
The guardian of the world. If the world fares well, she weakens and falls asleep during a golden age. If the world suffers, she wakes and gains power, up to a point where she can decide to end the world and recreate it. She is the creator of the dragons, and her followers - druids - can call upon her to manipulate nature. To her followers she offers reincarnation after death, although not necessarily as the same species.

The divine crafter, and the creator of the dwarves. He is the patron of all artisans, having no formal church, but still having a great following of any skilled worker. As one who stands for creation, he is opposed to the users of Foul magic and warmongers. He has however no qualms with crafters felling entire forests to make new things, something that at times puts him in Hiraga’s crosshairs. His followers, if they were not swindling and conducted themselves well as workers, are accepted into his divine workshop to practice their crafts in peace with unlimited resources until the soul decides to return to the world to learn a new craft.

The warrior god and patron of rulers. He inspires his followers to take what they need rather than make it, putting him at odds with Damaesk. His role in creating large scale conflicts and destruction also earns him Hiraga’s ire. His believers, if they did well as warriors or leaders, are taken into his hall, where the world’s largest wargames are conducted in turn with the world’s largest feasts. The souls accepted to Werwirren’s halls do not reincarnate, but they can be given a temporary body of a mythological beast by the god of war to be sent to aid the living in their wars. It was a war he fought with Damaesk that created the Fairies and Demons.

The divine historian and philosopher, who records everything that happened in the world. He can give counsel to mortals and his fellow gods alike due to his infinite knowledge, and is often relied on to pass judgement in the most difficult of cases. The souls of his followers are welcome in his library, where they can study or help him in recording history and knowledge. These souls do not reincarnate, but if they choose to, they can return to the mortal world where their presence gives inspiration and bright ideas to those around them, based on the knowledge of the dead soul. He created the Elves and Humans.

A much unknown and long unseen deity who dominated existence before Hiraga awoke and created the basis of the World. Most often associated with the night sky, he is worshipped by the elven sailors and occult groups. It is also believed that he gives place to souls rejected by the other gods as stars on the night sky.