeter of the the node itself, forming a poor man’s minefield intended to weaken the destroyer before it could jump out of the immediate area. Crippling other ships would be a welcome bonus, but everyone doubted it would work that well.

ED Explorer, briefing room

Seated around in the briefing room were many familiar faces, and many new ones. From the first group, Commander Linsis, Mirai, and with the Curious and despite Astra’s unspoken protest, Aurigae. The newer faces were not to be ashamed in her eyes though. Originally form the ECR Enlightenment, the new Commander Zirconia had her share of strange deployments and was a welcome brain in Astra’s command, now in charge of EFG Sword. From the Patrol fleet, Commander Draconis of the EFG Vigilant was substituting for the yet-to-be-built EFG Spear. Finally, with her on the Explorer, Astra’s post on the Longbow was taken by her XO, chieftain Helion.

“Alright people, you were badgering us long enough with your complaints about having nothing to do, so here we are. Our task in Operation Boredom is twofold. The primary objective is to disrupt Naris system command structure and economical routes. To do that, we have to achieve several tasks:
1) Capture and hold the node
2) Destroy first fleet command
3) Bombard government buildings on Naris
4) Destroy important shipyards and trading installations

Secondaries are targets upon other celestial bodies, civilian convoys and economical structures on Naris. We do not want to cause a major disruption to the economy, so only warp in next to them and comm their coordinates to validate the ‘kill’.

“An hour ago, the Longbow sent a probe through the node. Before it was destroyed, it sent a picture of the surroundings. Suffice to say, we have no way of breaking the blockade by force. That’s why we’ll attempt something bold.” Astra smiled, turning on the screen.

“What you see is a shuttle with an autopilot unit and an overload state reactor. We will send it through first as a massive fusion bomb. Of course, the system will be set to vent the reactor before it goes prompt-critical, and the training software will be set to simulate the effect. It should give us a window to jump through, along with significantly thinning the fighter screen, perhaps even the shields on the ships. We will not stick around however. The Frigates will go first in pairs on a wakejump, and will head deep into the system and start harassing any target of opportunity they can find. Group commanders will be Commander Linsis, with the Longbow as his heavy gun ship, and Commander Mirai, with the Vigilant as a simulated Studious class. Your fighters are to remain grounded, and the holograms and training sim software will display you as a Studious class.”

“That should give the First something to think about and deploy some of the blockade ships to hunt down the Frigates. If they do, abandon your targets and wolfpack on one ship at a time. Following this distraction will be a heavy Muon strike covered by Flails and Halberds. Their targets will be sensor and weapons systems on the blockading ships.”

“In the last wave, I will jump in the Explorer and power up it’s shield to max to cover the arrival of corvettes and cruisers, who will then immediately fan out into the system like the Frigates before. As soon as they are through, the explorer will jump out to recharge, along with the strike craft so it can be collected. We will jump close to the Opportunity jump node, as that will give us two and a half kliks distance from any Narix ship that will attempt to pursue us. Any questions?”

“Just how many strike craft do we expect to lose at the node?”

“2500 meters is still within range, although it does give us time to intercept some projectiles.”

I can not predict the outcome of the bomb blast, but I expect the enemy craft to be mostly knocked out by the EM blast, simulated as it is. They will have to deal with the Swarmers though, so it is imperative that the Muons are covered and quickly take care of the enemy targeting ability. Regarding the interception at the node, four of the destroyer group cruisers will rendezvous with us there. That should give us some advantage. There is still a good chance that the Explorer will not make it out of the node. In that case, the Crossbow will be the next in line for command. Should any of the Frigates fail to jump out of the Node, you are all to wakejump on one ship’s drive to keep your mobility. That way you will cut your jump time form fifteen minutes to five, that is something you should be able to keep up with until the pursuing Narix drives overheat. If that’s all, get to it people, go brief your battlegroups. We commence in thirty minutes.”

Naris system, Garden jump node
A lone transport was not what the First was expecting. Two 750 mm turrets from the defending Privateers reacted almost immediately, swatting the ship away with AA munitions. That was when the overloading reactor was noticed. As most of the warships were over 2500 meters from it and oriented sideways, there was little the large ships could do to evade. Fighters and Guardians, however, scrambled away, the fighters hiding behind the capital ships.

Though the simulated explosion carved a hole in the Raider’s numbers, the lighter Marauders and Halberds all made it away safely and some Guardians completely lost their targeting, instead having to rely on information from other ships. The Faira frigates followed immediately afterwards.

“Jump complete. All ships repo-” Zana started her report to Linsis, but was cut short.

“Sir! The Curious just went completely dark!” their sector controller announced in light state of panic.

“Abort the exercise, let the rest know. Last thing we need is more ships in a small area and the First making it harder with practice shells. Navigation, what’s the first thing they are going to hit?”

“The Peonitet. Notifying them now.” Zana answered, already sending the message for the destroyer to vacate the area. “Commander, we have a contact form the Curious. On speakers.”

“-neer Omicri, I’m using a comm system on one of the Positrons. We’ve had a cataclysmic power grid failure throughout the ship. Curious is completely out of control. We could really use tugboats and transports or mindjump beacons! We need to abandon ship, repairs impossible!”

“Tugboats will take a while, we’ll clear our hangar for you. How long will it take to marshall your crew, any casualties?” he turned to his crew, “Hail the Amare, tell them to shake the Fourth awake. Captain Tausi, clear the node. Captain Farsa, can you guide their jumpers?”

“No casualties in the hangar, but internal comms are down as well. We’re getting by on telepathy but it will take a while to organize everyone. We can begin transferring people in about five minutes.” Omicri radioed over.

“I’m on it.” Farsa replied, “Lieutenant Xyth, help me out.”

“Commander Aurigae speaking. Commander Linsis, I’m launching my transports to latch onto the engine pylons ant try to steer the ship. I’m missing two for the ventral starboard pylon. Can you spare them?” The Curious’ commander asked, and six of the craft left it’s hangar, heading for the pylons where their small engines would have the most leverage.

“We’re on it, commander. Your way is mostly clear for now. Endera,” he switched to a channel to the Crossbow’s strikecraft coordinator, “we need two transports out immediately, have them head for the Curious’ ventral starboard engine pylon and defer the Curious’ transports for further instructions, then help with the evacuation once it starts.”

“All ships, Amare. Fourth is sending eight tugs, but they have to get the crews first. ETA eight minutes, how can we help in the meantime?”

“Get out of the way and have a scrapyard ready. Also, clear out some hangar space for our strikecraft. We will need to transfer everything. The main bus has melted and the mystery goo is threatening to melt through the hangar roof.” Omicri radioed over, “I’m sorry, I think the ship is done for.” The hangar crew looked up as they heard her, seeing the ceiling starting to light up form the heat in the middle, and promptly going to fetch whatever pilots they could, installing AI capsules on as many ships as they could, and starting to direct the craft towards the exits.

“Gaudium here,” one of the destroyers at Naris joined the conversation, “We’ve offloaded most of our strike craft and some munitions at New Frontiers, send us jump coordinates and we’ll pick your people up.”

Narix National Newscast
How much is too much?

Yesterday in the evening hours, the alliance launched the largest military exercise to date. Set to be divided into two phases, the second testing our defenses against a simulated Ancient fleet, the wargames were delayed when the EFG Curious lost power upon completing the jump to Naris. The official reason given for the ship’s power grid collapse is the amount of alien technology integrated into an existing design, similar to the power problems of the Fifth when the shielding system was first installed two years ago. Captain Omicri, the master engineer of the Curious at the time of its failure, has assured us the new ships were built with the technology in mind and will not suffer the same fate. The exercise was immediately halted and the crews turned to evacuating the dying ship, in a way fulfilling a different part of the training: once again showing how well our two peoples can cooperate. No deaths or major injuries have been reported except the Curious herself, declared lost even before the Fourth fleet could secure and tow it to the Arotrias Orbital Shipyards, where the ship will be stripped alongside the berth of its bigger, younger sibling - the ESD Singularity.

The exercise, now officially named Operation: Boredom, will resume tomorrow.
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